Country Boy 2 (8 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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Turning serious, she asked. "What do you think will happen with your case Quentel?"


"Look officer Jones, I...."


"Call me Tameeka." She said cutting him off. "I'm no longer officer Jones." She replied.


"Alight then, Tameeka.... like I was saying, I know that you've heard this thousands and thousands of times, but I'm Innocent. I must admit that I've never professed to being a Saint, but I honestly didn't do this crime."


"I believe you." She said looking into his eyes.


"Do you have my info?"


"Boy.... As much as they had our asses going through your mail how could I forget it Quentel? Or should I call you "Q"? No, wait a minute, what about "Big Country?"


"Damn Shawty.... They've been checking my shit like that?"


"That's right Mister High Profile." She said before bursting out in laughter.


Ten minutes later she was gone.


"Until we meet again." Q mumbled as he stepped away from the small window.


Back on his bunk, now Q's mind continuously flashed over different aspects of his life. He thought of Tee who'd surprised him with an unexpected visit a week ago.... She talked, laughed, then cried, but not necessarily in that order.... the true essence of a strong Black Woman. A woman who carried his only Son. Perservering over life long damaging circumstances that only a few could overcome still, with all the beauty and the regality of a queen that she possessed. Q couldn't help but notice the cold predatory gleam which appeared in her eyes whenever they talked about revenge. Q smiled, then closed his eyes.... finally he went to sleep.








Game Tight, Gee, and Doe's status on the streets had grown rapidly. They controlled over 90% of the product being sold from East Washington Street, Armstead, and Kennedy Drive Apartments. But with more Money came more problems for the Young Crew.


Game Tight had just purchased a Cream colored 430 Lexus. In less than four hours he had it dressed out with' a set of 22" Phantom Rims. They cruised through all the local Hoods flossing the new whip before coming to a stop on Armstead Street.


"Nigga, don't fuck up my seats wit that shit." Game Tight said as Gee reached over his shoulder handing Doe an over stuffed blunt.


"Alight, nigga damn." Gee responded showing his own frustration.


"Aaahh Shit!!'" He screamed as hot ashes fell from the blunt hitting his shoulder. He quickly opened the door jumping out of the passenger's side of the car.


Game Tight was about to spazzed out when he was cut off by the eruption of a long volly of gun shots.


"Get Down.... Get Down!" Doe yelled as he fumbled for his short barreled Pump.


Unfortunately, Gee didn't have a chance as the AK-47 also known as the "Chopper" separated his upper torso from his lower body killing him instantly.


"Nooooo!!!" Game Tight screamed when he saw his childhood friend’s bullet riddled body fall from his view. Reaching for his Forty Cal he pushed the Driver's side door open rolling to the ground all in one motion. Coming to one knee he spotted a Black Impala as it sped down Armstead Street, Game emptied the guns clip into the back window of the Car as it made it's getaway.


"Get over here Homie!.'!" Doe yelled from the other side of the car.


Game Tight ran over to where Doe kneeled next to Gee. Sirens could be heard blaring in the background. He stared at his Homie once more before pulling Doe by the shoulder.


"Let's Roll Homie.... He Gone!!!"


Getting no response from him, Game Tight yanked Doe by the arm forcing him to face him.


"Five 0's on our ass nigga. Let's get tha fuck outta here." He said.


Minutes after making their getaway, Armstead Street was covered with Cops, Ambulances, and a City Coroner who would be unnecessarily needed for the bloody, dismembered corpse lying on the ground.


News traveled fast about the drive-by shooting and killing of Gee. And within the span of a few hours the city of Rockingham had become a war zone. Gunfire was continuously reported at the local Sheriff's Department.


Van over heard the shooting incident on the scanner Q had programmed, he installed inside their bedroom. Out of an old habit taught to her by Q, she immediately grabbed her cell phone and began calling each of the Girls.... Since the report over the scanner hadn't identified the victim, Van quickly decided to text June first, making sure she used the Crew's emergency code.... 45.


Terri was the first to call, but before Van had a chance to question her about the shooting she had news of her own.


"Van.... Van.... Vvvaaannnn! ! ! "She screamed.


"What is it Terri?" Van asked now worried.


"It's.... It's Tee, Van.... Tee's in labor." She finally blurted out.


"Labor!!!" Van yelled.


"Yesss labor." Terri said.


"Where are you?" Van asked now sounding hysterical herself.


"We're almost at the Hospital." She answered.


"Listen Terri, don't panic.... Stay calm, and please drive safely. I'll meet you at the Hospital."


After hanging up with Terri, Van quickly told Baby Rasta and Inga about Tee, they agreed to stay at the house in case June called.


"Be careful mun." said Baby.


"I will." Van answered, then rushed out the door.


Seconds after rushing out the door the phone began ringing non-stop.


"Answer it mun." Rasta said to his sister.


"You lazy as ever mun." Inga complained before grabbing the phone.


"Hello." She answered in fluient English.


It was a collect call from Q.


"Do you accept the charges Mam?"


"Yes.... Yes.... Yes....!" Inga answered excited now.


"Whassup Baby Girl?" Q asked.


"You mun." Inga answered in her native accent.


Q laughed at the way Inga could so easily disguise her identity with her voice.


at?" He asked, referr
ng to Van.


"She just left for the Hospital


Q yelled.


quickly explained why Van was on her way to the Hospital. Q couldn't believe what she'd just told him
Tee was in the early stages of labor.


listen," Q said. "Do you still have the Rental Car?"


"Yeah mun."


ight look
Come and p
ck me


Inga screamed at the top of her lungs cutting him off.


"Right now?" She asked still not believing what she'd just heard.


"Right now." Q answered.


"We're on the way mun
" Baby shouted out in the background.


"I guess you heard that Q." Said Inga.


"Yeah I did, and Baby
sound like he's the only one that really misses me." He teased.


"Neva!" Inga hissed. "Neva mun






At the Hospital Tee
s water finally broke, and she was now inside the d
livery room fighting contractions that were approximately ei
ht minutes apart. All the Girls had arrived and were at her bedside.


An hour and a half later Q rushed through the double doors of the Emergency Room, w
th Baby
close behind. He was lead to the delivery room by a beaut
ful Nurse with a petite frame who insisted on giving them a personal escort. Minute
later they stood at the entrance of the delivery room.
listened as Tee screamed at the top of her lungs. He could hear all the Girls trying to keep her relaxed and get her to push. As another contraction in gulfed her Tee screamed out the words, "OH GOD Q, I need you
I need you!


Hearing her call his name
Q stepped inside the delivery room. Tee was hid behind four or five Nurse's and Doctor's, along with the Girls.


"Excuse me Sir," another Nurse said walking up to him.


"This is a Delivery Room, and you're not allowed in here unless authorized.


"Are you related to the


"I'm the Father." Q said stepping around her walking towards Tee.


Each one of the Girls thought their eyes were deceiving them when they looked up and saw Q standing next to them.


With a look of concern on his face Q took Tee's hand from
squeezing it he spoke.


"Until they close the casket."


Opening her eyes Tee thought she was dreaming when she looked up


Only after he spoke again did the realization set in. "Relax ma, breath and bring forth our Son."


One hour later Tee gave birth to an Eight Pound Baby Boy. With the approval of Q's younger Sister Angela who'd lost her only Son, they decided to name him Gerard, after his little Nephew. They would give him Quentel as his middle name.


Finally after falling asleep from exhaustion Q stepped away from Tee's side. He found Van standing outside the window of the Incubator Room staring at all the beautiful Newborn Babies lined up in neat rows. Putting his arms around her he noticed that she was crying.


"He's beautiful isn't he?" She said staring at little Gerard through the window.


"Yeah he is." Q answered.


"I always wondered what ours would've been like Q."


"Would've...? Baby listen to me," he said turning her towards him.


He raised her head up by her chin until their eyes met.


He continued.... "Ma, I know how much you wanted to be the one to give me a Son, and I'm sorry that things turned out the way that they have. Do you think that you could ever forgive me?"


"No." She answered with a serious look on her face. Q you know I love you more than life it’s self. And I will love this child the same way. But I can never forgive you for allowing another women to give you what I could not. And I can never forgive myself for not being able to bring forth your seed. I know that everytime I see him I will see my failure as a women, as your wife. Can you understand that?”


Baby listen to me, you could never be a failure as a women or a wife. This is our child, yours and mine. God does not make mistakes. If he allowed this life to come to us than it is his blessings. I couldn’t even be a father, a husband, or a man. If it was not for the love and support you have given me. Do you know what kept me strong in that cell? It was knowing that I was coming home to you and my children.” A mother is not just a woman who can produce a child. But it is a woman who is willing to give her life for that child. And I have no doubt in my mind that you would lay down your life for our son. So you are his mother, and I am his father, and he is our child!”


Her expression turned into a slight smile. He pulled her into his arms.” I will always love you Van.”



Chapter 6


[Been About Money]



Before the city coroner could scrape up the bloody body of Gee. June, Game Tight, and Doe had located the car and owner of the drive by shooting.


Muffled voices could be heard coming from the inside of the house. June looked over at Doe and motioned with his hand for him to go around to the back door. Once he disappeared from view June stood and flattened himself against the wall of the house, next to the window. He strained his ears trying to make out how many different voices were engaged in the conversation.

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