Country Boy 2 (7 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"Somebody betta do sum'em wit them nigga's Van. They bout to get mashed up in this bitch." Said Tab. "Pleezz believe it." Shae added.


"What's the problem mun?" Baby Rasta asked as he looked up into the face of a taller Dame.


The same wanna be "Rasta Boy" they had problems with at the Chill-Grill was about to answer until Dame gave him a deadly stare.


"Ain't no problem Son. We just trying to get our drink on B, you know what I'm saying?" Said Dame.


Baby Rasta quickly did a head count of how many people Dame had in his small entourage. Five he counted with the exception of the two women standing in the background-He spoke.


"Look mun, we don't mind you coming inside the Club... Tha Party's for everybody. Women pretty as ever inside mun."


What about our drinks Son?"


"No drinks mun.... If you want to Ras Scot drink use the bar."




"No buts mun.... Those are the rules wicked one, either you...."


"There's one other rule," June said appearing from the dimness of the Club, his hand tucked beneath his shirt.


"This is for the motha-fucka wit the loose tongue.... Don't fuck around and be paying ya boy "Keno" a visit."


He was about to turn and leave after his last statement when his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of Keshia standing directly behind Dame. June's blood began to boil as rage consumed him to the point where he became light-headed.


Keshia, who knew him as well as any woman or man, had seen this grim look many times, and it still sent chills throughout her body. Keshia's friend Candi grabbed her by the arm pulling her to the side.


"Are you okay, Kesh? Why was that nigga looking at you like that gurl? I thought you told "em about Dame?"


Keshia said nothing, she just stared out into the darkness, her mind drifting back to the last night she'd laid in his arms.


They'd just finished having passionate sex. Keshia's body tingled all over from the back to back orgasms she'd just enjoyed. His question had caught her completely off guard as he twirled his index finger around her semi erect nipple.


"Would you ever betray me?" June asked.


"Huh?" Keshia said opening her eyes.


"I said, would you ever betray me, Keshia?" He repeated the question again. “In this life style we live, we got to have trust, no matter what happen, we all we got.”


She looked him directly in his eyes and promised him that she would never betray him for nothing or no one.


A few weeks later she'd seen June with Pandora and it was then that Keshia realized how much she loved him, even though she was angry at him, June had always been completely honest with her about his relationship with Pandora. But jealously has no boundaries.


Out of anger and frustration she began to rebel against him, wanting to hurt him the way he had hurt her.


After being introduced to Dame by Candi and her other best friend Mel, Keshia saw it was a way to get back at June since she already knew the hatred he had when it came to out of state dudes. What started out as a plot against him had somehow turned into a relationship, A relationship that would eventually cost someone his or her life.






Tee breathed a heavy sigh of relief after she removed her swollen feet from the warm water. The extra weight due to her pregnancy and all the standing at the Salon was causing her lower body to hold fluid. After a nice hot bath she finally pulled back the covers on her bed for some much needed rest. Once in bed she decided to check her messages before going to sleep.


Message 1.... "Tashona, this is your Mother calling. I was only checking to see if you wanted me to drive you to your appointment on Friday.... Call me, love you.... Mom."


Message 2.... "Tashona Davis.... This is your Mother again. Why haven't you returned any of my calls?"


The next three messages were also from her Mother.


"I love you too Mom." Tee mumbled before erasing her fifth message.


Tee was almost asleep when the last message beeped.... "Hi, stranger...."


She sat up in the bed pulling her knees to her as best her protruding stomach would allow her.


The message continued. "It's been a while.... I guess I better start this message off by saying that I love you and I hope everything is going well. How long has it been.... three, maybe four months? Damn ma, I thought that you cared about a brother."


She could hear him snickering at his own comment. She smiled as he continued his makeshift conversation with her.


"Baby.... I would give anything for one of those full body massages of your's. Do you remember the first time you came to visit me at my crib? I think that I'd pulled a muscle in my back or sum'em like that. I do remember somebody stepping into the shower with their clothes on." He said laughing loudly at himself. Well ma, if you get in before it gets too late, write a brotha aight? And remember what I always told you.... until they close the casket missing you, Q." End of messages.


Tee gently laid back down on her bed, her heart fluttering from Q's last statement. He would always tease her with those words after making love to her, vowing to be a part of her life until the day he died. Her body trembled at the thought of him lying next to her, his large member pressing against her back.


"Humm," she moaned, squeezing her pillow tightly. Tee hadn't seen Q since he'd been arrested. Even though she had spoken to him by phone several times, it broke her heart having to play the back while all the other girls were laying it all on the line for the Crew.


She also knew that Q would have a fit if something were to happen to this baby. Suddenly her mind drifted back several months ago to the horrific night when she was raped, violated, then left for dead, her and her unborn child. And even though family support was there, Tee knew she would not have made it if it wasn't for Q.... He'd stayed by her side through it all.


Never allowing her the opportunity of feeling unwanted or filthy. Holding her every possible chance he could, and promising her that revenge would be the sweetest joy next to their unborn Son.


"God, I miss him." She said out loud while glancing at the clock on the night stand.


"Tomorrow," she mumbled.


"I'll see him tomorrow no matter what." She decided.



Chapter 5


[American Dreamin’]



Senior officer Jacobs sat in his home office all alone staring at the different Awards and Photo's plastered on the wall. Accomplishments dating back as far as his days at the academy sat on his desk. Two Daughters, a beautiful Wife and elderly Parents» both healthy and doing well. All was good for officer Jacobs up until an hour ago when he received the phone call from his long time partner officer Stokely. More tapes had surfaced and this time they weren't alone. Whoever the culprit was behind these tapes had them delivered directly to their office, along with hundreds of damaging photo's. Photo's of both himself and his partner making business deals with members of the P.G. Crew. The video tapes contained scenes where both officers were caught in the process of loading Kilo after Kilo into the trunks of their Police Cruisers.


Jacobs leaned back in his office chairs as far as it would allow him.


"Quentel Jackson," he mumbled to himself while thinking.... 'I hate you motha-fucka!!'' He said softly. Then his thoughts turned back to the tapes. 'Whoever had sent them didn't bother wasting their time writing any type of blackmail letters demanding request.'


Officer Jacobs knew this could mean only one thing. Whoever was responsible for these tapes had other intentions. Intentions neither he nor his partner could afford or allow to go any farther than their office.


Ring.... Ring.... Ring.... His office phone interrupted his thoughts.


"Yeah." He answered on the fourth ring.


"Jacobs.... Officer Jacobs, please."


"Jacobs here." He answered not recognizing the mans voice.


"Jacobs, Officer Thompson here.... FBI Charlotte N.C."


"How can I help you Thompson?" He asked.


Agent Thompson proceeded to deliver the news to Jacobs concerning the Federal Case against Quentel Jackson, A-K-A "Q".


"He killed them!" Jacobs screamed into the receiver. After Thompson told him about one of their key witnesses being found murdered and the other one missing.


"He killed them both!" Jacobs screamed again.


"Jacobs!!!" Thompson said. "Quentel Jackson has been under Twenty-Four hour lock down since his arrest. All his phone calls and mail has been monitored daily."


"Nothing.... And I do mean nothing points in his direction as possibly being responsible for these murders."


"So, just like that he walks huh?" Jacobs asked in a sullen voice.


"Unless the Government comes up with a miracle, I'm afraid so.. On May 1st Quentel Jackson will be a free Man." Thompson answered.


"Anything else?" Jacobs asked him.


"No, I think...."


Jacobs disconnected the line before he could finish his last statement.


He quickly punched a number in his phone along with a secret code.... Then waited, his mind once again waving in on his situation, Five minutes later the ringing of his phone broke the silence in the small office.


"Yeah." He answered.




"Well.... well.... well.... if it isn't my ole friend Tech."


"What is it you want Jacobs?.... I don't have time for no Bullshit." Tech said.


"Shut the fuck up nigga, and listen to me!" Jacobs screamed at .him.


"Unless you want a life sentence for Rape you will do exactly as I say."


Jacobs paused giving his last statement time to filter through the veins of Tech.


"Speak." Tech said finally breaking the silence.


Jacobs smiled to himself before' answering.


"Our location."




"Meet me at our location." Jacobs repeated.


"One hour."


Click, the phone line went dead.










April 31st Q paced back and forth Inside his small cell, his mind and body restless. He stopped momentarily in front of the small window at the back of his cell. Q gazed out at the officers as they rushed to their cars during shift changes. His thoughts turned to Officer Jones. He hadn't seen her in over two months, but somehow he knew that he would never forget the last day that he saw her.


It was a Thursday, Commissary day, and the officers were delivering packages to the Inmates. Q noticed officer Jones standing in the background observing the other officers as they cursed and harrassed each Inmate before throwing their Commissary into their cell Her longtime partner Miss. Wright was one of them. Two hours after passing out the Commissary bags Tameeka Jones walked away from her Twenty Five Thousand Dollar a year Job.


Q was sitting on his bunk reading a new novel called "Trapstar" by Blake Karrington. When the sounds of keys caused him to look up at the cell door.... It was officer Jones. He stood up and walked over to her. She stared at him for a moment, then spoke.


"I'm gonna miss you Quentel...."


"What are you talking bout?" Q asked her.


"I quit my Job today...."


"But why?" Q asked.


"Quentel, I just can't take it anymore.... I wasn't raised and taught to treat people like animals. Some of the things I've seen, some of these so called officer's do to Inmates is a damn shame, and I don't want any part of it." She said.


"What are your future plans?" he asked.


"Well, I've been taking a few courses over at Kings College, but I think that I'm gonna attend a four Year School somewhere this fall. Until then I think I'll just lay around my Apartment and get fat...." She said still showing her beautiful sense of humor.

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