Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)
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Chapter Twelve


Murphy hopped back and forth, grunting at each stop. I wanted to stop him, but he seemed to be in deep thought and confusion. He rubbed his temples, in between hops, and then finally stopped to stare at us.

              I turned to Olivia, and tilted my head towards him. She nodded and asked, “What’s wrong?”

              He sighed heavily and said, “The only way you can help is to go back into the water.”

              Olivia asked him, “Why is that so bad?”

              Murphy looked at her with a stern expression, “You guys almost drowned. I just fear if that happens again, I won’t be able to save you again. I am half frog, my human lungs are like any of yours, and now I lack the power to hold my breath for a very long time.”

              I told him, “We will be fine, Murphy. Now tell us more about this thing we need to do.”

              He nodded in hesitant agreement and answered, “It is a clam, under this island. It gives us sea creatures powers needed to survive. Place the Pearl of Strength inside it. That’s all you have to do.”

              “I know about all that, but I mean where this Pearl of Strength at?” I asked starting to get frustrated.

              “Oh,” he exclaimed in a dumbfounded tone. He continued by saying, “That, I do not know where it may be.”

              Jack laughed sarcastically and threw his hands up in the air and said, “Well that is a load of help.”

              Murphy quickly shook his hands in front of him and said with a big grin, “It is down there somewhere, at least.”

              I looked at the water, and feared the outcome. I was scared, but knew what was right. To not have strength, is what I felt for a long time. I would never do that to Murphy, or any other sea creature out there.

              I saw Murphy looking down at the ground, in a saddened daze. I approached him slowly and said, “We will keep to our promise, no matter what. I want to help; and so do my friends.”

              He raised his head and smiled at me.

              I turned to Jack and Olivia and asked, “You guys ready?”

              Jack said, “Sure, Olivia?”

              Olivia nodded.

              I looked over at Mason and he asked me, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

              I nodded and answered, “I need to do this, and I want to need this.”

              He smiled and told Murphy, “We are going in. Don’t go anywhere, just in case.”

              Murphy raised his right hand and said, “I promise.”

              Jack picked up a stick to test the depth of the water around the island. He stabbed the ground three times, and just a foot away from the dry part of the island was a steep drop. The stick was at least six foot tall, and the water went deeper.

              I quickly took off my over shirt, revealing my white tank top and throwing it on the ground. I kicked my shoes off, and seen Olivia do the same. She had on a pink tank top and we knew, the less amount of weight on us, well help us swim faster.

              Jack and Mason were stripped down to their shorts, they wore under their pants. Jack placed a knife in his mouth, sideways. Silently we went and jumped into the water once more.

              Surprisingly, the water felt colder. We swam straight down, and saw the clam surrounding by a mesh net used to catch shrimp. I figured the knife would have been for a defense, but Jack was quick to release the clam of its netted prison.

              Olivia and Mason already started their search for the Pearl of Strength.

              I decided to look on the opposite end as them. It was darker and colder, the deeper I got. I tried to search for the Pearl of Strength in the darkness, but did not have any luck.

              I looked over at Jack and he was searching around the clam. Olivia and Mason were not having any luck as well. I watched as Olivia shrugged her shoulders, and Mason shook his head.

              I turned back around and squinted my eyes trying hard to see. Nothing came to view. I realized my breath was getting short, and I would need to get air soon.

              I looked back at them, and I could tell they would need to as well. Jack motioned us up, and I shook my head. I was determined to find this Pearl of Strength.

              The light in the water started to fade slowly, as I descended deeper. So I turned around and went to overlook where Mason and Olivia had already searched. I did not see them anywhere.

              I looked up and seen they were already heading up for some air. I followed behind Olivia, and we swam to the top, just seconds of each other.

              Jack told us, “We need to split up in four directions, and meet in the middle. Maybe this search will be more successful. Obviously the Pearl of Strength is not
the clam, but should be around somewhere.”

              Mason made a
noise, and asked, “Why are we even doing this?”

              I snapped back at him, “Because, he helped us. Besides, the more creatures we help, the more allies we will have to find your father and defeat Carolyn.”

              He looked down, off to the side. I could tell he felt bad for wanting to back away. I assured him, “Look, we are all tired and hungry, it is normal to be snappy in a time like this.”

              He nodded his head in agreement.

              Jack agreed and said, “She is right, Mason.”

              We all picked our ways and separated from there. It did not take long to meet back into the middle, empty handed. On my way, while searching the sands, I found an old spear, which closely resembled a trident used by mermaids. I looked at its shiny metal, and loved how well preserved it was.

              I continued to swim back to the middle, matching the pace as everyone else. I peered at Mason, and couldn’t help but stare. His skin looked smooth, and his hair flowed back. He seemed perfect to me, and easy on the eyes.

              I looked behind him and saw a sea serpent right on his tail. I dug out the trident and quickly swam towards him. The sea serpent noticed me right away, and just ignored me.

              The sea serpent tried to take a bite out of Mason’s leg, and right as it opened its mouth, I shoved the trident down its throat. The trident came out the back of its head showing an odd color for blood.

              Mason turned around quickly, as the sea serpent let out a screeching whine. He looked at it and then to me. He was quick to give me a hug. I just hugged tighter, as he tried to let go.

              I released him slowly, and tried to continue my search. I pulled my foot, and felt something slimy holding onto it. Mason was swimming away and I tugged at his shorts. He turned around and saw that I was stuck.

              I feared the sea serpent had ahold of me. Mason looked down and waved his hand to try to calm me. He pointed down to my foot and I saw that it was a piece of seaweed holding my foot captive.

              He ripped it off and pointed up. I knew he wanted some air. I don’t blame him; we both were scared out of our wits.

              I looked around and didn’t see Jack and Olivia nearby. They were several feet away and rising up to get above the water. We finally reached the top, and as we hit the air we took in a deep breath, and headed back down.

Chapter Thirteen


Searching for the last time, I stayed within arms’ reach of Mason. It didn’t take long for me to swim a further distance away, trying to be more cautious. I witnessed Olivia do the same, across from me.

              I searched the areas in between where I had missed. I dug through the sand, and only found rocks beneath it all. I looked over at Mason and seen him turn from side to side.

              Each time his right side faced me, I could see his pocket shining a bit of light. I watched it glow a bit more as he neared the clam. I instantly stopped, and tried getting his attention each time I was in his peripheral vision. He didn’t do anything.

              He seemed to be too distracted with the hunt of the Pearl of Strength, to see me pretend to be struggling in seaweed again. I tried to be more drastic about my pretending, but still nothing. I probably looked like a carnie doing the tricks I was, but didn’t care. I began to fall impatient.

              I tried to throw a rock, but realized the water made that attempt fail. He kept getting further and further away, and I knew I couldn’t be under for much longer, than need be.
Maybe he doesn’t care about me, like I thought,
I thought to myself.

              I figured I was just being too hard on myself. The spark I felt, when gazing into his eyes, made me feel as if a thousand arrows just slammed into my heart. I looked around, and saw Olivia and Jack even further away. I decided to swim to him, instead.

              My swimming speed was not as fast as his, but my unsure determination made me feel able to. I trusted my body to help lead the way to him. It seemed like, every time I inched closer, he would swim a foot away.

              I miraculously caught up to him, and stopped him midstream. He looked at me with his one eyebrow raise puzzled expression, and I widened my eyes. Reading minds, was apparently not a trick he could do.

              I reached down by his waist, and he grabbed my hand. He felt shaky, as if he had hand tremors. I shook my head as if to say,
‘I am not trying to touch you.’

              I gently pulled my hand away, and quickly jammed it into his pocket. I pulled out the odd shaped rock; he used to smash the gate lock with. It glowed brighter, illuminating its jagged edges. His eyes widened, as he pointed towards where Olivia and Jack should have been. He then pointed at me, and then the Pearl of Strength then pointed at the clam next.

              I nodded in agreement with his plan.

              I looked back at Mason, but did not see Olivia or Jack.
I hope he finds them soon,
I silently prayed to myself.

              Every inch, I got closer to the clam; the Pearl of Strength’s light had been getting stronger. It seemed to be getting too bright, so I placed in my shirt.              

              I was able to still see part of the net still surrounding the clam, but Jack made a hole big enough for a body to squeeze through. I grabbed the side of the net, and propelled myself into the clam. I looked around, to see if there was a specific spot to place it.

              To my surprise, I noticed four masks. They were divers’ masks. They were made to slide over the head and cover the mouth, like surgeon’s mask. I checked the Oxygen levels, and they were a quarter full. I looked around, and saw four decomposed divers behind the clam. I thought to myself,
how convenient? I guess that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure fits this scenario.

              I placed one mask on, and placed the other three around my arms.

              I took out the Pearl of Strength, and found a spot that matched the jagged edges of the pearl. I placed it in, having to turn it around a few times to get it to fit right.

              I watched as it glowed and flickered. After a few flickers it kicked on strongly. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Mason. He narrowed his eyebrows, and shook his head while shrugging his shoulders.

              I felt worried, but something told me to not worry. I dropped my hands in frustration at my own gut instinct, and dropped the three face masks. I quickly tugged at Mason’s shoulder trying to get him to swim down fast and catch them.

              He saw I what I was wearing and quickly did so. A few seconds later he returned with all of them in his hands. He placed one himself and handed me the last two.

              I noticed movement near the hole in the net, and seen it was Olivia and Jack. I quickly swam to them and gave them the face masks. They both smiled graciously.

              I wanted to watch the clam for a few more seconds, and pulled Olivia to see the clam and the Pearl of Strength. Jack seemed surprised and looked at Mason. Mason tugged at his pockets and shrugged innocently. Jack shook his head, and raised his eyebrows.

              The clam itself began to glow, and like a snake shedding its skin, the clam did so with all the grime and ick that was on it. It seemed shinier and more vibrant. I could feel the amazement fall upon my face, and saw how everyone else their own face of amazement.

              I jumped as I felt something hit my arm. I looked closer and seen it was a tiny sea creature with eight legs, half dead heading towards the clam. Soon after, many more of them, and bigger sea creatures began to circle the clam. Most had risen from the ground, and depths of the sea. Others had been floating around aimlessly.

              I felt disgusted, to say the least. Some of the sea creatures had curly tails, or crooked feet. Some had triangular heads, or square heads. But all of them had gills that wrapped around their soles of their feet or base of their necks. Many were missing such parts.

              Yet, they all had the power to circle the clam. I did not see the point in that, considering the ones that were clearly dead, were instantly dropped from the circle the clam was creating. I looked at Mason, and he continued watching the sea creatures. I noticed a turn dial on the side of his mask.

              I felt my mask for the same thing and beside it was a button. I clicked it and heard static, like that in a car radio station that did not have signal. I clicked his as well.

              I said, “Hello, can you hear me?”

              He looked around, and then at me and asked, “How did you do that?”

              I answered, “I am not sure. I clicked a button and now we can talk.”

              Mason quickly clicked the button on Olivia’s, and then reached for Jack’s. Jack put up his hand, and did it himself.

              I turned back to the sea creatures and noticed they were getting stronger. I looked at Jack and said, “We need to get out of here. They are getting stronger, and I am not sure if they are type to attack.”

              “Sounds like a plan,” he agreed.

              Mason and Olivia agreed by saying, “Yep.”


              We swam back to land, and saw Murphy sitting on the edge of the sand flipping his frog feet into the water. He looked at Jack and asked, “You helped create this jail, why are you helping us Cumberland creatures now?”

              He sighed heavily, “How do you know who I am?”

              “I saw your I.D. sticking out of my pants, Jack,” he said angrily.

              Olivia was quick to say, “Dad, that can’t be true.”

              He nodded, “It is, but I wanted to make things right.”

              Murphy made a humph sound, and asked, “Why?”

              Jack began to get serious, “Because, there is a fine line between what is right, what science is, and what is wrong. It started out as science, but was taken out of proportion. I am trying to make things right.”

              “You promise?” Murphy asked sadly.

              “Yes,” Jack answered soundly.


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