Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (11 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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It was a particularly good business plan. It was thorough. It was workable. It redeployed the strengths of the company in an innovative way. He went through it half a dozen times, seeking a flaw, and didn’t find one he couldn’t fix.

Her plan might succeed. He would tweak it, of course, add some redundancy, but the core of the plan was solid.

He cast it across the coffee table, wondering just how Miss Jones would show her appreciation if he put her plan into action and saved the company she cared so much about. He wondered how long it would take to ensure that Esperanza Enterprises was on solid ground, and knew he’d have many lunches and evenings to explore her as his new toy.

That alone was enough to convince him to do it.

And it justified not just outfitting his toy properly but seeing her again before he left. Reid tried to damp down the enthusiasm he immediately felt at the thought. He wasn’t smitten or in any emotional peril. He was intrigued, just as anyone is intrigued by a new challenge.

And Kendra Jones was the perfect challenge.

He’d done it backward. Denial had punished him, not his slave.

Reid could fix that.

One more scene before he left, one scene that left him satisfied and Miss Jones yearning, would be the perfect choice. His flight wasn’t until Saturday afternoon. He’d take her to the fitter and give her something to think about while he was gone. He wanted to make sure the first time he possessed Kendra Jones, he made a mark on her body and her soul.

It was the only way to ensure Miss Jones would be his for as long as he wanted her.

Reid seized his phone and began to make arrangements for the next day.

* * *

Kendra hurried into the kitchen on Saturday morning. Her roommate, Jade, was waiting on the toaster, as usual, staring into its depths as if impatience could make the bread toast faster.

Kendra hadn’t slept much, having been unable to dismiss the memory of her encounter with Mr. Stirling.

Never mind the prospect of doing it again.

She’d masturbated a couple of times, not caring whether it was against the rules. Instead of relaxing her as usual, she was left even more aware of what a poor substitute masturbation was for the real thing. She’d gotten up early, restless, but hadn’t been able to bring herself to read the contract through yet. It was when she opened the dresser drawer for a clean pair of underwear that she noticed the slight disarray of her lingerie.

Actually, it was just a little more organized than it should have been.

As if someone had folded things that weren’t usually folded. The idea that Jade could have looked, innocently intending to borrow something, woke Kendra up completely. She’d dug through the contents, but even the accessories buried at the bottom of the drawer were still there.

And they looked untouched.

Were they?

Suspicion brought her to the kitchen fast. “Have you been in my room?” she demanded, knowing it sounded abrupt but unable to stop herself.

Jade yawned, then gave her an amused glance. “Little touchy today, are we?” She got the organic peanut butter out of the fridge and a knife from the drawer, then her gaze fixed on the toaster again. “You know I don’t go into your room. It’s too messy. I might never be seen alive again.”

Kendra took a breath. “My underwear isn’t the way it should be.”

Jade gave her a pitying look. “I did not play with your lingerie. We’re not the same size so I can’t borrow anything, and I’m not interested in women.”

On this morning, Kendra didn’t find their running joke about not being lesbians very funny.

Jade shook her head. “I didn’t even violate your privacy to clean up.”

Kendra wasn’t reassured. “Was anyone here?”

Jade sighed. “Only in my dreams. Want me to describe him?”

“Tall, dark and handsome. Rich, smart and funny. I know how low your standards are.” Kendra teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“Same as yours,” Jade agreed with a laugh. “Except you expect true love forever, too.”

“Not you?”

“I’ll settle for the short list. Money might not buy happiness, but I’ll give it a try just to be sure.”

Kendra glanced back toward her room, still worried. Everything in the apartment looked completely normal. Was she wrong? It was just an impression, and she was on edge.

The toaster popped and Jade put the bagel on a plate, then buttered it. “Anything missing?” she asked, without much interest.

“No,” she had to admit. “It just doesn’t look right.” Kendra got a bowl and filled it with cereal.


“Well, folded.”

Jade laughed. “Maybe you were sleepwalking. I heard you up last night. Maybe you’re neat in your dreams. You are in mine.”

Kendra ignored the jibe. Maybe she
imagining things.

Then she remembered Mr. Stirling’s demand that she never wear panties, that she always be available, and she felt her whole body heat. She crossed the kitchen, avoiding eye contact, and tried to catch her breath as she took down a cereal bowl.

Always available.

Her skin was still pink after the spanking he’d given her. She felt tingly and excited, as if she was filled with effervescence. She couldn’t believe how hot their interval had been the night before. She wasn’t a virgin by any means, but he’d blown her mind with the possibilities. It had been so hot, so incredible, so powerful. Kendra wanted more. She certainly didn’t want to interfere with any plans he had for her.

She didn’t know how she’d survive a week without seeing him.

How would he take her the first time? Would he tie her up for that? Kendra couldn’t wait to find out. She really should read that contract.

But she’d wait until Jade was gone. She didn’t want her roommate to get curious.

“Whatcha doing today?” Jade asked, startling Kendra from her thoughts. “Want to go shopping?”

“No, I have a couple of errands to run,” Kendra lied. She spoke quickly, maybe too quickly, because Jade gave her a considering glance.

“Secret lover, huh?” she asked, another old joke.

Kendra snapped her fingers. “Caught!”

They laughed together and everything seemed almost normal.

It might have been normal even Kendra hadn’t been thinking about being her boss’s new sexual
. God, if he tied her up like that at lunch time, while everyone was in the office, she’d come as soon as he put a fingertip on her, just out of anticipation.

“All right,” Jade said, putting her plate into the sink with a clatter that made Kendra jump. “But don’t forget that Liv wants us to meet Blake tonight. We’re having dinner with them and some of his friends.”

Kendra had forgotten. She made a face. “Is she trying to fix us up?”

“Not officially, but you know how she is.” The two exchanged a look and rolled their eyes simultaneously. “You first for the shower today?”

Kendra shook her head, fearful suddenly that her roommate would see her pink butt and want to know what had happened. “No, you take it. I’ve still got to eat.”

“Deal. That means you get to clean up the bathroom.”

“Probably my turn anyway.”

“You know it.” Jade gave a fingertip wave and headed for the bathroom.

Kendra closed her eyes and relived every second of her spanking? It had been incredible to be bound so tightly, to be helpless to his every whim. She’d never understood how the line between pleasure and pain could be blurred, but he’d done it to her. So easily and so quickly. Now she wanted more.

She had a feeling this was an addiction that would only get worse.

She finished her cereal and went back to her room, tugging the envelope with the contract out of her bag. She shut the bedroom door and pulled out the contract. It looked so official.

This legal agreement made between Reid Stirling and Kendra Jones. . .

Reid. His name was Reid. Kendra whispered his name and shivered, then read on.

. . . delineates the terms of Mr. Stirling’s acquisition of Miss Jones as his personal assistant and sex slave. Henceforth, “Master” will denote Mr. Stirling and “Slave” shall be used to denote Miss Jones and their contractually agreed roles.

Kendra sat down hard on the side of the bed. She ran her finger over the word “Slave” and licked her lips. She felt hot and tingly again.

Apparently he didn’t even have to be in her presence to get her excited. She imagined his voice, reading the contract terms, and felt herself getting wet all over again.

The Slave hereby warrants that she will:

i. maintain her current weight and measurements

ii. ensure her personal hygiene, including those birth control provisions within her responsibility as described in Appendix A.

iii. groom herself as commanded by the Master on an ongoing and an immediate basis (which includes but is not limited to hair length, body hair removal, nail length and color, tattoos and piercings, etc.)

iv. be available and submissive at all times. This requires the Slave to provide contact information for the Master, keys to her residence, all security codes that might impede his access, and her availability at all times. The Slave understands the Master has no obligation to announce his intentions.

v. The Master may make additional demands at any time regarding his access to the Slave, and the Slave will immediately comply.

Kendra had to put the contract down for a moment. Her pulse was racing, her heartbeat loud in her ears. Tattoos and piercings? Were slaves marked by their owners? Keys to her residence? Her gaze fell on the drawer. Mr. Stirling would be the kind of person to fold underwear. Had he already been in her apartment? Taken inventory?

It was almost impossible to envision him in the chaos of her bedroom, but Kendra really liked the idea of him seducing her there.

Or maybe she’d seduce him.

No, it wasn’t supposed to be a seduction. His was a claim. She imagined him tying her down in her own bed, and felt her pulse in her puss. She imagined tying herself down for him and had to close her eyes for a moment.

Then she remembered she wasn’t supposed to ever wear panties again. She swallowed hard and re-read the last clause.

Complete access, all the time.

Kendra moved her knees slightly apart and parted her lips, remembering his command, and feared this week would kill her.

Was she allowed to masturbate? She’d better check the contract.

This contract can be terminated by either party: on the Master’s part with immediate notice on no explanation; on the Slave’s part by application to the Master’s approval and mercy, according to the conditions and protocol outlined in Clause XVI: Termination. If their opinions are at variance, the Master’s will shall prevail.

Kendra blinked. If her request to terminate was based on his approval, then she really didn’t have the right to terminate the deal. She felt hot inside then, both apprehensive and excited by what she’d signed. She liked risk: now she had plenty.

She was his. Kendra flipped to the back of the contract, where her own signature was on the deal. She swallowed hard. She’d gotten herself into this, of her own choice.

And she was honest enough to admit she was thrilled about it. She’d really enjoyed the night before, and wanted more. She flicked through the pages, amazed by how long and detailed the contract was, even as she sought a clue as to what he would do next. In the middle was a long list of activities accepted by both parties and her mouth opened wider as she scanned them.

The Slave hereby agrees to be restrained in any position chosen by the Master and for any length of time decreed by the Master with shackles, rope bonds, tape, string, cable ties, ribbon, chains, leashes, clamps, collars, cages. . .

Kendra’s heart stopped cold. Her cell phone rang just then, the sound making her jump.

* * *

Chapter Five

Kendra grabbed her phone out of her purse and answered.

“Have you read it?” Mr. Stirling spoke without any greeting. Her knees melted at the sound of his voice and she had to sit down on the bed again.

“Just doing that now.” Kendra guessed that she should have called him sir but didn’t want Jade to overhear her.

No, she didn’t want Jade to suspect what she was doing.

“Are you shocked?”

“Not yet, but I probably will be by the time I finish.”

“You should never sign a contract without reading it first, Miss Jones.”

“I’m starting to understand why that’s good advice.” She couldn’t resist the urge to push him a little. “Because I’m guessing that you won’t negotiate now.”

“It’s signed. I don’t have to.”


“Item twenty-six, Miss Jones,” he said softly.

Kendra turned the pages. It was the last clause.

The Master warrants that he shall ensure the physical, psychological and mental well-being of the Slave to the best of his abilities, at all times.

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