Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (13 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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Reid smiled as he drove out of the lot and headed for Alicia’s shop. He decided to indulge her and let her talk. “Just leather gloves or do you like all leather?”

Her legs moved then, one calf sliding against the other, a sure hint of her arousal. “All leather, master, but especially tight leather.”

Reid knew then that the corset and much of the gear he ordered today would have to be leather. It would be worth the price to ensure that his new slave was excited by her accessories. “Like your boots?”

“Yes, master. I love these boots.” She paused, then continued quietly. “I thought you might like them, too.”

Reid smiled at the implied question. “I do. Turns out we have similar taste, Miss Jones.”

“That’s what I was counting on.”

“Remember to enjoy yourself,” he added, wanting to reassure her again. “You know I’ll take care of you.”

“Because it’s in the contract,” she agreed with easy confidence.

“Exactly.” Reid forced himself to sound stern. “Be silent now, Miss Jones. I don’t have time today to stop en route to discipline you.”

“Does that mean you’ll discipline me when we get to wherever we’re going?”

“Definitely. Stop being impertinent or I’ll have to gag you tight.”

Her mouth opened, then closed again. Reid halfway hoped she would say something more just so he could fulfill his threat. But Kendra straightened, then remained silent the rest of the way.

Reid liked having her in his car, even bound as little as she was.

He’d like having her trussed in the trunk even better. He knew of a truck stop, not far from here, where he could have driven if she had been disobedient. He could have parked behind, where no one would see, tied her up, gagged her and tossed her into the trunk.

That pleasure would have to wait for another time.

He should ask Jackson to find him a suitable house. There was nothing better than a secured location for playing these games and he could afford to buy for the short term.

Reid drove quickly, knowing that the tinted windows hid his blindfolded captive from view, and wished he’d hadn’t booked a flight for late afternoon. He could have had much more amusement from Miss Jones before his trip than time was going to allow.

As it was, he’d have to make every moment count.

* * *

The entrance to Alicia’s shop was exactly as it had always been, at the back of the old building she’d bought years ago. Reid hadn’t visited in a while, partly because he didn’t live anywhere close anymore and partly because he hadn’t had much need for Alicia’s fine products. With only fleeting encounters in his recent history, he’d made do with what accessories could be bought online.

He was excited to be acquiring custom and quality tools again.

A single lane led to the private parking lot, providing the discretion Alicia’s clients expected. The area was rough, because the building was near the port. It was quiet on Saturday mornings, though, and the traffic so low as to be nonexistent. This was the perfect time to come without being noticed.

Reid drove slowly down the single lane to the enclosed parking area, watching for broken glass. Some litter had blown down the lane from the road and against the opposite wall. The building wrapped around the lot, and no windows faced it. There was room for maybe three cars to park, if they’d left room to turn around. Alicia’s van was parked against one wall and that was it.

Reid was relieved. He didn’t want anyone to see Kendra here and he hadn’t wanted her to come alone. He didn’t expect to like the idea of being her protector quite as much as he did. He parked the car then strode around it to open her door, putting one hand beneath her elbow to help her to get her balance.

Her lips parted, but he touched his fingertip firmly to her mouth. “Maybe no one can see you here. Maybe someone can. Either way, the choice to display you like this is mine.”

He felt her shiver, then relax. “At least I won’t recognize them if we meet again,” she said and he smiled. He moved her away from the car and shut the door, then gripped the back of her neck to guide her to the door. It was a plain steel door, with a buzzer beside it. The gravel in the lot crunched under their shoes.

It would, actually, be another good location to move her between vehicles. He’d have to keep that in mind.

Reid rang the bell, then studied Kendra as they stood together. He liked the look of the black blindfold against her fair skin and blond hair. He liked how her lips looked full and soft. He gripped her nape a little more possessively to see what she’d do, flexing his fingers to tighten his grip then sliding his thumb across her skin. She threw her head back and sighed, clearly savoring his touch. Her hair blew over his glove and he thought again of claiming her completely.



The deadbolt was loudly unlocked, and then the door hauled open from the inside. The interior was pitch black, and Reid knew it was because there was a small closed foyer inside the door for security. He could smell leather and sewing machine oil, and hear the clang of metal being worked somewhere inside the building. Miss Jones stood a little straighter under his grip.

“Late,” Alicia said. It was impossible for her to speak crisply, given the cadence of her southern accent. She was wearing her usual outfit of a tight tank top and short black skirt, seamed black fishnet stockings and short boots. The tattoos on her arms were visible and her eyeliner looked particularly dark against her fair skin. She assessed Miss Jones openly, then gave Reid a pointed glance which he ignored.

“Errands,” Reid countered and she nodded once before stepping back.

“Including a tasty new toy.” Alicia slammed the door behind them and locked it. “You were past due, Reid. Do you know what you want?”

Reid nodded even as he felt Miss Jones stiffen. “Of course. As much as possible of it by the end of the week.”

“That all depends upon what you pick.”

“Everything has its price,” Reid countered and Alicia smiled.

“That’s what I missed about you. There aren’t nearly enough men in this world who know what they want and aren’t afraid to pay for it.” She opened the door to the shop and the sound of sewing machines began louder. She marched onward, leading the way to the private fitting room Reid had arranged.

Miss Jones’s lips parted, then closed again, as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure she could. She bit the side of her lip, but Reid chose to ignore her request.

Instead, he turned her three or four times in place, confusing her sense of direction but keeping his hands on her shoulders. He liked when she stumbled and tipped against him, unsteady on her feet, completely reliant upon him.

Trusting him.

He gripped her shoulders, then bent and whispered in her ear. “Be very good, Miss Jones. If I have to punish you here, there are too many who will want to watch. Some of them might even offer to help.”

She caught her breath and her cheeks flushed. Reid saw the excitement roll through her and smiled. The prospect of discovery was a big thrill for her.

He could work with that, and leave her with something to think about.

He smiled, then guided her forward, ensuring his toy didn’t trip on the stairs.

* * *

Kendra didn’t know what she’d expected, but it hadn’t been this.

Riding in his car, blindfolded and with her hands bound, her bare butt on a luxurious leather seat, had felt naughty. Getting out of his car and feeling the outside air on her face, wearing only her raincoat and boots and still bound, had felt dangerous.



She didn’t even know where she was. Reid had driven quickly and taken a lot of turns. He could have driven in circles, so that they were only a block away from the parking lot where she’d left her car, or they could be on the other side of town.

It must be a test, a test of how much she trusted him.

Well, Kendra did. In fact, she couldn’t wait to see how this adventure continued and what new pleasures might be in store.

She’d heard the metal door close behind them, heard the sewing machines and smelled the distinctive scent of leather. That was almost as exciting as his gloves. She swallowed, wishing he’d lock his hands around her head again, silencing her beneath his gloved fingers. She’d nearly come on the spot, her face encased in smooth soft leather, his grip firm but not hurting her.

She’d have to tell him how much she liked that.

Maybe he’d already guessed.

The woman smelled of French cigarettes mingled with a feminine perfume, and had a southern accent as sweet as a Georgia peach. Kendra heard her heels click on the floor—it must have been poured concrete—and wanted desperately to know if Reid liked the other woman’s shoes better.

He’d turned her around, not just disorienting her but making her more reliant upon him. There was nothing in Kendra’s world but the darkness of the blindfold and the sure grip of his hands on her, his heat behind her back. She wanted to rub herself against him, and kiss him as if she’d never get another kiss again.

She would have made that first one last if she’d known then it would be the last one ever.

Moments later, she was standing, still blindfolded, in a small room, like a fitting room in a department store. The sounds she’d heard on entering the building were muffled now, as if there was a lot of fabric between her and the people working here, and she could smell dust. A door closed with a decisive click as Reid unbound her hands. He removed her raincoat and the air was chilly against her bare skin. She didn’t move, guessing that he was hanging up her coat.

She could smell that the woman was still there.

And maybe someone else. Man? Woman? Kendra didn’t know. Were they looking at her? Admiring her? Comparing her to Reid’s former sex slaves?

Why hadn’t he been here in a while? Was she special? God, Kendra hoped so.

Her nipples were hard and her labia thick, her skin hot even as she was on the verge of goose pimples.

“Hands on my shoulders,” Reid said, then dropped to a crouch before her. He unzipped one leather boot, then supported her weight as he took it off. The floor was polished concrete, and cold under Kendra’s bare foot.

She swallowed and ran her hands across his shoulders, liking the muscled strength of him, the smooth leather, the heat of him. In a heartbeat, her other boot was removed as well, and she was left standing there alone, tingling with awareness.

Where strangers looked at her, knowing she was his sex slave.

Her heart was going to explode if it kept pounding so fast. She was so wet and her puss was throbbing with so much need that she couldn’t stand it. She’d never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but the idea of being naked and visible to strangers was oddly exciting.

It was more exciting to know that Reid was looking at her. She was sure he was going to push her even further out of her comfort zone and make her face the truth of her darkest desires.

Then satisfy them, one at a time.

Kendra shivered with anticipation. She was going to die if he didn’t take her before he went away. There was no way she could survive a whole week, so wound up with desire. She felt him close beside her again, smelled his scent and realized that her body was coming to not just recognize it but associate it with pleasure.

“Hands clasped behind your back,” he murmured. “Head bowed. Always submissive.”

Always available.

Kendra nodded and did as she was told. She felt as if her other senses were sharper in the absence of her sight. She heard the soft click of a heel on the concrete, caught a tendril of a woman’s perfume.

The same perfume as the woman at the door.

The same waft of French tobacco hovered around the woman as well. Kendra wondered what she was going to do and felt her anxiety rise.

There was a finger snap, and then Reid stepped away, his hand falling from the back of her neck. Kendra felt his warmth just behind her, then that was gone, too.

She stood alone, uncertain where he was.

She was convinced that he hadn’t gone far.

Then someone slid something cool and flat around her waist, the temperature of the measuring tape making Kendra’s nipples bead. It was snapped taut even as the scent of that tobacco engulfed her, and the woman read off Kendra’s waist measurement. She heard a scribble, like a pencil on paper, and awareness shot through her.

So, the other person worked for the woman. Was it a man? A woman? Were there more people?

Kendra remembered Reid’s threat about discipline in this place a little too clearly. She held her pose perfectly, even though she feared she wasn’t ready to be punished by invisible strangers.

Her breath hitched and she felt herself becoming hot, her pulse picking up speed. Kendra licked her lips and tried to steady herself, even as she was measured more places than she could have expected. The tape snapped around her torso in at the bust, above the bust, below the bust, around her hips, then around her arms, her wrists, her head, her legs, her ankles. Her foot was lifted and placed on cold metal, then her shoe size read out, including the width. She gave up trying to imagine what she was being measured for—it could have been a custom-fitted leather bodysuit, which was an exciting possibility—and instead acknowledged that the situation was out of her control.

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