Dark Secret (19 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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Lewis saw Harriet’s hips start to move and she twisted her upper torso as much as her bonds would permit to try and force the brush into contact with another area of skin. Only when she gave a tiny moan did Rowena move, and then she let the brush drift across the centre of the upthrust breasts until both the nipples were red and swollen. Once her object was achieved she changed the brush for a fine-pointed artist’s paintbrush and after licking it swirled it around the rock hard buds making Harriet’s whole body quiver with rising desire.

All the time his half-sister was working, Chris was continuing to brush carefully at Harriet’s hair. Her whole scalp had now been massaged for over ten minutes and she didn’t think she could stand it any longer. She tried to pull away from him, but escape was impossible and she heard him laugh to himself.

Her breasts were aching as Rowena continued to amuse herself with the engorged nipples, and when the brushing of her hair finally ceased Harriet didn’t stop to wonder what would happen next, she was simply grateful for the respite.

Lewis studied Rowena and Chris. They were both totally absorbed in what they were doing, and worked like a well-established team on the hapless body squirming beneath them. He swallowed hard, trying to dampen down his ferocious need for Harriet that was causing him physical pain. He watched Chris’s next move with interest, wondering how Harriet would respond.

Harriet, lying beneath the cruelly teasing touch of the slim, brush-point, couldn’t make up her mind whether she was in heaven or hell. The sensations were exquisite, but although the result was a steady building of pressure within her, the touch of the brush alone wasn’t enough to allow the build-up to progress beyond a certain point. As a result her whole body was tight and aching with need and there was nothing she could do to push her responses beyond the level Rowena and Chris permitted.

When Chris abruptly stroked the bristle brush across the tightly stretched skin of her abdomen, Harriet gave a startled cry and pressed herself down into the bed as she tried to evade him. Chris
simply pressed the brush harder against the tender skin and smiled at Rowena as the younger woman shuddered.

The initial shockwaves startled Harriet, but then as blood coursed through the veins beneath her skin the sensation started to arouse a peculiar pleasure, different from any she’d known before. Thrills of dark excitement ran through her and when Rowena began to use the baby brush on Harriet’s arm again while still continuing to tease her nipples with the finer brush Harriet’s entire body started to scream for a climax, a release from the relentless build-up of tension.

Chris and Rowena were too experienced to let this happen. Time and time again Harriet felt her body gather itself together for the blissful explosion, and every time at the very last second one of the brushes would cease to move and the moment would be ruined until eventually Harriet was reduced to tears of frustration.

‘Let me come, oh please let me come!’ she begged them.

Chris bent his mouth to her ear. ‘It’s a punishment, remember?’

‘I can’t stand it any longer,’ she moaned, but they both knew that she could. They changed rhythms and places, they brushed over her hip bones with the baby brush and up her calves with the bristle brush. They even allowed the finest brush to tease inside her inner lips, brushing briefly against her swollen clitoris so that her breath snagged in her throat and she wrenched her fastened body upwards trying to trigger the elusive orgasm. Again they were too clever for her – the brush had already been removed and
her vulva moved restlessly against nothing.

Lewis continued to study them all. He had never seen a woman as swollen with desire as Harriet. Between her outspread legs he could see tiny beads of moisture, a clear indication of her arousal, and the whole of her upper body was flushed with sexual excitement while her breasts were larger and the veins in them more prominent than ever before.

He tried to imagine what such tension must be like, but it was impossible. All he could do was watch, and wait for the moment when he could take advantage of the cruel game Rowena and her half-brother were playing.

Harriet lost all track of time. It was as though the two of them had been toying with her for hours, and her body never seemed to understand the game. Despite constantly being let down, despite the continuing frustration and the terrible aching emptiness this caused, it responded to their every touch. She tried to stop it, to tell herself that there was no point and they weren’t doing it to pleasure her, but still her skilfully trained body was misled by them as it searched frantically for the shattering moment of satisfaction their attentions promised.

Finally Lewis couldn’t stand it any longer either. ‘My turn I think,’ he said quietly and the other two watched as he removed the final item from the table.

Chapter Nine

the soft latex ring over his penis until it was resting comfortably at the base. All around the ring were soft goose feathers designed to titillate the woman’s clitoris as the man thrust. He knew from experience how well they worked, and the thought of the finely tuned Harriet at last receiving their soft caress on the most sensitive part of her body made him tremble. Slowly he approached the bed. ‘Untie her,’ he ordered Chris.

Chris frowned. ‘She’s meant to be kept like that.’

‘Only for your pleasure. I prefer her loose.’

Rowena gave a small sigh. It was always the same; Lewis would never play games the way she liked them, not even now when so much was at stake. She nodded at her half-brother and he reluctantly released Harriet. ‘What about the blindfold?’

‘Leave that on for now,’ replied Lewis, picturing the blissful shock that awaited Harriet when he finally penetrated her.

Harriet rubbed at her wrists, trying to restore the blood flow. Her flesh was screaming for attention, and the pressure in her body made it seems as though her skin had shrunk in the wash and was now too tight for the swollen flesh constrained within.

Lewis knelt over her, his legs outside hers, and looked down at her, savouring the moment. Her face was slightly flushed and damp with continual arousal, her hair tousled and her lips swollen and pink, but it was the desperate straining movements of her body that most clearly demonstrated her terrible need for sexual release.

More excited than ever before, Lewis bent his mouth to her ear. ‘Bend your knees up towards your chin and rest your ankles on my shoulders, as close to my head as you can manage,’ he told her.

At the sound of his voice, low and sensuous, she shivered and her legs moved up until she could feel the sides of his face with the insides of her feet.

Carefully Lewis balanced his weight on one arm. He then wrapped the other around her legs, just below her knees, so that he could control their movements and change the sensations for her once he’d entered.

Harriet’s breathing quickened as she felt the soft velvet head of his erection nudging against her outer sex-lips and then he was gliding smoothly into her and at last the aching void was filled.

No sooner had she started to relish the feel of him deep within then she noticed another
sensation as well. A light tickling feeling over her clitoris, like butterflies’ wings brushing gently against it. When he withdrew a little the sensation stopped, but with every movement it started again, and sometimes he would rotate his hips so that the clitoris was stimulated even more and each time he did this Harriet heard herself gasping with pleasure.

At last the build-up towards release began again, but this time she knew that it wouldn’t be stopped, that she would finally gain the satisfaction Chris and Rowena had refused her, and her body tried to rush towards its goal.

Lewis slowed the pace. His arm gripped her legs tightly so that she could feel him within her more, but her clitoris received less direct stimulation from the feathers. Then, as the darts of arousal from that tiny mass of nerve endings slowed he would release his grip a little and allow the feathers to touch her once more.

Without thinking Harriet reached up blindly for him and her hands went beneath his upper arms and gripped the back of his shoulders. He felt her fingers digging into him every time the feathers did their work and her body strained towards a climax, then when he withdrew the pressure of her fingers eased but she tried to pull him down towards her, seeking more physical intimacy from the position.

Toying with her like this, giving her such pleasure while at the same time increasing his own, was as wonderful for Lewis as it was for Harriet. Harriet though had been played with for too long, and soon she grew frantic and started to twist her lower body in order to increase the
tempo of the pulse beating behind her aching nub.

Lewis decided to change position and delay her gratification just a little longer. Ignoring Harriet’s pleas he disentangled their limbs and then knelt back on the bed with Harriet’s hips positioned between his outspread thighs, before lifting her feet on to the front of his shoulders.

Her hands clutched at his knees and she moaned, pleading with him to end her torment. ‘In a minute,’ he whispered as his hands slid over her outer thighs and belly. Her muscles contracted violently at the touch and she pressed herself against him.

Lewis knelt up and the movement meant that he penetrated her very deeply while at the same time the feathers worked their usual magic against the sensitive tissue around her swollen clitoris. Before she could catch her breath he leant back and his erection pressed against the top wall of her vagina.

Harriet felt a deep ache start inside her, a blissful sweet ache that she didn’t want to lose and she tried to move herself again. ‘Keep quite still,’ he said softly. ‘Just wait.’

Harriet forced her writhing body to remain motionless, and Lewis kept still as well, concentrating simply on maintaining the pressure against her G-spot. He knew that if he kept the pressure constant for long enough she would almost certainly climax. Slowly her breathing quickened and her mouth opened slightly as the ache turned into something far greater.

Now it was ecstasy and it spread slowly upwards throughout her lower belly. When he
saw her nipples tighten Lewis knew that her long-awaited orgasm was only moments away.

For Harriet the waiting, the stillness and the darkness caused by the blindfold were all part of the glorious sensation that was sweeping over her and then without warning the pulse behind her clitoris started beating frantically and her whole body drew in on itself as it prepared for the moment of release.

As she hesitated, balanced on the very edge of satisfaction, Lewis gently slid a hand beneath her buttocks and then pressed one fingertip against the rim of her anus. Again the pressure was firm and constant and combined with the pressure on her G-spot the result was incredible.

At last, after all the waiting, Harriet’s body succumbed totally to the build-up of myriad sensations and the burning heat of her orgasm tore through her. Her arms and legs thrashed around wildly, her limbs totally uncoordinated in the final moment of sexual gratification.

Gradually the tremors of the orgasm slowed, and Harriet started to breathe more evenly, but then Lewis let his finger slip inside the rim of her anus and he ran it gently around the inside so that the dying embers of the climax were re-kindled and yet another violent wave of pulsating contractions tore through her. This time she let herself scream aloud, unable to control herself in any way, so totally was she in the grip of her body’s sensuality.

As the second huge orgasm ripped through her, Harriet’s vaginal walls contracted furiously and Lewis was no longer able to keep control. He held back for as long as possible, relishing the
sensation of the pulsations that were gripping him, but finally his hips thrust furiously and then he was spilling himself into her, his climax going on and on until it seemed as though she would drain him of every drop of fluid.

When his last involuntary twitch had died away Lewis lowered himself on to Harriet, and she felt her breasts squash against his chest as he moved himself around, pressing against her as though trying for a closeness that was physically impossible. She clutched at him, trying to let him know that she wanted the closeness as much as he did.

Rowena and Chris watched the two of them and while Rowena felt jealous of Harriet, her half-brother was jealous of Lewis. He would have liked to see her writhe and scream for him in the way she had for his brother-in-law. His own erection was painfully hard now, and he was impatient for the night’s games to continue.

‘Isn’t it time we all took part?’ he asked casually, trying to conceal his eagerness from Rowena.

Lewis rolled off Harriet, lying by her side with one arm beneath her shoulders. He removed her blindfold and when their eyes met his softened in response to the look in hers. Harriet smiled. Lewis didn’t; he would have liked to, but now was the wrong moment and he knew it.

Watching Harriet smile Rowena vowed to make sure the night ended as she’d planned. ‘Come along, Lewis,’ she said sweetly. ‘You mustn’t be greedy. Harriet’s having such a lovely time you must let us all share her now.’

‘We all share each other,’ replied Lewis. ‘Harriet’s one of the group, not the focal point.’

‘You could have fooled me,’ murmured
Rowena, averting her head as she spoke so that only Chris heard.

Harriet gazed at them all. ‘I’ve never …’ Her voice tailed off. It seemed ridiculous to start saying she’d never taken part in an orgy when she’d spent the past few hours being aroused and satisfied by three virtual strangers, but then she’d been passive. She wasn’t sure she could take an active part when they were all involved.

Lewis looked thoughtfully at her. ‘What’s the matter, Harriet? Don’t you find us attractive?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘And haven’t we given you a lot of pleasure?’ asked Chris.

Harriet nodded.

‘Then you must reciprocate,’ said Rowena. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve still got some inhibitions left? Not after the past half hour!’

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