Dark Secret (18 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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‘How does it feel?’ he asked.

Harriet couldn’t explain, couldn’t begin to tell him about the pulsating heat that was consuming her.

‘I want to know,’ he insisted.

‘I’m so hot,’ moaned Harriet, her body perspiring beneath its casing of leather.

Chris was prepared for this. He reached for the ice bucket that was at his feet and then very carefully slid one inside the opening between Harriet’s thighs. At the feel of the freezing cube against her flesh Harriet went still with shock, but he continued to ease it into her until it was just inside her and there it slowly melted, letting the cool water mingle with her body fluids.

Harriet shivered. The contrast was incredible, and then her eyes widened as he stood up and popped an ice-cube into her mouth. ‘Suck on it slowly,’ he instructed her. Harriet sucked,
watched by Lewis who thought he might lose control and spill his seed on the carpet at the sight of her, she looked so magnificently wild and sensual.

Finally Chris drew an ice-cube over her breasts, rubbing it in circles round the nipples until she found herself leaning towards him, pulling against her chain in an effort to obtain contact.

‘Can I take her now?’ Chris asked Lewis.

Harriet stared at her lover, unwilling to believe he was going to allow this man to penetrate her, but almost excited at the thought. Lewis smiled at her. ‘Yes,’ he murmured. ‘I want to see her come for you.’

The words almost made her climax, and her eager body strained harder. Chris released her from the bed-post and laid her on the bed, then re-fastened her hands but this time spread-eagled so that her body formed an X shape. The ice-cube inside her vagina had melted completely now and as Harriet watched, Chris readied his large penis. ‘I want you to remember this,’ he said softly, sliding a pillow beneath her hips. He spread some lubrication across the tip before sliding it into her, his hips moving in tiny circles as he penetrated a fraction at a time until at last he was deeply inside her.

‘Use the quill pen on her clitoris,’ suggested Lewis, fascinated by the scene. At once Rowena climbed on to the bed and as Chris increased the tempo of his movements Harriet felt the feather of the pen teasing her throbbing bud. Without any warning an orgasm tore through her, pushing her stomach upwards and wrenching at her abdominal muscles with the sudden shocking urgency of release.

Taken by surprise Chris could only watch the perspiration gathering on Harriet’s skin and saw the rapid flush of arousal spread over her breasts and neck. When she was still he withdrew, then slid back into her, his hands digging into the sides of her waist as he lifted her lower body the way he wanted it.

He was far rougher than Lewis, his movements less controlled, but Harriet’s body was still aroused from the earlier stimulation and after a few minutes she felt another orgasm beginning.

‘Wait for me,’ said Chris, ‘or you’ll be punished.’

Harriet gasped and tried to quell her flesh, but then Rowena drew back the clitoral hood again and swirled the feather over the glistening nub, making self-control impossible. Harriet climaxed helplessly.

‘I didn’t mean to!’ she protested as Chris stared down at her.

‘That isn’t the point,’ he said coldly. ‘You failed, which means that I have to punish you.’

Rowena saw the startled look on Harriet’s face and smiled. ‘Isn’t Chris incredible? I adore his punishments.’

‘I don’t think I would,’ moaned Harriet, struggling against her bonds.

Lewis watched the other three with interest. It was clear that Chris was fascinated by Harriet. She was the first woman he’d responded to apart from Rowena, and Lewis wondered how Rowena felt about that.

From the expression on her face he guessed that she wasn’t pleased. He wished that he could see inside her head, discover how much of her jealousy was over him and how much over Chris. For a
time he’d thought that the experiment was driving her towards him, and Chris was being excluded. Now he wasn’t sure.

Strangely he didn’t mind as much as he’d expected. He realised that he was actually more interested in Harriet, and Harriet’s response to the night’s adventures. In his original idea, the catalyst – at that time faceless and characterless – had been of no importance as a person. Her purpose had simply been to force Rowena into making a choice. It was different now. Harriet was flesh and blood, and very much a person in her own right. A person whose responses were beginning to be of more importance to Lewis than Rowena’s, and that meant that the film wasn’t going to work in the way he’d intended.

He couldn’t do anything about it though. He had to accept what happened or the experiment was pointless. One possible problem of the new development was that there might need to be a change of emphasis in the casting. The heroine might not be Rowena, but Harriet. This thought did trouble him, because Rowena would never accept it. He gave a small sigh, wondering if this time his project had been too ambitious.

‘Let me up,’ said Harriet, having discovered that it was impossible for her to get free without help from one of the others. ‘I don’t want to be tied down any more.’

‘Don’t you understand that the choice isn’t yours?’ asked Rowena, running a hand caressingly round the exposed breasts and enjoying the instant response of the nipples.

‘Lewis!’ called Harriet beseechingly.

Drawn out of his reverie he looked over to the
bed. He was already hard with desire and the sight of Rowena playing carelessly with Harriet’s body while the younger woman attempted to subdue her clearly visible response aroused him even more.

‘What?’ he asked huskily.

‘Please untie me,’ she begged him.

‘Let her go,’ said Lewis curtly.

‘She’s to be punished!’ protested Chris.

‘I know that, but first let her sit up. We’ll all have a short break. And take that suit off her, I want everyone naked.’

‘I can undress myself,’ protested Harriet as her hands were freed, but she wasn’t given the chance. As Rowena and Chris peeled the leather playsuit off her, their hands fondled and teased her at every opportunity until she was breathless from the sensations.

She went to get off the bed, but instead the other three joined her there, and they all sat cross-legged and naked while Rowena handed round a bowl of fruit. There were pears, soft ripe plums and slices of water melon. Harriet chose a golden pear with a delicate bloom of pink on it. When she bit into the fruit the juices ran down her chin, trickling on to her neck and breasts, but when she went to wipe it away Lewis stopped her. ‘We’ll clean each other up when we’ve finished!’ he laughed.

Harriet watched Lewis bite into a slice of water melon. He leant foward to try and prevent it going down his chin and instead the watery juice splashed on to his upper thighs. He looked at Harriet, and it was as much as she could do to stop herself crawling across the bed and licking it off him there and then.

Rowena had chosen a pear as well and although she tipped her head back as she ate, the juice still spilt down over her chin and tiny fragments of soft pulpy flesh made their way slowly on to her abundant breasts.

It was Chris who broke first. He moved over to Harriet and started licking at the corners of her mouth, his tongue flicking delicately at the skin and then he nibbled his way down her neck, lapping at her from time to time like a kitten at a saucer of cream.

Lewis watched and felt his erection pulsating. For one brief moment he hated Chris. He’d wanted to do what his brother-in-law was doing, and the sight of Harriet closing her eyes and luxuriating in the touch of Chris’s mouth and tongue inflamed him yet more.

Rowena glanced at her husband and was shoked by the rage in his eyes. She looked back at Chris and noticed that he was already erect again, and that he was no longer aware of anything but Harriet. A dreadful sense of loneliness gripped her. Bending her head she started to clean the water melon off Lewis’s thighs.

As she worked her way inwards, letting her mouth nuzzle against the stem of his penis and inside the tender flesh of his inner thighs, Lewis wanted to catch hold of her hair and stop her. It was the wrong mouth. Despite the fact that this was what he’d wanted, that he’d intended to force Rowena to choose him over her brother, now that she was doing that he didn’t want her. Realising that the story could not be allowed to resolve itself through his feelings, that it must be Rowena who decided, he made himself keep still and was about
to respond by pushing Rowena on to her back and sucking the pear juice off her undeniably magnificent breasts when Harriet opened her eyes and looked at him.

For a few seconds she didn’t seem certain who he was, she was so utterly lost in the sensuality of what Chris was doing to her, but then recognition dawned and she smiled at Lewis. It was an open, fearless smile; the smile of a woman confident in her sexuality and without thought he reached out a hand towards her.

Rowena caught his hand and guided it to her breasts. ‘I’m still sticky, darling,’ she said coolly.

‘Then I must make you clean,’ he laughed, but inside his stomach was churning. He knew that his feelings for Harriet were far deeper and more complex than for any women before her. The thought infuriated him, threatening as it did both his film and his peace of mind, and his response was immediate.

‘In a minute Chris must decide on Harriet’s punishment,’ he said casually.

Harriet, who’d been watching him closely, was shocked. She’d felt sure she’d seen real affection in his eyes a moment earlier, but now his voice was cold and his gaze detached. As Chris lapped the last of the pear juice away he nuzzled her neck.

‘I know just how to punish you,’ he whispered. ‘I shall use the brushes.’

Remembering the kind of games Chris and Rowena had played, Harriet didn’t want any punishment from her employer’s half-brother and she opened her mouth to protest, but Lewis covered it with his hand. ‘Relax,’ he whispered. ‘Who knows, you might find you enjoy yourself.’

Before she’d had time to consider further, the other three quickly spread-eagled Harriet on the bed, and once more her wrists were fastened to the bed-posts, but this time her ankles were secured as well leaving her legs open and the area between her thighs totally unprotected.

‘I think the blindfold again,’ murmured Chris to Rowena, and once more Harriet was plunged into the world of darkness. She lay tensely, wondering what Chris intended to do to her, and whereabouts on her body he would start.

Lewis watched the fastened girl and his desire for her was so great that he could hardly breathe. The sight of her body, naked and totally in their power, was an even greater aphrodisiac than he’d expected, but he didn’t want Chris to be the one to arouse new sensations in her. He wanted it to be him, and for the first time he disliked the role in which he’d cast himself for the duration of their experiment.

Rowena watched her husband and knew by the expression on his face that his feelings for Harriet were greater than any he’d ever had for her. No matter what happened as a result of tonight, he would never be hers in the way they’d both intended. Far from drawing them closer together, Harriet had succeeded in widening the gulf between them, and Rowena didn’t like it.

She still wasn’t sure which of the two men in the room she wanted to be with more, but she hadn’t envisaged a situation where her choice might not be welcome. Lewis had always been the supplicant, trying to draw her away from Chris with a different kind of sexuality, a softer kind that after a time had bored her. He no longer looked like a man
who would be interested. Rowena had never taken second place to another woman in her life, and the surge of jealousy that swept through her was astonishing in its power. She looked at her half-brother and felt a brief flicker of triumph. He understood her, and through him she could get her revenge.

‘I’ll help you,’ she said softly. Chris smiled.

The hidden cameras rolled on, recording every flicker of emotion, every nuance of expression on all their faces for Lewis to view later.

For Harriet the wait seemed interminable. She could hear someone moving about, opening and shutting drawers and placing things on surfaces, and she heard Rowena’s words but she still had no idea what was going to happen to her. Although tense her body had never felt more alive. Her skin was still sticky from the pear juice and her flesh seemed as ripe as the fruit itself, continually tingling with excitement even when no one was stimulating her. It was as though she was being taken over by her senses, and nothing mattered any more except sensation. Sensation and Lewis; the two were now indistinguishable in her mind.

All at once she felt Chris’s arm brush against her shoulder and at once her body went taut with expectation. Her imagination had conjured up all kinds of strange things, but not once had she thought that what he would do was firmly but slowly pull a bristle hairbrush through her long locks. He was careful not to pull or tangle her hair, concentrating instead on stimulating her scalp. The sensation was both soothing and invigorating as the movement of the brush lulled
her while the touch of the bristles on her scalp made the nerve endings there tingle.

She let herself relax into the sensation and her whole body became soft and pliant. Lewis watched the way her upper thighs fell further apart and her breathing became deeper.

Once Chris’s rhythm was established and Harriet successfully lulled into a state of languid acceptance, Rowena took a tiny baby’s hairbrush in her hand and carefully brushed it down the insides of Harriet’s imprisoned arms. The caress was like a whisper, so soft as to render Harriet uncertain it was even happening at first, but then as it continued her flesh responded.

The skin there was tender and receptive. Sometimes Rowena used the brush in circles, sometimes in straight lines, but she worked ceaselessly on the same area until at last the pleasure became more of an irritation and Harriet wanted the soft caress to move to other parts of her body.

Rowena knew that this happened; Chris had done it to her often enough so it gave her immense pleasure to watch Harriet’s mouth tighten in a grimace as the brushing continued.

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