Dark Secret (14 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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In her dreams Harriet was lying on a grassy bank and Lewis was touching her breast which was exposed to the warm summer air. She moved a little, trying to get him to touch the other breast and to her delight he did. This time the touch was firmer, and then suddenly her nipple was pinched very lightly between his fingertips and this increase in sensation began to draw her out of her sleep.

Rowena smiled at the sight of the recently pinched nipple standing so proudly erect. She let her hand trace a delicate pattern round the
circumference of the breast and then at a sign from Lewis bent her head and caressed it with her lips.

Harriet’s eyes opened slowly. She was aware now that it wasn’t a dream, that Lewis really was touching her breasts, but to her shock she couldn’t see anything and she struggled to sit up.

Rowena quickly drew back, anxious not to betray her presence, while Lewis wrapped his arms round Harriet’s shoulders. ‘It’s all right,’ he soothed her. ‘I’ve put a mask on you; it increases the intensity of the sensation.’

‘I’m tired,’ Harriet murmured.

‘Then let me do all the work,’ said Lewis, laying her back against the pillows.

Harriet waited. Her breasts felt cool now that the saliva was evaporating but suddenly she felt something warm being spread across her belly and inner thighs. It felt like a lotion, and was too thick for oil.

‘What’s that?’ she demanded.

‘Something very special,’ said Lewis, watching his titian-haired wife spreading the gel over his mistress’s body. ‘You’ll love it.’ She did like it, liked the tingling warmth of it, the way her blood began to course more quickly through her veins, and she felt herself moistening between her thighs.

Lewis was careful not to keep his arms round Harriet while Rowena worked, knowing that even in her half-sleeping state she could realise that there were too many hands on her. When Rowena started to blow on the gel he pressed his hands on Harriet’s shoulders, aware that what followed would have her twisting and turning and afraid of contact between the two women.

Rowena had often used the gel before, and she too knew how the soft warmth of its application increased to a fiery glow almost more than the body could take, and she watched the way Harriet’s belly began to tighten and heard with amusement the low guttural sound deep in her throat.

For Harriet the stimulation was unexpected and not entirely to her liking. She twisted her lower body around on the bed, hoping for some relief from the strange burning that was permeating her flesh but movement only increased the effect of the gel and she began to make protesting sounds.

‘Wait,’ said Lewis. ‘It gets better.’

He released Harriet who sat upright but stayed on the bed because of the mask. Rowena went into the bathroom and soaked a hand towel in cold water. She returned and Lewis told Harriet to lie down again, promising that now she’d start to enjoy what he was doing to her.

Harriet trusted him, their tender lovemaking of earlier in the evening had increased the depth of her feelings for him and the last thing she wanted to do now was give him any hint that she might not appreciate his more sophisticated games and so she went along with what he wanted.

The shock of the ice-cold towel being laid across her overheated belly made her cry out despite herself and then the towel was wrapped tightly beneath her sides. Lewis did this, knowing that the size of his hands would be felt, which should reassure her if any reassurance was needed.

Rowena waited until the cold towel was in place, and then as Harriet’s nerve endings started
to spark with the contrast of hot and cold, the film star slid her finger, still covered with some of the heat-inducing gel, inside the other woman’s vagina.

Lewis reached out to stop her, but he was too late and suddenly Harriet was writhing uncontrollably, her legs jerking and her hips twisting as the stimulating gel spread warmth through her delicate internal tissue.

She was literally on fire for him now. Aroused beyond bearing by what Rowena had done, Harriet’s body couldn’t keep still and she heard herself crying out for Lewis to help her, to bring her to the climax that the gel had initiated but was unable to satisfy.

Rowena watched her PA as she begged Lewis to do something to help her climax, to touch her on her aching needy clitoris, and her own heart raced at the eroticism of the scene and the knowledge that she had been responsible for bringing Harriet to this state of abandonment.

Lewis watched Harriet’s straining body and knew that she would need something special to assuage the burning desire Rowena had aroused in her. Murmuring reassurances to his mistress he slipped out of his clothes and his eyes flicked towards the massage oil standing on his dressing table. Rowena understood what he meant and tiptoed to fetch it. Pouring it into her right hand she lavishly oiled his belly and thighs before letting her hands slide over his straining penis and testicles.

She oiled him cleverly, easing the lubrication around the rim of the glans, a movement which she knew he loved and which caused the glans to
turn an even deeper shade of purple as his excitement grew.

Harriet was still moaning, calling Lewis’s name and trying to reach for him. Lewis had to turn away from his wife’s ministrations before she caused him to ejaculate. Rowena felt a pang of disappointment when he moved but consoled herself with the thought that she would be able to watch him attempting to satisfy the desperate Harriet.

As Lewis turned Harriet on to her face she struggled against him. ‘I just want you inside me!’ she protested. ‘I don’t need any more stimulation.’ He ignored her, and when he slid the oiled lower half of his body backwards and forwards across her thighs and buttocks she caught her breath in surprise.

It was a wonderful sensation. His hard smooth body slipped to and fro in a gentle flowing movement and the stimulation was delicate yet intense. When he moved low on her his penis slipped between her parted legs and she felt it brush against her hungry sex.

At last he penetrated her, but so slowly that at first she couldn’t believe that was what he was doing. Then she realised that each penetration coincided with an upward glide of his body and all the time his hand was massaging her shoulders and the back of her neck.

Each liquid penetration eased the dreadful sensation of fiery need that had filled her and instead it was as though she was melting with the bliss of the contact.

When he turned her on to her back again she didn’t make any protest because she was now lost
in the exquisite gliding movements of their dance of love. Gently he pressed her knees towards her breasts, at the same time sliding his oiled penis back into her.

Harriet’s body felt ripe and lush to her, as though her whole being was changing because of what he was doing. She wanted it to go on forever.

Lewis started to rock his pelvis in slow rhythmic movements which aroused every nerve ending within her, and those nerve endings – already brought to fever pitch by Rowena’s gel – sent frantic messages to her brain that made her muscles coil and ripple, then start to tense as her climax began to approach. She could feel it building higher and higher and thrust against Lewis in an attempt to hurry the final explosion along, but he slowed her with hands and soft whispers. When she continued to move, he stopped and only began again once she was still.

From the end of the bed Rowena watched in trembling excitement. She’d never imagined Harriet capable of such passion. The sight of the other woman’s swollen straining body, of seeing her own husband glide over another woman in practised movements, all made her long for a climax of her own and without realising it she slipped her hand inside her blouse and started to fondle her breasts, pinching the already tight nipples between her fingers.

Finally Harriet’s body could wait no longer. Despite her own lack of movement, despite Lewis urging her to delay just a little longer, the pleasure started on its final upward spiral and her head moved restlessly against the pillows while a
delicate pink flush of arousal suffused her neck and breasts.

Finally Lewis allowed his pace to increase and his hips moved faster. Harriet stared into the midnight blackness caused by the mask and felt her entire body gather in on itself before seeming to shatter into a thousand pieces. Bright lights exploded behind her eyelids as her body was finally allowed to come.

‘There, wasn’t that good?’ whispered Lewis against her ear.

Exhausted, Harriet could only murmur something unintelligible and then she fell back to sleep, a sleep from which Lewis and Rowena had already aroused her once that night.

When he was certain she was asleep. Lewis left Harriet and walked across to his wife. He removed her hands from inside her blouse and smiled into her feverishly bright eyes. ‘Perhaps you’d better pay Chris a visit,’ he suggested. ‘I’m sure he was expecting you anyway.’

‘I want you,’ said Rowena, winding herself around him like a cat.

He pushed her firmly away. ‘Not tonight, Rowena. Tonight belongs to Harriet. Be grateful you were allowed to watch. It wasn’t meant to happen yet.’

‘She’ll never know. Take me here!’ urged Rowena, but Lewis refused and drew her out of his bedroom. He was well satisfied with the night’s events.

Chapter Seven

two nights Lewis spent hours in either Harriet’s or his own room, bringing her time and again to the heights of ecstasy she had come to expect from him, and every time she climaxed, every time he taught her something new, she was bound more closely to him. The fact that he was slowly being bound more closely to her was something Lewis chose to ignore. Then, on the Saturday, everything changed.

Harriet had been surprised to be invited to the dinner party, and had cancelled her planned evening with Ella because she didn’t want to miss the chance of a genuine film star’s party. Ella green with envy, had understood but demanded a full report in exchange for being let down.

‘I want to hear all about what Rowena wore, ate, drank and how she behaved,’ she told Harriet.

‘Of course. I’ll tell you about Lewis too.’

‘I’m sure you will,’ said Ella, who already had her suspicions about Harriet and the star’s husband.

When they finally sat down to dinner, Harriet found that she was seated next to a man called Mark who told her he was a scripwriter.

‘Have you worked on any big films?’ asked Harriet politely, keeping a careful eye on Lewis who was deep in animated conversation with a beautiful Eurasian girl.

‘Both of Lewis’s Oscar-winning hits. Not that they were the same kind of film as his next one, but the script was important. You can’t always rely on images to tell the whole story for you.’

‘I suppose not,’ said Harriet vaguely.

‘What do you do?’ enquired Mark, who thought she was a most unlikely dinner guest for Lewis and Rowena. She was very attractive, but didn’t seem to have any idea about the film industry.

‘I’m Rowena’s personal assistant,’ said Harriet. ‘She’s hired me for the time she’s over here. Sometimes I do work for Lewis as well.’

Mark stared at Harriet with a new found interest. ‘You mean, Rowena’s really taken on an attractive secretary?’

Harriet laughed. ‘I’m certainly a secretary! Why the surprise?’

Mark struggled to regain his composure. He couldn’t believe that he was thinking along the right lines. Surely even Lewis wouldn’t go to such extreme lengths in order to get the film right, but then again Lewis was known as a man who’d do anything for his art.

‘I supposed I expected her to have someone middle-aged and frumpy. Fragile ego, that sort of thing, you know how film stars are!’ he said lightly.

‘Actually I don’t,’ responded Harriet. ‘I’ve never had anything to do with films before, but I do admire Lewis a lot. He’s so well balanced.’ She glanced down the table at him as she spoke, and Mark could tell by the stiffening of her body that Lewis’s clear interest in the Eurasian girl upset her.

‘Are you engaged, married or fancy free?’ he asked casually, trying to find a way of confirming his growing suspicion about Harriet’s real role in the household, while at the same time hoping for her sake that he was wrong.

She laughed. ‘Entirely fancy free! I was engaged, but ended it just before I came to work here. This has been a new start for me.’

‘And you like it?’ queried Mark.

Harriet couldn’t help another fleeting look at Lewis. ‘Yes, it’s the best job I’ve ever had.’

‘You don’t find Rowena too demanding?’

‘Actually she’s been very kind. Quite often she’s busy helping Chris go through scripts and things like that, so once I’ve finished her work I type out letters for Lewis. If he hasn’t anything for me then I’m free to do what I like.’

At the memory of what that frequently entailed, Harriet’s cheeks were stained a delicate pink and Mark knew then with absolute certainty that he was right. Incredible as it seemed, Lewis was actually playing out his film in his own home. This explained the strange changes in script direction, the sudden alterations in the balance of power. It wasn’t that Lewis was having midnight brain storms, the man was simply telling Mark things that had happened.

The scriptwriter stared at Harriet through new
eyes. If she was really having an affair with Lewis then Rowena must know about it. Not only that but as far as he could remember there had been a time when Harriet must have caught Rowena and Lewis making love in his study. Looking at her it was hard to believe she would allow herself to be caught up in any kind of sexual triangle, but as he was well aware looks could be deceptive.

For a moment he felt like warning Harriet. She was clearly in love with Lewis, not simply having a good time with him, and although she thought she was in competition with Rowena there was no way she could ever guess the true complexity of the game she was so innocently playing.

‘Harriet,’ he said tentatively.

She smiled at him. ‘Yes?’

‘Do you think this is really the right job for you?’ he blurted out.

Stunned, Harriet stared at him in silence, trying to understand what he was saying.

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