Dark Secret (16 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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‘She’s missing you already,’ said Rowena.

‘Good; that means she’ll miss me even more by the end of the week. You and Chris have kept Friday night free?’ His wife nodded, and her belly stirred at the prospect of what lay ahead for them all.

That night, despite what had happened in the day, Harriet still lay awake hoping that Lewis would come to her, but he didn’t. She waited until two in the morning and then slept fitfully, her body – so well tutored in recent days – reluctant to rest without the sensual pleasures it was used to.

The next night Harriet used her hands to pleasure herself but although she gained physical release it wasn’t the same and afterwards she cried into her pillow. She’d tried to pretend her hands belonged to Lewis, had conjured up an image of him as her fingers teased her clitoris, but it hadn’t worked. The price of satisfaction was too high and she vowed not to attempt it again.

With every night that passed, Harriet became more and more short-tempered. Rowena, aware of what the younger woman was going through, pretended not to notice and was kindness itself. Lewis kept out of Harriet’s way, even taking his meals in his study under the pretext of work.

By the Friday night Harriet didn’t know what to
do. It seemed that Chris had been right in saying that Lewis never stayed constant to any woman for more than a short period, yet she was still certain that their intimacy had been more than physical. She longed for the courage to speak to him, to ask what had gone wrong, but on the few occasions that she’d had the chance her nerve always deserted her.

When she retired to bed she had a shower, then put her night light on and began to read a novel. Even the feel of the satin sheets against her skin worked as a reminder of her thwarted sensuality. Wriggling between them she recalled the way Lewis had dried her in a towel and then covered her in massage oil, and her toes curled at the memory.

When a light tap came at her door she decided she must have misheard. She’d ceased to expect Lewis any more. The tap was repeated, and this time the sound was unmistakable. ‘Who is it?’ she asked nervously.

‘Who do you think!’

At the familiar sound of Lewis’s voice Harriet was out of bed and opening the door in seconds, shamed by her own eagerness but unable to control it. She did at least manage to look surprised as she let him in. ‘What do you want, stranger?’ she queried lightly.

Lewis smiled down at her. ‘I haven’t come to read you a bedtime story!’

‘I’m reading to myself,’ she said, gesturing towards the open book on the bed.

‘Can’t you think of anything you’d rather do?’

She wished she had the strength of character to send him away, to say that he couldn’t play these
games with her, ignoring her for days at a time and then turning up as though nothing had happened, but her body needed him so badly that she rejected the thought at once. Besides, if she was to gain any kind of place in his affections then she knew instinctively that whining and complaining wouldn’t do it.

‘May I finish my chapter first?’ she asked sweetly.

If it hadn’t been for the rapid movements of the swell of her breasts, clearly visible above the lace of her nightdress, Lewis would have been inclined to believe her casual tone. As it was he admired her attitude, and felt a rush of affection for her. ‘As long as you take off your nightdress, sit cross-legged on the bed as you read and I’m allowed to watch you,’ he retorted.

‘You can watch,’ conceded Harriet, ‘but until I’ve finished you can’t touch.’

Realising she was serious Lewis had to sit at the foot of her bed and for the next five minutes endured the kind of physical frustration he’d forced on her for a week. He found that he didn’t like it at all. Finally Harriet closed the book and smiled sweetly at him. ‘I do like a good mystery! Now then, tell me what you had in mind.’

‘I want you to put these on,’ said Lewis, placing a cardboard box on Harriet’s bed. She opened it, pushed aside the layers of tissue paper and drew out a white suspender belt, white stockings and a flimsy white camisole top with holes for her nipples. ‘I like to see women partially clothed at first,’ he said by way of explanation. ‘It’s much sexier, don’t you think?’

Harriet was beyond thinking at all. She wanted
his hands on her as soon as possible, but she knew that he liked to extend lovemaking, that it was always prolonged and varied with him. Although she’d never worn a suspender belt before she found once the outfit was on and she’d paraded in front of her bedroom mirror that he was right, it did look extremely erotic.

Lewis stripped off all his clothes and then brought in the wooden chair from Harriet’s bathroom. He placed it in the middle of the floor and sat down on the padded seat, his erection already pointing upwards. ‘Come and sit on my lap,’ he murmured. ‘Face the mirror and lean back against me, that way we can watch ourselves at the same time.’

Obediently Harriet lowered herself across his thighs and she felt the silk stockings rubbing against his bare flesh. One of his hands glided over the the area of skin between her stocking top and hip bone while the other went round her upper body and spread itself over her left breast.

‘Look in the mirror,’ he urged her.

Harriet looked, and was startled by the expression of sensual abandon in her eyes as she pressed her back against his chest and spread her legs wide over him. Her naked vulva was damp with desire and when he began to massage her breast she started to tremble from head to toe at the blissful familiarity of his movements.

Her body, starved of attention for too long, leapt into life and Lewis knew that it was going to be difficult to do what he had to do unless he was very careful. Already Harriet was squirming against his legs and the flush of arousal stained her neck and chest. ‘Keep still,’ he whispered.
‘We’ve plenty of time.’

Harriet didn’t want to play the delaying game this time. Her body felt ready to burst with suppressed need and she had no intention of doing as Lewis said. She allowed the excitement to build and the exhilarating pre-orgasmic tingles darted through her vulva and lower belly so that she gave a groan of gratitude.

Lewis slid his right hand between her thighs and brushed his fingers over the tips of her curly pubic hair, allowing her only the faintest pressure. Harriet jerked upwards, desperate for greater stimulation but he moved his hand away again and the tendrils of desire that had begun to throb behind her pubic bone flickered briefly and then started to fade.

‘Lewis, hurry up!’ she begged him.

‘Look at yourself,’ he urged her. ‘Have you ever seen anything so wanton?’

Glancing in the mirror she saw that she looked totally different. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes huge and she was wriggling and rubbing against Lewis in a way that would have been unimaginable in her days with James, but she didn’t care. This was what she liked, what her body adored and this man was the one she knew she had to keep with her for ever.

‘Touch yourself,’ said Lewis, moving his right hand upwards in order to stimulate her breasts but leaving her lower body alone. Frantically Harriet obeyed, knowing that if her clitoris didn’t soon receive the stimulation it was screaming for, she’d go mad. Her fingers slid down the channel between her outer lips until they located the hard little button and as soon as contact was made her
legs began to stiffen.

Lewis felt her body tense and he kissed the side of her neck while his hands massaged her breasts through the camisole in a soft kneading motion, sometimes drifting down the sides and beneath her armpits to tantalise the highly sensitive flesh there.

Harriet was moaning now, but she wanted it to be Lewis who triggered her climax and so as her outer lips opened wide and wetness flooded her tissue she reached upwards for one of his hands.

He knew that she was right on the edge, that she needed only one more delicate brushing movement across the clitoris, one rotation of his hand on her lower belly and she would be there but this was the very thing she couldn’t have, not if the plan was to work.

To Harriet’s astonishment he caught her hand and held it tight, then his left hand grabbed her left wrist and he stood up so unexpectedly that she would have fallen forward if he hadn’t kept a tight hold on her wrists.

Shocked she stared at them both in the mirror. He tall and suddenly stern-looking, she struggling against what was happening while her aroused flesh screamed for relief.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked in bewilderment. ‘I was about to come!’

He smiled at her in the mirror. ‘Wouldn’t you like to share your pleasure?’

‘Share it?’ she asked stupidly.

‘Why don’t we let Rowena and Chris watch?’ he suggested softly, his lips warm against the nape of her neck.

Harriet tried to wrench herself free. ‘No!’ she
protested vehemently. ‘I just want you.’

He sighed. ‘Then we’ll have to take a break and start again a little later.


‘Because I’d been looking forward to letting them see us together. If we’re not going to, I might have some trouble satisfying you just yet.’

Harriet was bewildered. She could tell how excited he was by the rock hard erection nudging against her. That was proof enough of his desire — he couldn’t possibly need a rest.

‘Don’t do this, Lewis,’ she begged him, attempting to turn and press her aching flesh against his naked body. ‘Please, I need you now.’

He let his mouth continue kissing the top of her spine but at the same time drew her hands behind her back and then imprisoned her wrists in one of his large hands. The movement meant that her breasts, so swollen and hard from his touch, were jutted forward yet more proudly and she could see her nipples standing out through the holes in the camisole.

‘Let’s join them,’ he whispered again as she shivered beneath the teasing lightness of his mouth aginst her vertebrae. ‘Think how Rowena will envy you. Besides, it will be a new experience for you. I thought you wanted new experiences.’

Harriet tried to think straight, but it was difficult when her body was throbbing and tight with its own needs, and after being deprived of Lewis for several days all she could think about was the totally consuming pleasure he would bring her.

‘I don’t know,’ she said hesitantly.

In the mirror she saw him lift his head and
frown. ‘You could have stayed safely with your fiancé, or secure in your old job if you hadn’t wanted to expand your horizons,’ he pointed out. Then he dropped his voice. ‘I want them to see us,’ he said persuasively. ‘Rowena will be stunned when she sees us together.’

It was this which convinced Harriet, together with the incessant urging of her body. She wanted Rowena to witness her and Lewis making love. The prospect of his wife being forced to witness the way their bodies responded to each other was unbearably exciting and to Lewis’s relief she finally nodded. ‘Yes,’ she said softly. ‘I want them to see us too.’

She expected him to suggest they changed rooms but instead he simply went to the door and opened it. Rowena and Chris walked in. At that moment Harriet realised that the idea hadn’t been a sudden one, but a carefully plotted plan and that he had always known she would accede to his wishes.

Rowena smiled at the younger woman. She was wearing a short shocking pink A-line skirt with a fitted black and pink short-sleeved top and her legs were encased in black stockings with a long seam down the back which, coupled with her black stiletto shoes, made a very sexy combination.

Chris looked as though he’d come from working out in a gym. His casual long-sleeved cotton top and tracksuit bottom seemed incongruous next to Lewis’s nakedness, but almost as soon as he was in the room he stripped them off to reveal his naked chest, covered in tight fair curls, and beneath his trousers he was wearing a pair of tight-fitting black briefs.

‘You look very attractive, Harriet,’ said Rowena huskily. Lewis’s hands tightened round Harriet so that his wife could examine her at her leisure. Harriet tensed against him. This wasn’t what she’d expected. She’d thought that Rowena and Chris would simply watch, not touch her themselves.

The film star ran her hands up beneath the flimsy camisole, drawing a delicate line along each of the ribs in turn. Then she withdrew her hands and looked at the nipples now sticking out through the holes in the top. With a soft laugh she moved her head and her tongue flicked at each of them in turn, sending tiny vibrations through the other woman’s breasts.

Helpless, Harriet squirmed and despite her shock she felt her arousal growing again. Rowena ran a finger beneath the top of the suspender belt and the stomach muscles contracted beneath her touch. Lifting the lower lacey edge she let her tongue dip into the quaking belly button and at this Harriet’s body jerked, pushing her hips forward.

Rowena’s eyes were bright. ‘She’s certainly very responsive,’ she murmured, turning to her half-brother.

Chris, who’d been standing at a distance watching, moved to Rowena’s side and they kissed each other lightly on the lips before looking back at Harriet. ‘I knew she would be,’ said Chris. ‘I think we’re all in for a very exciting night.’

Chapter Eight

her have an orgasm before we begin in earnest?’ asked Lewis, his arms wrapped round Harriet’s upper body, pinning her arms to her sides.

Rowena looked thoughtfully at the girl. ‘I think so. It should make what follows easier.’

‘If I keep hold of her then you can use your skills,’ said Lewis.

‘I want you to do it,’ protested Harriet, determined not to keep silent despite the unexpected turn of events.

‘I’m afraid that tonight what you want isn’t our paramount consideration,’ said Rowena. ‘Lewis has kept you more than satisfied in that direction. Tonight we want to see just how far you can be taken.’

‘Why?’ asked Harriet, shocked at the casual amusement in her employer’s voice.

‘Because it will be fun. Besides, Lewis seems to think you’re something special. Chris and I want to see if it’s true.’

Lewis’s grip tightened for a moment and he
made soothing sounds to comfort Harriet but some of her fear was already dissipating. If this was a challenge, if Rowena wanted to see whether Harriet was capable of holding a man like Lewis for any length of time, then she would show her that she could.

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