Darque Wants (17 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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“So that you have to stay.” Dustin voiced what she was obviously avoiding.

“Possibly, I don’t know.”

“When are you leaving?”

“There’s a bus out in the morning.”

“Where are you staying tonight?”

“I was going to stay at the bus stop, at least I won’t miss the bus.”

“You eaten yet?” he asked.

She shook her head.

He reached for his keys, “Come, we’ll get something, you can leave your backpack here. We’ve got a spare bunk, it’s safer than the bus stop.”

“Thanks,” she said and handed him her backpack.

He pulled out his phone and went through a series of numbers before finally settling on one.

“Gareth?” She asked

He shook his head, “Taxi. There’s a diner couple of miles up the road, I best text Gareth and tell him the rig’s locked.”

They waited for the taxi, neither saying much, and as soon as it arrived he gave the driver the address, and held the door for her.

Settling next to her he realized that they had never really gone anywhere during his time in Vegas, they had spent most of their available time in bed. He had no idea what she liked.

“You looking forward to going home?”

“Not really,

“You gonna be okay?”

“Yes there’s always something at one of the yards, this might even make it easier to get a better paying gig. “

“Why don’t you apply to some breeders, maybe not in Nevada, but there are plenty of good ones in Kentucky or Montana.”

“I’ll have a look. You’re not looking for someone.”

Dustin shook his head, “No, I can’t take on any more staff.”

The air suddenly grew heavy, neither having before needed to make conversation. They arrived at the diner and settled in a booth. The tables were clean and the staff neatly dressed, and for the smell the food wouldn’t be too greasy. It was still early so the diner was not overly busy.

A teenage waitress appeared at their table, smiling, as she looked from to the other. “Horsey folks. You wanna menu or you just wanna order?”

“I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries, a beer and some cheesecake with cream,” Dustin said before turning to Marcella, “And the lady will have?”

Marcella simply lifted her and to indicate that she was fine.

“The lady will have the same.”

The girl jotted down the order before asking, “take away or eat in?”

“Eat in.”

“Burgers will be ready in about fifteen, you want your beer now?”


As the waitress disappeared Marcella moved closer, “You don’t have to buy me dinner.”

Dustin met her gaze and then reached out over the table, his had squeezing her forearm, for some reason he needed to touch her, just confirm that it was her sitting across from him. “You haven’t eaten, and it is a long trip to Vegas. I know you, you’ll be close to fainting when you get home. Besides, I don’t like eating alone in restaurants, so it’s the least I could do.”

He liked touching her, always had, his thumb brushed her shirt, although he knew what the skin underneath felt like. Her gaze lowered to his hand although he couldn’t remove it he liked the way it felt, made him feel, and the fact that she could be influencing it no longer bothered him. 

Their waitress returned with their beers, which caused him to pull back. Immediately he the longed for the contact, wanted to reestablish it, although he turned to the waitress and thanked her.

He took a swig from his beer, the cold liquid welcoming, but remained silent.

A few moments later their waitress returned, seeming uncertain as she spoke, “Um, the little boy over there asked for your autograph. Gave me this to give to you.” She handed him a magazine, with a picture of Calico on the cover.

“Where?” Dustin asked and then looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a young boy peeking over the back of the booth.

The waitress handed him her pen as Dustan again turned to look at her, “Tell him to come over.”

“Okay,” the waitress cheerfully said, and left.

“Why?” Marcella asked, surprised.

“Can’t do an autograph if I don’t know the kid’s name.”

Several moment later a young boy stood next to them, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.  Dustin asked him several questions, which the boy willingly answered, some at length, before Dustin signed his magazine and handed it back.

“You’re good with kids.” Marcella approved, just as their waitress returned with their meal. 

“I wouldn’t say that,” Dustin said, sitting back to allow heir waitress to place the food on the table.  “I’ll bring the cheesecake in a while.”

“No, I mean it you take time to talk to them, the others don’t.”

“I live by the motto, treat others the way you would want to be treated. We cannot expect children to show consideration for others, if none is shown them.”

Marcella nodded and started on her meal.

“You know there is something I was meaning to ask you,” Dustin started.

“What’s that?”

“Today, with Calico, why didn’t you, I mean it would have been easy for you to turn things in your favor.”

Marcella smiled and shook her head, “That’s not how it works.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can sense things, improve things, enhance them even, but I cannot make something worse or weaken it. I mean who would want to. At best I can block a response to certain stimuli or soothe a horse and prevent it from fizzing, even make it focus, but I can’t make it under perform, that’s not how it works.  It means in some ways I have an advantage in the lower ranks, but against truly talented horses and riders, I’m about equal.”

“And with men?’ he snuck in the question.

She looked down at her plate, “I don’t use it on them, they’re too wrapped up in their own needs, their own pleasure.”

He wanted to ask her about Vegas but didn’t know if it would be appropriate.

“Well other than you. I don’t know maybe it was just the way you approach things, the way you expect the best,” her voice lowered as she continued, “The way you give your best, your all in what you do. There’s no half-measures with you. It’s addictive.”  

He swallowed at that, his cock stirring in his pants, it had never been difficult to commit himself to the moment, not with her. His heart sped up and his throat became parched. His hands momentarily tightened, as he tried to maintain an easy air. He knew he would have to change the subject and quickly if he were to maintain any semblance of decorum. Her future plans were out, they had already covered that. He instead settled for humor.

“I doubt I’d make a good drug.”

She nodded and continued with her meal.

“So what was the weirdest experience you’ve ever had with horses?”  

She smiled and answered him causing him to erupt in laughter as she, animatedly, explained the first day she’d realized her power. He enjoyed her company, the fact that she seemed unguarded around him, laughing freely at his own tales.

As they returned in the taxi, her scent became consuming, her presence enticing. The temptation to reach out to touch her, to reclaim that which he already knew, was already familiar with, overwhelming. Yearnings that increased the closer they came to the fairgrounds, for never in his life had a ten-minute drive felt so long.

They returned to the rig, and as he unlocked the door he wondered how he would make it through an entire evening with her within reach. He could not afford the indulgence, the pleasure her body brought him, he still bore the scars of the previous time. They entered the living area, the confined space only making it seem worse.

He pointed to a bunk, and hoarsely said, “You can have that one.”

“Thanks,” she replied and turned away from him.

He fought the desire to step closer to her, to swing her around and indulge, bask in the pleasures her body provided.   

“Marcella,” he softly spoke her name, causing her to turn towards him, he gestured with his hands, “Your not, you know, now?”

She tilted her head too the side, and he fought the desire to step forward and kiss the skin of her neck, to again taste and familiarize himself with it. But then shook her head, “I’d have to be touching you.”

“Then this,” he started, but grew silent not knowing what to say to her, although he knew she already knew.

“This is how it is, how it was last time.” She said coming closer, “We didn’t need help, it just made it more intense.”

He suddenly felt incapable of talking, his throat thick, his heart racing. He reached forwards, cupping her face in his hands as he closed the distance. “We shouldn’t,” he breathed against her lips.

“Why not?” she whispered back.

He couldn’t think of a reason, his desire for her too great, his body unwilling to listen to his mind’s reasoning, so he did the only thing that made sense. He kissed her.

She stepped closer, pressing against him as he depend the kiss, her fingers running through his hair as he nipped at her lips. They parted and he gained access, tasting her, drinking her in like a starved man. His hands lowering, circling her waist, to pull her closer, his hips pressing into her, needing to convey his need.

They broke apart breathing hard, his hands traced up and down her back his head pressing into her shoulder, needing a moment to consider what they were doing. 

That’s when he felt it, the tingling that erupted over his skin wherever she touched him. He closed his eyes, basking in the sensations as they started to consume him, spreading from her touch.

“I want you, need you,” she whispered against his neck, just below his ear.  

He wanted to resist, knew that he should, it again seemed like too much, too quickly, “Marcella.”

“Shh, just let me,” Her hand moved down, brushed over his hardening cock, lightly tracing his over the material covering it. “Just enjoy it. My touch, focus on it.”

He felt his eyes drift shut as she continued to touch and stroke him through his jeans. His hips pressed into her touch. His hands shifted down to grip her buttocks, to pull her closer still, trapping her hand between them as he gasped for breath, his hips undulating, pressing against her.

“Too long,” he husked against her neck, his one hand moving to her back pulling her closer, “Closer, need closer.” He husked as he again took her lips his hands tugging at her shirt, pulling it from her denims. Her hand moved from his cock, and started on his belt.

Moments later he grunted in frustration his head again pressed against her shoulder. 

She stepped back causing him to look at her, his heart swelling at the sight of her swollen lips her obvious desire. “Lose ‘em cowboy,” she challenged him, her voice soft hoarse, the one that could challenge him to anything.

He kicked off his boots, pulled his flannel shirt and t-shirt over his head, before loosening his belt and carefully working his cock out. He was hard, swollen. It stood tall as he stepped free from his jeans. Her own landed on the floor and she took a moment longer to strip her shirt and loosen her bra.

Before again looking at him, unabashedly taking the sight of him, her gaze lowering to his cock that jerked as she looked at it. She looked up at him, stepping closer, her one hand reaching for him, her fingers wrapping round the girth of him as she pressed against him, her warm skin close against his, her touch mind numbing.

“I see you’ve looked after my friend,” She husked against his ear, “Mind if I reacquaint myself with him?”   

“No,” he gasped enjoying her touch, soft, firm encouraging teasing all in one. He let out a longing moan as her hand slipped lower, cupping his balls, playing with them squeezing them, and then his chest felt cold her heat gone. He opened his eyes bewilderedly looking for her to see her kneeling before him her hot breath blowing over him. Moments before her tongue brushed over him, the warm wet trail had his eyes fall shut and a moan escaped his lips as his head fell back his hand falling to her head. He wanted it all, wanted to savor it all, wanted her, wanted to make it last. Her lips traced round his cock before she took it into her mouth. He fought the urge to push it deeper all the way, she kept the pace frustratingly slow. His hand gripped her shoulder wanting to convey to her that he needed more, faster. He could not breathe, the sensations too consuming.  

She pulled back, letting him fall from her lips and for a moment he could breathe again. 

She stood, her eyes locking with his, before she nudged with her head, “Lie down cowboy, I wanna ride my stud.”

His legs weakened at that, he knew how well she could ride him turn and his mind to mush.

He pulled her closer, the routine familiar, “Not as badly as I want to fuck my filly.”

“Later, first I’m gonna ride my stud like an express pony, he’s too hard to properly fuck the filly.”

Her words could get to him, tease him, and make him agree to anything, although she had a point, he would last longer if he let her ride him. He pulled her with him to the larger bunk, sat down on it intent on moving back when she already straddled his lap her thighs already pressing against his. She held her breast for him reaching down to his cock. His tongue traced the nipple, moments before he felt her sink onto him, his lips sealed over the nipple sucking it hard as she impaled herself on him, the familiar grunt filling the air moments before he released her nipple his own moan joining hers.

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