Dead Irish

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Authors: John Lescroart

BOOK: Dead Irish
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The first novel in the Dismas Hardy series—by the
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Oath, The First Law,
The Second Chair.


In his new life as a bartender at the Little Shamrock, Dismas Hardy is just hoping for a little peace. He’s left both the police force and his law career behind. Unfortunately it’s not as easy to leave behind the memory of a shattering personal loss—but for the time being, he can always take the edge off with a stiff drink and a round of darts.

But when the news of Eddie Cochran’s death reaches him, Hardy is propelled back into all the things he was trying to escape—and forced to untangle a web of old secrets and raw passions, for the sake of Eddie’s pregnant widow, Frannie, and for the others whose lives may still be at risk. . . .


“Possessed of a singular writer’s instinct, Lescroart . . . produces a full-bodied, substantive, and stylistic effort of the first order.”

Library Journal

“Full of the things I like. . . . Lescroart’s a pro.”

—Jonathan Kellerman


“A beautifully written San Francisco murder story with perfect-pitch dialogue.”


“The killer proves to be as fascinating a personality as Hardy himself.”

Publishers Weekly

“With John Lescroart’s polished writing,
Dead Irish
becomes more than a mystery novel with a bartender as detective. With razored precision, characters stand out, flawed and human. . . . Chilling in its intensity, this is an ingenious tale of many different kinds of people.”

Pasadena Star-News

Praise for the Novels of John Lescroart

The Second Chair


“Lescroart gives his ever-growing readership another spellbinder to savor.”

Library Journal

“Lescroart plays out clues with the patience and cunning of a master fly fisherman.”

The Orlando Sentinel


Entertainment Weekly

“A sociological take on the justice system—every motive is carefully nuanced, every player rooted in social reality.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Under Lescroart’s assured hand, this perfectly paced tale of legal procedure and big-city politics keeps us turning pages, even when it’s time to turn in at night.”



The First Law

“With his latest, Lescroart again lands in the top tier of crime fiction.”

Publishers Weekly


The Oath






The Hearing


—Larry King,
USA Today


San Jose Mercury News


Nothing but the Truth


Chicago Tribune

“A rousing courtroom showdown.”

Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)


The Mercy Rule


—Nelson DeMille


“Readers of
The 13th Juror
will already be off reading this book, not this review. Join them.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer



OVER A WEEKEND. . . . If you start during the workweek, you will be up very, very late, and your pleasure will be tainted with, well, guilt.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer

“A well-paced legal thriller . . . one of the best in this flourishing genre to come along in a while.”

The Washington Post Book World


A Certain Justice

“A West Coast take on
The Bonfire of the Vanities
. . . richly satisfying.”

Kirkus Reviews

“A gifted writer with a distinctive voice. I read him with great pleasure.”

—Richard North Patterson


The 13th Juror

“FAST-PACED . . . sustains interest to the very end.”

The Wall Street Journal


Hard Evidence

“ENGROSSING . . . compulsively readable, a dense and involving saga of big-city crime and punishment.”

San Francisco Chronicle

Also by John Lescroart

The Suspect
The Hunt Club
The Motive
The Second Chair
The First Law
The Oath
The Hearing
Nothing but the Truth
The Mercy Rule
A Certain Justice
The 13th Juror
Hard Evidence
The Vig
Rasputin’s Revenge
Son of Holmes


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Published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Published by arrangement with the author. Previously published in Donald I. Fine, Dell, and Island editions.


First Signet Printing, February 2005

eISBN : 978-1-101-53195-2

Copyright © John Lescroart, 1989

Excerpt from
copyright © The Lescroart Corporation, 2008

All rights reserved





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