Death at the Alma Mater

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Authors: G. M. Malliet

Tags: #soft-boiled, #mystery, #murder mystery, #fiction, #cozy, #amateur sleuth, #mystery novels, #murder

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Death at the Alma Mater
© 2010 by G. M. Malliet.

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First e-book edition © 2010

E-book ISBN: 9780738722900

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For Bill


I would like to thank the following people for their graciousness in allowing me to make calls on their time and their invaluable expertise:

Leslie Dunn

Andrew Peden

Stephen Redburn

Dale Steventon

My special thanks go to expert Thomas Edwards for his thoughtful review and commentary on the parts of this story pertaining to rowing and sculling. As always, any mistakes are entirely my own.

Author’s Note

While the University of Cambridge, England, of course exists, St. Michael’s College does not. I have randomly placed St. Mike’s on a make-believe plot of land backing onto the River Cam, and preempted the architectural features of several famous colleges to serve the needs of St. Mike’s and of my narrative.

All members and staff of this imaginary college are likewise figments of my imagination.

Character List

Dr. D.X.L. Marburger—
Master of St. Michael’s College, University of Cambridge, England. His best-laid plans to replenish the college’s dwindling coffers are rapidly undone by murder.

Mr. Bowles—
College Bursar. A canny man with an uncanny eye for the bottom line.

The Reverend Dr. Otis—
College Dean. A wooly-headed lamb among the wolves?

James Bassett—
Knighted for his services to literature, Sir James is less than gallant when his former wife joins the weekend’s festivities.

India Bassett née Burrows—
Lady Bassett has never been the jealous type, but this weekend may test her limits.

Alexandra (Lexy) Laurant—
She may still carry a torch for her ex-husband, but everyone wonders: What exactly does she plan to do with it?

Gwennap Pengelly—
A celebrity crime reporter, she’ll do anything to get the scoop.

Hermione Jax—
An academic who revels in her reputation as a bluestocking of high moral standards and long memory.

Constance Dunning—
An American who complains about everything. Murder ruining her holiday is simply the last straw.

Karl Dunning—
Constance’s financier husband, necessarily a man of infinite patience—or is he?

Augie Cramb—
An American dot-com millionaire and St. Michael’s alumnus, he has old, and often fond, memories of his college days.

Sebastian Burrows—
A golden lad with little use for the weekend’s visitors, especially since they include his parents.

Saffron Sellers—
Sebastian’s girlfriend. A hardworking undergraduate, has she learned too much for her own good?

Portia De’Ath—
St. Just’s inamorata. Once again, her fine romance takes a back seat to murder.

Geraldo Valentiano—
A millionaire playboy with little interest in the victims he often leaves behind.

Detective Chief Inspector Arthur St. Just—
As usual, he’s called in for a case that requires unusually delicate handling.

Sergeant Garwin Fear, Dr. Malenfant, and Constable Brummond—
DCI St. Just’s assistants in solving the most baffling of crimes.

William Trinity—
The college’s Head Porter.

Mary Goose—
College chef.

Kurokawa Masaki—
A brilliant student with his head always in the clouds, but he notices more than he lets on.

Jason Wright—
Rowing coach.

Marigold Arkwright—
College bedder.

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