Deceived (13 page)

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Authors: Camilla Isles

BOOK: Deceived
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Chapter Eight



Zach got the call about 4 hours after letting Lexi go. It was the call he’d been waiting for--to find out the name of the person who killed his brother. Zach had a man on the inside of the KOBMC who he was paying for information. That is how he knew where to ambush the supply run.


Getting the money together to come up with the info on his brother was much harder. The informer wanted big bucks for that intel and it took Zach a month to come up with that kind of cash, even selling his own beloved Harley. But it was worth it to find out who the person was who had killed his brother.


The information chilled Zach to the bone. He couldn’t believe that not only his brother but also several other members of the Hell Hounds had been taken out by a skinny cunt. At first, he didn’t believe it, but then it made sense. Zane had carved the club‘s initials on her face, and she was taught how to use firearms. It’s possible she could take them out, especially if caught unaware.

The next bit of news made Zach smile. The cunt had just left with her KOB boyfriend. Zach could kill two birds with one stone.







Dog’s red and black Harley roared down the freeway. He didn’t know how Eli kept it together so well, especially with Zach kidnapping Lexi. Even though she was all right, except for some raw nerves, she was pregnant and it could have ended badly.


He worried about Rose. She had already undergone a brutal episode in her young life and all he wanted to do was take care of her. He’d bought an engagement ring with the money he’d been saving up. It still wasn’t as big a diamond as he would have liked, but maybe someday, he could buy her another one on their 10-year anniversary. Normally Dog wasn’t the romantic type, but Rose had changed him. She was tough as nails to the outside world, but a soft and warm soul underneath.


Dog felt the arms around his waist tighten as he zoomed down the four-lane highway. It was rush hour and the freeway was busy, but he glided easily side by side between the vehicles. He didn’t hear the roar of three bikes as they approached behind them for the noise from his own Harley. Dog was usually alert, but this evening he had other things on his mind, like making Rose a nice dinner and then sliding that engagement ring on her finger. Fortunately, his last thought was of Rose and her silky skin and how smooth it felt on his lips. When the back tire of Dog’s bike blew from the gun blast, it sent the Harley into the opposite lanes of traffic where a semi tractor-trailer rolled over the top of the bike. Sparks flew as the bike became lodged under the semi until the driver could bring it to a stop. The busted and battered bodies lay on the roadway a mile back from the stopped semi. Several other vehicles had also ridden over the bodies, unable to stop in time before hitting them. One driver mentioned
I doubt they ever knew what hit them







Eli and Lexi both sat in the large soaking tub together, with Lexi lying in Eli’s arms. Candles were lit and the calm ambiance settled Lexi’s nerves to the point she was softly snoring. Eli loved her little snoring sounds, which had only come along in the last month as her tummy swelled. He stroked her arms and stomach. He loved her so much and the thought of Zach having her in his clutches sent a river of rage through his being. But he fought it. Not tonight. Tonight he just wanted to hold his love and bring her comfort. That was all.


Eli heard his cell phone ring, but he wasn’t about to disturb Lexi and get it. Whatever it was, it would have to wait.







Chapter Nine



Blaze stopped by the burger joint and picked up dinner on his way home besides making a few other stops on the way. It was late and he didn’t want Alice to have to cook dinner for them. He was surprised when he entered a dark house. Blaze figured Alice would be here by now, but he wasn’t worried.


He sat down at the kitchen table and took a bite out of his hamburger. He wondered how the club was going to take care of the Hell Hounds. This shit had to stop before anyone else from his family got hurt. When his cell phone rang, he had just finished his burger and fries. The number flashing on the phone was familiar but not one that showed up very often. It was one of the cops on the take from the club.


Now what
, Blaze thought. He answered the phone and listened to the man on the other end. His face paled and he blurt out “I’ll be right there.” His world was crashing and he didn’t know how to stop it.






Rose was filling in behind the bar at Chancey’s Tavern. Before Dog and Rose took off for the evening, he had fallen sick and asked to go home. Rose said she’d fill in until his replacement came in a few hours. Alice then asked Dog if he’d mind dropping her off at the house since she’d had a long day. While none of the parties involved thought anything of the switch, the repercussions would reverberate through the club for years to come.


Journey and Laser sat at one of the tables in the Tavern going over the day’s events and the upcoming church meeting scheduled for tomorrow, when a patron walked out of the men’s room and walked up to them.


“I think Hawk left his cell phone on the sink,” he said holding the phone.


“How do you know its Hawk’s?” Journey asked.


“It’s got that stupid gold cover on the back with his initials.”


“Oh yeah…well just leave it with us. We’ll get it back to him.”


“Could send his girlfriend a pic of your cock…tell her it’s what’s waiting for her at the end of her shift tonight.” Journey said, chuckling as scanned through the phone.


The smile dropped from his face when he came upon several names. Hawk had two names of the Hell Hounds listed in his contacts and one stood out…Zach Taylor.


“What the fuck,” Journey muttered.


“What?” Laser asked downing the rest of his beer.


“It ain’t good,” Journey answered. “I need to get a hold of Eli.”






Chapter Ten



Blaze was accompanied into the morgue by the police officer who called him earlier. The two bodies lay beside one another on separate metal beds. The woman behind the glass window pulled back the covers to reveal the faces of both bodies.


Blaze sucked in a breath as he looked on the face of his one beloved, Alice. Her face was bruised and swollen but still beautiful in Blaze’s eyes. He looked over at Dog, whose face and head were battered almost beyond recognition, an effect pavement can take when tender skin and bone are smashed against it with enough velocity. But he could tell it was Dog and he nodded to the officer that they were his wife Alice and his friend.


The officer asked if he wanted him to take him home and Blaze shook his head. He was headed to the Tavern.


Once Blaze arrived at Chancey’s, Laser grabbed his arm and told him to come to one of the offices in the warehouse where Journey now held Hawk.


As they walked back to the warehouse Laser looked at Blaze’s face and remarked, “Damn Blaze, you look like shit.”


“Alice and Dog are dead,” he said. Laser looked stunned. “What?”


“They were shot at by the Hell Hounds on their way down the freeway. Blew out his back tire causing him to lose control and spin into oncoming traffic.” At least that’s what witnesses told police and the officer told Blaze.


Blaze was unusually calm, but Laser knew he was boiling under the surface. Laser walked into the office first followed by Blaze. Hawk was sitting in the office chair behind the desk with Journey holding a gun on him.


“What’s going on?” Blaze asked.


“We found our snitch,” Journey answered. “It seems Hawk has some interesting contacts in his phone.” Journey tossed the phone to Blaze. After looking at the names of the contacts, he lunges over the desk, grabs Hawk, and pulls him across it.


“You son of a bitch! They killed Alice!” Blaze yelled in his face.


Journey looked stunned and looked at Laser who nodded his head.


“What?!How?” Hawk sputtered as Blaze pulled his collar tighter around his neck. Suddenly it hit him and he pushed Hawk back onto the desk.


“Now I get it. It was supposed to be Rose with Dog tonight. You told Zach that is was Rose who killed his brother and then called when Dog left the club. What you didn’t know was, Rose didn’t leave with Dog, Alice did!”


“Holy shit!” Journey said as he pointed the gun at the top of Hawk’s head.


“How much blood money did you get Hawk?” Blaze yelled. “I want to know how much it took for you to sell out the club!”


Hawk couldn’t speak because Blaze was choking him to death. Suddenly Blaze let go and pushed Hawk away from him. Blaze grabbed Hawk’s phone and handed it to him. Hawk sat partially on the desk chugging air and rubbing his neck.


“Take it fucker. You’re making a phone call,” Blaze said.






Zach’s men filled him in on what happened to Dog and who they thought was Rose. Zach was happy. The bitch who killed his brother was now dead herself. He didn’t think the day could get much better until his cell phone rang and it was Hawk.


“If you want to take out Eli and his top men, I can tell you where they’ll be picking up a supply tonight. You can pick them off and then take the goods,” Hawk answered.


“I can’t pay you,” Zach answered. “The Rose information tapped me out.”


“Doesn’t matter. With Eli, his VP, and top men gone I can take over the club. That’s been my mission all along,” Hawk said.


“Works for me,” Zach said. “Give me the intel.”

Hawk explained the time and location for the drop. He told them to get there a good hour before in case the supply truck ran early. Zach agreed and hung up the phone to gather his men.


Hawk hung up and gave the phone to Blaze. “Is that it?” Hawk asked.


“No, but this is,” Blaze said as he shot Hawk between the eyes.






Zach brought all of the Hell Hounds with him this night. He wanted them all to see how he was going to take down the entire KOBMC. He motioned for his men to pull their bikes around to the back of the abandoned barn that Hawk had told him was the next meeting spot with the supplier. He had no reason not to trust Hawk. Most of the intel coming from Hawk had been correct, except for not telling him Eli’s wife was pregnant, but he wasn’t going to complain. This major piece of information wasn’t going to cost him anything since Hawk wanted the main members of the club taken out as much as Zach did.


His men pulled to the back of the barn and shut off their bikes. A lone security light illuminated the outside, allowing them to see their way to the barn door. However, before they could reach it gunfire rained down on top of them from above. Laser and Journey stood at the hay barn window and showered bullets on the Hell Hounds. The few Hounds, including Zach, ran for cover away from the security light and the advantage it gave the KOB. But before they could, the barn door opened and more gunfire swept through the remaining Hounds. Blaze and two other club members walked to where the Hounds lay. Journey and Laser ran up behind them. If any of them moved, the KOB fired off another round into their bodies. Finally, Blaze walked up to Zach who was still writhing on the ground.


“I wanted to put a bullet in your head like I did Hawk, but I’ve saved that for someone else,” Blaze said to Zach.


At that moment, the men parted ways and a slender girl walked through and stood by Blaze.


“You thought you killed your brother’s killer, but you’re didn’t because here she stands.”


Zach looked at the thin girl, unable to process that she was the one who killed Zane. How could someone so scrawny have murdered his brother?


“Now she’s going to kill you as well,” Blaze said.


Rose took the gun and lowered it. Zach had already been shot in the shoulder and leg and lay bleeding. Rose wanted him to suffer. She had been told what happened to Dog and Alice a few hours ago. She’d cried until her eyes ran dry. But she was determined to avenge her lover’s death. He had been the father of her unborn child, and now he was gone. She reflected that maybe she had a hand in Dog and Alice’s demise since it was she that had killed Zach’s brother. Maybe someday she’d try and sort it all out, but not now. Now it was time to get down to business.


Rose pointed the gun at Zach’s stomach and pulled the trigger. Blood gushed from the wound in his gut and he howled in pain.


“Let him bleed to death,” Rose said. And they did.


The KOB gathered up the Hounds bikes in their utility vans and threw the bodies in a mass grave in the refuge where the animals would pick at their bones. The Hell Hounds were no more, and that was how the KOBMC wanted it.




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