Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Caveman Love 3


Sin isn’t the bad boy his name implies, but when he is near sexy, young Em, he has a hard time controlling his body. She makes him feel very sinful. His problem with Em is she is not quite mating age, and her father would kill him if he catches the two together.

Soon, a volcanic eruption sends the clan running for their lives. With death threatening, Sin takes advantage of Em’s father’s distraction one night to mate with a more-than-willing Em. When Em’s father finds out they’ve mated, he beats her. Sin rescues Em, throws her father to the ground and claims her for life.

The eruption kills most of the clan, but Sin has found a high cave with a route through the mountain to a new valley. He leads Em, his best friend, Let, and Let’s mate, Ria, to safety where they begin a new life.

Historical, Interracial
21,523 words


Caveman Love 3

Cherie Denis


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 by Cherie Denis

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-120-1

First E-book Publication: January 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Letter from Cherie Denis

Regarding E-book Piracy

Dear Readers,

It is a harsh reality there are people out there pirating the works of this and many other authors.

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With deep gratitude,

Cherie Denis


This book is dedicated to my editors.

I’ve taken 4 classes in punctuation and got As in all 4 classes, but without my editors I’d still be in punctuation hell.

Thank you all so much.



Caveman Love 3


Copyright © 2011

His foot slipped on the shale, and a piece flew out, barely missing his brother-friend, Lef. “Sorry,” Sin mumbled, scrabbling for a better finger hold. Another rock shot out from under his foot.

Lef grumbled, “Slow down, Sin. You are getting dirt in my eyes.”

“We are late. We must hurry, or we will not get back to the cave before Tec leaves the sky.”

“It is your fault we are late,” Lef was quick to remind Sin. “If you had not wanted to stop and watch Em and Ria bathe, we would have had lots of time.”

Sin shrugged his shoulders. “You are right, my brother. I will not argue with you since it is the truth.” He turned and stared down at Lef. “Admit it, my friend. You wanted to watch them also.”

Lef’s full lips curved in a broad grin. “Yes. You are right. It was worth wasting time to watch them. They are both so beautiful.”

Sin dug his long, thin fingers into the loose rock and pulled himself up to the next outcrop. Here, it was hotter, and the wind tore at his hair. He rubbed his face on his bare shoulder. The sweat rolling down his forehead burned his eyes and made it almost impossible to see.

Sin pushed with his bare feet and in moments was seated on a narrow ledge. “Hurry up, Lef.” Sin ran his dirty fingers through his hair, brushing it back.

Lef’s grinning face appeared over the edge.

Sin and Lef had grown up together, and Sin could count on one hand the times Lef had frowned. His friend was almost always in a good mood. Ria had told Sin once in secret she thought Lef was the handsomest warrior in their clan. Sin wasn’t so sure he agreed, but he would admit his friend was nice to look at.

“Move over, my brother,” Lef ordered, pulling himself up to plant his ass on the ledge next to Sin. “How much longer?”

“You keep asking, and I will leave you behind,” Sin grumbled. He peered over his shoulder. “We are almost there. If we hurry, we will be at the top and be home before dark.”

Lef carried their water in a pouch slung over his neck. He turned the strap, pulled the plug of grass out of the pouch, took a hearty drink, and handed it to his brother-friend. “Drink, my friend, and then we will move on toward the top.”

Under their bottoms, the earth heaved and moaned. Sin’s eyebrows shot up, as did Lef’s. “We must hurry. Pot is growing angrier with each passing of Tec, the sun god.”

Lef took a second drink of the cool, nearly tasteless water, put the grass plug back in the top, and stood. He draped the strap of the water pouch over his shoulder and pushed it around until it rested comfortably at his back. “I am ready. Lead on, my brother.”

Sin took the hand Lef offered and let his friend pull him to his feet. The ground wobbled and sighed. It was not a good sign. The signs had been growing worse by the day, and this was the third trip up the side of Pot the two had made in the past five passings of Tec.

Sin’s sister, Cia, leader of their clan, was worried. The great volcano, Pot, was going to explode one day soon, and she was making plans to move the dwellers to a new location. Cia and her mate, Let, Lef’s older brother, had been searching far and wide for a new cave that would not be in the path of Pot’s anger.

This was not the first time the volcano had erupted, and the dwellers knew well what destruction Pot could leave after an explosion. The dwellers were nervous, edgy, and anxious to be on their way. Cia insisted Sin and Lef, being the most agile of the dwellers, be the ones to climb to the top of Pot and see how large the dome inside had grown. Knowing the size would give Cia an idea how much time they had left before the eruption.

Pot grumbled, and Sin shuddered. He wished they had not spent so long watching Em and Ria bathing, but still he felt it had been worth the lost time. He had been keeping track of the moons rising and waning, waiting anxiously as Em grew into full womanhood. Now, by counting the passings of Tec on his fingers, he knew Em was finally of age. . This was her eighteenth summer.

Cia had promised Em’s mother that Sin would not mate with her lovely daughter until she was old enough. Sin was getting tired of waiting especially now that Em was old enough. Just the thought of Em’s growing teats and dark pink nipples made him hard and aching. Lef seemed to be having the same problem. He desired to mate with Ria, a pretty, small, dark-haired girl who was the same age as Em.

The two girls had grown up together as he and Lef had. They were more like sisters than friends. Their looks were similar, yet different. Where Em’s face was round and soft, Ria’s was more square and hard. Their hair was dark and long, hanging down their backs to the creases of high, firm buttocks. The rest of their bodies were hairless, except for the small amount of fur guarding the woman’s place. The place the men called a cunt.

Em’s teats—”breasts,” his sister Cia had informed him—were heavy and full, almost as large as Cia’s. Her body was a woman’s body, and Sin hungered for her. Ria had small teats, but Lef said he liked small teats because they would fit in his mouth and hands better.

Almost nineteen summers, the young men were feeling omnipotent as they reached their full manhood. Both were blessed with large, firm cocks, and the older women of the cave often made a point of offering to teach them what they needed to know to satisfy a mate. So far Sin had managed to elude their advances, but Lef had taken advantage of the offer a time or two, and said he had no words to describe how good fucking made him feel.

Lef’s stories only made Sin more anxious to slip his cock into Em’s hot cunt.

Sin knew he was a very lucky man to have a sister like Cia, who was smart and willing to teach the dwellers the words needed to talk to friends and fellow men. Theirs was a cave inhabited by many young and bright people. Cia was the one who had given him most of the words he had for talking and thinking about Em. Some words he and Lef had made up, so when it came to Em and Ria, Sin and Lef did not lack for ways to discuss them.

The earth rumbled and grumbled as the young men clambered toward the summit of Pot. Dark gray, hot smoke billowed out of Pot, and ash landed on their heads and shoulders, scalding their skin. It was much worse today than it had been on any other day previously. Sin’s insides quivered. Fear crept under his skin like a worm eating at his gut.

The heat grew more and more unbearable as they scrambled closer to the summit. “I am beginning to worry, Lef. Pot is grumbling more than usual.” Sin pulled himself up the last few feet and, finding a firm spot, planted his broad, bare feet. Lef stopped next to him, and they crept as close as possible to the edge of the crater.

Peering over the rocks, they both gasped and jumped back. Indescribable heat boiled up and surrounded them, nearly burning their skin and singeing the hair in their noses.

Their eyes burned, and sweat ran off their bodies.

What they had seen would be with them forever.

Pot had grown. His belly was huge and swollen with hot, red seed. It was the worst fire the men had ever seen. High flames of dark red, yellow, and orange pulled at them like the tongue of some evil, hungry beast.

Sin had never been so frightened.

He had spied on Pot since he was a small child, and this was beyond words. Beyond description. How was he going to explain to Cia?

Pot’s belly grumbled and groaned; and searing, scalding ash spewed out. Sin had never seen such fury in the crater before.

“Tec!” Lef screamed above the noise of the volcano. “What are we going to do?”

The dome of molten rock and debris trembled and moaned like a woman giving birth. “We have got to get out of here.” As they watched, the dome gave a loud moan, and fire billowed closer to their feet.

Sin grabbed Lef’s arm, and turning, they began scrambling toward the valley floor. They ran, slipping and sliding. Every time one of them fell, the other helped him up. It seemed to take forever before they were on the valley floor, running as fast as a herd of frightened antelope toward the cave.

* * * *

They raced into the cave, yelling.

“It is not good! It is very bad!”

“We must leave, Cia!”

“Gather the children and as much as you can and run.”


Lef, Sin, and Cia were talking at once.

The panic in their voices was beginning to influence the rest of the clan, and if Cia didn’t get control of the situation, she would have screaming women and crying babies to contend with, not to mention the men. They were already riled up because they could not leave without their leader’s orders.

Cia put a firm hand on Sin’s and Lef’s arms. “Stop at once,” she ordered in a quiet yet harsh voice.

The men’s mouths slammed shut, and they gave each other guilty frowns.

“But—” Sin opened his mouth, and Cia put a hand over his lips.

“No!” She ordered. “The rest of you,” she gestured toward the dwellers standing around wringing their hands, “Go about your business. I will call you when it is time to talk.

“Sin and Lef, sit down. Keep your mouths shut and act calm while Gem fixes your injuries. We will speak when she is done and not before.”

Sin grumbled, and Cia tapped his lips with two fingers. “Do not speak.”

Reluctantly, Sin and Lef sat down at Cia’s home fire. Gem, the cave’s medicine woman, brought her stone bowl of hot water and bag of herbs, and went about tending to the young men’s cuts and scrapes.

Cia made herb tea while Gem worked. Neither woman spoke. Sin and Lef knew it was better to keep quiet until their leader wanted them to speak. An angry Cia was not a good thing.

Every time Sin shifted his bottom, Cia gave him a warning scowl. It was good to be the baby brother of the clan’s leader, but she often treated him the same as everyone else. Long ago, she had told him she loved him, but even being her brother did not change the fact that she was the head of the clan and what she said was the final word.

Cia handed the men each a bowl of steaming tea and signed for them to drink.

Sin gagged but swallowed. “What is this, Cia? It tastes like dog poop smells.”

“Just drink and do not ask questions. It will calm and sooth you.”

When their tea bowls were empty, Gem was finished, and Cia thanked her for her help. Gem left them, and Cia spoke in a deadly quiet voice. “Tell me quickly and quietly what has happened to Pot. If you frighten the clan members, I will find some suitable punishment for you both, so be calm.”

Lef looked at Sin. “You speak, brother.”

“Pot’s belly bulge has grown large and will soon burst. His flames are higher than any fire I have ever seen. It is fearsome, Cia. Very dangerous. Soon, he will boil over the top and explode. There is a large crack in Pot’s side, and soon, his seed will flow from it. We must move the clan. Now!” Sin wanted to shout at his sister, but instead, he squeezed his hands together and prayed she would listen and believe.

“What side is this crack on?”


“I hear you, my brother, but Gem is about to deliver, and we haven’t found a safe cave.”

“We do not have time to sit and wait. We must go now.”

Cia frowned and began to pace. Her mate, the handsome, dark man, Let, who was Lef’s adopted brother, followed her with his eyes and frowned also. “We have looked and looked and can’t find a cave big enough for all of us, Sin.”

“If Pot spills his guts, it will not matter. We will be burned alive, and I, for one, do not want to die.” At least, not until he had taken Em to his bed and mated with her at least once.

“Do you want to die that way, my sister?”

“No, but…”

“Gather everything together. We must move.” Sin decided to take matters into his own hands.

Let moved forward. “Come, Cia. We will move to the farthest valley from Pot and hope we can find shelter. At least it is the hot time and if we can’t find caves, we will not freeze. Sin is right—we need to leave this place. Now!”

* * * *

It had been a struggle to get the dwellers out of the cave and moving, but somehow, they had managed. Cia and her mate led a straggling group of dwellers, numbering twenty-five, across the quivering valley at a pace that could only be described as slow.

Too slow.

Sin and Lef took up the rear, urging the women and children to hurry, but to no avail. The group had too many little ones and several pregnant women. They would never make it in time.

“Hurry,” Sin urged one of the smaller children, and when the child didn’t move fast enough, he picked him up and put him on his shoulders.

Lef also picked up a child and put her on his shoulders. The two young men began to trot and soon took over the lead. With their example and urging, the group picked up speed.

“Have you seen Em?” Sin asked Lef.

“Yes, she is with Ria. They are carrying Ria’s sisters. Ria’s father made a carrier of saplings and antelope skin, which he strapped to the girls’ waists. They are dragging some of the household goods. The last time I looked back, they were at the end of the line.”

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