Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (6 page)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Sin stroked Lem’s strong face. “Yes. Give me time to make more seed, and I will be on top. Will you like that, my friend?”

Lem grinned. “Yes. Very much.” He cupped his hand over Sin’s bottom. “You have a firm ass. I like it. You are good. It is hard to believe you have not done it since you were a child.”

Sin’s ass rose to meet the stroke of Lem’s rough hand. “It is true. Keep on stroking me, and we will do it again soon, my friend.”

“Good. I am ready,” Lem assured Sin.

Sin could see Lem was not lying. His large cock pointed straight at the night sky, and the hood protecting his knob was rolled back, exposing the tip. Moisture formed and rolled down his shaft.

Sin put out a hand and stroked Lem’s belly fur. “Nice. Soft,” he told Lem. Next, Sin fingered Lem’s man tits and was rewarded when Lem sucked in a deep breath and shivered. His cock dipped and swayed. “Yes. You are ready,” Sin agreed, eager to make man-love again.

Sin rolled from his belly to his back, for he, too, was ready. “Kneel above me, Lem,” Sin directed.

Lem did as told, and Sin urged his body forward so he could suck on Lem’s cock. Lem’s hips jerked back and forth, fucking Sin’s mouth as Sin had fucked Em. “Now,” Sin said, moving Lem’s hips backward. “Lower your body until my cock is inside you.” Lem gave him a strange look. “Do it. You will not be sorry, Lem.”

Sin’s cock was wet from his last explosion, and he slid into Lem’s body with no trouble. Lifting his hips, he began to fuck Lem as if he were a woman. In and out. Higher and harder. At the same time, he tugged and stroked Lem’s cock.

Within moments, both men shot their seed, Sin flooding Lem’s body and Lem’s seed wetting Sin’s face.

It was most satisfying. Both men laughed quietly and rolled away from each other, wiping themselves on the bearskin.

“I am too tired, Lem, or I would do it again. You are good. I liked it. Did you?”

Lem was still laughing softly. “You are the best I have had in a long time. Thank you, Sin. If Em will not have you, I will. We would be most happy together.”

“It was good, but Em is my soul mate. I will not need help once Em and I are mated.”

Lem frowned. “I am here if you change your mind, my friend.”

“I will not change my mind, Lem. I love Em and once we are mated I will not need to take my release from anyone but her.

“I am sorry you feel that way, Sin, for you are very pleasing to look at and to fuck.” Lem stroked Sin’s face gently.

Sin shook his head. “It will not happen again. You will have to find a new man or woman, and make them your mate for life. Then you will be happy also.”

Lem shrugged and rolled over leaving Sin to face Lem’s broad back.

“I am truly sorry my friend, but some things are not meant to be. I am counting on you to remain strong and to help us all find a safe home. Will you do that?”

“Yes.” Lem’s voice was a bare whisper on the wind. “Good night, Sin.”

“Sleep well, my friend.”

* * * *

The following morning found the tribe working hard to get ready for Pot to blow his top.

The tribe leaders were worried they hadn’t traveled far enough, but this valley was so beautiful, the tribe didn’t want to leave.

Pot, the volcano, continued to rumble and roar. Fire shot high in the air, and the valley became dark as night. Smoke billowed out like storm clouds gathering.

The elders sat in a modestly sized cave and argued their fate. Should they move? Should they stay? How far would Pot’s black and red river flow if the side of Pot nearest this place opened? Could they run fast enough to avoid being burned alive?

The elders had no answers.

It was a very trying day as Pot grew louder and louder. The earth shook and heaved. The water in the small river running through the new valley was filled with soot. The women fussed and worried among themselves about the safety of the dirty water. Eventually, one of the younger women in the group figured out a way to strain the soot from the water. Her solution was easy, but it left many more problems to solve.

The men who had spent the night out in the wilderness returned with fresh meat and fish for the tribe. It didn’t take the women long to have the meat cleaned, shoved onto sticks, and searing over fires. The little girls of the tribe dug roots and found berries to go with the meat, and soon, they were feasting.

Laughter echoed as the day continued to darken both because Tec had gone down behind the mountain and because Pot continued to spew billows of gray clouds and red fire.

The earth gave a great heave and shuddered. Children screamed and ran for their mothers’ arms. Another tremendous heave, and a huge wall of rocks and dirt rose around the camp.

Mothers gathered their children, slung them under their arms, and grabbing all they could carry, began to make their way to the caves high above the valley floor. The men, too, gathered all they could carry and followed the women to the caves.

Sin searched the tribe for Em and her family. Em, too, seemed to be searching for him, because she held out a hand to him and cried his name. Her father grabbed her hand and began to drag her away.

“Stop!” Sin called loudly to be heard over the screams of the running women.

Em’s father stopped, but when he saw who was calling to his daughter, he hit Em on the head with his closed fist and continued to pull her away.

Sin could not stand for a man to take his anger out on a woman, and he rushed forward, pushing running people out of his way as he went. “Give her to me, Row,” he demanded when he reached Em and her father. “Now,” he ordered.

Row wrapped his big hand in Em’s long hair and yanked her to the ground. On her knees, Em trembled, and tears ran down her face, leaving a track in the soot. “She is mine, and she will do as I say.” Row’s face was as dark as the stones of the mountain. He yanked at her hair to prove she was his to do with as he pleased.

Anger filled Sin’s chest. If Row did not stop hurting Em, Sin would kill him. It seemed the only way to stop the man from injuring Em further.

Em’s eyes were glazed and vacant. The last blow to her head seemed to have knocked her senseless.

Sin felt no fear of Row, only murderous rage at his treatment of Em. He flexed his arms to show how strong he was. He was larger and more muscular than Row. “She is mine, Row. We have mated.”

At his words, Row’s face turned black with rage. He drug Em up by her hair and struck her with his closed fist.

“No. Do not hit her again. She is mine. Give her to me, Row.”

Row threw Em to the side and put both his hands out to shove Sin aside. Sin laughed and shoved back with all his might. Row landed on his ass in the dirt. The hate in Row’s eyes finally brought fear to Sin. Was Row going to kill Em to get even with him for their mating?

Sin picked up the angry Row and lifted him high in the air before throwing him to the ground. The air whooshed out of Row loudly, and Row lay back, silent and spent.

Sin, breathless with rage, rested his hands on his knees, gathering strength for the next round, but Row surprised him by crawling to his knees before standing up and turning his back on Sin.

Sin clenched his fists, ready for battle in case Row turned on him, but instead, Row walked to his daughter and kicked Em in the side.

Em screamed, and Sin rushed to her.

Row ignored the scream, picked up his belongings, and began to walk away. “Take her, then. She is worthless to me now.” Row growled and stalked away.

Sin lifted Em gently and cradled her close to his chest. “I am sorry, Em. I wanted to save you from his anger. I should not have told him the truth. It only served to anger him more, and now, he has hurt you.”

Em’s tears slowed, and her breathing eased. She nuzzled against Sin’s neck. “My father has thrown me out. We have nowhere to go. What will we do, Sin? We need to get away from Pot.”

“I have found a place for us. It is big enough for us, and Ria and Lef. We will be fine. Lef has been working on cleaning and readying the cave for us. Hold on to me, and I will carry you there.”

* * * *

“You have done well, my friend,” Sin told Lef after he had settled Em on one of the bearskin beds.

“I’m glad you are pleased. I hope it is warm enough in here. I hurried to build a fire. It was cold and damp.” He looked at the still-whimpering Em. “I did not know you would have Em with you this night. What happened? How did you pay her father?”

Sin frowned. “I had to fight her father for her. He was beating her, and I could not let him hurt her.”

“Ah.” Lef understood. “You told him you had mated with Em?”


“Her father must have been very angry with you.”

“He seemed angrier with Em, but she is smaller, and he was able to hurt her easily. He kept hitting her in the head with his fist. I told him to stop, and he would not. I could not stand it any longer. I picked him up and threw him to the ground. I thought he would fight me, but instead, he turned and kicked Em in the side.” Sin clenched his fists. “If he had not left, I would have killed him. Row is a harsh man.”

“Where is Ria?” Em asked, pushing herself into a sitting position.

Lef laughed. “Do not worry, little one. She is back in the scat cave. She will be here soon.”

When Ria returned, she tended to her friend’s wounds, and then she brewed bowls of the hot, brown liquid they all called
. “I brought a large bag of beans with me, and two bean plants Em and I will plant when it is safe.”

Sin nodded. “You are smart, Ria. Thank you.”

Bleating echoed through the cave, and Ria laughed. “I also grabbed a goat for milk. Lef has stocked the cave with food and water. We will be fine for a while.” She searched the men’s eyes. “How long will we be here?”

Sin shrugged. “I do not know.”

Lef frowned and shrugged also. “It could be days before Pot explodes. It could be tonight.”

Lef sighed. “What was all the excitement about before you brought Em to our cave?”

Sin shivered. “The ground opened up, and a wall of dirt and rock surrounded the camp.

“The tribe began to scream, and the babies cried. Never in my life have I seen the ground open up and throw rocks from its bowels. We were all very frightened.”

“I am sorry I missed it.” Lef moved toward the opening of the cave to peer out. “I see what you mean. It is…I do not have words for what I see.”

Ria, sitting next to Em, hugged her friend. “You must have been afraid, my sister.”

Em shuddered. “It was awful until I saw Sin, and then I knew I would be safe.”

Sin went to her side and kissed her gently. “From now on, Em, you are mine, and I will take care of you. You are my mate. My wife.”

“I am?”

“Yes. You are my wife.” Sin wrapped his arms around her trembling body and held her tightly.

Em smiled at her new husband. “You make me so very happy, my mate.”

Later, during the night, the earth quaked and shook. Rocks and gravel fell around the four as they huddled under a skin rug. When the rumbling stopped for a few moments, Sin and Lef got up and went to stand in the cave doorway. It was nearly impossible to see anything due to the smoke hiding the moon. Every now and then, the moon would shimmer through for a moment, and the men were able to see that the valley had still survived.

Eventually, Sin and Lef curled their bodies around their women and drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

Tec climbed over the mountain and walked slowly across the sky, beaming shards of light into the cave. The heat of Tec woke Sin when it struck his face. He had been so tired when they had all bedded down for the night, and he could tell by the light on his face that it was later than usual. He should be up and hunting.

If Tec was giving off light, had Pot stopped?

Sin climbed silently out of the fur bed. Making his way to the cave opening, he checked the valley. There was a haze of gray on all the vegetation, but it was blessedly silent, and the ground no longer shook.

For the first time in days, Tec shone through the clouds of smoke, and Pot was silent. Was the volcano done blowing its top? Sin tapped his chest with a closed fist for luck.

Silent as a cave cat, Sin made his way to the scat cave.

He returned and squatted by the fire, stirring it to life. He watched his wife sleep while he dipped water into a large bowl. He added ground beans and let the cof come to a boil. He slid the large cof bowl to the side of the fire and left it to simmer slowly.

Sin knelt next to Em and whispered in her ear, “Wake, my love. I want to fuck you.”

She stirred, and her eyes opened. A grin tipped the corners of her mouth. “I must visit the scat cave first, and then we will fuck. When you did not fuck me before we went to sleep, I thought it was because you no longer wanted me.”

Sin brushed her hair out of her face. “I am sorry, Em. It had been a long trip, and I was very tired and my body hurt. You must know I will always love and want you. You are my mate for as long as we live. Pot will not take you from me. Row will not take you from me. You are mine, little one.”

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