Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (7 page)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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She pushed back the rabbit-skin blanket, showing him her pink-tipped titties. “I am not so little, Sin.”

He ran his hand over her nipples and cupped her breasts. “No, you are not little. Hurry, Em. I want you.”

She put a gentle hand on his rising shaft and gave a light squeeze. “I can see you are ready, my husband. I will hurry.”

Sin, unashamed, watched Lef wake and begin rubbing his hands over Ria’s small breasts. He wished Em would hurry, because Lef’s actions were making him hard and full. His balls ached. He wanted to be inside of his mate. He needed to feel her heat and the tightness of her cunt surrounding his cock.

Ria noticed Sin staring and smiled. “You should not be watching us, Sin. Where is Em?”

Lef turned his head and frowned. “Yes, my friend, where is your wife? Your shaft is large and weeping.”

Sin fingered the tip of his cock. “I know it is, my brother. She is in the scat cave. Go back to what you were doing. Do not worry about us. We will be busy soon. I will stop watching.”

Ria opened her mouth, and Lef put three fingers over her lips. “Silence, woman. I am busy here, and I need you to help me.”

Ria rubbed her hand on Lef’s chest. “I am here for you, my husband. Put your finger in my pussy, and you will see how wet I am for you.”

Sin lay back on the bearskin bedding. He put his hands behind his head and waited impatiently for Em to return. He was about to go find her when Em strolled back to their bed. Her large breasts swayed, and Sin’s cock grew bigger.

“Touch me, woman. I want your mouth on me.”

Em turned to see what Lef and Ria were doing and quickly turned back to her husband. “They are fucking,” she whispered.

“Yes, they are. We will be also, as soon as you come closer.” Sin wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at his beautiful, naked wife. “Do not watch them. They are busy.”

“Will they care if we fuck?” Em whispered, kneeling beside her husband.

“I do not think so. They are playing and having too much fun to notice what we are doing. What does it matter? You have seen others fuck when we all lived together in the old cave.”

She giggled and clasped her hands around his shaft. “You are right. No one will care.” She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. Another bead of moisture formed, and Em licked it off.

Sin’s hips lifted off the skins, and he groaned when Em licked him for the third time. Her tongue was hot and exciting. Her small hands moved slowly up and down. His cock was growing longer and fuller by the moment. His balls were also full and aching. He was going to blow like Pot. Soon.

When Em was busy sucking his cock, Sin put a hand on her pussy and slid a finger inside of her. She was wet and ready. Her hips jerked with each movement of his finger, and her honey ran down his hand.

Sin finger-fucked her until she was moaning loudly. Her mouth was full of cock, so the sound came out more as a groan.

Sin couldn’t wait any longer. He pried his cock out of her sucking mouth, put his hands around her waist, and lifted Em until she was over him. She knew what to do instinctively and spread her legs, opening herself to his burgeoning shaft. She was so wet his large appendage easily slipped into her wet cunt, and her internal muscles clenched tightly around him.

Lef and Ria reached their climax just as Sin pushed high inside Em. The cries from their friends spurred Sin on. He clutched Em around the waist and lifted her and settled her back down again. Once, twice, three times, but his shaft grew and grew until his cock was too large, and she was so tight he couldn’t move her without hurting her.

Sin licked a finger and reached between their bodies. He rubbed her clit slowly, and before long, moisture flowed from her body, and Sin was able to move inside her once again.

In and out Sin pushed. Up and down Em moved. His hips lifted off the fur bed, and she arched her back. A moan filled the cave, echoing off the rock walls.


“My wife! Now?” Sin growled. Em answered with a groan.

“Now?” Sin insisted.

“Yes, my husband. Now! Now! Now!”

They lay as one, gasping for breath. Em snuggled her head against Sin’s shoulder, where it fit perfectly. Sin inhaled the scent of her and wanted her again and again. Em’s body relaxed and Sin was sure she’d fallen asleep.

Sin was still hard and high inside Em when Lef laughed and said, “She is asleep, my friend. Lay her down and come have a bowl of cof. You have worn her out.”

It wasn’t easy to pull away from Em without waking her. But before long, Sin had Em settled on the fur bed, where he left her to sleep.

* * * *

Tec rose and fell many times, and Pot remained silent. The cave dwellers grew brave and began to plant crops for the cold season. Em and Ria planted their cof beans along with other roots and plants they had rescued from the old valley.

Em and Ria missed their woman’s times and, giggling like girls, told their mates there would soon be two more joining their group. The men were too excited to say much. In fact, they ended up punching each other and laughing and tumbling around on the dirt floor like cave dogs.

All was perfect.

Sin could not believe his luck. He was mated to his perfect mate, living with his best friend and his mate. Now, he was going to be a father.

It would be a boy. There was no doubt.

Sin was confident his man-juice was so strong he would make only boys.

The other dwellers were also excited, for two babies meant their tribe was growing and healthy.

Nothing bad would happen to them now.

* * * *

Sin was sound asleep. He’d worked hard all day fishing, hunting, and cutting wood. Everything would be dried and stored for the cold season. The women had worked right alongside Sin and Lef. The women were especially tired now. Every day, their bellies grew larger and harder, filled with the little ones to come.

Sin’s dreams were full of Em. Heavy with child, she was running across the valley toward him, screaming his name. Sin could see nothing, and yet she screamed and moaned. Was the child coming? No, it was too soon.

He could not reach her. She screamed his name over and over. Sin’s legs would not move.

A river of hot, black water was between them.

Sin leaned over to touch the water and realized it was the boiling man-juice from Pot. The river of man-juice grew deeper and deeper, and Em screamed louder and louder.

Sin ran back and forth along the growing river, calling her name.

The world shook, and Sin continued to call Em.

“Sin. Wake up, my friend.” Lef’s voice broke into Sin’s sleep.

“What?” Sin looked about the darkened cave, relieved to see only the glow of a banked fire and Em asleep against his body. Since she had become filled with his child, her body gave off more heat. No wonder he’d been dreaming about Pot and Pot’s man-juice.

“Sin, are you awake?” Lef whispered, shaking Sin’s arm.

Sin put his hand over Lef’s. “Yes,” he whispered. “What is wrong?”

“Pot has exploded. Didn’t you hear it?”

“No. I was dreaming. Em was screaming, and Pot’s man-juice was between us, and I couldn’t reach her.”

“Mmm, I heard you stirring and thought Pot had broken your sleep.”

Sin pushed the skin rug off his body and sat up. “How bad is it?”

“Bad. Very bad.”

Sin stood and walked to the cave opening. The sky was filled with scalding smoke and bits of boiling rock fragments. Pot had opened on the side facing their valley, and his hot man-juice boiled out at an amazing speed. Dark as night and red with fire, the boiling juice was moving rapidly toward their valley.

Lef was right—it was very bad. Where could they go? The volcano continued to rumble and groan, and more smoke and fire shot high in the air. As Sin watched, others ventured out of their sleeping caves and hurried to the valley floor. They were foolishly trying to save the fields when they should be running for their lives.

Sin ducked back inside and pulled Lef into a corner where the women could not hear them. “I think we must leave. Now.”

“How? There is nowhere to go. We are dead.”

“No. Take courage. I have been searching the cave, and there is another way out. It leads to a valley far from Pot.”

Lef shook his friend. “Why have you not told me? I am your friend. Were you going to leave Ria and me here to die?”

Sin grasped Lef’s trembling shoulders. “No. I would never leave without you and Ria, my brother-friend. How could I? We have been together since birth. What kind of man do you think I am?” Sin clenched his fist. “I should hit you for your stupid thoughts, but we don’t have time for children’s games.”

Sin grabbed Lef’s shoulders and held him until he stopped struggling. His body shook. Sin knew his friend well enough. Lef was no longer angry. He was frightened. Sin did not blame him for his fear. He, too, was frightened. “Lef? Listen to me.”

Lef nodded. “I am frightened.”

“I am also.”

“What must I do?” Lef’s voice showed his terror.

“We will wake the women, pack as much as we can carry, and each carry a fire stick. You will follow me.”

Lef stared through the gloom at his mate. “I do not want to lose her, Sin. She is my heart.”

Sin nodded. “I know what you say. Em is mine also. Now, wake your wife, and we will be off.”

Heat from the river of fire filled their cave with smoke, soot and the glitter of colors brighter than Tec. It was becoming hard to breathe.

Lef woke his wife and she began to cough. Em joined her, coughing hard and Sin hoped they would not lose their babies with all the coughing.

Their coughing helped to cover some of the screams coming from the valley below. The few dwellers foolish enough to leave the safety of their caves were being burned to death.

At first, Em and Ria were too frightened to follow even the simplest of orders. They kept staring out of the cave and crying for the ones who were lost. Sin assured them he had seen many make it out of the valley before the black river had taken over the valley.

Eventually, with much urging and a lot of help from the men, they had the furs bundled and the food wrapped into manageable packets. Sin filled several gourds with water from the small waterfall that had started when the last blast of Pot had echoed through the valley. It was fortunate for them since otherwise there was no fresh water anywhere. The valley was now full of Pot’s boiling black man-juice.

Sin corked the gourds with wads of grass. He gave them each a gourd, and then he helped strap the fur bundles on the women’s backs. Lef strapped one on Sin, and Sin did the same for Lef.

Soon, they were ready to go.

Em and Ria moved to stare out of the cave opening.

“Do not look,” Sin ordered.

"What of your sister, Cia and her mate Let? Are they going to be safe?"

"Little one you worry over much. Yes, they are safe. Let sent a runner yesterday saying they were many more valley's away and high in the mountains. The caves there are many and only the foolish didn't go with them."

Em wiped her eyes. "What of Gem and Og? Gem's child is only a few weeks old?"

"They also are safe with Cia and Let. Now, will you stop worrying and get ready to move to safety."

Em and Ria nodded, but were shaking all over and barely able to stand. They were so frightened. Sin put a firm arm around Em. “As we leave, grab a fire stick and hold it high. Do not be afraid. The fire will light our way. It is a long walk, but it will be worth the trip.” He leaned over the fire and picked up a long, arm-thick branch. Following his example, Em picked up one as long but not as thick or heavy.

They waited while Lef and Ria picked out fire sticks. “Now, we are ready,” Sin said firmly. “Follow me.” He took Em’s free hand and began walking toward the back of the cave.

“Wait,” Em said, tugging Sin’s hand. “Where are we going? We will die in here.”

Sin put a firm arm around Em’s body. “Be brave, little one. I know what I am doing.” He gave her a kiss and grasped her hand in his. “Kiss your mate,” he directed Lef. “We do not have much time.”

It seemed as though they walked forever. The fire sticks held the dark at bay, and eventually, the two women stopped weeping, and with each step they took, they seemed to become stronger. What else could they do? If they stayed where they were, they would burn to death like the others.

Sin knew the way. When he’d found this tunnel, he’d never thought they would have to use it, and now, here they were escaping the man-juice of Pot by the skin of their teeth.

Em tugged at Sin’s hand. “I am hungry, my mate. May we stop and eat? The child within is making me tired. I must rest.”

Sin nodded and unstrapped his fur bundle, dropping it to the floor of yet another small cave. Sin had used his fingers to count the caves they had walked through, and this was the fourth cave. There were still three more caves to go before they would reach their goal.

Em and Ria found food and pieces of wood from their bundles and made a small fire to cook some cof. The fire also served to warm their feet and hands. The farther they had gone, the colder it had gotten.

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