Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (4 page)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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His kiss was wonderful—everything she had wanted and dreamed about. He seemed to be able to move her soul from her body with his lips. Em groaned and opened her lips to his tongue. His hands were again on her breasts, his fingers gently pinching her nipples while his tongue mimicked the act of fucking.

Em’s knees weakened, and her heart leapt in her chest like a gazelle leaping over rocks. He must be able to feel her heart as it was rocking her whole body. His hands left her breasts to clasp her waist, pulling her body close. His hard, hot, large cock rubbed against her belly.

The heat of his aroused man-shaft burned its way through her body. Moisture trickled down the inside of her thigh.

“I want you now, my mate. Fuck me, Sin,” she begged in a strangled voice she barely recognized.

Sin swept her up into his arms and clasped her close to his chest. “Yes. Now.”

He laid her gently on the large animal skin he’d removed from the carrier he’d been pulling earlier in the day. He smiled when she raised her arms and swept her hair out from under her head. The action lifted and raised her beautiful breasts toward his hands.

She arched her back and spread her knees, letting Sin know she was ready for mating. He’d seen other girls use the exact same motion many times to welcome their mates, but still he waited. Fear made his hands sweat and his heart leap in his chest. Would he be man enough for her? Would it hurt the first time? Would her father kill him when he found out they had mated without his approval?

Too many worries crowded his head, making his ears hurt and his cock limp.

Em took a deep breath and held out her arms to Sin, and he forgot his fear. His cock rose to point toward the night sky. The hood of skin protecting the tip of his cock drew back, exposing the swollen, wet knob. He, too, was ready.

Sin knelt between her thighs and leaned forward. He nuzzled the tip of Em’s breast, and she writhed and moaned so loudly, Sin feared someone would hear them. He placed a hand over her lips. “Silence,” he ordered. “We must be silent, or your father will find us.”

Em nodded, remaining quiet as he had directed.

Holding her breast with one hand, he suckled a nipple into his mouth and began stroking her soft belly with his other hand. Still silent, her strong legs supporting her, Em lifted her bottom off the skin. Her back arched, pushing against his fingers and mouth.

Eventually, he tangled his fingers in the fur guarding her woman’s place. She whimpered when he ran his finger along the wet lips hiding her channel. Her legs sprawled open wider when he slid a finger into her moisture. He was surprised when her insides sucked at his finger the same way he sucked at her tit. What a strange sensation.

Sin was becoming anxious to slide his cock into her body. Was it too soon? He’d seen other men greet their mates with nose nuzzles and immediately mount them. Something told him Em deserved better than a quick greeting fuck.

Even though Em was young, she seemed to know what to do to please a man. Her hands were everywhere on his body, and the touch of her fingers was driving Sin crazy. His cock thumped against her thigh, and Em opened her legs wider.

“Put it in,” Em whimpered.

“Wait,” Sin pleaded. “I want to lick you. I want to taste your honey.”

“Hurry,” she groaned, digging her fingers into his hair to direct him to her woman’s place. “Hurry, hurry, hurry…”

“No. I will not hurry. I will taste you and drink of you and make you happy.”

Her body swayed as she arched her hips higher off the fur rug.

Sin bent close and inhaled her scent. She smelled of woman. Hot, welcoming woman.

Under their bodies, the earth heaved and groaned as though it, too, were making love.

Em opened her mouth to cry out, and Sin put his finger over her lips. “Quiet.”

“I can’t wait, Sin. Hurry,” she whispered.

He parted the lips of her sex gently and dipped into her essence. Putting his finger to his lips, he licked and was pleased. She tasted of wild honey. She was ready to be mated.

He leaned closer and put his lips on the hard bud of her clit, and Em whimpered.

“You like what I am doing?” Sin asked in a voice barely above the sound of the wind sighing through the trees.

“Ohhhh,” Em answered.

He suckled her clit once again and waited for her body to stop twitching. She was close to exploding, and so was he. Sin could not wait a moment longer.

“I am going to put my cock inside you, Em. I might hurt you. If I do, I am sorry.”

“I do not care. Hurry.”

The earth heaved and groaned. Sin grasped his cock in both hands and slowly entered her open body. Em’s groan matched the earth’s noises. Her hips lifted off the ground, and her body pulled him in. There was no stopping. He would not be able to stop even if Em’s father grabbed him by the neck and flung him aside.

Her internal barrier was strong, and it took several moments of hard work to break through. Em did not fight him but continued to urge Sin on with whimpers. “Hurry, hurry, hurry…”

A great cacophony of sounds came from the volcano, and at the same moment, Sin and Em reached their own explosions.

Under their bodies, the earth rose and dropped, and if Sin hadn’t been so entrenched in Em, he would have fallen away from her.

Like them, the earth continued to shudder and shake for many minutes, and Sin wasn’t sure if it was because he had taken Em or if it was the volcano.

The earth dropped sickeningly, and Sin shuddered as the last of his hot seed flew into Em. With a sigh, Sin collapsed on her breast and lay as if dead.

“Thank you, Sin,” Em whispered in his ear.

“It was good?”

“Oh, yes. It was very good.”

“I am glad. I tried hard to make it last, but your woman’s place…”

“My cunt?” Em reminded him of the words he had learned growing up. Since his sister Cia had started her own clan she had taught them many, many words. Some for making love, some for daily living, and some for fun.

Tonight was for loving and fun.

“Yes, your cunt held me so tightly I could not stop the explosion.”

Em sighed. “I think Pot is going to explode also.”

Sin nodded and suckled at Em’s nipple. “I am afraid Pot exploded while we were fucking.”

“Oh? I thought the earth moved because of you.”

He chuckled. “It was because of me

The night passed too rapidly for the two new lovers, but for some of the other dwellers, it was a frightening night. Pot continued to spew and groan and rumble its warnings of imminent danger. Pot exploded at least four times in the night, and so, also, did Sin.

Pot’s explosions were small compared to the explosions Sin experienced.

Not long before the rising of Tec, Sin left Em and crawled into his sleeping rug. It wasn’t many moments before his eyes closed and he fell deeply asleep.

Lef had to kick Sin awake, which left Sin angry and aching. He was grumbling while he loaded the carrier for the girls, and Em stood silently to the side.

Em seemed terrified. Sin wasn’t sure if it was because of him or if the noise Pot continued to make frightened her.

“Do not fear,” Sin said. “We will be out of this valley before Pot explodes again.

“Are you sure?” Ria asked, walking up to the group.

Lef put a hand on Ria’s shoulder. “We are going to be safe. I promise you.”

The air was scalding hot and full of soot and ashes, making it hard to breath. The old people were coughing and wheezing. The younger people were beginning to cough and wheeze also.

Sin searched through all the things stacked on the carrier and found a large piece of tanned skin so thin he could almost see through it. He took his flint rock, cut it into pieces, and carefully punched two holes in each piece. Also among the things on the carrier, he found pieces of sinew, and he made as many mouth and nose coverings as he could for the dwellers. It took precious time, but with Em, Lef, and Ria’s help, it went quickly, and soon, the dwellers were trooping across the valley, away from Pot and his horrible fire.

* * * *

The passing of Tec seemed slow to Em, who was pulling the carrier with Ria’s help. Today, they were getting farther and farther behind the dwellers as they walked across the grass-filled valley.

Em was frightened. Pot had been blowing hot ash all morning, and the air was full of stinging grit. Would they ever get to the opening to the next valley?

“We are too slow, sister,” Ria said, her voice full of fear.

“I know, but the carrier is heavy, and I am so tired.”

“I am also. We should not have spent the night fucking, I guess,” Ria admitted.

“Does your father know?”

“No, does yours?”

Em shook her head. “No, and I am not going to tell him. If Sin wants me, he will have to ask my father. I am going to be silent.”

“I am waiting for Lef to ask for me also. Maybe we should not have mated with them,” Ria said, shaking her head.

“Oh, but Ria, it was so good.”

Ria laughed behind her mask. “Oh, yes. It was good.”

“Do you want to do it again?”

“Yes, and soon.”

The young women laughed.

“Where is Sin?”

“I do not know. I haven’t seen him since he made the masks and walked away with Lef.”

The women stopped, and Ria wiped her forehead. “I am so hot.”

Pot rumbled and shook the valley, and the two women grabbed the carrier and took off again at a steady pace.

Sin and Lef had wandered far afield from the troop as they hunted for fresh meat for their evening meal. The dwellers were too frightened to stop for a midday meal, instead opting to gnaw on dried fish and salted meat as they walked.

Sin and Lef sat on a high rock, nibbling on dried fish and berries. Far ahead of them and off to the side of the valley, the straggling line of the troop could be seen.

“We have not seen one animal this day,” Lef said, shaking his head.

Sin sighed and nibbled on more berries. “No. I think they are all gone because of Pot. They are as afraid as the rest of us.”

“Do we have time to fish? I saw many fish in the river.”

Hot ash landed on Sin’s shoulders, and he brushed it away before it could burn him. “We must hurry, my brother, because I fear Pot is about to explode.”

Lef jumped off the rock. “There is a shallow pool down in the gully over there,” he said, pointing. “I have my spear, and you have yours. Let us hurry. I want to catch up with the troop. I fear for Ria’s safety.”

“I worry also for Em’s life. I am afraid if we do not get into the next valley, we will all be dead soon, and I don’t know about you, but I am too young to die. I still have more fucking to do. I want to make Em my mate and have children. I want to live to be old.”

Sin jumped down next to his friend, and they trotted toward the pool Lef had found. There, they stood silently watching the fish for a moment. Lef was right—there were many fish, and the pool was shallow. Heat had probably made some of the water disappear, and the fish were swimming around in slow circles.

Long ago, the dwellers had discovered water disappeared when it boiled or was hot for a long time.

The water in the pool was warm enough to put the fish to sleep. “It will be easy to spear many fish,” Sin said immediately, aiming for and spearing a large fish. Soon, they had more than enough fish for the evening meal and some to dry.

The men rigged up a carrier and strapped down the fish with sinew. Balancing the carrier between them, they made their way quickly across the valley and soon met up with the dwellers.

“Do you see Em and Ria?” Sin asked Lef.

“No, I do not see them.”

“I am afraid they have been left behind yet again. Does her father care so little for her?”

Lef shrugged his shoulders. “She is a woman. Row wanted sons, and he has only daughters. I do not think he will care if something happens to her.”

“He is a harsh man. I do not want her hurt because I
care.” Sin’s anger simmered like a boiling bowl of water. Row needed to be strung up for the animals to feast on. There was no time for retaliation, but soon, Sin would have it out with Row. Em was a priceless gem to be worshiped and adored, not discarded on the side of the road.

Sin handed the carrier of fish to two of the younger dwellers and turned to Lef. “I will go to find the women. You try to get the troop to move faster. We do not have much time.”

“Go to the head of the line,” Sin continued. “Find my sister, Cia, and tell her we all must hurry. We have to get to the next valley before nightfall, or we will die.”

Lef waved and headed forward while Sin, moving like the wind, ran through the grasses searching for Em. His beautiful Em and Lef’s Ria.

Where are they?

Sin was not going to panic. Panic would do no good and would be a waste of time. He had to find the women and get them moved to safety.

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