Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (44 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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“Bloody hell, I’m good, it’s ok to have sex when pregnant you know.” I sighed. “I want you Dante. It’s been too long, and you come in here every day, with all your sexiness, and it’s driving me crazy.”

As the frustrated words tumbled from my lips, he threw his head back and laughed. “You make me laugh, all my sexiness? I’m not trying to look sexy; I’m here to see you, to be with you, not seduce you.”

“That’s the problem. You don’t have to try, you’re just naturally sexy.” I grumbled.

“That tone in your voice, implies that’s a problem cara. Somehow, I feel I displease you?”

“You talking of abstaining, certainly ‘displeases’ me.”

“You are feeling better obviously. You are more ‘challenging’ today. I will speak with your doctor and see when I can take you home.”

“Take me home? Am I going to your home?”

“Of course you are. I will not have you going to your home. Melanie is with Alex, more than she is not, so you would be alone, and I won’t have that. I want you, where I can keep an eye on you, and take care of you.”

I liked the sound of that. Dante twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, I could work on breaking him and getting him to fuck me. My sexy Italian Stallion served up, for me to ogle, while taking care of me. Wonder if I could persuade him to do it in nothing more than those leather pants of his? I looked over at him as the image filled my head, and nearly had me drooling down the front of myself.

“You’re up to no good, aren’t you? I can see the gleam in your eyes. You are distracting me from my question.” He narrowed his eyes, watching me intently.

“So what is your question?” I struggled to push, the images of him in leather, from my mind.

I watched him reach into his pocket, and pull out a small red box. As soon as my eyes locked on it, I felt my heart begin to leap in my chest.

“I love you Grace, I will love you for the rest of my life. I want to make you mine, in every way possible.” He popped the top on the box, and I gasped when the most stunningly beautiful ring came into view.

The first thing, that stood out, for me, was the large circular, centre diamond. It was flanked, by a smaller diamond, either side. The band was platinum gold, and was set with a row of tiny diamonds, set flush into it. There were five of them, either side, from what I could count.

Wide eyed, I turned my gaze to his face. “It…it’s beautiful.” I whispered.

“I wanted something befitting of your beauty cara. I would like you to consider becoming my wife. I want you to be mine, in every sense of the word, for eternity.”

I stared at the ring, as it sparkled under the hospital lights, before raising my eyes, to Dante’s beautiful warm, brown ones. There was no doubt in my mind. For all my fucked up thinking several days ago, I knew what I wanted now, and that was him.

“I sometimes think; I don’t deserve someone like you. You are so incredibly sweet, kind, sexy as hell, gorgeous, a real stud in bed.” I grinned at the double meaning, behind those words. “The most important thing though, is that I love you. I was almost a fool, I nearly made the biggest mistake of my life, but I’m not being foolish now, and I’m selfish, I can’t let anyone else have a chance at you. You are mine Dante, so yes, I will gladly marry you. I would be very proud to be your wife, and in a few more months, the mother of your child.”

I watched as his face lit up, a huge smile spreading across it, so dazzling, that I’m sure my heart did a back flip.

“Well let’s see if this fits you then.” He lifted the ring from its box, and when I held my hand out, he slipped it onto my finger. It was a perfect fit, and I stared at it, turning my hand to watch the way the light hit the diamonds.

“Thank you Grace.” His voice was husky, and I could have sworn I caught a hint of moisture in his eyes, but he bent forward and touched his lips gently to mine.

I opened, immediately wanting more, but before I could deepen the kiss, he pulled back, shaking his head at me.

“I will not kiss you the way you wish to be kissed. It has been so long since we last fucked. I will get hard and ache for you, and I don’t want to ache for you. I will not touch myself at all. I am saving everything I have for you.”

Holy hell! His words were enough to send desire shooting through my body, and suddenly it was me, aching for him. Our first time together, once I got out of hospital, would be intense. Well, assuming I could get, Mr Honourable, who wasn’t going to risk hurting me, to actually touch me?

“Well, I need to get out of here as quickly as possible.” I muttered and Dante laughed.

“You are so impatient. We will have a lifetime to fuck as much as we want.” He said.

“No we won’t. Eventually I’ll be big and fat, and you won’t want me, or we’ll be new parents, and exhausted from no sleep, so too tired to fuck.”

“I will love you, no matter what size you are. I will love you when you are swollen with my child, and we will find time to fuck, even while giving up our sleep to a newborn Grace.” He slipped a hand over my stomach, which of course was still flat.

I could feel the heat from him, radiating from his palm, through me, and I wrapped my fingers around his, squeezing them.

The door flew open, and Alex sauntered in, followed closely by Mel. Dante turned to them, a look of mild irritation on his face. “Would it ever occur to you to knock?” He asked.

“Aw come on D. This is a hospital ward. You wouldn’t be fucking in here, and even if you were, I’ve seen it all before anyway.”

I blushed, when he turned those bright blue eyes of his on me and winked.

“I don’t care what you’ve seen and done in the past Alex. You’re not seeing it or doing it any more. Grace is mine, and she has agreed, to becoming my wife.”

We all jumped, when Mel let out a loud squeal. “Are you kidding me, really?” She began some bizarre hopping thing, from foot to foot, which I guess was her excited reaction, but which came across, looking more like she had a sudden, urgent need for the bathroom.

I grinned, holding out my hand as well as I could, when the arm was in a cast. When she saw the ring, her eyes widened, so much, I feared they might pop out of her head.

“Oh Gracie, it’s so beautiful.” She turned to Dante. “You did well, it’s a gorgeous ring.” She grinned at him.

“Thank you, but then I needed something that would befit my beautiful wife to be.”

Melanie rolled her eyes. “Ugh, you always say the nicest things. So you two have sorted everything out, and you’re both used to the idea that you’re going to be parents?”

“Yeah, we are and yes he does.” I answered. “He’s one of a kind alright, and I can’t believe I was stupid enough, to consider letting him go. I should be handcuffing him to my side, seriously.”

“Now you’re talking sugar. Nothing like bringing handcuffs into a relationship, to liven things up a bit.” Alex joked.

“Shut up Alex.” Dante shot him a warning look.

I blushed, at the knowing look, Alex gave me, and I found myself studying my friend a little closer, when I saw colour flooding her cheeks too. Well, well, was there something going on in their relationship that involved handcuffs?

“So have you hit her with the other things, you need to discuss?”

Again, Dante shot him a warning look. “No I have not. The timing has not been right. Grace has only just consented, to being my wife. The rest can wait until she is home.”

“Do you know when they’re cutting you lose Gracie?” Mel asked as she studied my engagement ring. “Are you going home when you get out?”

“Grace will be coming to my home Melanie. I need her there so I can look after her. I will be asking the doctor when she can come home. I think we are all looking forward to her being allowed to leave here.”

“Amen to that.” I muttered.





Three long days later, I was finally given the green light, to go home. Only Dante came to witness my big hospital break. Mel was taking care of something apparently, and Alex was busy too. They would both be coming to the house, to see me later though. That news frustrated me. If we were expecting company, I knew, I’d have no chance of seducing Dante. It had been almost a month, since we’d had sex last, and if I wasn’t trussed up in so much plaster, I’d be climbing the man, in an attempt to ride his cock. To say, I was horny, would be an understatement. I was beyond that. I ached with a desperate need for him. I needed his lips on mine, his arms around me; I needed his cock in me. I craved an orgasm desperately, but I wanted to make him come apart even more so. Nothing gave me more satisfaction, than watching Dante unravel.

His often rigid control was strangely sexy to watch, but challenging too. I wanted to test him, to see if I could break that control. Still, if Mel and Alex were dropping around to his place, I would have to put my madly clambering libido on hold for a while.



When we finally pulled up in Dante’s driveway, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was free.

He helped me from the car, slipping one of my crutches under my good arm, and he got on the other side, with his arm around me, to help me get into his home.

I looked around when we stepped inside. I hadn’t been here for ages, not since he’d been sick, and I’d cared for him. The blinds were all lowered, so the house was very dim.

Carefully I was led through to the living room, where he hesitated in the door way for a moment. Suddenly the blinds shot up, nearly giving me a heart attack, and I staggered, before Dante’s arm tightened around me, keeping me on my feet.

“SURPRISE!” Mel and Alex leapt out from behind the large leather lounge, and I gasped in shock. With my heart pounding, I gaped at them, eyes wide, as they stood before me, both with wide grins on their faces.

“Holy fucking hell; you two were nearly the ones to get a surprise, the surprise of me collapsing at your feet when I have a heart attack.”

Mel laughed, rushing forward to hug me, gently fortunately. She was obviously still mindful of my injuries, but Alex not so much. He swept me up  in a big bear styled hug, that had me yelping, and Dante swearing at him, in both English and Italian, so a double barrel attack on his friend.

“Be careful dammit.” He snapped at Alex. “She’s still recovering from her injuries. A gentle touch is necessary for a while, ok?”

Ever, the thick skinned Alex; grinned. “Oh, so no roughing her up in the bedroom for a while then?”

I rolled my eyes, mentally groaning, when Dante quickly agreed with him.

“Aw, sugar, you don’t look so happy with that news?” He shot me a wicked grin. “You two aren’t even married yet, and already the sex is on hold. You might have to consider hiring yourself one of our studs.”

I inwardly cringed at his words. He was obviously trying to stir Dante up, and going by the tension I could feel turning his body rigid beside me, it was working. He fired out a rapid string of angry sounding Italian, and when I dared to shoot a glance at his face, he was glaring at Alex.

“There will be no studs. I can take care of my woman’s needs. Maybe you should be taking better care of your lady. Are you sure, you can give her everything, she wants and needs?” He snapped.

I watched a look pass between them and realised, there was more going on here than met the eye. What was it, and did it involve Mel?

“Oh lighten up you two. So who wants wine?” My friend stepped in, attempting to get the celebration back on track.

Her question was met with silence. Both men stared at her, and I raised an eyebrow in her direction. When she looked around at us all, she blushed.  “Oops, no wine for you.”

I frowned at her words. Hell, no wine for me. The reality, of it, was only just setting in. I was pregnant, I couldn’t drink any more.

“What would you like to drink cara, water, juice, tea?”

I grimaced. Those were my choices? I wanted wine. Of course I didn’t ask for wine, because I wouldn’t get it, I knew that. No way would Mr Protective, let me have wine.

“I’ll have juice please.” I smiled sweetly at him, and he gave me a bemused look.

“Let me get you comfortable.” He went to help me sit on the lounge, but I resisted.

“Take me with you into the kitchen, please.” I placed a hand on his arm, staring up at him through my lashes.

I saw his eyes narrow as he looked down at me. He knew I was up to something; he obviously wasn’t sure what, just yet.

“Come on then.” He helped support me, as he led me to the kitchen. Once there, he left me propped up against the breakfast bar, while he poured a glass of juice for me.

As he moved around the kitchen, I watched him, and the play of muscles, bunching and shifting under his shirt, as he reached up to a cupboard to get down wine glasses.

I frowned, staring at the glasses in his hand, and the juice in mine. Sighing, I swallowed a mouthful, while I ran my fingers lightly over my stomach. I was giving up wine for our baby, in the end, it was worth it, to make sure he or she, was healthy.

“What is wrong cara? Do you have pain?” Dante’s voice was filled with concern.

I nodded, reaching for him. He rushed forward, looking like he was about to pat me down, but I grabbed him, tugging him closer, one hand lifting to grab his pony tail, pulling his head to mine.

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