Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (45 page)

Read Dial a Stud: Dante's Story Online

Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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I heard him groan, and felt his body stiffen. “No Grace.” He whispered, but I ignored him, closing my lips over his, my tongue stabbing at his, demanding entry. He resisted, for a few moments, and I knew he was at war with himself. I needed him though, I needed him to kiss me, hold me. Fuck it, I wanted him so badly, despite Mel and Alex being in the living room.

Frantically, I moved my lips over his, licking, nipping, coaxing, desperate for him to let me in. Finally, he gave another soft groan, and his mouth opened. Immediately my tongue slipped inside, tangling with his.

He gave up all attempts to resist, and began to kiss me back, with as much passion as I kissed him. I felt his fingers delve into my hair, tightening in my curls, forcing my head back, so he could take over, and I gasped when he began to ravage my lips, forcing them against my teeth.

I’m not sure what would have happened, if we hadn’t been interrupted. I would have happily let him take me in the kitchen, without thinking twice about it.

It was the sound of someone clearing their throat, that caused Dante to drag his lips from mine, his breathing ragged, chest heaving as he glowered at Alex, who stood grinning at us.

“You know, you two should really get a room.”

“Now that’s a bloody good idea.” I agreed and he laughed.

Dante, however, was not looking amused. In fact, I could see a tic in his jaw, as he ground his teeth together.

“I came in here to tell you to hold the celebrations. Don’t bother opening the wine. Mel’s not feeling well, and I need to speak to her about that thing.” He gave Dante a look, which he seemed to understand, whereas I was looking at them both with confusion.

“Mel’s sick?” I asked. She’d looked ok when we arrived.

Alex winked. “Yeah, sick sugar.” His expression sobered, and I watched him glance nervously over his shoulder. “I need to get her alone.” He patted his pocket, and my eyes popped open wide, when I realised what all his cryptic comments, and the sudden need to leave, meant.

“Oh my god, Alex, you’re going to propose?” I squeaked.

“Shhh.” He held a finger up to his lips, casting another glance over his shoulder. “Yeah, I am. Just think; if she says yes, you’ll be stuck with me forever.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “That will be such a hardship.” I flapped my arms at him. “Ok, go, go do your thing.”

He bent down to drop a kiss on my cheek, before rushing out of the kitchen again. He’d only been gone a minute or two, and he was back, with Mel. She looked surprised, and suspiciously flushed. He was looking a bit ruffled up too, and I lowered my head, so they wouldn’t see me smile.

“Umm, we’re going.” She announced, and I raised my eyes to hers. She seemed confused, by Alex’s sudden need to get her out of the house, but she also looked turned on, so obviously, he’d used his ‘assets’ to butter her up, so she’d be more agreeable to leaving early.

“Oh, ok then.” I went with the casual, nonchalant tone. They both came to me, so I could kiss them goodbye, I mouthed ‘Good luck’ to Alex, behind Mel’s back, and watched them leave.

Once I heard the front door shut behind them, I turned to Dante. He eyed me off, shaking his head subtly when he saw my face.

“No cara, I know what you want, but you’re just out of hospital. I will hurt you if we try to fuck now.”

“Dante, I swear, if you don’t take me to bed, I’m going to find one of your damn toys from your Dial A Stud days. I need you, I want you. Don’t make me beg, please.”

“I don’t want to hurt you Grace. You’re injured, and you’re pregnant.”

“Yeah, I’m pregnant, and that doesn’t mean I can’t be touched. You won’t hurt me, please, I want you.”

“No, I can’t, I haven’t had you in so long. I’m concerned I will hurt you. Give it a few more days for you to heal, and then we can consider it.”

My heart sank at his words. Fuck him then. I wasn’t going to beg, I was going to break him. Propping myself up against the breakfast bar, I dropped my crutch, letting it clatter to the floor.

With my eyes on Dante, who was frozen, watching me closely, I hitched my dress up, until I could slip my hand under it. I found the elastic of my panties, pushing them aside, so I could slide a couple of fingers over my sensitive clit.

Slowly I moved them back and forth, dipping inside my wet pussy, and out again, to circle my clit. Over and over, I repeated the movement, all the time, keeping my eyes on him.

His eyes had darkened, his lips parted slightly, and I could see he was breathing harder, his chest rising and falling more rapidly.

I picked up the pace a bit, moving my fingers faster, harder, feeling the pleasure building in me. I wished it was Dante doing this, I wanted it to be him, inside me, fucking me, but he was hell bent on being noble, it seemed. Maybe once he’d watched me come, his sense of honour and his need to protect me, would be dented enough, that he would be willing to take me.

“Oh god, I’m going to come soon.” I moaned; struggling to hold his gaze as my excitement grew.

“Damn you cara.” I shot him what I hoped, to be my sultriest smile, when I heard the frustration in his voice.

He surprised me, by reaching for the zip on his jeans, his eyes still watching the movement of my fingers, between my legs. He carefully lowered it, slipping a hand inside to pull out his engorged cock.

My eyes widened when I saw the long, heavy, rock hard length, with that piece of metal hanging out of the head, where it pierced him.

He curled his fingers around himself, and began to stroke his cock with a firm grip, all the while, watching the movement of my hand.

Seeing Dante, begin to pleasure himself, was almost too much for me. I began to rub at my clit faster, my mouth falling open as I panted. For a brief moment, I worried that when my orgasm hit, I would lose my footing, which could be a problem when one ankle was in plaster.

“Oh fuck, fuck.” I moaned, needing to close my eyes, as the feelings flooding me, threatened to overwhelm me. I didn’t want to close them though; I wanted to watch Dante, because seeing him, holding his cock, stroking it like he was, was seriously hot.

Faster I rubbed my fingers over my clit, watching through heavy eyelids as he walked towards me, still holding himself in a tight grip.

The hand that wasn’t wrapped around that impressive dick of his, slipped between my legs, brushing my fingers aside. Roughly, he thrust two inside me, moaning something softly in Italian, as he began to plunge in and out of me. As he stabbed them as deep as he could, he ground out his palm over my clit. Fucking hell, I wasn’t going to last long when he was taking over so completely, dominating me, controlling my mounting pleasure.

“Come on cara. You want to come? I can feel it. You are so wet, and I can smell your arousal.” He began to move in and out of me faster, curling his fingers forward as he thrust.

Our bodies were so close now; I could feel the heat coming off him, and his other arm, brushed against me, as he stroked his cock. 

With the unrelenting touch of his fingers, and the knowledge, that he was still working himself towards his own release, exciting me until I reached fever pitch, it didn’t take much more, to push me over the edge.

As my orgasm broke, pleasure so incredibly intense, flooded my body. I cried out, clutching frantically at the breakfast bar, as my legs began to shake.

My pussy clenched, squeezing his fingers in a rhythmic contraction of muscles, as I came all over his hand, hearing the husky words of encouragement, next to my ear, as Dante rained gentle kisses across my cheek.

His arm circled my waist, helping to hold me steady, as I rode out my orgasm. God it was powerful, and I could only put its intensity down to the fact, we hadn’t had sex in a few weeks, and I’d needed that release, desperately.





Chapter Thirty


Dante finally removed his hand from between my legs, wiping his palm down his jeans, before he pulled me closer, holding me as I trembled violently in his arms.

I could hear the ragged sound of his breathing. I could feel his hot, moist breath, stirring a few strands of hair, by my ear, and as he stood, pressed against me, I realised, he hadn’t come. He was still, painfully hard, the ridge of his cock, pressing insistently against my stomach.

I slipped a hand between our bodies, curling my fingers around him, but he pulled away from me. “No cara, this was for you, since you were obviously desperate to come. I hope that you now feel better, and will not be risking injury to yourself, trying to get me to fuck you.”

“You won’t hurt me, and I want you to fuck me. I told you, if you won’t do it, I’ll use your toys. You introduced me to great sex Dante. You can’t do that, then tell me, that because I’ve been hurt and I’m also pregnant, that you won’t touch me now. That’s like letting the child eat some candy, then leaving the jar where they can see it, but telling them, they can’t have any more. You’re my candy and I want you.”

He groaned; closing his eyes briefly and I could see the conflict on his face. He was at war with himself. His natural desire was to protect me, to keep me safe, but his body screamed for release. I knew what that level of desperation felt like. I’d been there only moments ago, before I’d come.

“Let me help you come.” I whispered, raising my hand, to cup his cheek. He nuzzled into my palm, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened to me again, and I was pinned by the heat in those brown depths, I gasped, feeling the pull of his intense sexuality, between my legs. Hell, at this rate, I’d be wanting him again, before I got him off.

“I don’t need to come. I was a stud, remember? We didn’t get to come all that often. You should lie down for a little while, you need to rest.”

“No Dante!” I snapped, taking him by surprise. “I don’t want to rest, I’m not tired. You’re not a stud any more. I haven’t paid you for your services. You’re my fiance. I love you, I want you, I want to fuck you, and I sure as hell, want to make you come. If I have to put up with this self-sacrificing, over protective bullshit for the next nine months, I’m going to go crazy.”

He was almost a blur, as he took those couple of steps that brought his body, flush with mine again. One hand snagged my chin, holding my face up to his. “My girl is a feisty thing today, isn’t she?”

“Yes, your girl, who wants to have a sexual relationship, with her man.”

His other hand came up holding my face, firmly in his grip. As he watched me, silently, he tilted his hips, and I felt the rigid length of his cock, grind against my stomach.

“Is this what you want Grace? You want me to fuck you?” He thrust again, rolling his hips, all while keeping his eyes firmly locked on mine.

“Hell yes.” I moaned, circling my suddenly dry lips with my tongue.

“So how exactly do you expect me to fuck you, when you have a broken arm, plus your ankle is in plaster and your foot too? How can we do this, so I don’t hurt you?” He asked, his voice, low, husky, dripping with sexual need.

His words brought a flash of reality to mind, but not enough to stop me from wanting him to fuck me.

“I can lean over the table. I won’t put pressure on my broken ankle. Take me from behind Dante. I want to feel that big cock of yours filling me up. I want that piercing to tease my pussy, and make me wet and needy for you.” I purred, slipping unexpectedly, into the role of seductress; a slightly damaged one, but a seductress, all the same.

Dante thrust lazily again, his cock rubbing over my stomach. It was driving me crazy.

“You have given this some thought, haven’t you?” A hand pushed between my legs, and I felt his fingers inside me. “Oh, and you’re already wet, soaking wet, actually. You need my cock inside you don’t you cara?”

“Please, yes, please don’t deny me. I want you so much. I want everything you have to give me. You told me in the hospital, you were saving it all for me, well fucking…give…it…to...me.” I finished on a near shout.

He stopped moving, lifting his head from my neck and I felt a stab of disappointment. He wasn’t going to give me what I wanted, what he wanted too, but was so determined to deny himself.

“I won’t forgive myself if I hurt you Grace, but I want you. I want you so badly. I want to be buried deep inside you. I want to feel that tight little cunt of yours squeezing me, sucking me in as deep as you can take me. I have had no release for a few weeks and I ache for you, but I won’t forgive myself if I hurt you.”

Hearing Dante’s passionate words, nearly made me come on the spot. I didn’t, but my legs began to shake so hard, I’m surprised I actually stayed on them.

“Oh Dante, please, please, you can’t say all that, and not give us both what we want now. Take me; I want you to fuck me.” I raised my hands to his head, raking my fingers through his hair, snagging the tie that held the silky strands, slicked back in the neat ponytail. I pulled it out, watching when his hair fell loose, settling on his shoulders, that one particular errant lock that fell forward, over one eye, taking his sexy level up, and off the charts.

His head lowered, and my eyes drifted shut, just as his lips closed over mine. Gently he coaxed them apart and I felt his tongue push its way into my mouth, licking mine, tasting me.

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