dibs (10 page)

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Authors: Kristi Pelton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #General Fiction

BOOK: dibs
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His hand resting at the small of my back felt nice.

“I’m sorry you were treated that way.”

“I know you said you weren’t married, but are you divorced?” I asked, hoping to change the subject.

“No ma’am. Never said ‘I do.’”

We were next in line, and I watched as the people in front of us were going.

“You said you never met the right girl. If you did, would you want to marry?” I genuinely wanted to know this. All the people Bryan and I had hung out with were married.

“Typically, I’d let you go first, but I’m going to go first to clear the bacteria out for you, and then I’ll wait for you at the bottom, deal?”

He didn’t answer my question about marriage. Slick move, Mac. Whatever…I liked his plan. I watched as he climbed into the tube.

“Kiss me?” he asked, looking back, and I gave him a shove with my foot. He hollered and the sound echoed back up as he disappeared. I laughed, but it was short lived.

My turn. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. After adjusting myself in the petri dish of a tube, I clung to the side waiting for the lady to tell me to go. When she gave me the thumbs up, I closed my eyes and released the sides.

Water sprayed in my face as I swayed from side to side. I rolled my lips inward to keep the bacteria water from going into my mouth.

The moment I felt sunshine again, my eyes flashed open. Mac was there at the bottom of the slide and I literally slid into his arms.

“Atta girl. You did it!” His smile was infectious, and I couldn’t help but smile just as wide.

Truth is, I felt like a child again. Except when he touched me. Then I felt like a damn 16 year old being touched for the first time. His touch scared me. In all my time with Bryan, his touch never came close to this. It never made my insides stir. It never took my breath away. And never…ever did it make me feel like I could freaking orgasm with no stimulation. When Thor touched me, my uterus quivered.

He pulled me in for a hug. Our wet bodies slithered together only increased my hormonal activity.

“Let’s go again!” he chuckled near my ear, and the low timber in his voice melted me.

I nodded, not so eagerly, but agreeing nonetheless, and he about jerked my arm out of socket as he yanked me the other way.

“Truth is, you’re already covered in bacteria!” He winked.

“Do you think that thought hasn’t already crossed my mind?” I shouted.

At the top of the steps he moved to the line for the slide that looped out over the ocean.

“Mac. No.” I resisted, pulling on his hand.

Without hesitation, he reached up and cupped my chin. “I just want to ask them a question. I’ve got you.”

My respirations increased tenfold when his eyes zoned in on me and he brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. For that moment, I was lost in time, relishing the feeling he stirred deep inside of me—never wanting to let it go.

With a long, slow blink, he glanced away. “My friend is very skittish about going down this slide.”

The young girl in her bikini sat up a little straighter, sticking her boobs his way.

“I’m not sure what skittish means, but we really only allow one at a time. Unless it’s a parent and child.”

I laughed beneath my breath. We were close to parent/child in size.

“You know, Shelby,” he said reading her nametag. “I’d really appreciate you letting us do it this one time. She acts like a child most of the time.” He winked at me. And I could only imagine what was going through Shelby’s mind if my forty-year-old body was exploding with just a look.

Leaning into him and touching his shoulder, she nodded. “Ok. I guess just this once.”

“You’re the best, Shelby,” he said, reaching for my hand and lugged me toward the hole.

“Mac,” I resisted with no voice.

He plopped down in the gush of water and patted between his legs. “Right here, sweetheart.”

I swallowed and tried to find my voice. For the first time in my life, my fear took a back seat to wanting to please him. This fear had ruled my life for years…and yet staring down at his extended hand brought the strangest comfort.

“I swear to God, Mac. If this tube breaks and careens us into the freaking shark infested ocean…” I wedged myself between his massive thighs.

“I’ll throw myself at the sharks first,” he whispered. “But I swear to you right back, if dying was inevitable, I’d fuck you before I met death,” he growled in my ear. I felt his chest rumble with laughter up against my back.

As he wrapped his arm around my waist, his thumb grazed over the underside of my breast. Every part of me sparked to life as I courageously laid my head back, fitting it perfectly into his chest.

“Here we go,” he hollered as his hold on my midsection tightened, securing me next to him.

Oh my God we were so high, it was hard to catch it all because we were spiraling super fast, and water pelted me in the face the entire way down.

About half way down, his teeth pulled on my ear lobe. My eyes shot wide, but the rest of me relaxed fully into his arms when he sucked the lobe into his mouth. The faster we went, my death grip tightened on his thighs…his rock hard thighs. I found myself shocked to discover I never wanted this slide to end.

Before I knew it, the sun hit me in the face, and it took me a second to recall exactly where we were. He stood behind me lifting me beneath my arms and helping me.

“OH. MY. GOD!” Juls screeched. “Did you just ride this?”

Kat and Cody stood there together, and that distracted me for a second as I wiped the water from my face.

“At gun point,” I said but smiled.

“There’s a weapon there, that’s for sure,” Cody joked staring at Mac’s…. Oh dear lord. His swimsuit was tented but he made no effort to hide it.

I scrunched up my nose. “Oh, that’s nothing to be scared of. It’s just like a little 22 caliber thingy,” I joked as I studied his blue eyes.

His brows shot up. “Lady,” he said pointing at his crotch and ignoring the rest of them. “This is like a gatlin gun. It’s a weapon of mass destruction.” As laughter shook my body, he yanked me against his chest and whispered into my ear, “I fully intend to show you how it shoots later.”

“Well aren’t you two just the cutest. Going down water slides together and all,” Juls chimed in again as Blake flicked her with a towel.

“You didn’t want to,” Blake added.

“I do now. I’ll be damned if Sam’s going to do something I haven’t. Let’s go!” And off they headed to take the plunge as well.

After renting a cabana for all of us, Mac and I sat inside out of the sun for a bit eating some lunch. We’d all done the waterslide, repeatedly. There was something about this man that freed me from worry, and though I couldn’t put my finger on it, I was thrilled for the reprieve. He held up his fork with a red grape on the end. Wow, what had happened to me? His germs were all over my mouth already, yet I hesitated with his fork.

“You can do this, Sam,” he encouraged.


We both turned our heads toward the voice. A pretty brunette smiled at me.

“Hey,” she said quietly to me. “May I speak with him for a minute?”

I smiled back at her, quickly nodding. She hesitatingly nodded as Mac stood.

“What’s up?” Mac asked as they stepped away from the cabana.

Trying not to watch, I only caught peeks of them as he spoke to her. Her demeanor was sad as she stared down at the deck of the ship, and I think I caught her wipe a tear. The tasteless grapes somehow made their way down my throat.

When she strolled away, Mac glanced at his feet and released a breath.

“Everything ok?” I asked.

“Yes.” His expression was strained.


He nodded.

“Larissa’s friend?”

“Oh, no.” Only two words but they made it clear that she and Larissa were certainly not friends.

“What? You had sex with this girl too?” I purposefully kept my tone light and playful, but my anxiety was starting to build.

He just stared at me with truth radiating from his eyes.

“Wow, is there anyone on this ship you haven’t fucked, or did you just stick with the bridesmaids?”

The feel of his arms coming together around my waist soothed my…frustration…momentarily. “You know, I’m willing to spread my good will to you if you’ll take me up on it?” he joked.

My brows shot up. “Good will? Is that what one calls using
women more than an ATM machine?”

His head fell backward as he chuckled. “Truth is, I don’t use ATM machines much at all, but I’ll start if that makes you feel better.”

When he said things like that…I couldn’t help but think long term and this cruise was only nine more days. He kissed my neck, and I nudged away from him.

“How many more of them can you count as past lovers?”

With his thumb and fingers he formed a zero.

“I don’t have a passenger list but once I get between your legs…you will be number three…unofficially of course.” He winked with that sexy side smile. “Sam.” His tone turned serious. “Many of us in the wedding party come from the same area. These aren’t random women that just happened to come on this cruise.”

“What area is that exactly?” I asked, suddenly curious about where he was from.


“NO!” I shouted, holding my palms up stopping him. “Specifics aren’t important, right? I mean, this…” I jetted my finger back and forth between us. “Is just a fun little fling.”

“Call it what you want. I’d like to know where you’re from though,” he said.

The words sputtered around in my head. “OK. Split the US up into fourths…like put a plus sign through it. Are you northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest?”

Droplets of water flew from his hair as he shook his head laughing and tugging me into his chest. “Come here, you clown. I’m southwest.”

Guarding my reaction, I smiled. “Weird. Me too.” The thought of residing close to this man sent an anxious tremor through my body, followed by a forbidden sense of expectation.

“Barbados tomorrow. You want to do it solo with your friends or want a man to tag along? This cruise was for you and your friends, I don’t want to infringe on that.”

My eyes skimmed his face and then down his massive chest, wondering why he had changed the subject. Truth is, I pathetically wanted to spend every second with this guy.

“My guess is we will be with Cody and Blake too,” I said.

He plopped into a lounger yanking me down and rolling on top of me.

“Are the bridesmaids going to be angry that you’re ditching them?”

With pursed lips, he glared down at me. “Frankly my dear, Sam, I don’t give a damn.”

Chapter 6~ Mac



Blake’s chainsaw snoring woke me, and it was impossible to get back to sleep. Even after I tossed a pillow at him, he repositioned and revved back up. So, I threw on some sweat shorts and a t-shirt and decided to go for a walk.

Once on the top deck, I stood along the railing of the ship, getting lost in the blackness of the water below. Life had been dark for so many years. Day by day things had brightened over the past few years. Though nothing compared to the light that this new woman had unexpectedly brought to my life. As I watched the enormity of the ship suffer in comparison to the monstrousness of the ocean, answers evaded me as to why she impacted me so much. Maybe it was her helplessness on day one when she was sweaty and in dire need of help. My tongue deliberately traced over my lips as I thought about her pulse frantically beating—blood coursing through her veins at my mere touch. Standing there, I adjusted my cock when I thought about her kiss and the raw desire in her tongue as it searched for mine.

A slow, faint, rumble of thunder inched its way through space. I spun around staring at the black sky on the opposite side of the boat. Lightning streaked the eastern sky in the most magnificent way. Even in the dark of the night, the storm clouds in the distance were beautiful. An older couple sat watching the lightning show that only moments before I was oblivious to. After staring at them and without thinking, I bee-lined it straight to Sam’s cabin and knocked. When she didn’t answer, I knocked again. Finally, I heard someone stir inside. The door creaked open and her squinty green eyes stared at me. Her lashes splayed beautifully around the pools of green.

“What’s the matter?” she squeaked out.

God, she was adorable.

“I want you to see something. Come with me.”

“What time is it, Mac?”

I shrugged. I honestly didn’t have a clue.

“Sam, do you trust me?”

The green in her little round orbits peeked up at me as she nodded.

“Then come with me.”

After we hustled back to the top deck, I took her hand, silently begging her to prove that trust as I lured her near the edge where there was little light. Her cautious eyes bore into me. A reassuring smile was all I had to offer…I needed her to trust.

Once at the railing, I tucked her body perfectly into mine—her back to my chest—and pointed at the grumbling clouds.

With renewed enthusiasm, I watched her face as her lips formed the perfect O. She arched into me, like a cat arches its back when it’s being petted. With that motion, not only did my damn dick come alive but something funny also happened in my chest.

“Maaac,” she drew out my name. “It’s wickedly beautiful. Thank you for waking me.”

Just then, a flash of lightening lit half the dark sky with a blue bolt of light.

Her body tensed as her fingers grabbed the hem of my shorts and held on. There was no fighting the smile that slid over my lips.

For the longest time we stood, watching the pending storm, as the boat managed to skirt the danger. At one point, her body relaxed so fully against me, I realized she was dozing. Widening my stance, I accepted her body weight. Back behind me, were loungers, but if I moved I’d wake her.

Finally, after a few minutes, I shifted my weight, easily cradling her, and slowly sat down. She lifted her head momentarily, glanced up at the storm, then to me, and her head fell against my chest. Protectively my fingers clasped together, securing her inside my arms as I rested my head back, staring up at the stars directly above us. Across the sky, murderous clouds rumbled, yet stars twinkled where we were. I wanted to wake her again to show her that.

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