dibs (14 page)

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Authors: Kristi Pelton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #General Fiction

BOOK: dibs
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“Mmmm,” she moaned.

Suddenly, I realized she was pleasing herself as she rubbed herself against me. What a fucking turn on. Trust me, it didn’t take long for her long breaths to become short pants or for her hip movement to grow faster. Jesus, I could watch this all day.

When I thought she was close, I rolled her nipples between my thumb and index finger and sure enough, this sent her skyrocketing over the edge.

She didn’t have long fingernails, but her fingers scraped over the skin of my chest as she threw her head back and whimpered in ecstasy. Honestly, one of the most perfect and beautiful sites I’d ever seen.

Still straddling me, she collapsed on my chest. Warmth and wetness radiated off of her and just me arching my hips an inch had me knocking at the door to enter her.

I only had brought one condom with me. Who the hell knew this would have happened. I never dreamed…

“Thank you,” she whispered….I think she was embarrassed.

Unable to give her more without going back to my cabin, I was thankful she wasn’t bearing down on my cock so I relaxed my hips and wrapped my arms around her. Maybe sleep would find her again. With the throbbing inside me, I doubted I’d find it for hours. That was what I loved most about an older woman, they weren’t afraid to please themselves. Exactly what a man wanted.

Within only a few minutes, she’d dozed. For the briefest of moments her body and mind were anxiety free as she slept.


The moment she stirred, my eyes dragged open. When they say a dick has a mind of it’s own…it’s true. My big head knew sleep was on the agenda but my little head knew that pussy was about 3 inches away and was on the radar all night. I was exhausted.

The lids on her eyes batted up exposing the luscious green. Blood invaded her cheeks.

“Oh my goodness,” she whispered. “Did something happen between us?” she grinned.

I ran my fingertips down to the curve of her ass then back up. I’d done it a million times as she slept.

“Well, apparently the Big Dick Bandit struck?” I teased.

“Oh no! Did he nail you in the ass or something?”

She fought to maintain a poker face but finally buried her face in the crook of my arm and started giggling.

“That’s cute.” I dug my finger into her side, tickling her. “I took it easy on you last night, sweetheart. Next time, I’m going to rip you apart.”

“Ah! You’re implying there is going to be a next time.”

I flipped us both over in an instant as she cackled.

“I guaran-fuckin-tee you there will be a next time.”

I’d never once woken up with a girl in my arms, but this was pretty damn fun. Not at all what I expected.

Bam! Bam! Bam!
The beating on the door brought us both up right.

“Where are my clothes?” she asked panicked.

“Here,” I said handing her my t-shirt. Dread settled in her eyes.

“We don’t have to answer,” I said.

My shirt hung to her knees. Quickly, I pulled on my boxer briefs then sat on the edge of the bed.

I heard the door unhinge.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Oh sweet Jesus. I can tell by the look on your face that you’ve been laid. You fucked Thor?”

“Juls,” Sam gritted.

And suddenly, the girls pushed through the door and were standing, open mouthed, staring at me. An almost naked me.

“You spent the entire night with him?” Juls shrieked.

“Would you guys get out? Give me a few minutes. I’ll meet you for breakfast.”

“Sam,” Kat said and the concern in her tone drew my eyes toward them. “You did it?” Kat’s brows rose in question.

“You found them!” Blake said joining us in the small room. “Hell, we thought you all had fallen overboard.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed as her chest began to heave in and out. Her hands clenched the hem of my t-shirt she was wearing making sure it didn’t come up.

I didn’t give a fuck that I was in my boxer briefs, I stood, pulled her into my chest and growled. Literally growled.

“Get out! Now! We are grown adults. We are accounted for and we will meet you at the breakfast bar in forty-five minutes!”

Blake grabbed Juls’ hand as he turned to walk out.

“Wait. We need to talk to her,” she fought.

“You can talk to her in forty-five minutes. Mac’s not fucking around.”

Kat winked at Sam, and Sam smiled. Then I winked at Kat as she pulled the door shut behind her.

“Thank you,” Sam said exhaling. “They are crazy.”

“They are our friends.”

“You growled.”

“I moaned loudly.”

“You sounded like Old Yeller right before he was shot,” she accused.

“I’m protective, not rabid.”

“Then I won’t put you down…yet.”

I laughed, tugged on her hair and brushed a soft kiss over her lips.

This time I was the one suffering from anxiety…I was afraid I was already down for the count.

Chapter 9 ~ Sam



“Well? How was it?” Kat asked with a highly anticipated grin.

Still absorbing the reality of what had happened, I simply shook my head.

“What’s that mean, woman?” Juls snapped. Like literally snapped her fingers.

“It means…the drought is over.”

“Oh come on!” Juls squawked like an annoying bird. “I saw him in his boxer briefs! He’s got the cock of a polar bear!”

Both my face and Kat’s scrunched into a grimace.

“A polar bear?” Kat questioned.

“Whatever. A whale or a… a…ELEPHANT!” she shouted.

I couldn’t help it, I shot orange juice from my nose, shuddering from head to toe as it burned my nasal passages.

“It’s kind of true,” Kat laughed, handing me a napkin.

A full blush crept from chin to forehead. Hell even my neck got hot. We hadn’t talked like this in a long time. We’d had no reason to. But now… what did I say?

“It was…nice.” The thought of him inside me stole my breath.

“Nice?” Juls screeched. “Samantha Lynn. We have not waited five years to hear you say being fucked by the Jolly Green Giant was

“What do you want, Juls, a play by play?”

“Yes!” they both answered in unison.

Laughing, I popped a couple of grapes in my mouth.

“OK. I will give you one word that describes it and that is all I am saying. Actually two things.” Neither of them spoke so I continued. “He had sex just like one would imagine Thor having sex. And the word I would use to describe it is… life-altering.” I grinned, knowing that would pique their interest.

“Saam,” Kat said, drawing out my name and touching the top of my hand. “Wow.”

“Whatever,” Juls barked. “You are seriously going to throw around words like life altering,” she threw up air quotes. “And you’re not going to elaborate?”

“No. Not yet,” I said softly. “And you haven’t elaborated too much about Blake.”

“Well, what the hell do you want to know? I don’t mind kissing and telling.”

Kat and I both cracked up.

“It was spectacular. He’s very good. I’ve only ever been with Bryan and well, he wasn’t good. I can tell you what Mac didn’t say after sex. He didn’t say fucking me was like a warm bucket of paint like Bryan did,” she blurted out.

Mac cleared his throat behind me and I wanted to evaporate into air. He had to have heard me.

Both girls slid their sunglasses on.

He leaned down kissing the top of my head. “I don’t want to growl again and chance you putting me down. I’ll just say, you clean up nice,” he said, with a shit-eating grin, changing the subject, thank goodness.

“You too.”

“So, St. Kitt at noon? I have plans for us, if you’re game?”

I glanced up at his eyes. His freaking perfectly blue eyes.

“For all of us. Or just us?”

“I think you know what I’d prefer, but I’ll take you either way.”

“What’s the plan?”

“I don’t want to tell you now. You have to trust me.”

Did he realize how hard that was? Trust. And throw in a side of not being in control.

With his fingertip, he drew a soft imaginary line from my temple to my chin. “Trust me, Sam.”

Honestly, what did I have to lose? “Ok.”


What did I have to lose? A limb or my life that’s what! The six of us stood in front of the dolphin bay waiting to get in the water. The beautifully tanned employees were already knee deep in the water with mammals, ample amounts of courage and confidence exuding from them.

Dolphins were beautiful, and watching them dive and swim was breathtaking, but swimming with them…no thank you.

“You’re nervous,” Mac said, taking my hand in his.

I squinted up at him like that was the dumbest comment ever.

“I’ll protect you. I promise. I told them we wouldn’t do it unless we could do it together.” He pulled my fingers up to his mouth, kissing the tips.

I nodded conceding to him once again. I’d never been with a man who took control like he did.

“Come on.”

With his hand in mine, we stepped down into the warm water, which came to our knees.

“The water gets deep about thirty yards out. That’s where you can swim with them. Here we pet them.”

Being a gentleman, Mac shielded me at first as they approached. There were two of them that swam next to us.

“If you bend down on your knees, they will rub up next to you.”

Following Mac’s lead and the tug of his hand, we both knelt in the water. Immediately, one of the dolphins rubbed up against me and I hiccupped a breath.

Mac’s arm instantly wound around me, and his hands covered mine in the water. Holding my hands in his, he reached for the dolphin, sliding my hand down the silk of his skin. I smiled when the creature stilled to our touch. He repeated the movement again, my hand caressing the rubbery, slick texture.

While the dolphin swam away and then turned right back around, Mac pulled me in front of him, one arm still latched onto my waist.

“Here, she will enjoy this,” the instructor said, handing us some little fish.

The smell and sliminess was disgusting, but the dolphin flipped his head back and opened his mouth to the sky.

“How cute is that?” I said. Mac chuckled right next to my ear.

“Toss him one,” he said.

The dead fish was hard to pick up, but I finally did and tossed it to the waiting dolphin. Immediately, the other one was there with an open snout, while the other quickly swallowed and then opened again.

“Mac! Aren’t they cute?”

“Mmm hmm.”

His arm stayed wrapped around me protectively.

I threw another fish to the second dolphin as the other dolphin dipped his nose in the water flipping it at us. Water doused us as we laughed, and I tossed more fish. Once the fish were gone, I handed the little paper boat to the instructor.

“OK. Ready to try swimming? It is a lot of fun. You can only do that one at a time.”

Mac looked down at me. “Want me to go first and you can measure the anxiety factor?” he asked winking at me.


Mac swam out toward the deeper water with the instructor. They were far enough away, I couldn’t hear what either said, but I saw Mac nodding to the guy. Then the instructor swam away. Mac started tapping the top of the water, and from behind him the dorsal fin of the dolphin slowly appeared above the water. The mammal was heading straight for Mac. Deep down I knew it would be fine, but my heart found an unhealthy rhythm as Mac continued to draw the dolphin in with his tapping.

Finally, as the dolphin approached Mac, he latched on to his dorsal fin the moment he went by. Mac glided through the water like a vessel breaking the waves, rippling it back away from them. His smile was infectious as he rode the animal. Once he got back toward shore, he released and floated toward us.

“That was awesome!” he shouted, standing up and took about six long strides to get to me. “Sam, you have to try,” he said swiping down his face, freeing it of water.

“OK,” I nodded, responding to his excitement, and a huge smile broke out across his face.

“She’s ready,” he announced so proudly.

Once my life jacket was tight, the instructor took me out to the same area Mac was dropped. He explained the tapping and how to grab the dorsal fin without hurting him and to hold on. To go with the pull and don’t fight it. Then, he swam inland. Mac stood staring out at me. I was excited to show Mac I could do this.

Tapping started…I popped the top of the water repeatedly and stared behind me until I saw the dorsal fin emerge. As my hand continued popping the water, I took deep breaths, fully aware that I didn’t want to try this more than once. The fin looked like a damn shark and Jaws music played in my head.
Duh nuh. Duh nuh. Duh. Nuh.

It was closer now. I started gyrating my feet a little more trying to gather momentum to go with the dolphin. Suddenly, it was there right by my side, and I captured his fin in my hand holding tight as we took off!

We careened through the water just as if I was swimming it myself. Squealing as I approached Mac, I couldn’t contain my excitement, and the smile on his face was a mile wide.

Suddenly, the dolphin veered to the left, picking up speed, and I cackled holding on until I realized we were going deeper back out to sea. I glanced over my shoulder. The instructor hopped on a jet ski and Mac dove and started swimming. That wasn’t good.

That is when the panic set in. All of a sudden the dolphin darted under water, but not aggressively. It simply dove down taking me with him. Then it hit me. I should let go of the damn thing.

I bobbed right back up to the surface, floating in my life jacket, but still treading water out of habit…the dolphin had pulled me out quite a ways.

“Mac! No!” I shouted as I saw him busting his ass to get to me…but his head was face down in the water as he swam faster.

The instructor was almost to me, and I waved at him doing everything I could not to think about what lurked beneath me.

“He clearly has a crush on you!” the guy shouted as he killed the jet ski and offered me his hand.

“A crush?” I asked surprised. Had Mac said something to the guy?

“He’s only ever run off with one other woman, and she let go before you did,” he laughed, tugging me onto the watercraft. I straddled him from behind.

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