dibs (8 page)

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Authors: Kristi Pelton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #General Fiction

BOOK: dibs
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“About doing the nasty?” Juls asked.

Kat sipped on her wine and looked away from the table. “Sometimes it’s hard. I mean Brady and I have problems too. And we’ve been married for…”

“For fucking ever,” Juls add.

“For sixteen years. Seeing you girls feel those feelings again and the flirty fun stuff, it’s hard.”

I got up and walked over to her, resting my palm over her hand.

“Kat. You can’t undo this once you do it. Think about if Brady was on this trip with his buddies and not you. How would you feel if it were him wanting to…” I allowed my words to trail off, though I wondered if they’d have more impact if I actually said it.

Kat and I had always been the most emotional of the three of us. Juls wasn’t heartless but she was certainly more calloused. Kat pointed at the napkin.

“Go respond to Thor. You need this way more than I do!”

I scurried back over and reread his response. Then I wrote:

Durable and long lasting—sounds like the Energizer bunny?

It only took a minute for the waiter to come back. His response was written on a fresh napkin.

You’re wrong. The Energizer bunny keeps going and going and going. Duracell is durable and long lasting. Lucky for you, I am a combination of both.

Blood inched up my cheeks, and I downed my cocktail. Before I could write my response, the waiter delivered another napkin with a simple heart on it. What was I doing? Oh right, playing the game. I wasn’t falling for a guy on a damn cruise ship! I was simply getting laid. I took a chance and glanced over at him. He was talking to Blake—Jul’s romp. But Larissa glowered at me with such hatred, I did the only thing I knew to do and I scratched my forehead with my middle finger. Her perfect little red mouth fell open.

Have you slept with blondie? She seems pretty protective for just being pals

As I swallowed my new vodka water in a very healthy gulp, I kept my eyes on him. It was a surefire way to gauge his response and know the truth. When the waiter handed him the napkin he smiled and unfolded it. We were acting like fourth graders, but it was fun. Then his beautiful smile faded as his eyes rose to find mine zeroed in on his. His vacant stare told me my answer. I certainly couldn’t fault the man. She was beautiful. Annoying and loud as hell…but beautiful. No wonder she was protective.

“I’m going for a walk.”

“Everything ok?” Kat asked.

“Yes ma’am. Just need a quick breath of air.” I forced a smile.

“I won’t leave the table for the love of Christ,” Juls tossed out there and then rolled her eyes.

I grinned and strolled toward the exit sign. I think the deck was this way.

When the soft breeze swam over my skin, I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself and refusing to let any anxiety creep in. The boat railing was cold to the touch and soothing from the warm night air. Staring down at the black water, my ridiculous thoughts got the best of me—spiraling out of control once again. Starting with the thought of falling overboard, to being pulled beneath the boat, to being unable to breathe, to being lost at sea or worse eaten alive… I hated my mind and the thoughts that seemed to control it.

“It was a year and a half ago,” he said.

The recognizable voice spoke directly to my womanly parts against my will. I didn’t turn around.

“You owe me no explanation. It just better rationalizes it, that’s all.”

Thank God for good nasal passages because I could smell him before I saw him sidle up next to the railing beside me.

“Rationalizes what?”

“Her behavior. When you’re with someone else, she knows what she’s missing. If you were mine, I probably wouldn’t let you go either.” Damn. That didn’t come out right.

“Sam…” he whispered and desire clung to his words.

Every muscle in my body clenched up. I fought to maintain composure.

“Bermuda tomorrow,” I said, trying to navigate away from the serious conversation.

“Indeed. Are you girls doing an excursion?”

“I can’t keep them all straight. Parasailing, paragliding, snorkeling.” Every. Single. One. Made me want to vomit!

“And you don’t think Thor should tag along to protect you ladies?”

“If you’re trying to conjure up a foursome, you’re probably out of luck. Kat’s married.”

He stepped up behind me, his body pressed next to mine and his arms stretched out on each side of me, capturing me between him and the railing. Unconsciously, I rested my head back against his solid chest. It rose and fell with his breath.

“I’m not interested in your friends,” he whispered into my ear, sending a wall of goose bumps like a tsunami over my skin.



“Hold old are you?”

He pulled back. I knew this because the warmth of his body…of his face near my ear… was no longer there.

“Does it matter, Sam?”

Good question. Did it matter? Not really. I wanted him. All of him. The attraction was undeniable. I’m sure he knew as well as I that this would end when the cruise did.

“Are you at least 30?” I allowed hope to seep into my words.

“I’ll make a deal with you.” He leaned back in nuzzling into my hair causing my body to respond. “Spend tomorrow in Bermuda with me and I’ll tell you.”

The fear inside me grew with the thought of actually going on a ‘date.’ My last four had left a lot to be desired. Having sex with him was one thing, but spending the day with him? I’d only gone out with four guys since Bryan. Four. One—the nail biter…who spent more time gnawing on his fingers than dinner. Two-Limp Jay. Three—Hip Hop Emino. Four—Sneezy!

Now, I had Thor, the Asgardian god of thunder, who I’m sure didn’t rap nor had I seen him bite his nails—And God knows this man probably had no problem with an erection—he wanted to spend the day with me, the doctor of vaginas, in paradise.

I turned to face him, but he didn’t move his arms. “I’m warning you right now…if you are under 33…I’m tying something heavy to your feet and tossing your sexy ass overboard.”

Even in the dark I could see his brows shoot up. “You think I’m sexy?”

I shoved him backward, but he didn’t move much. “No. I don’t find you the least bit attractive.”

“You just said sexy ass, Sam.”

“I think your body is even uglier.”

His massive shoulders pulled into a shrug as he shook with laughter. “I just wanna hear you say it.”

“Say what? That you’re sexy. Ask any girl around here, she’ll tell you.”

“I don’t wanna hear any girl say it. I want
…to say it.”

The way his over-sized hands slid around my waist and lured me toward him made me want to feel his hands on other parts of my body too. His tongue peeked out between his lips then back in. A kiss was coming, I could feel it.

When his lips were an inch from mine, he whispered, “Say it.”

“Thor… is sexy,” I whispered back as a smile tugged at my lips.

“God damn woman, you’re killin’ me,” he chuckled just as his lips covered mine.

Chapter 4~ Mac



“I don’t care, Larissa. I’m not going.” My voice held no emotion.

“Mac!” she snapped. Her tits bounced around like two softballs as she shot around to stop me. “The entire wedding party is going!” Her shrill voice forced me to wince.

“Not the entire wedding party because I’m not. Neither is Blake.”

She stomped her foot like a six year old. “Seriously. You’re going to pick this woman over Kyle and Lily? Kyle worked for you.”

After taking a quick glance at my watch, I realized I was supposed to meet Sam in ten minutes. I’d never make it. “I’ve talked to Kyle and he’s fine with it. The only person who isn’t…is you. We aren’t here to be together and you know it. I’m not doing this right now.”

My long strides put distance between us quickly, and I hit Blake’s door as I passed it. I wasn’t waiting.

When I spotted Sam standing with the girls, I noticed a group of guys pointing at them. Why wouldn’t they, all three of them…beautiful… yet very different in their own right.

When Sam saw me she casually waved, eliciting a cock twitch beneath my shorts. Her red hair lifted off her shoulders when the wind blew. Her neck was beautiful and elegant, and my tongue itched to trace up the side of it. Her yellow sundress hugged her body perfectly.

“Hey, wait up,” Blake yelled from behind me. I turned and gave him a flick of my head but kept walking.

“I was about to give up on you, Junior,” Sam teased.

“I think I like Thor better.” I winked. “Don’t give up on me.”

Her sunglasses were only lightly tinted so I could still see her eyes beneath the lenses; they flitted over my face when I said that.

“What the hell did you do to Larissa? Man, she was pissed,” Blake huffed out as he joined us.

Sam’s eyes dipped down as she turned around. We all started down the beach. Frustrated with Blake, I glowered at him and shoved him backward for good measure.

“There’s a tiki bar!” Kat squealed, pointing up the beach, and we ventured in that direction.

“What’s up with the tiki bar?” I asked Sam quietly.

“That was what she envisioned when we planned the trip. Drinking at a tiki bar, listening to music on the beach. Kind of a Jimmy Buffet Kenny Chesney sort of thing.”

“Sounds fun. First round’s on me,” I said. Sam smiled. I loved her smile.


By nightfall, we were all buzzed…drunk from the countless seafood shacks and tiki bars up and down the beach. We had seen very little of Bermuda, and I was just fine with that.

All day I’d thought about reaching for her hand. Holding it. I’d never simply held a woman’s hand just to hold it. So, I didn’t.

“Dibs!” Juls said, and I glanced over toward her. What’d that mean?

Both Kat and Sam spun around with grins and wide eyes. Some older dude in a speedo was waddling past. All three of them started giggling, and she leaned against me as she laughed. I took full advantage and wrapped my arm around her waist pressing my body even closer to her.

“He is all yours, Juls!” Kat chuckled.

“Hey!” Blake interjected. “I’m a little hotter than that guy.”

With her red hair whipping me in the face I nuzzled Sam’s ear, “Did you call dibs on me?”

Her head fell back as the sexiest cackle scraped up her throat; she unexpectedly threw her arms around my neck. I lifted her off the ground because she had to be on her tiptoes as it was. I held her in place, putting distance between the two of us and the rest of the group. I wanted her all to myself.

“Maybe,” she smiled, but her teeth covered her entire bottom lip. Even in the dark, I recognized it…the desire in her eyes. I’d seen that hunger before many times. “Disappointed?”

“That it was you instead of one of those two?” I asked, shocked.

Her eyes roamed my face. I wanted to erase her insecurities. With one arm, I kept her pinned to me and with the other I grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged. I needed her to see my face.

“Not even a little,” I whispered and then smashed my mouth to hers.

Damn her mouth was on fire, laced with Bacardi, and my groin clenched when her tongue slid into my mouth in search of mine. I wasn’t sure of her story, but I had a feeling she’d never been loved right. An untamed animal hid inside of her, and I had every intention of releasing that beast.

“Wrap your legs around me,” I told her between kisses.

Though our kiss continued, her eyes shot open.

“Mac,” she hesitated.

With both hands, I gripped her ass and lifted her almost to my chest. “Do it.”

Finally she did. Not only did she do that, but her hips rotated against my abdomen. I growled into her mouth wanting to take her right there on the beach.

Her hands flew up between us, her palms against my chest, her feet disentangled and fell to the side.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Why do you want this?”


“Me. I know I’m older. What’s up with that?” she asked.

“Because you’re fucking beautiful and funny and cute.”

One eyebrow arched up. “There’s that cute word again.”

I smiled. “You are cute. The things you worry about.”

She sighed. “I spent today with you, now tell me your age.”

Frustrated, I hooked my elbow around her neck. I knew when she found out I was 7 years younger she’d take issue with that.

“Mac! Tell me. That was the deal.” Her feet stumbled in the sand, but I lifted her along so she didn’t fall.

I couldn’t imagine these three woman on these islands alone. That definitely would not be a good idea.

“Woman, you need me, so what difference does it make?” I joked.

“Need you?” she laughed. “You, Thor, are a pain in the twat.”

The other three were nearly 50 yards in front of us almost to the ship. I knocked her feet out from beneath her, cradling her body in my arms.

“Before this cruise is over, I promise you, I WILL be a pain in your twat.” I jogged catching up with the other three hoping that would distract her enough in her alcohol-induced state to forget her question.

Back on the ship, we all decided to change into our swimsuits and meet back at the adult pool for some night swimming. Cody and Dane came with us, which wasn’t my idea. When we got to the pool, there was another couple swimming at one end. The girls weren’t there yet.

“Hey, I told Claire to come up,” Dane said.

I flipped around on him. “If Larissa shows up, you’re fucking dead,” I threatened.

He chuckled, tossing his shirt into a lounge chair. I did the same and then sat on the side of the pool nervous Sam would be a no show.

About ten minutes later, I spotted her…them… walking toward us.

“Dibs,” I said out loud, and she grinned.

“You can’t say that, Junior.”

“Why is that?” I stood, taking her towel and bag and setting it with my stuff.

“It’s ours. Copyrighted. We will sue you for copyright infringement.”

“Sue me. Punish me,” I teased

“Cody. Hi,” Kat said, and both Sam and I were shocked that they knew each other.

“Kat?” Sam sounded concerned. I wasn’t sure what was wrong.

Kat’s eyes found her friend who stood only inches from me. She swallowed, nodded and half-heartedly smiled. Hmmm.

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