Domination in Pink (4 page)

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Authors: Holly Roberts

BOOK: Domination in Pink
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will do no su…ahhh, it hurts.”

get on the bed behind her and help her sit a little.”

moved fast.

come down here and prepare a blanket. Hand it to me when I ask.” He was using
his authoritative voice because he knew it would calm his wife. He wouldn’t let
her see his shaking hands.

pain slowed and his coaching began. “You need to push Lydia, push hard.”

can’t please, I can’t.”

going to slap your ass for that one. Push damn it!”

face tightened and she pushed. He could see more of the baby’s head and it was
slowly coming out when the next pain began.

on Lydia, no pushing right now wait for the pain to stop.”

going to kill you. It’s your fault the power went out and you got me into this
mess with your wiggly squiggles. I’m better off swallowing.”

glanced down. He was incapable of looking at anyone else in the room or his laughter
would break through. When the next pain started his daughter began to emerge.
She knew how to follow unspoken directions because her head turned to the side
and the remainder of her body began to slide out. He didn’t force it but had
his hands under her small slippery frame.

screamed as the rest of Abigail’s body came out. Lydia opened her eyes just as
Damian looked up at her.

fell from his face as he held his daughter. Her eyes were open and her tiny
face scrunched as a short cry sounded and then grew louder.

love you.” Damian said meeting his wife’s gaze and then he placed a kiss on his
daughter’s bloody head and moved the t-shirt up to expose Lydia’s belly and lay
the baby down stomach to stomach with her mother. His hand reached out and
Trisha put the blanket into it. He covered his daughter and wife, and then
walked to the head of the bed.

walked over, “She’s good. You have about ten minutes until you need to do
anything else. We’ll go check on the ambulance and give you some time.”

never took his eyes off his wife as Raul slid from behind her and Damian took
his place. The door closed quietly. He kissed Lydia’s hair and gathered it in
his hand. “You are my world. Thank you for my daughter.”

beautiful.” Her hand smoothed over the soft crown of red hair.

breathtaking Lydia; I want another one next year.”

laughed, “Not going to happen.” She glanced over her shoulder with tears of her

arms tightened but his pulse slowed for the first time in two hours.


Chapter Seven


short time later the electricity came back on and within five minutes the
paramedics took over the room. Damian grabbed his wife’s pre-packed travel bag
and followed them out, staying by her side as her and the baby were cared for.

work was required after they arrived at the hospital. Doctor Pastavich showed
up and Lydia noticeably relaxed. All their preplanning was out the window but
he let Damian cut the cord. A nurse took Abigail away to be checked out
completely. Lydia delivered the afterbirth and required stitches due to
tearing. Damian held her hand but she didn’t make a sound and only appeared
lost without the baby.

short time later, tightly bundled in a pink blanket, the nurse placed Abigail
back into Lydia’s arms. She was sucking dramatically on her fist.

doing wonderfully considering how she made her appearance. A pediatrician
looked her over. He’ll be in to see you soon. Right now this little one needs
to eat.” The nurse helped Lydia with her hospital gown.

brought the baby to her breast and pinched her nipple rubbing it against the
small pert mouth. Abigail latched on.

all his life it was the most amazingly sexy thing Damian had ever seen. He
laughed to himself acknowledging he was one kinky bastard.

room cleared and he was left alone with his family. Damian’s finger went to his
daughter’s tiny hand and she gripped it tightly without letting go of her food.

bent over and kissed Lydia’s lips gently. “I love you so much and I’m so proud
of you. She’s beautiful and looks just like her mommy. I hoped for red hair and
got all my wishes in one six pound bundle.”

thought she would weigh at least fifteen pounds with all the weight I gained.”

leaned over his wife and brought his nose to hers. “If you use the “F” word
I’ll gag you here at the hospital. You are beautiful and every pound gave me
more to love. I will miss each one you lose and rejoice in every pound I can
convince you to keep.”


breasts look good enough to eat and I’m quite jealous of our daughter.”

will be a few days before my milk comes in but as soon as it does, you can have
a taste.”

going to be impossible to keep my hands off of you over the next six-weeks.”

good. I have no intention of keeping my hands off you and I’ll enjoy driving
you crazy for a change.”

have a feeling you’ll be securing my hands to make that happen.” His sexy smile
held promise and silent laughter. The last time Lydia tied his hands he broke
the headboard and she was quite unhappy with him.

ignored his reference with only a slight smile, “We still need a nanny.”

soft groan made her smile deepen. “I know. Our lifestyle doesn’t make it as
easy as one would think. I wish my mother lived closer, I dislike the thought
of taking turns at the club but we may have no choice. We’ll start looking
again next week. I thought money bought everything.”

she laughed out loud. “We’ll find someone and I’m sure your money will buy a
great nanny.” A yawn followed this statement and her eyelids closed.

rested his hand on the baby and watched over the two of them while they rested.

was the afternoon of the third day before they returned home from the hospital.
Both parents looked forward to uninterrupted family time. The hospital staff
was wonderful but they had to check vital signs, test Abigail for everything
under the sun, and inquire how the new family was doing on a regular basis.
Home was perfect.

and Paul arranged everything and a bassinet and baby monitor were set up in the
master bedroom. There were easily prepared meals in the kitchen and a hotel
staff at their beck and call.

met the baby and whined non-stop whenever she was out of his sight. There was
really no need for the monitor because as soon as Abigail stirred, Samson
barked and made sure she was awake and that everyone else knew it. He watched
everyone that got near his human child with a promise of violence if the baby
was mistreated.

week after the birth they held a small gathering in the penthouse and Samson
stayed in Raul’s suite so there would be no mishaps.

the night was over, Damian tucked his wife and baby into their perspective beds
and went down to the club for an hour. Raul and Paul were doing a great job.

walked over to a station and saw Bran working with his wife Willow, Damian’s
sister. Definitely not something he was comfortable watching even with their
recent marriage. He took his private elevator back to the penthouse, checked on
Abigail next to the bed, and then crawled in beside his wife; pulling her close
and kissing the back of her head. She never stirred. He exhaled in contentment
and fell asleep.


Chapter Eight


four “post Abigail” arrived and their lives surrounded the recently weighed seven
pound bundle of fluff. Her feeding schedule gave them about two and a half
contented hours and then she let the world know she needed mommy.

eyes were blue like her mothers and her hair was getting curly, thicker, and a
more defined red. She followed her admirers with her eyes and graced them with quick
smiles and contented gurgles when they least expected it. She was quite stingy
with her grins.

was spending the next hour alone with her highness while Lydia went to the gym
to work out for the first time since Abby’s birth.

not overdue it and that is an order.” His voice held an absolute promise of
punishment if she disobeyed him.


growled in response because she knew the use of the word master turned him on.
Abigail was on his shoulder and he was burping her after her feeding. Samson
walked beside him as Damian crossed the room and then turned back around to
repeat his carpet march.

went fine and he received an unladylike burp for his patience. He sat on the
couch and placed his large hands beneath Abigail’s arms jumping his knee up and
down slightly. Samson stayed two feet away keeping a close eye on his baby’s
movements like a mother lion.

with no warning, at least a gallon of curdled milk spewed from Abigail’s dainty

damn.” Was Damian’s startled announcement as he jumped slightly while realizing
he had nothing at hand to wipe them off with.

sudden exclamation caused Abigail to let out a loud cry and Samson began
whining loudly.

looked at the dog, “Really, you think you’re helping?”

came forward and before Damian could stop him he slurped up a large section of
chunky breast milk.

began gagging as he jumped up and headed to the bathroom with a screaming
Abigail in his arms. Samson let out a howl and proceeded to pretend he was a
wolf during a full moon.

the baby up with a wet washcloth only made her angrier and Damian did the only
thing he could think of. He dialed Raul’s suite number.

didn’t get a word out and barely heard Raul over the background noise.

be right up.”

was gone fifteen minutes and the man that made woman scream in ecstasy was
reduced to calling in the big gay guns.

arrived, and took the screaming between hiccups child from her daddy’s arms and
carried her to the nursery. He ignored her wales and changed her clothes and
diaper. Lifting her to his shoulder he soothed her back. He gave a stern look
at Samson and the dog went quiet. One instant Abigail was crying and the next she
went completely silent.

can’t believe you did that. I spend more time with her than you do.” Damian
wasn’t angry just relieved.

a gay uncle thing.”


known that dog since he was Abby’s age. He just needed to know his baby was

her daddy doesn’t keep her safe?”

in dog language.”

He licked up her spit and I almost lost my lunch.”

could no longer contain his laughter.

it going to cost to keep this quiet and not let Lydia know?” Damian knew the

think of something and collect another time. Do you want me to put her in the
basinet, I think she’s sleeping now?”

put her down and I’ll let Sam outside. Maybe he’ll regurgitate baby puke on the
grass and I’ll have another picture that needs to be exorcised from my head.”

need to change your shirt. You smell a little spoiled.”


Chapter Nine


more weeks went by and all interviews for a nanny were unsuccessful. Damian was
back at the club most evenings and Lydia was getting grouchier each day.

was the busy season if you could call it that and Damian performed two scenes
with experienced subs. He enjoyed sexually stimulating them but he was ready to
have his wife back. The blowjobs Lydia gave him were wonderful but he craved
full out kinky sex. Besides holding his subs during aftercare they were not
allowed to touch him. He gave a few quick kisses and found pleasure in dominating
the women but controlled himself and saved his own orgasms for his wife.

finished with Celia, making her drink water and eat a few orange slices before
letting her go to the bar and visit with her friends. He noticed a crowd
gathering at one of the stations and decided to check it out before calling it
a night.

He said under his breath when he was able to see what had everyone’s attention.

was Lydia; a fuller, sexier, and more luscious Lydia. Her thick red hair was
hanging lose down her almost bare back. She was dressed in a black leather bra
that barely contained her large nursing breasts. The black leather short skirt
only covered the top of her ass and he wasn’t sure if she was wearing a thong
or nothing underneath. Her boots were the same material and ended just below
her knees. A softly rounded post-baby belly poked out slightly and added to the
hot wet dream she created.

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