Domination in Pink (3 page)

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Authors: Holly Roberts

BOOK: Domination in Pink
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come with you.” Lydia put a touch of demand in her voice.

tired and there is no way you are going down to the club and then walking the
stairs back up if the power doesn’t come back on soon. Argue and I’ll handcuff
you to the bed and give Raul the key while I’m gone.”

this baby is born Mister, we’re having a talk.”

long as you begin the conversation with Mister, you may be able to avoid a red

keep dreaming.”

I do baby, I do.” He turned to Raul. “If you don’t mind I want you and Paul
here with my irritating wife while I check things out.”

problem we’ll keep her busy and out of your hair.”


eyes turned to Lydia. “Only while you’re pregnant.”

be teaching Paul a few things when I’m not pregnant and you won’t be sitting
comfortably for a week.”

promises.” Raul smiled and batted his eyelashes.

walked to Lydia, kissed her, and at the same time ran his hand over her
extended belly. “Relax sweetheart, I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

minutes later Damian stopped to talk with Kyle and his sub Trisha while they
cuddled on a couch next to the scene area. He was almost finished with his

“Are you both alright?” Damian asked.

“Yes, were fine. I’m assuming the elevators are out until the
power is back on?”

“Yes, but I think the club can entertain our guests for a few
hours if needed.”

“I’m sure it can.”

“Damian?” It was Raul and he looked slightly ill.

“Yes Raul.” Why the hell did he leave Lydia?

“Umm, well, umm.”

“What exactly seems to be the problem?” His Dom voice showed his

“Lydia just asked me to tell you her water broke.”

“Well fuck!”

Trisha couldn’t help herself. “With all the Doms in here tonight
I’m sure one will know what they’re doing.”

“We’ll fireman carry her down the stairs if we need to. I am not
delivering a baby.” Damian’s usual strong voice actually croaked.

“Yes daddy.” Trisha couldn’t help herself.

Both Dom’s looked at her with utter terror and Raul’s face went

He looked at Kyle, “If you don’t mind, will you see if anyone here
knows anything about childbirth? Raul, call the fire department and let them
know what’s going on.” He didn’t wait for an answer just walked away without
saying another word.


Chapter Six


Damian ran up the four flights of stairs. They would need to carry
her twenty-nine flights down if the power didn’t come back on. Whatever it took
he would keep his wife and baby safe.

Lydia was walking across the carpet when he entered the front
room. She looked up with large worried eyes. He wanted to yell at her for being
on her feet but couldn’t. He walked over and scooped her into his arms bringing
her into his body and pressing his lips to her neck and cheek.

“I love you and our baby will be fine. You have my word.”

He felt her body relax and she squeezed his neck. Suddenly her
arms stiffened and her breathing increased.

He waited for the contraction to stop. “How long have the pains
been going on?”

“I’m so sorry, a few hours.”

“You should be sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?” He was angry but
kept his voice gentle.

“I wasn’t sure it was the real thing and I didn’t want you
worrying until I was positive.”

He had so many punishments saved up for after the birth but this
one would be the end all. He kept his voice gentle. “Silly momma, daddy needs
to know these things. Where do you want me to sit you down; the bed or couch?”

“The couch please.”

Damian noticed Paul. “Have you ever delivered a baby Paul?”

“No Damian but I’m here for whatever you need.”

“Raul should be back in a few minutes. He’s calling the ambulance
and Kyle is checking around the club for anyone with delivery knowledge.”

Damian felt the stiffening of Lydia’s body again and decided
against taking her to the couch. He headed back to their bedroom and waited for
the pain to subside before placing her on the comforter. He grabbed ATG from
the closet and propped it behind her back. Voices could now be heard coming
from the other room and Trisha stuck her head inside the bedroom door.

“You can come in Trish.” Lydia smiled but the strain in her voice
was clear.

Trisha entered with a small trail of people behind her.

They were friends and most felt like family. Kyle kissed her on
the cheek. “You okay princess?”

“You’re only calling me that because I can’t take a whip to you
right…” Her voice caught as another pain hit her.

Damian took over and grabbed her hand.

When the pain diminished a single tear ran down her cheek. “Please
Damian I need to talk to you alone.”

Everyone heard the
plea and made their way quickly from the room with no prompting from Damian.

whispered in his ear when he walked by, “At least an hour for the ambulance.”

inhaled deeply and took Lydia’s hand bringing it to his lips. When everyone was
gone and the door closed he looked into her pain filled eyes and knew even more
why he loved this woman.

afraid. I didn't want anyone else to know. I'm so afraid."

leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead. Her hand constricted on his
and her breathing picked up. "Slow my love, ride it out." He breathed
along with her.

the contraction ended, he wiped the moisture from her brow. "I love you. I
will not let anything happen to you or our baby. In a few hours you will be
holding Abigail at your breast. I promise."

smile was small but it was there. "A few hours? I may kill you by then. I
want her out now.”

know you do, but, my tough little Domme, you can handle this.”

Damian, let Raul hold my hand, I want you delivering our daughter."

you want. I may as well begin being a daddy sooner than later. But, if you want
her to come quickly you have work to do."

know and it hurts again."

grip tightened and he held her through another pain. Maybe the electricity
would come back on but he realized changing her location to a hospital might be
impossible at this point. As much as he liked pushing her limits this wasn't in
the same ballpark and he just wanted her and the baby safe.

slowly trailed down her face and he wiped them away when the majority of the pain
passed. He could see by her facial features that even without the contraction she
continued to suffer.

do you want in here with us?”

none of them have ever delivered a baby then just Raul and I guess Trisha.”

I’ll get them.”

need towels and.” Her voice came out on a groan as another contraction hit.
This one was closer to the other and they were noticeably getting stronger.

it was over, Damian didn’t wait to talk but left the room to give orders. Paul
already had a collection of what they needed and carried it into the room. When
Damian walked back in with Trisha and Raul, Paul was holding Lydia’s hand while
she breathed through her pain. Damian went to the far side of the bed, and
pulled the comforter down and then walked to the other side picking Lydia up.

the sheet exposed and place the blue blanket down and then a few towels.”

went to work organizing the bed.

left the room without being asked but Damian lay Lydia on the bed and stopped
him in the hallway, “Go grab my Ipad out of the office and Google childbirth,
it has its own Internet and should still be working. I want step by step
directions and you also need to gather everything else we need.”

walked back into the room. “Raul, you get the honors of holding Lydia’s hand.
Trisha, follow me and we’ll wash up.”

washed his hands with soap and water and then watched as Trisha did the same.
She was a tough woman and didn’t seem to be thrown off by midwife duty. If Kyle
chose her as sub she had to be strong.

walked back into the bedroom to the sound of Lydia panting. He waited and when most
of the tension left her face he kissed her forehead. “I’m going to remove your
clothes and put you in a nightshirt.”

of your t-shirts please.”

my love, not a problem.”

made short work of her clothes and acting quickly, placed a soft white t-shirt
over her head. His lips met hers for a quick hard kiss then he placed her hand
in Raul’s and walked to the end of the bed.

soon as the next pain is over, we’re going to move you closer to the end of the
bed.” They waited and when the pain passed everyone helped to guide her bottom
to the foot of the bed leaving room for her feet to rest on the edge of the
mattress with her knees bent.

entered the room again bringing a large bowl with items resting inside. He
placed the bowl on the dresser and then stood out of Lydia’s sight.

walked over, “Words of wisdom?”

baby should pretty much deliver itself. Don’t pull on the head, it will turn to
the side naturally, and then the body will come out. Place the baby face down on
Lydia’s bare tummy and cover it with a blanket or towel. Don’t worry about the
cord right away. If the paramedics aren’t here shortly after the baby’s born, we’ll
go to the next step.”

I need to have a look and see what’s going on. Any advice there?”

you can see the baby’s head it’s time. Have her push between pains but not
during the worst of the contraction.”

started groaning loudly and Damian walked back over, “When this pain is finished,
I’m going to have a look.”

the fuck up and just let me deal with this pain.”

my dear.”

fuck you.”

knew your potty mouth would activate sooner or later.”

panting kept her from replying but he knew if she was cussing she was doing
okay. He waited her out and as soon as her body relaxed on the bed he moved her
knees further apart. No head showed but he didn’t know if he was relieved. His
hand went to her thigh.

touch my legs.” She said sharply.

was like touching a hot surface and his hand jerked away.

ma’am.” He couldn’t help the laughter in his voice.

swear if you’re laughing at me we’re getting a divorce.” Another pain took

seemed to be coming faster and lasting longer. Damian changed places with
Trisha for a moment and took his wife’s other hand. She released Raul’s and
rolled slightly toward her husband. He sat on the bed and let her dig her
fingernails into his flesh as she rode out the pain.

breathing slowed. “I don’t think I can do this.”

baby, I have no doubt you can do this.”

I had it all arranged and they were giving me an epidural as soon as I got to
the hospital. My doctor promised.”

kissed her cheek and used his fingers to remove her hair from the side of her
eyes. “I love you and you will be a wonderful mother. You’re almost there.”

breathing picked up along with the pressure on his hand. They stayed like this
as time passed and the pains were almost on top of each other.

needed to check her again but would wait until the end of this pain. She was
moaning in a low keen. He felt helpless.

red, oh god.” Her voice came out on a cry.

broke his heart, “Your Domme is the baby right now and she’s stubborn like
mommy and not listening.”

always listens to red. I can’t take this please help me.”

looked at Raul. He walked around to Damian’s side of the bed and Damian went to
check if she had made any progress.

small tuft of hair could be seen and he breathed a sigh of relief. “The baby’s

shit Sherlock she’s killing me and I need to push.”

eyes went to Raul who was fighting laughter. Trisha looked at them both with chiding
angst and managed to hold back her own smile.

pain began and Damian could see more of his daughter’s hair. It was short, wet,
and red.
Oh Abby he thought, you will give your father a merry chase

almost here Lydia, push between pains and then stop when I tell you to.”

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