Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance
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“And you all believe this.” Blair nodded and Jul felt the air around him seem to heat up. Before he could let her go, Em went from a spitting mad woman to a giant wolf with sharp teeth and claws. He leapt back from her just as her teeth snapped at his chin. “Mother fuck.”

She chased him to the door and swiped her paw at him twice before he thought about becoming one with the wall behind him. He glanced over at Allen when he laughed.

“I told you not to run, didn’t I? I said when we show you, don’t run.” Jul would have given anything if Allen would just call her off. “Now you went and pissed off her wolf. The only way to get it out of her system is to let her chase you down. The good news is she won’t be able to hurt you.”

“But will she be able to kill me?” No one answered him, but Allen did open the back door for him. “What the fuck are you doing? You can’t seriously think I’m going to take off running?”

“You wanna see if she can kill you here? This is an awfully tight space here. What if one of her paws accidently swipes your throat and she nicks one of them thick veins there?” Jul eyed the door. “I’ll distract her enough for you to get a head start. You get going and run to them trees you seen me playing in, and you might stand a chance.”

Allen moved in front of who Jul thought was Em, and Jul took off to the door. He heard a snarl and a laugh, but he was too busy trying to get his feet to get going. As soon as he heard her snarl again, Jul knew he was a dead man. And when her paw swiped at him, he nearly fell but managed to keep going until they were in the trees. Christ, he didn’t want to die this way.

He ran until he hurt from it. Jul had no idea where he was, or for that matter, where the big wolf was. He’d about convinced himself that he’d been mistaken when she was standing in front of him. Jul backed so quickly that he fell over a log and had the breath knocked out of him. Before he could get up and get going again, she was over him, her paws on either side of his head.

You can hear me.
Jul moaned and closed his eyes when he heard Em speaking to him.
Open your eyes and think of me. When you do, you can talk to me.

All he could think about was her naked, her body slick with sweat from his body. She growled low, and he looked up at her. His body, his cock, was on fire for her. She moved off his body, but not far from him. Jul sat up on his elbows and looked at her as she sat down.

“You’re a wolf.” The big animal snarled at him and he had to smile. “You do that very well. I’m not sure if I should be afraid or not.”

You should be scared shitless.
He shook his head and sat up on his butt.
Why are you doing this? I mean, I know that we almost had sex, but why did you not leave when I ran away? You’d be safe in a nice hotel in about an hour, and none of this would be happening to you. Why do you still want me?

“Why do I still want you? Are you…? Christ, woman, have you seen what you look like? You’re beautiful.” Jul had no idea why, but he thought she didn’t believe him. Jul also knew it was more than that, and he wanted her to know. “But it wasn’t just that. There was…it was like I was being pulled to you. The need to touch you and to be touched by you was crippling. Then when I did…I guess it wasn’t enough just to touch you. I needed you.”

I’m not the kind of person people date.
He frowned at her.
This is…give me your shirt. I’ll shift back and we can talk.

He unbuttoned his shirt and started to hand it to her when it occurred to him what she’d said. “Are you naked? I mean, when you shift, as you call it, are you naked?”

Is sex all you think of?
He told her it was.
Well, we can’t have sex. If we do, it’s a done deal. I’ll belong to you and to be honest, I’ve had enough of men trying to own me. I don’t care for it.

She took the shirt when he handed it to her. What she said, what she implied, bothered him. Someone—and he had no idea why he thought so—someone had hurt her. He would bet the bank on it. And a part of him, a part of him he had no idea existed, needed to find this bastard and make him pay.

When she came back from behind the trees, his mouth watered. There wasn’t really much of her showing, no more than a pair of shorts and a top would show, but he knew that beneath his shirt, she was bare. He had to swallow twice before he could speak.

“Who is he?” The moment she looked at him, he knew that he’d been right. “This man, are you in love with him?”

“No. God no.” She started pacing, and it was doing little to help him concentrate on what they were talking about. “He beat me up. And while I can shift and kill him for it, it’s been in public places. Then today, he came to the school. And before you ask me, no, I didn’t encourage him in any way.”

Jul looked at her and wondered what possessed a person, a man, to hurt another person. Especially a woman. “Does your family know about him? I’m betting that they don’t. Because if they did and being what they are, he’d not be around very long. Am I right?”

“No, they don’t know about him. And I’d like to keep it that way. They tend to…I’m not a child.” He agreed with her, and she turned to frown at him. “I mean, I look like a woman because I’m a full-grown woman. I can think things out, take care of myself. And I have no need for a man to think he needs to be my protector.”

“I believe you. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to find him and tear his throat out.” He grinned at her. “I’ve never wanted to do that for a woman before. Usually I just nod and let them do whatever they want so long as they…well, you know. It was just a way to get relief. Most of them knew that, and the ones that didn’t, I never saw again. Then things heated up at work and I didn’t have time for women. Or sex.”

“I’ve never had sex before.” He looked at her hard. There was no way that she was a virgin. “I have been…I have vibrators, but I never used them inside of me. I just…they were a way to relieve some tension, like you said. After being with you, I can tell you that they paled in comparison.”

His cock ached to show her how much more could be done to relax her. He thought of her naked, under him and screaming out his name. When she shivered her nipples hardened, and her body swayed enough that he knew she was thinking of him too. Jul wanted to have her come in his mouth again. He wanted to fuck her hard enough to have her scream out his name. Jul reached down and cupped his aching cock and balls.

“Come here, Em. I want to taste you again.” She shook her head, but took a step toward him. “I love the way your juices slide down my throat, the way your clit hardens when I touch it, suckle at it. I want to drink from you until I’m satisfied. Which won’t be any time soon.”

Another step toward him brought her close enough to touch. Jul ran his hand up her leg to her apex. She was wet, and her juices slid over his fingers as he played with her curls. Pulling her gently, she moved closer, close enough that he could lift the shirt enough to see her bounty.

Turning her so that he could drink from her, he cupped her ass and licked her nether lips. Her moan encouraged him enough to nibble on her before he sucked her clit into his mouth and his tongue into her sheath. With her riding his mouth now, he reached down with his hand and freed his cock. He ached to be inside of her, but he wanted to give her pleasure first. Her hand on his head had him pulling her closer still, and he feasted on her as she rode his mouth.

Her scream had him fisting his cock. Christ, to be inside of her, fucking her hard and fast. As she rode his mouth, he felt his balls tighten up and he knew that he was going to come. When she stepped back from him, Jul could only stare at her.

“What do I do?” He had no idea what she was talking about, and when she dropped to the ground beside him and wrapped her hand around his, he leaned back. “I want to taste you. I need to…tell me what to do.”

“If you put your mouth over my cock, I’m going to come. And hard.” She nodded and leaned down, but he pulled her up before she touched him. “I want to fuck you. I want to be buried deep inside of you and release. Please.”

Her nod sent him over the edge of reason. Rolling her to the ground, he tore his shirt open and took her breast into his mouth. His need was consuming him, and he fisted his cock to slide into her when she put her hand on his heart.

“Take me.” He seemed to calm then at her voice. Jul watched her face as he slowly entered her, her heat and juices making his cock fit her despite his size. When he felt her maidenhead, the barrier that told him she was his, he kissed her and slammed forward. When she screamed, he emptied himself in her. There was no hope for anything else. But when she licked his shoulder and bit him, he surged forward again and again until he came again, this time bringing her with him.

Chapter 6


Sloan was sitting in her kitchen when she got home. Jul was still at the house with his mother and her family, and she was glad for that. Emerald wanted some time alone, and he seemed to understand that. But Sloan being here scared her just a little.

“It didn’t go well.” Emerald sat down. The little boy and his father. “I tried to…he wasn’t the only one hurting him. They were both…did you know that they were having sex with him?”

“No. I only saw the bruises and what they did to him where I could see it.” Sloan got up to pace. “Sloan, where is the little boy? I know you didn’t hurt him. Where is he now?”

“I’m so sorry, honey. I was too late. He was dead when I got there. I had…they were still having sex with him. I don’t think they realized what they’d done to that point. And that made me….” He paced for several more turns before he sat down again. “I killed them both. My rage was so out of control that I killed them both before I could gather my wits about me. There was another child, the little girl that you told me about. I took her to the hospital. It did not look good for her either. So I helped her a little.”

She went to her cabinet and pulled down a bottle of bourbon. Emerald was glad it was Saturday or she might have gone to work with liquor on her breath. But right now, she needed this more than she needed a job.

“He wanted to stay at the school last night. Do you suppose he knew what was going to happen to him when he went home?” She took a burning gulp of the fiery liquid. “I should have brought him with me. Or called the police. I’m not supposed to, but I should have.”

“Had you done anything to help him temporarily, it would only have happened again and again later.” She nodded. Knowing that didn’t really help her. “Emerald, the little girl, she is going to need care. More than any human can give her. Someone needs to step in and take her before she is lost in the system. You need to bring her to this family.”

“Me?” He nodded. “I have no idea how to care for a kid. I mean, I teach them, but to have one full time? I haven’t any idea what to do. And if she needs help like you said, then I’m not sure how to give it to her. I failed her brother. What makes you think I can do anything good for her?”

“You have a mate. And with him you can do so much for her.” She flushed and he smiled. “You will be able to care for her in ways that no one else can. And her brother would like to know that you have her.”

Emotional blackmail. That was what he was doing, plain and simple. “Why don’t you take her in? You and Opal have a house and money.”

“We’re vampires.” She knew that, but to hear him say it brought home the problems they might encounter when their own child was born. He smiled at her unspoken concern and answered her. “We’re making arrangements. There will be someone with the child at all times when we cannot be. And Opal is a day person. She will be able to be there more than me.”

“I can’t take this child, Sloan. I don’t even know how to care for myself.” He looked around the room and she did as well. It was a small apartment. One bedroom, a living room/kitchen/dining room combined, and a bath. That was it. And if you counted the closet, the single closet, she had a total of four rooms to keep herself in. “In a few weeks I’m going to be homeless too. This place is being renovated as condos, and I can’t afford it. And if you suggest I have my mate take me in, I’ll stake you where you sleep.”

“But it’s all true. He needs to care for you. Jul has money. A great deal of it. I’m assuming that he will purchase the two of you a home.” She told him that they’d not talked long term for now. “He will need to see to your needs, Emerald. Have you even told him about your housing situation? Have you told anyone?”

“No, and I won’t, either. I can see to my own needs, thanks.” She didn’t have any idea why that bothered her so much, but it did. “I have to get some things done around here. So if you don’t mind leaving me to it, I’d very much appreciate it.”

Sloan stared at her for several seconds before he stood up. He was a big man, imposing, and she backed up several steps, shielding her face with her arms. When he frowned at her, she wanted to tell him it was habit, but he seemed to know.

“This other man, he’s been here before. Recently. Are you aware of that?” She shook her head. “You will need to be careful. There is the scent of death about him. He is dangerous, isn’t he?”

“Yes.” He asked her if she’d told Jul. “No. I think he thinks there is someone else, but not…how did you know?”

“You are one I would rarely consider afraid of much. You have been…lately I have noticed that you are afraid of your own shadow. When one of the men stand, you move away. And recently you seem to be away more than ever. Are you thinking that you can protect us from him, or are you hiding what he’s done to you?”

She wasn’t sure how to answer him. Or even if she wanted to. “He’s not anyone I dated really. I never even went out with him. I…he just latched onto me and I can’t get rid of him. And now he’s hurting the people I meet or know. I was with a friend of mine, and this guy shows up and acts like we’re more than we are. More than we’d ever be. He told my date what he and I were married. He keeps showing up. Threatening me. He came to the school, too.”

“You need to tell your family, all of it.” She nodded but said nothing. “And you must find a more secure place to live. He has been in here. I thought…I had no idea that it wasn’t the two of you in your bed.”

She looked at him and then made her way to the other room. She stopped in the doorway and could smell him there. And if that didn’t let her know he’d been there, then the bed would have. He’d been in it, and even from where she stood, she detected the stench of sex and of bowel movement. Emerald felt rather than saw Sloan behind her. This was just too much.

“He’s insane. I don’t mean in a way that makes you think that he’s funny, but nuts insane. But as of now I have nowhere to go that won’t put the family in harm’s way. This guy is dangerous, and there are little ones at the house.” Sloan said again that this place was unsafe. “I’ll talk to Blair and Sapphire. But…I know it’s late, but can you stay while I pack a few things?”

“No. You know that I cannot. Just a moment.” He disappeared and she moved into her room. There was little here that she wanted or needed right now, and the thought that Nolan might have touched them made her skin crawl. Seeing a man standing in her doorway made her scream, but then he said her name.

“Em, it’s me.” She fell into Jul’s arms. Sobbing now, she let him hold her as she told him everything. “Come on, baby. Let me take you somewhere else. What do you need?”

“I can’t touch this stuff. All my things, he’s been here. He’s touched them.” He nodded as if he understood. Holding her, he took her to the kitchen and sat her in the chair. That’s when she noticed that not only was his shirt all buttoned up wrong, but his hair was wet. She ran her finger over his wet curls.

“I was in the shower and this giant hulking man comes in, throws back the curtain, and tells me that I have to come with him now. Then as I’m drying off, while he’s standing there mind you, he tells me that someone had violated your space. Who talks like that?” She smiled at him as he sat in the chair across from her, not letting go of her hand. “Then as I’m getting dressed, he tells me that a man you don’t know all that well has been here, and that if I don’t provide you a safe place, he will and will take it out of my hide. He is one scary fucker.”

“He is. And extremely protective of us. He thinks we’re…the women…are helpless.” Jul kissed the back of her hand. “I’m okay now if you want to go back to the house. I’m going to pack a few things up and go to a hotel or something.”

“I don’t think so. First of all, I have to provide you a place to stay. Strict orders. Secondly, where you go I go from now on. I’m not sure when that sort of thinking entered my head, but I like it. And you.” He stood up and looked around. “I think my first car was bigger than this place. How can you live in such a tight place?”

“It was cheap. And on a teacher’s salary, it was all I could afford.” She looked around the room and could see that many of her things had been moved, and she shivered again. “I’m not sure I can ever stay here again, cheap or not.”

“I don’t want you to.” She looked at him and he sat back down. “I had a long talk with Annabelle and my mom this morning. I had no idea that my…my mother knew about shifters her whole life. And when I asked her why she didn’t say anything, she said she assumed that with Colby working for me, I knew. I had no idea he was a wolf too.”

“You smell like him. Not as much as you did when you first got here, but I could smell him.” Jul leaned back in the chair. “What did you learn besides your mom is more hip to us than you?”

“That we’re mated and bonded. That nothing can tear us apart. I have no idea how I feel about that, but I do know that keeping you safe is all I can think about.” She got up and put the alcohol away and rinsed the glass out. “What are you thinking, Em?”

“I have no idea what to think. A man I barely know and hate was in my house. He…he did things on my bed that should never have happened. Then he touched my things. No less a violation but still, that’s what he did. And now I’ve a mate, no home, no money to speak of. A vampire that thinks a child that was raped by her parents will be better off with me, and a dead little boy that I feel responsible for.” He turned her around and she looked at him. “I’m a wolf, a big predator that shouldn’t be afraid of anything, and there’s a man out there that is stalking me, and all I can think about is taking you somewhere and letting you hold me.”

He moved them to the door. She went with him knowing that whatever was on the other side of the door was going to be fucked if they messed with her now. Before she could think about where they might be going, a long black limo pulled up and the driver was out before they were near the thing. As he opened the door, he nodded once to them and looked around. Emerald had a feeling that this man would take a bullet for Jul.

Emerald curled around his body as soon as they were both in the back. She let Jul hold her in a way that no one had before and, as they were mates for life, no one ever would again. She closed her eyes, wondering if they could stay this way forever as he spoke to someone. When he lifted her chin up, she looked at him and fell head over heels in love.

“We’re going to a hotel. Do you need anything before we get there?” She told him she had nothing. “Good. I’m having Tayler take us to the mall. We’ll get what we need there.”

She nodded and leaned into him again. As he made calls, talking to Colby and a woman by the name of Mrs. Donald, she let the last few days drift away and let sleep claim her.


Jul had never been one to shop. When he needed clothing, he had someone shop for it for him, or he had a man come to his office and measure him for whatever he needed. At his apartment back home, he had about two dozen suits, several dozen shirts, and he didn’t even want to think how many ties he had. But shopping in the mall with Em had to be the best time he’d ever had. She was in the dressing room again when his phone rang. Mrs. Donald launched right into what she wanted him to know.

“There are any number of houses on the market near the address you gave me. Three of them have the requirements you requested, and one can be set up that way. However, one of the three is much larger. Bigger than you asked for.” Jul watched the door as he asked the realtor how big. “Fourteen bedrooms, eleven baths, and a dining room that can hold up to fifty guests comfortably. There is also a kitchen in the sublevels that will literally feed an army of guests. Olympic pool with pool house, a cook’s house with three bedrooms, a seven car garage, as well as a stable for horses. Which I might add can be purchased with the house. The owners are getting rid of everything. Furniture as well.”

“And the security?” She told him as of right now there was a fence surrounding the five hundred acres that the house set on, but the rest of the land, all twelve hundred acres, were open. “What’s the offer?”

“They are desperate to sell. I’ve not found out why as yet, but desperate. The asking amount is cheap, but I think you can go lower. I can set you an appointment to see the house anytime you want.” He told her today, in an hour if possible. “I can do that. Like I said, they want this gone from their lives. And Mr. Whitney, you should also be aware that the house is reputed to belong to vampires.”

Jul looked up just as the dressing room curtain opened. His breath caught and he could only stare at Em. Christ. She was gorgeous.

“Set it up for an hour. Meet us there if you can. Send the address to my phone.” She told him she would, and he closed the connection. He moved to Em slowly. “You have to have this one too.”

Her laughter made his body hum. It was free and happy, things that he wondered if she’d had in a while. “You’ve said that about everything I’ve tried on. I can’t look that good in everything. And all I really needed was a pair of pajamas and some under things. You’re spending much too much as it is.”

Instead of answering her, he turned her to look at the full length mirrors behind her. There were three of them, and he stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. He wanted to lay her over the closest chair and have his way with her.

“Do you know what I see? A sexy, vibrant woman who takes my breath away. My heart skips beats when you come near me.” He cupped her breasts in his hands and loved how they filled them. “You’re gorgeous. And it’s all I can do not to bend you over right now and take you. Make you scream out my name while I eat you. Christ, I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

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