Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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we set out on our own as private eyes.”

“So then I’ll just follow your lead and do what you do.”

“Sorry, sweetie, but that won’t work. What if the people we

mingle with start asking you direct questions? We can’t start spooning

you answers in front of them, now can we?”

“Don’t ever call me sweetie again.” She gritted her teeth then

added, “There must be another cover I can take then, other than being

your girlfriend.”

Sam placed his beer on a coaster on the oak table in front of him.

“I thought you said you’d cooperate with us? You promised Thorak

you’d work with us and take orders from me.”

“I did.” She huffed.

“Well, then this is my order, Triala. You’ll play our girlfriend.”

“Why do I have to be both your girlfriend?”

“This way you can accompany either of us if we need to


“So do you agree, Triala, or do I have to call Thorak and ask him

to assign another female Voyeur Scout to this case?”

“No, no, don’t do that.” She let out her pent-up frustration as she

gave in. “Okay, all right. You win. I’ll play the part as your


“Good. You’ll need to wear this, then.” Sam grinned slyly as he

stretched out to hand her the bag he held.

Inside the bag, she expected to find a wire to put under her

clothes, so they could listen in to her conversations and record them

when they did go undercover. When she opened up the bag and saw a

skimpy red dress with fishnet nylons instead, she freaked.


Jessica Frost

Throwing the bag at Sam, she stormed to the door and opened it.

“Who the hell do you think I am? A prostitute or a moron? Or both?

Get the hell out of here. Now!”

“Calm down, Triala, and let us explain,” Jake said, getting up.

Sam added, “What type of women do you think hang around drug

dealers, Triala? The type who have no scruples or taste and who wear

outfits like that. If you were to wear anything other than something

like this, then it would draw attention to ourselves that we don’t need.

We need to blend in completely and…” Picking up the dress, he

emphasized, “This is blending.”

“Well, you can forget about my blending in then. Because there is

no way in hell I’ll wear such trash.” She crossed her arms in


“Fine. It’s your decision.” Sam took out his cell phone and began

to dial.

Panic flooded her. “Who are you calling?”

Looking at her, Sam replied, “Thorak, of course. Who else? We

need to find a Voyeur Scout who is willing to play the part as it

should be played. I’m not jeopardizing our whole cover operation

because of your pride, missy.”

She quickly walked over to him and gently pulled the phone away

from his ear. “Fine, you win. I’ll wear the damn dress.”

Turning off the phone, he grinned. “Now that’s what I wanted to

hear.” He handed her the bag once more. “Put it on. We’ll be leaving

soon to meet our contact who’ll introduce us to some people


Walking past him, heading to her room, she turned her head and

said, “And don’t call me missy, either!”

She heard Sam chuckle as she closed the door to her room.

Staring at herself in the mirror as she held the skimpy outfit over

her torso, she sighed. She had been in so many difficult and

dangerous missions before, but this one would be the hardest and

most dangerous one she would ever have.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Not only did she hate these humans, but for some unexplainable

reason, she was also extremely sexually attracted to them. That scared

the hell out of her. She’d have to play the part of their girlfriend.

Obviously, kissing, caressing, and fondling intimate body parts would

be involved.

Even though she tried to contain it, a shiver of excitement traveled

through her body as she imagined the kissing and “other” things she’d

be doing with these humans.

Damn, if only she had sexual release before they arrived, then

maybe these forbidden and disturbing thoughts wouldn’t be haunting

and arousing her now.


Jessica Frost

Chapter 5

“You win,” Jake said as he finished off his beer.

Sam nodded. “Actually, it went easier than I thought.” Sam

laughed. “When I saw the anger in her eyes the minute she looked at

the dress, I was about to take cover. I expected her to throw the

alabaster sculpture on the table next to her instead of the bag she

threw at me.”

“You certainly have guts, partner.”

“Well, all I said was true.”

“Yeah, but that didn’t mean she’d accept her cover. But thank

God she did, because now it makes things so much easier. Either of us

can always keep our eyes on her while we are undercover. This way

we can protect her if something happens.”

“Now what gave you the idea I needed protecting?” Triala’s voice

came from the corner of the living room where she walked in.

Her red, curly, soft locks cascaded around her shoulders, softening

her beautiful eyes and red, pouty lips. The extremely low-cut, tight

red dress complimented her plump bosom and accented her luscious

curves. It rested high on her thighs, leaving her sexy, long legs

exposed for his hungry eyes to feast on.

“Damn, you look sexy as hell,” Sam said, gulping.

Jake turned his head to observe her entry as his mouth fell open.

His eyes traveled down her torso. Sam could see Jake’s gaze stilled a

few seconds at her breasts and then at her legs. “Wow!”

She lifted her brow. “So I gather your expressions mean I look the

part of a slut. How wonderful.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Sam got up, walked over to her, and then gazed intensely at her

body while he did a tour around her. “You do look sexy as hell, but

hardly a slut. More like a very dangerous lady a man should think

twice of crossing.”

“Not lady—werewolf, remember?” she said with a sideways,

daring glance.

“Correction, a dangerous, sexy-as-hell female werewolf.” He

stared into her eyes as she stood just inches away.

An uncontrollable urge to taste her luscious mouth overtook him

suddenly. He slowly began to dip in to kiss her beautiful, full red lips,

but stopped when she asked, “So what’s next?”

“We still have time before we meet Tom, our contact, so why

don’t we practice,” Jake said as he got up and approached them.

Way to go, Jake.
Sam tried to hide his smile.

“I don’t understand. Practice?” Triala frowned in apparent


“If you are playing the part of our foreign girlfriend, then we need

to practice.” Jake stared into her eyes.

“Now I’m your
girlfriend? Why don’t I be an acrobat with

the Russian circus while I’m at it and I’ll stand on my head and sing

at the same time?” Concentrated sarcasm oozed out of her, and damn,

Sam found it extremely alluring.

Jake laughed, then said, “Seriously, if we had more time to prep

you, we wouldn’t have to go to such extremes. But we don’t, so the

more shields we put up to protect you, the safer we’ll be.”

“Again, why do you think I need protecting? You do realize in my

wolfen state I could tear your body to pieces in mere minutes?” Her

brow lifted in dare.

“Right.” Jake visibly gulped as his eyes widened, and Sam had to

restrain his laugh from bursting out of his mouth.

“What my partner is trying to say, Triala, is we are putting up this

complicated ruse so people won’t ask you too many questions, which

you wouldn’t know how to reply to correctly without jeopardizing our


Jessica Frost

whole cover. By making you a foreigner, they won’t ask you

questions, but they will us.”

“So do you know any foreign languages?” Jake asked.

“I know some French.”

“Well then, you’ll be our French lover from Paris. Is there any

particular name you’d like to use?”

She squinted as she answered Jake’s question. “Since you two

have been doing such a fine job creating this far-fetched cover for me,

why don’t you come up with my name.”

The words just rolled off Sam’s tongue even before they were

born in his mind. “How about Jocelyne Pinot?”

“All right.” She glanced at him. “Now what else do I need to

know for my cover?”

He slid his feet forward so he was just inches away from her face.

She never broke eye contact with him.

It was now or never. Either he’d get a slap across the face for what

he was going to suggest next, or maybe by some miracle she’d

actually be cooperative.

Gazing at her sultry lips, he said, “We practice being lovers.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Chapter 6

A tidal wave of desire flooded Triala in that moment as she gazed

into Sam’s eyes. Sam and Jake’s scents were potent, and her sexual

urges took their toll on her willpower. Her heart drummed so loud in

her chest that it actually hurt.

She tried to speak, but her vocal chords were uncooperative. All

that came out was a squeaky, “What?”

Sam broke their fixed stare and glanced at Jake. “We need to

practice being lovers otherwise your cover will not work.”

It took a few seconds, but she was able to ask, “Practice in what


Jake came in closer and gently took her hand and kissed the

outside of it while he gazed deep into her eyes. “Like this. We can’t

look uncomfortable with each other. We need to be physical with you

in public and not have you look disgusted.”

Her hand tingled at his contact, and his brown eyes made her legs

weak. No words came to her.

“For instance, if I pull you in for a kiss like this…” He took her

hand and slowly pulled her into him, crushing her bosom to his chest.

Her breath caught in her throat.

With his free hand, he tilted her head upward and kissed her lips

gently for a few seconds and then let her go. “Then you shouldn’t

recoil, but pretend you liked it.”

Oh, God, did she like it, and she wanted more. Her hormones

were screaming for her to tear off Jake’s clothes and have him make

love to her here, now, over and over again. Yes, yes, that was what

her werewolf body demanded.


Jessica Frost

But her sound mind, what was left of it, reminded her he was

human, and she hated humans. Yes, she might protect them as a

Voyeur Scout, but only because she believed in preserving life, all

life. That was it.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she said, “I didn’t recoil.”

Jake nodded, smiling. It appeared he had enjoyed it as much as

she did.

“No, but that was a small, friendly kiss. We’ll be doing much

more than that in public, sweetie,” Sam said.

What was it with this human that got under her skin? He knew

how to push her buttons. She could just scream. “Will you stop

calling me these pet names?”

He wagged his finger condescendingly at her. “Now see if you

said that while we were undercover, you would have just blown our

ruse up in smoke. If we are playing lovers, then lovers use terms of

endearment all the time.”

Her devilish inner voice urged her on when she said, “Very well,

since I’ll be playing the part of your French lover, then I’ll give you a

French pet name as well.”

He smiled smugly as he stared into her eyes. “Good idea. So what

will you call me?

“How does
mon petit âne
sound to you?”
Which actually meant

“my little jackass.” Yeah, that pretty much fit how she felt about him

right about now.

“I like it.” He nodded.

She quickly turned and walked over to the window to hide the

smirk that formed on her face. It was just too funny.

Staring out the window while she composed herself once more,

she felt a warm hand glide over her arm, starting at the base and

working itself upwards. She jumped and moved away.

Sam grabbed her hips and gently stopped her escape. “Act like

that when we are in underground company and you could cost us our

lives, Triala.” He tugged her in and wrapped his arms around her

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


waist. His masculine, sexy scent seeped into her nostrils, and they

flared with excitement.

He pulled her hair away and kissed the nape of her neck. His soft,

full lips gave her pleasure she direly needed. She closed her eyes as

goose bumps formed on her skin from his heated breath. He worked

his supple lips up her neck until he got to her earlobe and nibbled it


With his tugs and nibbles, another part of her awakened. Her clit

began to throb, and juices of arousal dampened her G-string. Coolness

spread over her cunt, and her hormones played heavily on her

sexually deprived body. Her animal instincts wanted her to turn

around and kiss him hard on the lips while she ravaged him and then

made love to him.

She cast those wanton desires back, though, leaving her legs weak

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