Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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“I’m a six,” she replied instinctively and then wanted to slap

herself. Her clothing size was none of his business.

A wide smirk spread over his lips, and his eyes twinkled with

mischievous thoughts no doubt. “I was close.”

That smug look bore through her skin like an arrow piercing its

target. Her hand twitched to ball into a fist, and she really wanted to

sock him then. O h, she needed to get away from him before she did

inflict bodily harm on him, before his scent seeped deeper into her


Coughing, she said, “Well, obviously, we have nothing relevant

left to talk about that pertains to this mission, so when your contacts

have created a cover for us, let me know, and I shall accompany you.”

She began to leave when Sam gently grabbed her hand. Heat

surged through her arm from their contact.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To my quarters. You don’t need me until we actually go

undercover, right?” She frowned.

“No, no, we don’t,” Sam replied.

“So then I’m leaving. Good day, gentlemen,” she said, glancing at

both men, and then began to walk away.

“How do we know where to contact you?” Jake asked.

Without looking behind at him, she waved her copy of the report

Thorak had given her and the humans. “Look at the report. Our

contact information is listed.”

With her werewolf sense of hearing, she made out Jake saying in

revelation, “O h, yeah. There it is.”

Working with these humans would not be easy. They hadn’t even

begun their assignment and they were already getting on her nerves.

They hardly looked like ex-policemen. They hadn’t even noticed the

contact info, for God’s sake. How blind could they be?

Thorak wanted her to work with them. He wanted her to help

them find any clues on these new Rogues. She couldn’t disappoint

him, not again. Not now, not ever.


Jessica Frost

She huffed in resolve. Even if she’d be sick to her stomach the

entire time she worked with these oafs, she wouldn’t let Thorak down.

His approval meant the world to her.

Just as she turned the corner heading to her quarters, she

remembered Sam’s manly, sexual scent when he was near her and she

suddenly felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. What a strange

sensation she was experiencing. She tried to tell herself she didn’t like

it one bit. But her body’s excited reaction obviously told her


Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Chapter 3

Sam rubbed his hands together, smiling after hanging up the


Jake’s curiosity got the better of him. “So what did Tom say?”

“It’ll take a few hours, but he thinks he has the perfect cover for

us as drug dealers.” Sam got up, walked over to the coffeemaker, and

poured himself a cup of coffee. The aroma spread into the air,

reaching Jake’s nose, and he suddenly craved a cup.

“Mind if I have some, too?” He gestured at the untouched cup in

Sam’s hand. “Way to go, partner. I honestly didn’t think we’d get the


“It’s the charm, partner. You gotta know when to spread it and to

whom. Besides, Tom owes me big-time for my help on his case last


Placing the coffee on the desk in front of Jake, Sam stared into his

eyes. “Now, the problem is where does this leave Triala?”

“Yeah, she does complicate our cover. She doesn’t exactly look

like a drug dealer, nor would she know how to act or what to say.”

After getting another cup for himself, Sam sat in his chair, rested

his feet on the top of his desk, and leaned into his pivoting armchair

while taking a sip of coffee. “Yup, so what do you suggest?”

“We give her a low profile cover. O ne where she doesn’t do much


Sam nodded. “Yeah.” He paused, staring at the wall beside him

and smiling. “And I have just the cover.”

“Oh, that look on your face tells me it’s a doozy.” Jake chuckled.

“She’ll be my foreign girlfriend who speaks barely any English.”


Jessica Frost

Jake spit out a mouthful of coffee in shock. “Did I hear right? Are

you kidding?”

“Why do you say that?” Sam’s expression was shockingly serious.

“What, are you blind, partner? Did you not see the hatred in her

eyes whenever she looks at you? If she could ram into you again like

she did yesterday near the Voyeur’s front steps, she would. Haven’t

you noticed she hates humans?”

“I also noticed the sexual attraction we have. I saw her expression

change when I got near her yesterday. How her eyes and features

softened and she inhaled my scent. She’s into me, bro.”

Jake couldn’t help but laugh. “She may have reacted to your

‘scent,’ partner. But I didn’t see she was ‘into’ you. Mind you, I

wouldn’t mind seeing her when she is really aroused.”

Jake’s imagination began to wander. Sam had told him about the

sexual release werewolves needed before every full moon, otherwise

they turned into the uncontrollable beast. His mind brought him an

image of Triala and himself making love. Her naked, glistening body

over his. Her full, luscious breasts right in reach of his lips and

tongue. He’d take one of her erect nipples into his mouth and suckle it

while he lifted her onto his cock and made love to her over and over

again. His cock snug as a bug in a rug in her hot, sexy cunt. She’d be

moaning in ecstasy while her beautiful face showed her pleasure and

her sexual hunger.

An erection rose in him with his excited and heated imagination,

which Sam obviously noted.

“From the look in your eyes, maybe she should play your

girlfriend instead of mine, then?”

“Oh, now that I wouldn’t mind one bit. But I think we’re wasting

our time. You know just as well as I do, she won’t go for it. No way

in hell.”

Sam’s brow lifted. “She will if she has no choice. Thorak ordered

her to work with us and put me in charge. If I say she is either mine or

your girlfriend, she has no choice but to follow orders.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


“You’re that sure she’ll follow orders?” Jake itched to make a bet.

Sam nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

Lifting his finger to deliver his wager, he said with a sly smile,

“Okay, then if you are so sure, why don’t we make her both our


“Ah…” Sam frowned.

Jake laughed, slamming his hand on his desk. “See? See? You

know she’ll say no.”

Sam didn’t speak, just stood up and walked over to the coatrack in

the corner of their office.

“What are you doing?” Jake asked when Sam put on his coat and

came back to his desk to get his keys and the report Thorak had given


“Proving to you that she will say yes.” Sam grinned as his brow

lifted. He headed to the door and said, without looking back, “Don’t

you want to tag along and see if you’ll win the bet?”

“Hell, yes.” Jake jumped to his feet at the bait.

As they exited their office, Sam gazed at him. “But before we pay

her a visit, I want to get some things.”

“What?” Curiosity piqued in Jake.

“You’ll see. Actually, you can help me choose them.” Sam

winked mischievously, leaving Jake completely dumbfounded.


Jessica Frost

Chapter 4

“Ring, you stupid phone, ring!” Triala cursed.

Staring at the phone certainly wasn’t making it ring any faster.

Triala had been staring fixedly at it for the past half hour, and all it

was getting her was more nervous. More than twenty- four hours had

passed, and still no word from the bungling humans.

Was she supposed to wait in her quarters forever? Damn, she

wished Thorak had added her cell number to the report. This way she

could come and go as she wished and not wait for their beck and call

at home.

She thought of calling them, but thought better of it. Actually, her

pride made her think better of it. She had left it that they would call

her. If she called them, then she’d look anxious, desperate. No way

would she do that.

Yet here she was, anxious and desperate. Not because she wanted

to see them. No. She’d be happy if she never saw them again. But she

did want to go out and relieve her sexual libido. The full moon would

be upon them in a few days, and she hadn’t had sexual release yet this

month. Her body screamed for release and pleasure.

A thought occurred to her then. If she couldn’t go out to get

release, well then, maybe release could come to her. Release in the

form of a hunky, muscular werewolf. She started to roll over names in

her mind when the doorbell rang.

Perhaps this was her lucky night and that was either Eric, Stuart,

or John coming to pay her a visit. Getting up with anticipation, she

walked over to the door to open it. The minute she saw two gorgeous

sets of dark brown eyes staring at her and smug smiles plastered on

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Sam and Jake’s faces, her cheerful mood suddenly dropped and a

frown came upon her.

Sam laughed at her obvious change in mood. “It’s nice to see you,

too, Triala.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she asked, “Didn’t we leave it

you would call me?”

“We thought it better to pay you a visit so we can work out the

plan with you.” He looked at Jake and then at the doorframe. “May

we come in?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Not waiting any longer, Sam and Jake walked past her and

observed their surroundings with curious eyes.

“Nice place you have here, Triala,” Jake said, smiling.

“Thanks. Now what is this plan of yours?”

“Aren’t you going to offer us something to drink? Or werewolves

don’t do the hospitality thing?” Sam laughed while he slumped onto

her leather sofa, placing the bag he held next to him on the cushion.

“Very well, what would you
like to drink?” she said

with a fake grin.

“I’ll have a beer,” Jake said.

“I’ll have the same,” Sam added.

While she went to the kitchen to get two beers from the fridge, she

couldn’t help but think of their manly scents as they stepped past her

in the doorway minutes ago. For humans, they were damn attractive.

Sam with his long jet-black hair he tied loosely in a ponytail. His

piecing dark brown eyes and his sharp features were quite enchanting.

Jake’s black hair was short and slicked back, though a strand always

fell to his forehead no matter how many times he pulled it back. His

brown eyes were big and soft, as were his facial features. Both men

were equally handsome, and for some reason she had an

uncontrollably attraction to both of them.


Jessica Frost

It confused her. She had never been attracted to male humans like

this before. Then again, she had never been in such close contact with

them, either.

Because her parents were killed by certain humans years ago, she

kept her distance from all of them and liked it that way. Until now.

Her body began to heat up and yearned to be close to these male

humans, and she was having a difficult time containing her rising


Placing the cold beer she held in her hand near her neck to cool

herself off, she tried to focus and cast away her desires as she headed

back to the living room. Both men sat silently staring at her every

move as she brought them their drinks.

Purposely sitting on the fauteuil further away from them, so their

scents wouldn’t be so concentrated to continue to tempt her, she asked

again, “So what is the plan?”

“Well, it took some work, but our contact is finally setting up a

good cover for us. We’ll be drug dealers,” Sam said after swallowing

a swig of beer.

“That’s good news!” She pushed herself to the edge of her seat.

Sam looked at Jake before adding, “And you will be our


Did she hear right? Could they possibly be serious? She, a Voyeur

Scout who had put her life on the line so many times in dangerous

missions, would play the part of a “girlfriend? And not just a

girlfriend, but both of theirs?

No, they were jesting. It was too ridiculous a notion. “Ha. Ha.

Very funny. Now tell me what my real cover will be.”

“We did. You’ll be our girlfriend, Triala,” Jake replied with a

serious expression.

She jumped to her feet and screamed, “You two are crazy if you

think I’ll play the part of your subservient girlfriend.”

“Calm down, Triala. And listen to the plan before you overreact.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Biting her lip to contain her anger as she sat down again, she

replied, “I’m not overreacting.”

Taking a deep breath, Sam continued. “You have no experience in

narcotics or police work. You wouldn’t know how to act or what to

say when we actually start playing the parts of drug dealers. Jake and

I had five years experience in narcotics with the police force before

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