Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (9 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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“Fine, you guys can stay here to back up our cover, and I’ll sneak

out at night to go sleep at my place. Then I’ll sneak in early in the


“Triala, that is too risky. Someone may catch you. We have no

clue who we are dealing with here. These new Rogues can be

anywhere, anyone. You don’t know if they are masking their scents so

you can’t spot them. If they used a cloaking spell to block the

Voyeurs from having visions of their attacks on humans, then my bet


Jessica Frost

is they are masking their werewolf scents, too.” Sam lifted his index

finger in gesture at her to make his point.

“Yeah. We don’t know where they are. If one of them happens to

be tailing us as we go deeper undercover and they catch you, then

what? It’s too dangerous.” He looked at Sam. “You try reasoning with

her. I’m going to take a shower. I smell of smoke.”

Triala followed Jake’s gait as he walked into the bathroom and

shut the door. Then she gazed back at Sam. “I don’t have any other

clothes to wear. You should have told me to pack some things.”

He shook his head. “Why? Your clothes wouldn’t be any good in

this case. Anyway, we got you some outfits and undergarments to fit

your part in the luggage over there.” He pointed at a black suitcase in

the far corner of the room.

“Let me guess. The outfits are as skimpy if not skimpier than this

one.” Sneering, she motioned to the red dress she wore.

He followed her curvy outline and remembered her pert, dark

nipples and her plump breasts underneath that dress, which he had the

damn good fortune of touching and licking earlier. Then he thought of

her hot, wet pussy he almost lost himself in before they were

interrupted. His cock got excited, and he wondered if they’d be

continuing where they left off. Not in a hell’s chance if her temper

kept rising like this. He needed to calm her down.

“Yeah, you could say that.” He nodded, returning his gaze to her


She took a few steps back and just slumped on the bed behind her,

leaning forward. “Couldn’t you have at least got us a room with two

double beds?”

“The clerk on duty told us there was a room available with a king-

size bed, so we had to take this one. It would have called attention to

us we don’t need if we would have asked for a room with two beds.

We are all playing lovers. Lovers would share only one big bed.”

She stared at the bed, and a slight smile split her lips. It seemed to

Sam an image of the three of them half naked, or even completely

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


naked, sharing the bed, maybe even making love, crossed her mind.

Or was it his imagination and wishful thinking that played tricks on

his mind? Perhaps.

But just as suddenly as the slight smile parted her lips, another

look overtook her eyes. O ne of fear, it appeared to Sam. She stood up

and began to walk to the window.

“I think you should call Thorak and ask that another Voyeur Scout

work with you on this assignment, Sam. I don’t think I can continue

with this charade. Certainly not twenty-four hours on twenty- four

hours for who knows how many days, even months,” she said while

staring outside through the open curtain.

He didn’t expect that reaction from her at this point in time.

Not in a million years. He was beginning to see that Triala Barns

wasn’t as strong and cold as she wanted everyone to think she was. In

fact, she was a very vulnerable, beautiful lady who had so many

complicated layers to her. And with each layer she unfolded or he

peeled off, he could see how wonderful and special she actually was.

He walked over to her and gently put his hand on her tense

shoulder. He leaned in close to smell her strawberry-scented hair and

wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her cheek from behind to

comfort her. But he knew the barrier she had put up around her

wouldn’t accept that tender gesture from him, at least not right away.

“Triala,” he said in a calm, sweet voice, “it’s too late to go back

now. You know that as well as anyone. O ur cover has been set, and

we can’t get someone else to play this part now. You need to be

Jocelyne Pinot, our French girlfriend.”

Her shoulder slumped and relaxed under his touch. “Yeah, I know

you’re right. It’s just that I don’t know if I have the strength or can

handle playing the part all the time and for so long,” she confessed.

Slowly but surely, her confession right now was progress. It

showed him that sooner or later, she’d break down that high, shielding

barrier she had built around herself and let him in.


Jessica Frost

Did he dare say it? He couldn’t help himself. “You did just fine

earlier, with me in the stockroom.”

She turned her head and stared at him with her bewitching green

eyes. He lost his breath for a moment. She brought her attention to his

lips, staring fixedly. He dipped in closer to her lips a millimeter at a

time when he noted her brows furrowed suddenly. Anger obviously

began to rise in her then, and she was about to say something when

Jake opened the bathroom door.

“Ah, that felt good,” he said, coming out wearing only a towel

around his hips and rubbing his wet hair with another one.

For once Jake had perfect timing.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Chapter 12

What the hell happened here?
Jake’s brow lifted in curiosity.

Something big had occurred between these two when he was in

the shower. That much was definitely clear in Jake’s mind. The look

on Triala’s face when he opened the door spoke volumes of the fury

building in her.

He guessed Sam did it again. He said something totally insensitive

without thinking first. His partner and good friend needed some type

of filtering system between his brain and mouth soon before Triala

either knocked his lights out or walked out on their assignment.

It was time he did something drastic to make her forget whatever

stupid thing Sam said. He decided he’d use what God gave him and

tantalize her sexual werewolf urges. That would either make her laugh

hysterically or distract her enough that she’d lose sight of her anger.

“The water pressure in the shower is great. The massaging,

pulsating spray does wonders to reenergize you.” He sat on the bed,

opening his legs wide. A cool breeze slipped in between his towel.

Triala’s eyes centered there instantly, and her left eyebrow lifted.

His cock rose instinctively under her fixed stare and curiosity.

“Yes, I can see that.” She smirked.

He crossed his legs, acting all coy. “Oops!”

She began to laugh loudly then. Her beautiful smile warmed his

heart. She was such a ravishing, special woman. He longed to get to

know her better and to kiss her and make love to her. His body and

soul craved it.

“Well, I guess I’ll also take a shower, since you say it’s so great.”

She glanced at her suitcase, then at Sam, and after that at Jake. “I


Jessica Frost

hope you bought something for me to wear at night, too. Or did you

expect me to sleep
au naturel

“O h, no, we bought you a couple of outfits.” Jake gazed at the


“Good, then I’ll take it into the bathroom with me and have a look

after I’m done.” She picked up the case and headed into the bathroom,

closing the door behind her.

Jake got up, rewrapping the towel more securely around his

midsection. “Okay, Casanova, what did you say this time?”

Sam shrugged. “What, you’re psychic?”

“No, I just know you, and the look on her face told me she was

just about to slug you right before I came in.”

Sam slumped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “While you

were dealing with Johnny, Triala and I went into a stockroom to mask

her werewolf scent.”

“You lost me.” Jake scratched his damp scalp.

“She told me that another werewolf could smell her scent if he

was close enough and one way of camouflaging it was if my human

scent was rubbed on her skin.”

Jake couldn’t help but smile imagining that. “O h, so you’re telling

me you and she got hot and heavy in the stockroom. You lucky


Sam snorted. “No, not so lucky, because the bouncer stopped us

before we got to the intense part.” He paused, taking a deep breath.

“Anyway, she was just telling me now she wasn’t sure she could play

the part of our girlfriend for as long as it took to find out info on the

Rogues. And I made the mistake of saying that she did fine earlier

with me in the stockroom.”

Jake leaned over and punched his arm.

“O uch! Will you stop doing that?”

“No, not until you stop screwing things up.” Jake huffed.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


“That’s easy for you to say. I don’t know why, but I can’t think

straight with Triala. It’s like my brain thinks one thing, but it comes

out something completely different by the time it gets to my mouth.”

“O h, my partner has got it bad. You’re falling for her, aren’t

you?” Jake smirked.

He nodded, staring before him blankly. “Yeah, I think I am.” He

then turned to gaze at Jake. “What about you, partner? I see how you

look at her. I think you have it just as bad.”

“Yup, that I do. I’ve never met anyone like her. Her feistiness and

sharp tongue are sexy as hell. She is sexy as hell. But under all that I

see how vulnerable, sensitive, and shy she is. All of it turns me on in

more ways than just in the sexual sense.”

Sam lay down and faced the bathroom door. “Yeah, we both have

it bad.”

Suddenly, a thought jumped into Jake’s mind. “O h, shit!”

“What?” Sam quickly asked.

“Did you take out the stuff from the suitcase before we brought it

in here? Or is the stuff still in there?”

“Ah, man. I thought you took it out before we went to pick her up

at her apartment.”

“Damn. It’s all still in there, then. Ah, she’s going to flip when she

sees them.”

Sam chuckled. “Flip is an understatement.” He got up and walked

over to the table and sat down, picking up the complimentary pen and

writing pad the maid had left for motel guests.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jake asked, baffled.

“Writing the epitaph I want them to write on my tombstone after

she kills me,” Sam joked.

Jake laughed, but deep down he was worried. She would surely

freak when she took a gander at what they bought her. Soon all hell

would break loose in the form of a raging female werewolf. He

couldn’t help gulping nervously, waiting for the fireworks to begin.


Jessica Frost

Chapter 13

Her sexual urges raged like a burning fire in her veins, consuming

her. She needed release in a big way.

The vivid image of an exposed and aroused Jake in her mind

teased and taunted her. She had to hold back jumping on him a few

minutes ago.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror now, she noted the strain in

her furrowed brow. The full moon would be here in a few days, and

since she hadn’t had sexual release not even once this whole month, it

took its toll on her. Sam and Jake’s virile, masculine scents didn’t

help matters in the least, either. Their musky human odor just sent

waves of arousal streaming through her, making her shiver and swoon

in their direction. Bountiful temptations just in the other room she

could touch, kiss, caress, even taste and bite. Yes! But no. No. She


Getting involved with them would only cause too many

complications she didn’t want or need to deal with now. She needed

to focus on this mission and search for a clue, any clue that could help

the Voyeurs find out who these new Rogues were. Thorak was

counting on her. She couldn’t let him down. Not again.

But she was a female werewolf whose sexual yearnings were at

their peak tonight, and no matter how she tried to cast the desires out

of her mind, her body had other intentions.

Slipping out of her dress, she rested her bare feet on the cold tile

floor. It soothed the scorching sensation under her feet, but the rest of

her body still flamed with excitement to the point it was getting


Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


She turned on the shower, twisted the knob to cold, and waited

until the temperature was at its coldest to slide under the pounding

pulses. Jake was right, this felt good. Instantly, the ice-cold water

beating on her inflamed, swollen breasts and taut nipples eased the

pressure away, and with it went the pain.

Her cunt still throbbed with want, but when she took the

washcloth, wetting it with the ice-cold water and rubbing it back and

forth on her clit and pussy lips, it calmed her desires considerably to

the point the pain almost disappeared.

Moving her head under the powerful stream of water, she finally

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