Entangled Souls (13 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Halen woke early the next morning and stumbled to the kitchen in search of caffeine, assuming Kieran had left for his trip. The jerk. She sat down at the kitchen table waiting for the coffee to brew. Since this whole mess started she had been begging to go home to her family and friends, and now it looked like her dream was about to come true. She should be over-the-moon-happy. So why did she feel so down in the dumps?
Lost in thoughts, she didn’t hear Kieran enter the kitchen. He stood in the doorway, watching her, wondering why she appeared to be so unhappy. Halen was not like the others. He never seemed to be able to get inside her mind…never get a true fix on what was going on in her head at any give moment. Then again, it was not easy getting to know a girl who constantly lied to benefit her own selfish agenda. Walking over to the stove, he poured himself a large mug of steaming coffee.
“Hey, do you want some of this coffee before it gets cold, or what?” His voice sounded cold and unfeeling, chilling her to the bone.
She looked up and grimaced — he was watching her again.
A lock of blond hair fell across his cheek and he quickly brushed it back into place.
“Whatever,” she said. “What are you still doing here? I thought you’d be long gone by now.”
Kieran placed the mug in front of her and backed away from the table. “I’ve asked Lucien to look out for you while I’m gone. I know we have our differences, but my father can be trusted. So give him a shout if you need anything.”
She stared back at him in silence.
“Okay. I get it. You’re pissed about the trip. I’ll be back before you know it. I promise.”
“Of course you will, Kieran.”
He slammed the cup down on the table, the brown liquid spilling over the rim and hitting the floor. “Fine. Have it your way, Halen,” he said, turning on his heels and storming out of the room.
The minute the door shut behind him, she bolted from the chair and ran to the window, watching him walk the short distance back to his parents house. He was actually going to leave her here…alone with these…people. Damn him.
Returning to the kitchen, she retrieved her coffee and carried it to the living room and plopped down in front of the large bay window, waiting for Kieran to drive away. She remained in the same spot long after Kieran disappeared out of sight. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so alone. Kieran was gone…Whitney would be leaving soon…the entire situation sucked.
At that moment she glanced up and was surprised to see Elizabeth making a beeline for the guest cottage. What could the old crow possibly want? she wondered. Fear coursed through her body. She didn’t trust the woman as far as she could drop kick her cellulite-covered ass.
Sighing, she stood and walked out to the front porch. “What can I do for you, Elizabeth?”
“I shall be spending a few days at Blue Willow.”
“Yeah? Bully for you.”
“I shall be back before Kieran returns — I thought you might like to join me.”
Halen eyed her suspiciously. “Why in the world would I want to do a thing like that?”
“Lyric informed me that you and the girl named Bijoux are quite close?”
“What about it? Is there a point to all of this, Elizabeth?”
“She also mentioned something about your friend being…under the weather when they left the compound. I thought you would jump at the chance to pay her a visit. I was only trying to be kind, dear.”
Halen was definitely tempted. Boy, was she ever tempted, but suspicion held her back. Elizabeth could easily be trying to set her up for a fall.
Sensing her uncertainty, Elizabeth realized she needed to play it cool. “Very well, the offer stands if you change your mind.”
Reluctantly, she spoke up. “Wait. I’d…I’d…like to tag along, I guess.”
Elizabeth smiled. So far, so good. “I’ll be leaving in less than an hour. Pack your things and meet me at the main house.”
Halen walked back inside. She didn’t trust Elizabeth’s motives, but she desperately wanted to see Bijoux again. Praying that she wasn’t walking head-on into a trap, she hurried to the bedroom to pack her bags.
Elizabeth chose to share a car with the Rayne family, while Halen and Whitney rode in the SUV with Maxx. Lucien stopped them just as they were pulling away from the house.
“I’m concerned about your return to Armando’s. Kieran will be furious. It might be wise to remain here, under my protection.”
Halen smiled, genuinely touched by his concern. “It’s not like I won’t be back before Kieran returns. He will never know I’m gone.”
“Very well. If you are certain. “We will see you in a few days. And Halen, do not hesitate to call me if you need anything. Anything at all.”
Mitchell noticed Camden standing at the front gate and quickly pulled his Harley up next to him. “Hey, did Whitney tell you what’s happening when we return home?” He said, a spiteful grin plastered across his face.
Camden tensed. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I thought you knew. Bijoux will be taking part in the initiation ceremony.”
“Lies,” Camden snapped. “Bijoux would never keep something so vile and disgusting from me. Never.”
“It’s all true. If you don’t believe me, ask Whitney.” Mitchell motioned to the slow-moving vehicle.
He took off in a run, chasing after the car. “Maxx! Maxx, wait up, man.”
Maxx hit the brakes as Camden rushed up to Whitney’s window. “What’s going? What’s happening to Bijoux when you get back to the compound?” She remained silent, the look in her eyes speaking volumes.
Camden grimaced. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Whitney’s voice quivered. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to say the words.”
Mitchell watched the scene playing out in front of him with contempt. Camden’s feelings for the girl would bring him right back to the compound…and he would be there…waiting.
Whitney feared for Camden’s safety. “Please, don’t do anything stupid. This is not your fate. Bijoux has accepted the inevitable — you need to do the same.”
Armando climbed out of his car and approached Camden, swinging his ruby-encrusted cane in the air. “Get away from that car, boy! I thought I made myself perfectly clear.”
Irate, Camden ignored Armando’s rampage. “Are you planning to introduce Bijoux?”
“How dare you!” Armando’s voice echoed through the quiet of the morning. “I should finish you off here and now.”
Lucien stepped between the two men, placing his hands on his friend’s chest. “There will no violence on my property, Armando. This has been a peaceful gathering between Hives…thus far…let us keep it that way.”
He paused then, turning to his son’s friend. “Go back to the house, Camden.”
Fuming, Armando stared at the boy’s retreating back. “That one belongs with the others, Lucien. You made a big mistake when you released him. The boy has the blood — you can see it in his eyes — the way he moves.”
“As do you, my friend,” Lucien reminded him. “It would serve you well to remember why Camden carries the blood.”
Whitney grabbed Halen’s hand. “Camden is as good as dead, isn’t he?”
Halen shook her head. She had no idea what to say to make her friend feel better. No one could keep Camden away from Blue Willow. Not with Bijoux’s life on the line.
Kieran eased his car to a stop in front of the Holiday Inn, deciding to rest overnight and get an early start the next morning. His decision not to return home was one that he did not make lightly. He had an obligation to return to the compound and help Halen, regardless of their differences.
If Halen was still determined to return to her childhood home, he would get her there safely, one way or the other. If her accusations concerning her sister proved to be true, her mother’s will would need to be re-evaluated. Perhaps he should’ve taken her home in the first place, instead of behaving like a complete and total jerk. On the other hand, if her story turned out to be another one of her lies, he could go home knowing that he did everything in his power to help her. Either way he needed to get over her and there was no time like the present to make that happen.
He walked inside the hotel, pleased the see the interior warm, welcoming, and most of all, clean. A petite woman with tight, curly red hair and smiling gray eyes met him at the door. “You gonna need a room for the night?”
“Yes, ma’am. Is your restaurant still open?”
“Sure is. It’s right through those double doors.”
A lone patron sat at one of the tables. Cautiously, Kieran approached him. “Sure is quiet in here.”
The man swallowed a large bite of hamburger and glared at his intruder. “You look familiar. Do I know you from some where?”
Kieran pulled out a chair, sitting down across from the man. “Our paths have crossed a time or two. I dropped a girl off at a clinic for you not to long ago.”
Percy swallowed hard. “I…I couldn’t tell you the truth about that girl. You understand, don’t ya?”
Kieran smiled. “I get it — the girl has value. Am I right?”
“Sounds like you know where I’m coming from.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kieran said. “No problem. By the way, what ever happened to her?”
Percy shrugged his shoulders and took another toothless bite of his dinner. “Last I heard, Mr. Rayne had the girl.”
“For real? Armando Rayne is a family friend. Hey, did Armando know the girl had an injury? I heard her mind was kind of scattered after that fall.”
Sweat beaded up on Percy’s brow. “That’s a lie! That girl is as right as rain.”
Kieran did his best to sound remotely interested. “You know that girl was definitely hot. Where did you find her anyway?”
Percy leaned back in his chair, staring across the table at Kieran. “I never in a million years imagined I would run across such a prize. Her sister gave me this sob story about how she thought the girl might try to kill her in her sleep.” Percy leaned forward. “Do you know what she wanted me to do?”
Kieran’s heart sank. “No, what?”
“She wanted me to kill the girl and bury her body where it would never be found.”
“How did you get the girl to leave with you…I mean, without a fight and all? She didn’t seem like the quiet, easy-going type to me.”
“Aw, that was a snap — her sister slipped her a mickey.”
Kieran flinched. He had accused Halen of lying when she told him about her sister drugging her. He prayed she could find it in her heart to forgive him. He wouldn’t blame her if she told his to go suck it.
Halen sat in the cane-back chair next to Bijoux’s bed, worry written on her face. Bijoux’s symptoms grew more and more complicated with each passing hour, and to make things worse, she was now suffering from excruciating chest pains, making difficult for her to breathe.
Halen pressed a cool cloth to her friend’s forehead in an attempt to bring down the fever raging within her fragile body. The door opened and Armando stepped into the room. “How is she doing?”
“How do you think she’s doing? She’s getting worse by the minute, thanks to you.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, choosing to ignore her remark. Gently, he stroked Bijoux’s thinning hair. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ll…I’ll be…fine,” she managed to whisper, her body convulsing with pain.
“It’s time we called the doctor. This is not going as planned,” Armando stated, jumping to his feet.
“How are you going to explain this to a doctor?” Halen snapped. “Obviously, you can’t tell him what you’ve done and simply expect the man to keep his mouth shut.”
“He will keep quiet if he has any sense at all. If I remember correctly, the man has a beautiful daughter about to come of age — it would be regrettable if anything happened to the girl. She has her whole life ahead of her. You stay put until I return. Do you understand?”
“Of course I will,” Halen said. “But not because you’re telling me to. I’m not your property, Armando.”
“We will see about that later.”
“I’m not afraid of you, Armando…not anymore.” Her voice held a bravado she wasn’t sure she felt.
“Just do as I say,” he ordered before leaving the room.
“Where are you going, Father?” Mitchell asked, meeting Armando at the door.
“I am going to fetch the doctor to take a look at Bijoux.. She is having a reaction.”
“Father, seriously! Why not throw her into the general population and be done with it? You cannot waste your time on this girl forever. We still have a business to run.”
“I most certainly can. I know what I am doing, Mitchell. I will not allow Lucien Bourdon to produce the next Chosen One,” Armando insisted, brushing past his son,
Mitchell knew it was useless to try to stop his father. He would allow the old man to have his way — for now.
Mitchell sat alone in the massive living room. The hands on the grandfather clock taunted him. He’d been instructed by his father to deliver Halen and Whitney to the compound manager within the hour. He felt a rush of adrenaline at the prospect of getting Halen alone in the breeding compound. Once he finished having his way with her, the others could finish her off — if anything remained. Even though the prospect of using Halen for his own personal enjoyment excited him to no end, he still found himself in a foul mood. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he found a way to get even with Camden for his interference.
With Bijoux finally resting comfortably, Halen curled up in the large over-stuffed chair. Overcome with exhaustion, she refused to close her eyes in case Bijoux woke up and needed her attention. She was on the verge of drifting off when Maxx barged into the room, his clothes ripped and drenched in sweat.
“Come on, Halen,” he said, tugging at her arm. “It’s time.”
She turned around in the chair, straightening her contorted frame. Rubbing her eyes, she stared at him confused by his demand. “Have you lost your mind? I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not leaving Bijoux alone.”
“I said let’s go. Please, do not make me repeat myself.”
Terror coursed through her body. She made a feeble attempt to free herself form his grasp, but he was too strong. What the heck was going on? This behavior was totally out of character for Maxx. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she said.
Maxx grimaced and continued pulling her towards the door as he spoke. “You have to come with me. I promise I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you. I really do care about you, Halen.”
The truth of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks — Maxx had been lying to her from the beginning. The Breeders planned to do more than escape from the compound — they planned to take over Blue Willow! Bile rose in her throat causing her to feel sick to her stomach. Furious, she fought against Maxx, who silently drug her to the manager’s office where Jaxx was waiting for them. Roughly, he shoved her into the small room, and she struggled to gain her footing.
Jaxx approached her, grinning. “Don’t be afraid, Halen,” he said, stroking her cheek. She jerked away from his touch.
“What are you guys doing? Have you lost your minds? Seeing Mitchell’s unmoving body, Halen screamed, fainting into Jaxx’s arms, Gently, he lifted her into his arms and placed her on the worn sofa.
It was Lyric’s screams that brought her back to reality. Sitting up, she fought to gain control of her trembling body. Lyric was slumped over her brother’s body, sobbing uncontrollably. Grabbing Lyric by the hair, Jaxx jerked the girl to her feet. He sneered down at her, his face red with rage. “You’re gonna die tonight, pretty Lyric, you’re gonna die,” he said in a sing-song voice. “But first, I plan to let the Breeders have a little fun with you.”
Halen, flung herself at him crying. “Stop it! Leave her alone!”
Jaxx shoved her against the wall. “Stay out of this, Halen. I have no desire to hurt you — but if you force my hand —well.”
“I deserve to know the truth,” she demanded. “Why did you attack Mitchell and why are you tormenting Lyric? I mean, I know the girl’s a total bitch, but dang, have a little compassion.”
“I don’t want to just torment their family, Halen. I want to see them all dead.”
“But why? For what reason?”
“Armando sold my sister to Lucien Bourdon when she was three weeks old — he said her soul was as pure as winter’s first snow. Those disgusting bastards drained her soul and left her tiny, lifeless body unbreathing on my mother’s doorstep. Do you have any idea what that did to her?”
Halen shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“And if that wasn’t enough, they sacrificed my mother at one of their disgusting feasts. Don’t you see what they are, Halen? How can you defend them? They feed on the souls of the innocent…draining their life…little by little…day by day until nothing remains but an empty shell.”
“I am so sorry for what happened to your family. I truly am. But Jaxx, you’re making the biggest mistake of your life. Please, I am begging you not to go through with this.”
He ignored her pleas and turned to face his brother. “Before we split I want you to kill the old white broad.”
Maxx looked horrified at his brother’s statement. “Why? Who the heck is she? Man, she’s just some old lady. Why bother killing her? From the looks of her, she’ll be dead soon enough.”
“That, brother of mine, is Lucien Bourdon’s wife. She’s one of those…things. She helped destroy our family.”
Maxx moved in Elizabeth’s direction, placing his rusty knife to her throat.
“No!” Elizabeth fought against him. “Please…please…don’t kill me!”
“Stop it, Maxx!” Halen screamed. “I’ll go with you…just let Elizabeth and Lyric go.”
Maxx paused, slowly lowering the knife. “You’ll come with me? Be with me? Are you willing to put your life on the line to destroy the Breeders?”
“Aren’t those people…the Breeders…aren’t they innocent victims, too? I mean, they were captured just like the rest of you, right? So how can you go out there and murder them in cold blood…you are them, Maxx,”
“I know this is confusing, but those people out there locked away and shackled, they aren’t like us, Halen. Not anymore.”
She shook her head, confused. “You’re right. I do not understand. They are still living, breathing people, no matter what.”
Gently, Maxx ushered her to the sofa and motioned for her to sit down. Taking a seat next to her, he took her trembling hand in his own. “When those people arrived at Blue Willow they were like you — alone, scared, ripped away from their families. But after months of being drugged every day, being forced to breed with anyone and everyone to make make sure the Rayne’s food source was well stocked — shackled while little pieces of your soul are drained away time and time again — it’s a horrendous thing to witness, Halen.
“You know what it’s like in a puppy mill where the dogs are continuously bred until one day, without warning, they just drop over dead for no apparent reason? That’s what life is like for the girls, and some of the boys in the compound. They have to keep up with demand. A person’s soul can only sustain so many members of the Hive. Those people are no longer human.”
“But why?”
“It’s what keeps the Rayne and Bourdon families alive.”
“Even…even Kieran?”
Maxx ignored her question. “Are you coming with me or do those two die?”
“No, no. ‘ll go.”
Satisfied, Maxx grabbed her around the waist and pulled her out the door. Armed with pistols and crudely made knifes, Maxx and his brother drug Halen across the wet grass towards the garage.

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