Entangled Souls (9 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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The sun had made its decent behind the trees by the time Armando and the others returned to the compound. “Take the dogs to the kennel,” he snapped.
Armando and Kieran stood poised at the bottom of the steps watching Halen. “You get over here, girl,” Armando ordered. “Go up to your room and stay there. If you attempt to run away again, I will have no choice but to…” His words halted. During the commotion he had failed to notice Lyric’s diamond ring glistening on Halen’s delicate finger. Now, as he stared at it, his eyes bulged with anger.
Following his heated gaze, Halen jumped. Damn. Why hadn’t she remembered to take off the freakin’ ring? Stealing Lyric’s jewelry was far worse than trying to run away. She was in deep trouble.
Armando’s hand shot out, ripping the expensive ring from her finger. “Not only are you a runaway, you are a rotten little thief, as well.” His face turned beet-red as he spoke. “You stealing, lying, little bitch!” he bellowed. “I am going to teach you a lesson you will never forget.”
He glared at Maxx, spittle forming at the corners of his mouth. “Take her out to the feeding shed and chain her to the wall. We will deal with the crook after dinner.”
Every muscle in Kieran’s body grew taut. “Armando, seriously? You would kill her? Over a stupid ring?”
“Dammit, Bourdon. Stay out of this! You dare question me?”
“You can’t…”
“I said to stay out of this.”
“Father,” Mitchell whined. “If you kill the girl what will happen to our plans?”
Armando struggled to control his temper. “I regret the loss of the girl. I will do my best to move forward with out plan — we must make an example of her. No one gets away with stealing from our family.”
Mitchell knew his father was right, but realizing that he would never have his way with Halen caused him deep regret.
Kieran struggled to gather his thoughts. There was no point in trying to get Armando to change his mind, but he refused to stand by and do nothing to help Halen.
“Kieran, I understand your feelings…but she deserves to be punished. Surely even you must realize my words are the truth.”
“I get it — protect your family’s honor at all cost — but with her life — over a piece of jewelry. This is not the way to solve this problem.”
Armando shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows, perhaps she will prove to be tougher than any of us realize.”
Fear rendered Halen motionless. She stared at Kieran with wide eyes, frantically waiting for him to jump to her defense once again. When he made no obvious attempt to help her, she gave up all hope, crumbling to the floor, sobbing.
Exhausted, cranky and anxious to feed, Armando prepared to put an end to the incident once and for all.
“I demand you let Halen go,” Kieran said following him into the office.
Armando lowered his body onto the plush sofa and removed a thick cigar from a small wooden box. “I cannot.”
“I’ll do whatever you want — whatever it takes.”
Armando lit the tip of his cigar and studied Kieran thoughtfully. “Son, what is your obsession with this Breeder really about? If you went home where you belong you could have ant woman you desire — Breeders you could use and dispose of at will.”
“She is my choice…my one and only choice.”
“How far are you willing to go for the girl?” Armando took a long puff of his cigar, purposely blowing the smoke in Kieran’s direction.
“Your choice of Breeders from my family’s compound,” Kieran blurted out.
Shocked by the offer, Armando stared at him in disbelief. “Surely you are not serious. This is about far more than her freedom.”
“I’m dead serious.”
Armando stroked his chin, contemplating his offer. He was definitely tempted, but Kieran possessed something far more valuable — the boy held great power and influence within the Hive — though he chose not to use it. Disposing of Halen would leave the door wide open for Lyric to step in and rule by Kieran’s side. “I cannot let her go.”
“I will up the offer.”
Armando shook his head. Perhaps he could devise a plan to get rid of the girl and still accept Kieran’s offer. “Very well,” he extended his hand to Kieran. “I’m sure we can come to a mutual agreement.”
“Awesome,” Kieran said with a smile. “I’ll have Whitney bring her back to the main house.”
“I am afraid that is unacceptable. The girl is no longer welcome in my house. She stole from my daughter. Shew ill not be afforded that opportunity again.”
“She can stay on my room until I leave the compound.” He wasn’t about to give Mitchell a chance to get her alone. He wouldn’t put it past the creep to force himself on Halen. He saw the way Mitchell looked at her when he thought no one was around to notice.
Bijoux sat at the kitchen table along with Camden and Whitney, desperately fighting back her tears. Everyone knew by know about Halen’s punishment and the compound was buzzing with excitement.
“Well, I for one can’t just sit back and do nothing to help her,” Whitney snapped. “I’m going to talk to Armando.”
Camden placed a hand on Whitney’s shoulder to stop her. “Not now. Kieran is with him.”
“Discussing Halen, I hope.”
“If I know my friend, he’s pleading for her freedom as we speak.”
Whitney exhaled. “That’s all well and good, but Armando has his mind set on disposing of Halen. I doubt even Kieran can change his mind.”
Bijoux, unable to keep her emotions in check, broke down in heavy sobs. “Someone has to do something.” At that moment Kieran walked into the room and wearily plopped down in one of the chairs. “Hey Bijoux, how about you go down and get Halen for me.”
Bijoux jumped to her feet, overjoyed. “Absolutely!” She walked over to Kieran and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you for helping my friend.”
He flashed her a shy smile, embarrassed by her show of gratitude. “Just bring Halen inside so she can bathe.”
“I’ll tag along,” Whitney offered, following Bijoux out the door.”
After the women were out of earshot, Camden wasted no time in confronting his friend. “Spill it — how much did this little fiasco cost you?”
“Not much. A few Breeders from Lucien’s compound — of Armando’s choosing.”
“Oh man, Kieran. Your dad is going to be beyond pissed. That is an awful lot to give up for a girl you know next to nothing about.”
“No joke. But there’s more going on here than meets the eye. And I have every intention of finding out what’s behind Armando’s plan to dispose of her. He’s after something, Camden. I can feel it.”
Camden stood and walked over to the stove. Pouring two mugs of steaming tea, he returned to the table, placing one of the mugs in front of Kieran. “Just so you know, I’m not planning to leave tomorrow. I’m going to find my way to the Grove.”
“You know it isn’t safe for you to be on the road alone. What if my father’s people catch you?”
‘I won’t be traveling alone.The Rayne’s are planning to attend your father’s ceremony. I can follow them.”
“Be careful. I have a bad feeling about this so-called ceremony. And come to think about it, why is Armando so damn anxious to attend all of a sudden?”
Camden shook his head. The last thing he wanted to do was try to second guess Armando’s reason for doing anything. “I hate to change the subject, but what do you think of that Bijoux chick?”
“Haven’t given her much thought” Kieran shrugged. “Is she the reason you’re planning to hang around?”
“Could be. She’s kinda cute, but I’m not sure she wants to be involved in a relationship.”
“So, man up and ask the girl.”
“Maybe I will.”
“I guess I’d better get back in there. Good luck with Bijoux,” Kieran said, finishing the last drop of his tea.
A single light bulb illuminated the small room. Its soft glow shining on the two women as they rushed inside. Bijou stood to the side while Whitney removed the rusty key from the hook and unlocked the door. They rushed to Halen’s side, bright smiles plastered on their faces.
“Whitney, Bijoux, what are you guys doing out here? Mr. Rayne will punish you, too.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Bijoux said confidently. “You’re free to go.”
“That can’t be…how?” Halen stammered.
“I don’t have all the facts, but it seems Kieran and Mr. Rayne came to a mutual agreement.”
“Did…did Kieran tell you that?” she asked.
Bijoux smiled and squeezed her hand for reassurance. “Yep. He sure did.”
“And I’m free to go? I can walk away…no fuss…no muss…nothing?”
“Well, not exactly. His exact words were
he would let you go when he’s good and ready, and not a moment sooner.
But look on the bright side…at least you’ll protected from Armando and his freak of a son.”
Anger flashed in Halen’s eyes. Noticing her reaction, Whitney quickly jumped to Kieran’s defense. “He might have gone about it all wrong, but the kid’s heart is in the right place. You take what Bijoux says with a grain of salt. Kieran’s a good boy. You need to have a little faith — believe that he’s doing his best under the circumstances. Heck, he’s no more than a kid himself. And I have a strange feeling that today isn’t your first time meeting Kieran.”
Halen hesitated. “Not exactly. When I fell and hit my head — he’s the one that took me to the doctor. Percy told him some crazy story about the two of us being related.”
“I wish I could’ve seen that boy’s face when he found out the truth about you.” Whitney’s mood grew somber. She placed her hand on Halen’s shoulder. “Want some unsolicited advice?”
“Sure. Why not.”
“Florida is the perfect place to start a new life.”
Halen waved her hands in front of her dismissively. “Oh, I could never go to Florida. I have to get back home to my family.”
“Why?” Whitney said. “Girl, it’s time to put the past behind you.”
“No. Listen to me. You don’t understand.” Halen jumped to her feet, her eyes shining brightly. “I remember everything! My crazy sister tried to kill me!”
Stunned silence followed Halen’s announcement. Her friends stared back at her, their mouths agape as though her words were too incredible to comprehend. “If what you you are saying is true…and I’m not saying it isn’t…how in the world did you end up with the likes of Percy Nickelson?” Whitney said.
Halen proceeded to explain how Maven and Callie had managed to drug her after the reading of her mother’s will. “I’m telling you the truth. They kept calling me the Chosen One” When her friends offered no reply, she cried out. “You believe me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Bijoux said. “I believe you.”
Halen then turned her attention to Whitney. “What about you? Do you think I’m crazy?”
“I’m not saying I don’t believe what you’re saying…but some things are better off left in the past.”
Halen made a move to argue her point, but Whitney interrupted her. “We’d better get back. You can get cleaned up while I get dinner on the table. Afterward, you can head up to Kieran’s room.”
“What?” Halen shrieked. “That pig expects me to sleep with him in exchange for my freedom?”
“Calm down. I’m sure once you tell him the truth he will understand.”
Halen was furious. “I did try to tell the jerk the truth. He refused to listen. Obviously he’s looking for a common whore to screw around with. It’s pretty clear he wants to use me until he can hook up with that hideous tramp, Lyric.”
“Girl, what are you rambling on about?” Whitney demanded.
“Oh, come on. You and I both know Lyric is in love with Kieran. “Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets. Have you ever known her not to get her way?”
Whitney sighed.
“Not that I can recall.”
“Exactly. Mark my words, she’ll have Kieran, too.”
Even her daddy’s money can’t buy that boy’s heart. You remember my words,” Whitney said.
“But Lyric has plenty to offer other than money, if you get my drift.”
Whitney worried Halen might be right. Kieran could easily succumb to Lyric’s wicked charms. She’d seen it happen numerous times before.
Kieran remained in the office talking to Armando longer than he’d planned. Now, as he rushed to finish his drink, he stared boldly at the older man. “Did Mr. Nickelson mention anything to you about Halen losing her memory?”
“Amnesia? Why in the world would you ask such a thing?” Armando stammered. The boy was getting much to close to the truth for his liking.
“Halen claims she has amnesia.”
Armando laughed nervously. “I assure you, nothing is wrong with the girl’s memory. Take my advice — that girl is one smart cookie and that makes her dangerous — to the entire Hive.”
“Why did you bring her here if you felt so strongly about the situation?”
Armando shook his head, his raven-black hair cascading around his shoulders. “I made a mistake. One I’m not sure how to rectify.”
Kieran excused himself from the room. When it came to Halen’s fate, his feelings were torn. At least he’d managed to reach a satisfactory agreement with Armando.
Lyric stepped through the doorway, blocking his escape path. He brushed past her with a smile. “Lyric, what would your father say if he saw you out here in the hall half-dressed?”
She grabbed him by the arm preventing him from moving down the long hallway. “I don’t really care what daddy thinks. I’m not a child,” she said, rolling her full lips out in a pout. “I’m a woman…can’t you see that, Kieran?” she said, rubbing her body against his.
Kieran’s deep brown eyes moved over her ample curves. “You are definitely all woman.”
She took his words as an invitation to move closer, wrapping her slender arms around his neck. “Don’t you find me sexy, Kieran?”
“You’re a beautiful girl — but you don’t need me to tell you that.”
Lyric brought her lips up to meet his, kissing him deeply. Hearing Whitney and Halen’s shocked gasps, Kieran fought to break free of her embrace.
Whitney glared at Kieran before turning her attention to Halen. “That’s his room right there. You go on inside and wait.”
“Halen…” Kieran stammered. “What are you doing here?” he said, allowing his eyes to sweep over her trembling body.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” she snapped, trying to fight back the tears. She tossed him a hateful glare before slamming the door shut behind her.
“Kieran Bourdon, tell me you are not planning to keep that…that…thief in your room! I will not stand for it!” Lyric shouted.
Kieran couldn’t decide who was pissing him off more — Halen or Lyric. “There’s no reason to get freaked out. Your father gave me his okay. Besides, we’re leaving in the morning. You seriously need to take a chill pill,” he said shaking his head.
“I see I’ve been wrong about you, Kieran. I thought you had far too much class to behave this way.” The image of Halen having sex with Kieran stirred up feelings of insecurity in Lyric. For the first time since planning to marry Kieran, she wondered if her plan to tempt him until he begged her to be his wife would fail.
“Lyric, Halen isn’t staying in my room so we can — you know. I’m taking her home to her family, nothing more,” he stated before walking away, leaving her staring at his retreating back.
He reluctantly opened the door and stepped into the room. Halen sat in an over-sized leather chair in the corner of the room, a leopard print comforter wrapped around her shoulders. She refused to look at him, keeping her gaze fixed on the hardwood floor. Her thick curls fell across her face and shoulders, protecting her from his heated stare.
“I guess you’re wondering why I helped you — again?”
“Oh, I dunno. I’d say your motives are pretty obvious,” Halen said sharply. “You expect me to…you know.”
“Seriously?” Kieran snapped, running his fingers through his hair. “Did you even, for just one minute, think that I’m doing this to protect you?”
Halen frowned. Did he think she was stupid? She was no longer in danger. An evil grin spread across her face at the thought of Lyric in the other room fuming with resentment. “What do you plan to do with me?” she said, her impatience growing.
“I’m taking you to my family’s home. If we get an early start we’ll be there before sunset.”
“Your family’s home?”
“Yeah, magnolia Grove.”
Halen watched him with guarded eyes. “But Whitney said you were letting me go.”
“I did. As soon as I’m sure you will be safe.”
“You have to let me go! I can’t, under any circumstances, go with you to Magnolia Grove.”

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