Entangled Souls (8 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Lyric stood in front of the walk-in closet trying to decide which outfit to wear to dinner. After discarding several dresses, she gently placed her final selection on the bed. She turned to Halen and sneered. “Isn’t this dress amazing? Daddy bought it for me.”
“I guess. It’s nice…if you like that frilly, girly stuff.” Halen reached out, timidly running her fingers over the silky sky-blue material.
Lyric sighed. “I want to look amazing tonight. Kieran Bourdon is staying with us for a few days,” she said, her voice laced with excitement. “He’s so gorgeous — powerful too. His family’s legacy is nothing short of legendary.”
Halen mindlessly gathered Lyric’s discarded dresses and placed them back on the hangers. It didn’t surprise her that Kieran made such an impression on the hot-to-trot Lyric. The guy was nothing short of total perfection. She imagined most girls would find him irresistible.
Sitting down at the vanity, Lyric brushed her hair, her thoughts on Kieran. He had informed her earlier that he planned to leave town as soon as he settled things with his father and stopped the ceremony. She found his news extremely disappointing. He couldn’t leave town. He had to stay here and fall in love with her. That was the plan. It had always been the plan. Her plan.
Lyric had visited the Grove on numerous occasions, and she knew that she would be the perfect choice to rule by Kieran’s side. There had to be a way to persuade him to remain at the Cove and take his rightful place among the members of the Hive.
Together they could send the new Chosen One back to wherever she came from. Lyric stared at her reflection in the mirror, confident that she would have no problem changing Kieran’s mind. Before long he would be begging to do her bidding.
“Halen! Get over here and help me get ready for dinner. I cannot keep Kieran waiting, now can I?”
Bijoux met Halen coming down the hall. “I was on my way to get you. Whitney has dinner ready. She seems anxious to see you,” she said.
“Really? Why is that?”
“She wants you to meet her brother. He’s friends with some dude named Kieran. Seems this Kieran dude is a big deal around here.”
Halen froze. She couldn’t meet Camden. What if he remembered her from the accident? Her eyes met Bijoux’s. “Have you met Camden…before today, I mean?”
“No. Of course not.”
Halen’s mind raced. She didn’t see how this could turn out well. “Bijoux,” she began nervously. “I can’t meet Camden. Tell Whitney…tell her…I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well.”
“Okay, but I still do not understand why you can’t take five minutes to meet this guy — it’s important to Whitney.”
“I told you, I’m sick. Would you mind bringing my dinner to my room? I’d really appreciate it.” Halen turned and headed back to Lyric’s room, opened the door and rushed inside. Would the lies ever stop? She hated being dishonest with her friends. She knew her refusal to meet Camden would hurt Whitney deeply and it broke her heart.
Tears pooled in Halen’s eyes as she watched Kieran and Lyric walk hand in hand through the flower garden. She tried to move away from the window, but the image of the boy she loved kissing another girl rendered her immobile. Anger surged through every fiber of her body. How could she have been so stupid? Obviously she was nothing more than a plaything in Kieran’s eyes — a minor distraction to help kill a few hours. He planned to use her to satisfy his lust while he went about seducing Lyric.
Halen moved to the dressing table and began rummaging through Lyric’s jewelry box. Just one nice piece and she’d be set for the next six months. Smiling, she removed an opal and diamond-encrusted ring. Looking around to make sure she was still alone, she quickly slipped the ring in her pocket. Tomorrow she’d walk to the nearest town, sell Lyric’s gaudy-ass ring and use the money to find her way home. She wondered if this was the first time she’d ever stolen anything. Unfortunately, she had a sinking feeling it would not be her last.
Kieran allowed Lyric’s kiss to linger a moment too long before breaking the embrace. Her sudden advances took him by surprise. Her aggression left him feeling cold, but he didn’t want to do anything that might upset her, thus angering Armando.
“Your father will be furious if he catches us kissing this way. You need to get a grip, Lyric. Learn to control yourself. Besides, I really gotta go. I promised Whitney I’d taste one of her blueberry pies.”
Lyric smiled sweetly. “Do not let me keep you. I’m sure Whitney is waiting.”
“Thanks for understanding. I’ll see you around.”
Whitney sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper when Kieran casually strode into the room. Surprised to see him, she stood, hugging him tightly. “Kieran, just look at you! You are sure some kind of handsome.” She walked over to the stove and poured two cups of coffee. Placing the cups on the table, she urged him to sit down and join her.
“Thanks, Whitney,” he said, flashing her a smile.
“I’m glad you stopped by,” Whitney said. “I need to talk to you about Camden — he shouldn’t be here. Not now.“
“It’s not like I didn’t try to talk him out of coming. He was determined to see you.”
Whitney lowered her head, her voice a mere whisper. “He wants me to leave this place, Kieran.” She paused, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. “I can’t do it. I just can’t.”
“I know Armando will never allow it to happen,” Kieran said.
“Armando is determined to keep me,” she said defeated.
“Why? Why is he so determined to keep you here?”
“Who knows why Armando behaves the way he does. Maybe he thinks I’m the only person capable of running this crazy house.”
Kieran shook his head. “Pardon my French, but that’s bullshit and you know it. The man is in love with you.”
“Don’t be absurd,” Whitney stammered. “I’m the man’s property, not his equal. His is not allowed to have feelings for me.”
Kieran frowned. “I think his feelings for you run deeper than either of you are willing to admit.”
Whitney ignored his statement. “Since you’re so anxious to discuss people’s love lives, do you have a girlfriend back home?”
“No, but there is is someone pretty special in my life.”
“Really? Is she from around here? Oh goodness, it’s not Lyric, is it?”
Kieran laughed. “Not hardly. Give me a little credit. I think she might be one of your neighbors.”
“From one of the farms? Are you telling me this girl is…poor?”
“I honestly have no idea. What are you saying, Whitney? Does a girl need to be rich for me to care about her?”
Kieran’s statement shocked Whitney. How could he ask such a foolish question. “Here, where your family’s name is king — yes.”
“My family’s name means nothing to me. I’m free to live and love as I please. if my choices upset my father, all the better.”
Afraid her tossing and turning would disturb Bijoux, Halen climbed out of bed, slipped on her clothes and walked outside, staring vacantly into the starless sky. She shuddered, thinking about the journey that lay ahead of her. If caught, Armando would have her killed or worse, sent to Magnolia Grove to fulfill her destiny. Tears pooled in her eyes and she quickly brushed them away. There was no turning back now.
The next morning found Halen scared and apprehensive. Her heart pounded in her chest as she slipped into Lyric’s expensive purple and white floral sundress. She opened the door and peeked outside. The most difficult part of her escape would be getting away from the main house without being seen. She quickly wrapped the delicate lace shawl around her shoulders and ran down the stairs through the kitchen and out on to the cobblestone patio.
She ran as fast as her legs would carry her down the overgrown path and past the garden. By the time she reached the edge of the woods she was out of breath. She wondered if Kieran would wait for her by the fountain or if he was still wrapped in Lyric’s seductive embrace.
Lyric awoke late, outraged to find Halen gone. Storming out of her room, she demanded Bijoux find Halen and tell her to come to her bedroom immediately. Bijoux was left with no choice but to tel Lyric about Halen’s disappearance. Fuming Lyric rushed off to tell her father. It wasn’t long before the entire house was in an uproar.
Lyric and Armando, along with Mitchell and Whitney waited on the front porch to greet Kieran. Like a fool, he’d waited for hours by the fountain. Halen had stood him up and his current mood reflected his frustration. “What’s all the commotion about?” he said to Armando.
“It seems one of my recent acquisitions escaped. She’s been missing for a few hours — she shouldn’t be too difficult to locate.”
Kieran eyed the snarling dogs surrounding Armando. “Are they necessary?”
“The dogs are used for tracking, nothing more. Your help is needed, my boy.” Kieran shook his head. He had no desire to go chasing after a helpless girl. “I don’t think so, Armando.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Whitney whispered nervously, wringing her hands. Her simple request irritated Lyric, who placed her delicate hand on Kieran’s arm and glared at Whitney. “You may speak to Kieran after they find that horrid girl. I need you to run along inside and fix everyone something cold to drink. It’s as hot as Hades out here. I’m sure Kieran must be thirsty.”
Armando walked over to Lyric and placed a tender kiss on the top of her head. “There is no time for refreshments, daughter. We will be home for dinner with that trouble making little bitch in tow.”
“Good luck, Daddy.”
The moment Armando and his entourage disappeared over the horizon, Kieran moved to pry Lyric’s claw-like fingers from his arm. “Excuse me, Lyric,” he said curtly, moving to stand next to Whitney. “What can I do for you, Whit?”
She motioned for him to follow her to the other side of the porch away from Lyric’s prying eyes and keen sense of hearing. “You need to catch up with Armando and the others.’
“You know I can’t do that.”
“But you have to,” she pleaded. “Mr. Rayne is so angry there’s no telling what he might do to that poor girl.”
He took the serum. I watched him put the vile in his pocket.”
“Why are you so concerned about this particular girl? What do you know?”
“Nothing. I don’t know anything. She’s…different…can’t you fee it?”
Kieran shook his head. “Uh, no. I know absolutely nothing about her. You’re not making any sense.”
Whitney nervously wiped her hands on her apron. “There’s no time to explain. You’ve got to leave now!”
“Fine. Dammit,” he conceded. “I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise you that I can stop Armando from dosing the girl.”
“Promise me you’ll try, that’s all I can ask.”
“Lyric stood by the porch rail twirling her hair between her fingers. “You sent him after that little skank, didn’t you?”
Whitney lifted her head in defiance. “Yes I sent him to find Halen…and I’d do it again. In a heartbeat.”
Lyric stomped her foot on the wooden porch and screamed at the top of her lungs, sounding more like a spoiled child than a grown woman. “You’d better be glad my daddy likes you.”
Whitney laughed at her outburst, walking back into the house. She was still worried about Halen’s safety, but knowing Kieran would be there to protect her from Armando and the Hive made her feel much better.
Halen continued walking toward town. The woods grew denser by the minute and she quickly lost sight of the main road. She wandered deeper into the heavy thicket of pine and oak trees. She struggled, trying to find her way back to the road, but fatigue overwhelmed her.
The air was cool and refreshing within the shade of the billowing oak trees. Sitting down on the damp pine needles, she removed the lace shawl from her shoulders and placed it on the ground to use as a pillow. All so needed was a few minutes to catch her breath. She laid down and stared up at the sky through a veil of feathery leaves.
Despite the fear of being caught, Halen found herself enjoying her new freedom. For the first time since Percy informed her of her future as the Chosen One, she truly felt alive. The sound of car engines and people screaming in the distance forced her to sit up with a start, her green eyes wide and glazed over with terror.
Armando! Her mind screamed. He’s found me!
Halen jumped to her feet, the futility of her escape striking her hard. She was a fool to think she could ever get away from Armando and his cronies. She was as good as dead at this point. The tattered shawl forgotten, she turned and ran, allowing her fear to carry her deeper into the forest. The abundant vegetation slowed her progress, the low-hanging tree branches conspiring to block her escape.
For one brief fleeting moment she considered giving up and just waiting for Armando to find her. The only thing stopping her was a deeply embedded foreboding that Mitchell would find her first.
Kieran was not a happy camper. Running down scared little girls was not his idea of a good time. Although he didn’t doubt that Armando and Mitchell were having a grand time participating in this barbaric game of cat and mouse.
He knew the girl’s escape enraged Armando to the point of violence and Kieran felt a twinge of pity for the poor escapee. He prayed Armando’s punishment was limited to beating the girl — Heaven help her if he chose the alternative. Kieran doubted he had the power to calm Armando’s rage, but for Whitney’s sake, as well as the girl’s, he had to give it a try.
The pack of canines worked themselves into a frenzy, ripping the abandoned shawl to shreds. Kieran stared at Armando, horror written across his face. “Dude, I thought you said those animals weren’t vicious.”
“They are not…normally.” Concern washed over Armando. He had paid a substantial amount of money for the girl and the opportunity to keep her away from the Grove, and he was not going to lose out on his investment. Reigning in the dogs, he yelled to Mitchell. “Stay with them. Whatever you do, do not allow them to hurt her before I return.”
“Yes, Father.”
Armando’s concern for the girl surprised Kieran. “I’m happy you aren’t planning to do away with the girl.”
“Dammit! Of course I do not plan to harm her,” Armando spat. “I paid good money for her. I have big plans for that one.”
Kieran’s worries quickly resurfaced. “Are you honestly going to put your hands on a woman, Armando, or do you plan to use a whip to make your point?”
Armando answered sharply. “Do not be insane. A whip leaves far too many scars, rendering her useless to me. No. I need this specimen to remain perfect in every conceivable way. Mitchell is due for a good time — I will allow him to take the board to her pretty little ass.”
Armando turned to one of the workers. “Did you remember to bring the paddle?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Splendid! A good old fashioned paddling is what this runaway deserves.”
Halen continued running blindly through the woods. Unable to see the large stump blocking her path, her flimsy sneaker wedged itself between the dead wood and the moss-covered boulder, causing her to lose her balance. Her arms flailed wildly as she tumbled to the ground.
Before she could gather he bearings, the blood-thirsty animals were nipping at her ankles. She rolled over on her stomach, praying for a quick and painless death. The snarling animals zeroed in on their prey, anxious for a kill. They circled her, daring her to make the slightest move.
Halen’s heart pounded against her chest. She dared not breath for fear the beasts would pounce, ripping her to shreds. Relieved, she sighed when she heard the sound of people approaching. Maxx called off the dogs and rushed to her side. He sat down next to her and gently lifted her up, placing her on his lap. “Are you okay?” he asked, tenderly stroking her hair.
Happy to see a friendly face, Halen rested her head on his shoulder, allowing the tears to flow. “I’m cool” she managed to say between sobs.
Maxx smiled. “Running away was a pretty stupid thing to do. You had to know Mr. Rayne would come after you.”
“What will he do to me?” Halen asked, her voice shaky.
Maxx could find no reason to give her false hope. “At the very least Armando will have you beaten.”
Gripped by terror, she clung to Max sobbing.
Kieran froze, staring at the girl wrapped securely in Maxx’s embrace. Her face was turned to the side, but he instantly recognized her. He could hardly believe his eyes. What was she doing here?
“Maxx! Get away from her!” Armando ordered.
Halen bowed her head and stared at her hands. Despite her uneasiness pride surged through her core. Lifting her face, she looked Armando square in the eye. She quickly glanced away from the hate being reflected back at her. Seeing Kieran among the shocked onlookers, she cried out in despair.
“Okay, Maxx!” Armando shouted. “Strip her down!”
Halen trembled on the cold ground. Kieran moved to stand by her side. He lifted her up with ease, placing her on the front seat of his car. “No one is touching her — that goes double for you, Max.”
Outraged by Kieran’s interference, Armando stepped forward to confront him. “Damn you, boy! This girl belongs to me — I will be the one to decide her punishment.”
Halen frowned, unsure as to why Kieran wanted to help her after all the lies she’d told him. She looked him in the eye, praying she would find some sign of encouragement staring back at her, but she found herself faced with deep-rooted hatred and anger.
Kieran ripped his heated stare from Halen long enough to face Armando. If he couldn’t reason with the man, he would resort to violence to protect her. “I’m willing to pay any price for her safety.”
Halen gasped. If he could pay for another human being, he was no better than Armando and his family.
“It is time to stop this foolish game. You cannot save her, Kieran. Your name holds no authority on Rayne land,” Armando shouted.
“That’s right. You heard Daddy. You might as well give it up. You lost and we won. This one belongs to me,” Mitchell bragged.
Kieran ignored Mitchell’s childish outburst. “Why don’t we all take a breather, Armando? We can discuss the days events after we’ve all had a hot meal. Tempers are running high — it’s time to take it down a notch.”
Armando had every intention of getting rid of Halen, but to pacify Kieran and keep the peace with the Bourdon family, he agreed. Lucien Bourdon was a powerful man and he did not want this incident to interfere with his plans. After dinner he would simply listen to the boy’s pleading and then politely refuse to release Halen. With any luck he could soften the blow with a written agreement not to mistreat her.
Armando shot a glance in Halen’s direction. The very idea of her wearing Lyric’s dress only served to fuel his anger. The sneaky little bitch would pay dearly for stealing from his precious daughter.
“Well?” Kieran said.
“Allow me to think it over. We will resume this discussion after dinner.”
“But father!” Mitchell whined.
Armando stared at his son, wishing the boy would shut up for once in his life. “We will discuss the matter back at the compound,” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’ll see you both back at the compound,” Kieran said as he slid into the seat net to Halen. He placed his lips close to her ear. “Do the lies ever stop?” he whispered.
“The lies stop here, all right!” she snapped. “My loving sister and her lover slash crone drugged me. Nickelson was taking me to Magnolia Grove. There. That’s the truth and nothing but the truth.”
Kieran’s blood ran cold. “The Grove? Why?”
“Some nonsense about being the Chosen One. Armando made a deal with Percy — managed to escape — that’s why you found me in your room.”
“Do you honestly expect me to believe such a crazy story?”
Halen Brushed her sun-streaked curls away from her face. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you believe.”
“I’m intrigued,” he replied sarcastically. “Tell me more.”
“Too damn bad. I’m not telling you crap. I mean, what’s the point? You’ll just go off on a rant and accuse me of lying again.”
“Really? I wonder why?” he said with a smirk.
“I’m not lying! My sister really did drug me and there is a voodoo priestess named Callie. I’m telling you the truth!”
“My patience is done. Maybe Armando’s willing to share the truth with me.” Kieran ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “Do not push me, or I swear I’ll leave you out here with Armando and his perverted son.”
“If you don’t like my answers, stop interrogating me already.”
They rode in silence, giving Halen’s anger time to subside. She understood his reluctance to believe her. After all, she did lie to him on more than one occasion. “Thank you for helping me back there,” she said softly.
“Don’t be so quick to thank me,” he snapped.
Ugh, what was she thinking trying to be nice to him. He was a monster, just like Armando. “I want to ride with Maxx!”
Her request took him by surprise. Jealously was an unknown emotion to him and he had absolutely no idea how to process it. “Get out!” he snapped, pulling the car to an abrupt stop. “If you want to ride with that freak, be my guest.” With a smirk he drove away, leaving Halen staring at his vanishing tail lights.

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