Entangled Souls (6 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Maven paced back and forth across the living room floor like a caged animal. She hadn’t left the house since the day she returned from the reading of her mother’s will. The first few days after arriving home friends from school and concerned neighbors dropped by to voice their prayers and concerns over Halen’s disappearance, but it didn’t take long for those visits to come to an abrupt halt.
Being this isolated did not agree with her. She considered having a party, but knew it would probably cause an uproar among their close circle of friends, many who were missing Halen terribly. And of course, the neighbors would take moral offense to any display of happiness this soon after her mother’s death and her sister’s disappearance.
Walking across the room to the large cherry wood desk, she opened the top drawer and removed a crumbled sheet of stationary. Rapidly her eyes scanned the note. She had no idea why she bothered to read it again. She’d read it so many times that she had it memorized line by line.
She crumbled the paper into a tight ball and shoved it to the back of the drawer. Bridger didn’t say how long he’d be delayed, but if he didn’t arrive soon she would have no choice but to pay him a visit. He wasn’t going to get away from her that easily.
Lifting her glass of sweet tea, she took a long sip of the cool, minty liquid. She had confidence in her sexuality and she knew how to use it to her advantage, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she failed to excite Bridger.
Ever since she’d read her mother’s will and learned the truth about her family’s secret, she’d been trying to seduce Bridger with little success. He would be the perfect choice to rule by her side.
“Maven,” Albert said, taking his time entering the room.
“Dammit, Albert! Stop sneaking up on me like that. You’ll give me a coronary.”
“Well, what do you want?” she snapped, tired of the little man’s constant interruptions. If given the choice she would have fired him the day her mother died. But for some unknown reason the old coot meant a great deal to her mother, and for the time being it was important for her to keep up appearances.
“Bridger has arrived.”
“Really? I didn’t hear the doorbell.”
“I saw him as he was coming up the drive and opened the door before he could ring the bell.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Bring him to me.” Maven smoothed her long dark curls into place. She glanced down at her simple black sundress, feeling pleased with her appearance.
“Would you care for refreshments?” Albert asked, leading Bridger into the living room. Maven glanced over at Bridger who quickly declined the offer. She dismissed Albert, smiling sweetly at Bridger.
“How are you holding up, Maven?”
“As well as can be expected under the circumstances. I miss my sister.”
“Of course you do,” Bridger said. “Sorry I wasn’t able to get here sooner, but work’s been crazy lately, plus studying for finals.”
Placing her hand in the crook of his arm, Maven steered him towards the over-sized sofa, urging him to sit next to her. “Honestly, Bridger, you are too young to work so hard, Why don’t you let your family deal with things so you can have more free time.”
“That would be nice, but I don’t have anyone that I trust…with dad sick…and mom…she’s hopeless when it comes to business. So, any word on Halen?”
“No. Not yet. I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.”
“Any idea where she might be? What about a boyfriend?”
“No. She was seeing that Dalton boy, but it was never serious. Honestly, I think our mom’s death proved to be too much for her to handle. She’s probably gone to stay with friends until things blow over. Maybe she needed to get lost for a while. I think we all need that from time to time.”
“Wherever she is, I hope she isn’t going through this alone.”
Maven sighed, taking in his closely cropped hair and dark, coffee-brown eyes. “All we can do is pray.”
Bridger removed his arm from her grasp and quickly stood. “I hate to rush off, but I need to head out — gotta get back to work.”
Maven bounced to her feet. “No!”
“Sorry, Maven. I need to go.”
Maven frowned. This was not going as planned at all. “I thought you would at least stay for dinner. It’s so lonely with mom and Halen gone. There is no one here to talk to.”
Bridger gently placed his hands on her shoulders, looking down into her cobalt-blue eyes. “I can only imagine how lonely you must be, and I’m sure you miss your sister very much. I wish I could stay here with you, but it’s just not possible.”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” she pouted.
“Maven, I have other dinner plans. Do you remember the Wilkerson family?”
“I think so, why?”
“Well, Abby and I…are engaged.”
Maven stomped her foot in protest. “Engaged? to be married?”
Bridger laughed at her childish outburst. “Why do you sound so surprised? We dated off and on all through high school. We even went to prom together.”
Maven turned away to hide her disappointment. How could he be engaged, and to Abby Wilkerson, no less. For years she dreamed of marrying Bridger, and she was not about to lose him to a basic whore like Abby.
Mastering a semblance of composure, Maven turned to face him with a smile. “Isn’t that great news for you. When is the wedding?”
“The engagement won’t be official until we post it in the paper — we’re having a party next week to make the announcement. I didn’t send you an invitation — I knew a party would probably be the last thing on your mind.”
Maven smiled, determined to attend the party and deal with her rival face to face. “I would love to be a part of your celebration. Mom would’ve wanted me to be there to represent our family. You know how much she loved you.”
“People will talk — your sister
still missing.”
“Let them talk. I want to help you celebrate.”
“You really are an awesome girl, Maven.” Bridger grinned suggestively. “If I didn’t have a girl, I could definitely see me falling for you.”
Maven smiled to herself. Confident that he would be falling in love with her soon enough. It would be a cold day in hell before she’d let another girl stand in her way. She was determined to have Bridger. Abby was merely an obstacle to be disposed of…one way or another.
“It’s public knowledge that Halen led a less than Christian life. People around here can be overly cruel when give the opportunity. Things people say about her might be hard for you to hear.”
“I know,” Maven replied. “But I can’t hide out here in this house forever.”
Bridger’s admiration for Maven grew stronger. He wondered what had happened in the past that caused her mother to favor the rebellious Halen over her sister.
Maven flashed him a bright smile. “Come on then, I’ll walk you out. I know you’re anxious to get home. Tell Abby I said hi. I’m sure she’ll make a beautiful bride.”
“No doubt.”
She looped her arm through his and buried her head against his chest. “I’m looking forward to seeing her at the party.”
“You two will be best friends before you know it. I’m sure of it.”
Friends, Maven fumed. Not in this lifetime.
She stood on the front porch watching Bridger as he drove away, angry tears burned her eyes as she thought about their relationship. All her life it seemed the people she loved had denied her their love in return. Her mother…Halen…and now the man she loved most in the entire world was tripping all over himself to be with that dog-faced Abby.
All of this rejection was getting on her last nerve. Bridger would be hers, and she didn’t care who was hurt in the process. She had no problem disposing of a bothersome rival — she’d done it in the past, she could easily do it one more time.
Maven’s murderous thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Cody’s car coming up the gravel driveway. She impatiently watched as he and Bridger pulled up side by side to exchange greetings. She was genuinely happy to see Cody. Although she wasn’t in love with him as she was with Bridger, she did get a kick out of the sexual side of their relationship.
Cody’s eyes traveled over Maven’s curves as he walked up the front steps. She reveled in his attention and the way he so eagerly did her bidding. Starving for sexual release, she barely gave him time to say hello before she was dragging him upstairs to her bedroom. Mistaking her behavior for true love, Cody was thrilled to see how much she wanted to be with him. Maven made love to him with an intensity that sent his heart racing. He had no idea that she was busy imagining herself engulfed in Bridger’s strong arms the entire time.
Albert sat at the kitchen table eating his evening meal. Chewing on his steak, he looked at the ceiling in disgust. He knew Maven had that Cody boy in her bedroom. Again. Her poor mama must be rolling over in her grave, Albert thought. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that she was no longer around to witness Maven’s slutty behavior.
The stupid little girl was playing with fire and he prayed she walked away from this fiasco with third-degree burns. He knew Cody was head over heels in love with Maven. Although he couldn’t prove it, it was certain the boy had helped Maven devise a plan to dispose of Halen.
Albert’s expression quickly turned spiteful. Maven better watch her step before she turned up missing just like her sister.
His wife removed his plate and replaced it with a dessert bowl filled with apple cobbler. “Penny for your thoughts.”
“If you must know, I was thinking about Maven.”
Becky shook her head and snorted. “You can’t find anything less repulsive to think about?”
Before Albert had a chance to respond, a short, heavy set woman with ivory skin and bright red hair stormed into the room. Becky rushed to her side, pulling her into her arms. “Fanny, what in the world?”
“It’s my baby! She’s dead! They walked into my room and jerked her right out of my arms. They drained her right there in front of me. She was my baby and now she’s a shell. Dead. She’s dead, Becky!”
Albert grasped the edge of the kitchen table, aware of what was coming next.
“You have to talk to Maven. Tell her what happened to my daughter.”
“Not a smart idea. I’m sorry for your loss — you know how things work around here. Besides, I did my time for the Cause. If I start causing trouble — I can be eliminated.”
“You aren’t even going to try?” Fanny screamed, shocked by her long time friend’s indifference.
“What would be the point? Maven doesn’t have a caring bone in her body.”
“This is on your conscience!” Fanny cried, stomping out of the room.
“Those animals killed that little girl. She had her whole life ahead of her,” Albert said, tears sliding down his cheeks.
Becky turned on him. “Have you gone insane? You won’t be happy until you make me a widow,” she said, breaking down in heavy sobs.
Albert waited for Cody to leave before making the long trek to Maven’s bedroom door.
“What, Albert?” Maven screamed. “Is my dinner finally ready? I’ve worked up quite the appetite.”
“No. Not yet.”
Maven’s brow furrowed. “What is up with Becky today? Do I need to find a replacement? The two of you were my mother’s little pets. I would prefer to work with someone much younger — you might want to pass that little tidbit of information on to Becky’s slow ass.”
“It’s another hour until dinner.”
Maven sighed. “Fine. So why are you up here bothering me?”
Albert swallowed hard before proceeding, not sure how she would take the news. “Fanny’s little girl is dead.”
“Good lord, how did that happen?”
“They drained her.” Knowing it was useless to appeal to her human side, he stressed the monetary loss of the girl. “Fanny’s daughter was a prime candidate. A few more years and she would have been one of the Hive’s prime Breeders.”
“I’ll look into it,” Maven assured him. “My mother is no longer with us and that makes me the boss around here. Do you understand?”
Albert turned on his heels and left the room. Oh, he understood her meaning all too well. The girl’s death was meaningless in her eyes.
Whitney stood on the porch enjoying the early morning solitude when Armando and his entourage pulled into the compound. A slow moving truck carrying two young girls followed close behind. She shook her head in disdain. Apparently Mr. Rayne’s trip was a big success.
Mitchell and Lyric stepped outside and stood next to Whitney. They weren’t all that anxious to see their father, but his arrival had been announced throughout the compound, forcing them to plaster on a fake smile and welcome home their meal ticket.
Whitney did her best to hide her feelings for their father from the children — her reasons for joining the welcoming party were part of a routine that Armando demanded of her.
Armando smiled, pleased to see his loving children awaiting his arrival. Seeing them lifted his spirits, causing his heart to swell with pride. Although he was disappointed in his son’s recent behavior and inability to control his temper, he found him to be a handsome, bright young man. And his daughter, Lyric, was the apple of his eye and more beautiful than words could ever describe. Either one of them would be the perfect choice to lead the Hive, instead of that backwoods bitch Lucien chose.
His gaze shifted to Whitney. He couldn’t see her face, nonetheless, his heart raced at the mere sight of her. Why couldn’t he turn off this sick desire that he felt for her? To make matters worse, he now had that pesky Camden to deal with. Hell would freeze over before he released Whitney to that boy. She would remain with him until one of them moved on to another realm. If he could not possess her heart, he would continue to own her soul.
Climbing out of his car, he took the steps two at a time, his raven-black hair flowing out behind him as he embraced his daughter. Releasing her, he turned his attention to his Mitchell.
“Did things go as planned while I was away?”
“Yes, Father,” Mitchell replied, lowering his head to hide his resentment. He knew his father thought he was incompetent to run the compound on his own, and he hated the older man for it.
“I found a girl to help you run the house until she is needed for the Cause. Please begin her training immediately,” he said to Whitney.
“Of course.”
The two girls paused at the top of the stairs, waiting for further instructions. Cautiously, Halen regarded the group of people standing in front of her with fear and trepidation. She looked at Mitchell, unnerved to see his perverted gaze fixated on her chest. She shuddered and quickly glanced away, turning her attention to his sister. The malicious jealously she witnessed in the girl’s eyes was far creepier than Mitchell’s lustful scrutiny. She looked over at Whitney to find the woman staring back at her with worried eyes. She smiled, reassuring Halen that she had indeed found a friend amidst the madness.
“This is Bijoux. She will be helping Whitney around the house until she is called to serve,” Armando said. “And this is Halen,” he said to Lyric. “She can help you with whatever you need. All I ask is that you do nothing to cause her any harm.”
Lyric answered with a pout. “But, Daddy, she’s way prettier than me.”
“Do not be ridiculous.”
“I refuse to have someone who looks like her around me.”
Mitchell laughed. “Why don’t you admit it, Lyric? You don’t want her in the house because she’s prettier and smarter than you’ll ever be. You feel it…don’t you, Lyric.”
“How dare you insinuate a low-life Breeder will ever be better than me!”
“It’s the truth, isn’t it?”
Armando pounded his silver and ruby encrusted walking cane on the ground. “That is more than enough,” he shouted, his voice echoing through the compound. “Mitchell, I believe you owe your sister an apology. Lyric, I expect you to treat Halen with respect and some semblance of kindness. If in time you find you cannot get along with her, we can always try to find you a replacement from the group.”
Lyric cast Halen a catty glance. “Can I enjoy her company anyway I choose?”
“Heed my words, daughter. I want no marks left on this one,” Armando warned.
Halen stood off to the side, her face expressionless. Lyric’s arrogance infuriated her. How dare they stand there talking about her as if she was invisible.
Armando turned his attention back to his son. “You are to keep your distance from these girls, Mitchell…especially Halen. She is here to help your sister — she serves no other purpose. I cannot risk her being tainted in any way. She must remain untouched at all costs.”
“I’ll keep my distance. You have my word.”
“Very well,” Armando said. “Whitney, take the girls to the kitchen and prepare them something to eat. Afterward, you may show Halen to Lyric’s wing of the house.”
Whitney motioned for the two girls to follow her. She walked quickly, forcing them to pick up their pace or get left behind. “Sit down and I’ll get you some food. You girls must be starving. Believe me when I tell you, you’re going to need your strength for the mess that’s ahead of you.”
Armando waited until after dinner to send word that he needed to speak with Whitney. When she arrived at his office she found him sitting behind his desk sipping a clear, sticky liquid through a straw.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Close the door.” Placing his glass on the desk he stood and walked over to her chair. He placed his cold, weathered hands on her shoulders, applying just enough pressure to cause his fingernails to cut into her tender flesh. “I am afraid that I have rather disturbing news to share with you. It appears Kieran and Camden have returned.”
Whitney gasped, her alarm evident as a terrified expression played across her face. “Camden…he came home.”
“They will arrive her in a few days. Fools, the both of them,” Armando spat, applying even more pressure to her shoulders until small droplets of blood seeped through her faded dress. “Whatever s the problem? I thought you would be pleased to see Camden once again.”
“That boy has a lot of enemies here, including you, Armando. I can’t believe he would get within a hundred miles of the Bourdon family and their madness.”
“As long as he remembers his place and stays below Lucien’s radar, he should be fine.”
Bile rose up in Whitney’s throat. Eighteen years ago she’d vowed to prevent Armando from ever getting close to Camden. Her world was starting to crumble around her and she could do nothing to stop it. “I can’t stay in this room with you. I need time alone,” she whispered.
“Very well. Make no mistake, I expect to see you later tonight.”
Lyric didn’t seem to care that Halen was past the point of exhaustion. She continued to dish out numerous chores, demanding Halen finish them before bedtime.
Lyric proved herself to be a spoiled brat who refused to lift a finger to do anything for herself, forcing Halen to wait on her hand and foot. By the time Lyric finally released her for the night, Halen was too exhausted to walk the short distance to the kitchen to search for a light snack.
Instead, she quietly slipped outside and breathed in the crisp night air, welcoming the cool breeze on her face. The moon shone bright, casting eerie shadows dancing across the thick grass. Feeling like she was being watched, she ran towards the small room situated on the other side of the estate and stepped inside. At least Armando provided her with a room of her own where she could escape Lyric’s domineering attitude.
The room was dark, but the moonlight shining through the open windows provided enough light foe her to see the small cot situated on the other side of the room. She quickly slipped out of her clothes and stretched out on the narrow bed. It didn’t take long for her thoughts of escape to give way to drowsiness. Exhausted, she slept soundly through the night.

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