Enticing Their Mate (17 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Military, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

BOOK: Enticing Their Mate
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“As soon as Sarah’s ready.”

A few of the women needed significant care and Sarah’s worried about them, perhaps too much so. Amy wouldn’t be arriving for a few hours, but he didn’t want to wait until six to leave. He knocked on the door to the women’s room, pressed the code, and entered.


She stood, murmured something to the woman on the mattress at her feet, and then came toward him. Perhaps it was because he hadn’t slept much last night, tossing and turning from wanting and needing her, that when she drew near he almost gave in and held her. She smelled so fucking good, too. Each day, his urges were growing stronger with the need to claim her. Not only did he have a mission to finish, the idea of her leaving afterward was already causing him pain. The best course of action was to keep his distance.

He tried to be happy that she and Jay had connected, but damn, it only made the yearning worse.

“You want to go now?” she asked.

“It’s best if we do.” He followed her out. “Can you drive? Jay has the truck.” Not having the control bugged the shit out of him, but he’d deal.

“Sure. Do you have the directions?”

He tapped his forehead. “Just head east. I’ll tell you where to turn.”

Riley didn’t like that this clinic was close to an hour from the warehouse. While MacKenzie and Chris had done extensive research looking for other factions who would want to waylay the women for their own profit, they’d come up empty-handed. That didn’t mean he could let down his guard.

“Do you know how the women will be transported?” she asked. “Some are in a delicate condition.”

“Connolly is working on that now.”

She glanced over at him. “What’s up with Connolly this and Connolly that? You two seem to be rather chummy. What gives?”

With the mission about to end, it wouldn’t hurt to come clean. “Don’t get mad but there were reasons why we’ve had to keep his identity a secret.”

Her hands gripped the wheel so hard her knuckles turned white. “A secret? What kind of secret?” Her voice didn’t rise, but a hard enough edge to it caused his gut to cramp.

Shit. Both he and Jay had kept her safety in mind when they decided not to involve her in all of the discussions. It would be too easy for Statler, or one of the other guards, to extract information from her. “He’s a rogue Pack member.”

She drew in her bottom lip and dragged her teeth along the edge, forcing him to look away or chance having to ask her to pull over. The urge to claim her was driving him crazy.

“Exactly what does rogue member mean?” she asked.

He stabbed his fingers through his hair. “Connolly used to be in the General’s platoon in the service. Since then, the General has used him on an as-needed basis. As much as the General would like to have Connolly join our merry bunch, Connolly’s a loner. Think of him as a contractor-for-hire.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Sarah,” he said with a huff.

She held up a hand. “I get it. The less I know the better.”

Riley wanted to reach out and touch her, assure her they had her best interests in mind, but if he did, he might not be able to stop at just her arm. “In the beginning, there was no reason for you to know, but now I believe it’s time. All I ask is that when you’re at the warehouse, act as if he’s still Statler’s right hand man.”

She saluted, the lines on her brow softening. “Message received.”

As they neared the location, Riley scoped out the area. If they had to break the women out of the clinic he wanted to understand the topography of the land.

“It’s the building on the left,” he said.

“What are all these cars doing here?” Sarah found a spot between a truck and a van and parked. “I thought this was supposed to be some super secret place.”

That was what he’d like to know. “Let’s go find out.”

As he slipped out of the car and came over to her side, he rotated around to make sure Trax could pick up the area on the camera. Riley pulled open her door, and without thinking, helped her out.
. That one touch nearly caused him to shift.

“You okay,” she asked.

He didn’t need to explain how every time he was near her, his animal tried to take over. “Yes. I’m worried that’s all.” Just then, a woman exited the clinic with a young boy.


“Everything.” That was the truth. “One, I’m not happy Statler failed to mention this was a real clinic servicing the locals, and two, why didn’t Statler check out the clinic himself? I know it gives us a chance to scope it out, but he should have said something.”

“Assuming he knew. The man’s arrogant and thinks all chores are beneath him.”

“There are some things that need the personal touch.”

Once inside, Riley stepped up to the receptionist who was seated behind a glass partition. “I’m here with Sarah Osmond. We have an appointment with Dr. Elkhart.”

She typed something in her computer. “I don’t see your time scheduled.”

He hadn’t called ahead to make one because he hadn’t expected a receptionist. He’d assumed Elkhart was expecting them. After all, a large sum of money was involved. “Tell him Mr. Statler sent us.”

The receptionist looked up at him with a blank expression, the name apparently not ringing a bell. Riley gave her his fiercest look.

“I’ll…I’ll ask him.” She pushed back her chair and rushed down the corridor.

Sarah grabbed his arm and leaned close. Too close. “What’s going on?”

“I wish I knew.”

Just as he was about to suggest they sit, the nurse opened the door. “Sarah Osmond and Mr.—?”


“Mr. Bishop. Come this way.”

She led them down a long corridor lined with numbered rooms. If the women were put in there, it might be more difficult to help them escape. When they arrived at the end of the hall, the receptionist opened a door that required a combination keypad. “The doctor’s office is the last door on your right.”

When they stepped inside the hallway, the door clicked behind them, and Sarah grabbed his hand, causing inappropriate sparks of desire to course through him. Damn. Riley had to draw on his military training to calm down.

“It’s creepy in here,” she said.

The low ceiling, no windows, and lights spaced far apart gave off a tomblike atmosphere. Not to mention the hallway sloped downward. “We’re heading underground.”

He didn’t like this. He might have considered turning around had Ford and Tyson not mentioned that Statler had an escape route from his last location. Riley wouldn’t be surprised if Elkhart did, too.

They arrived at the last door. “Ready?” he asked.

She straightened her shoulders. “Yes.”

Chapter Seventeen

iley knocked, and the door latch electronically opened. Twisting the handle, he pushed on it and held it open the door for her.

The overhead fluorescent lights were so bright Sarah had to squint.

“Ms. Osmond, how nice to see you again.” Dr. Elkhart came toward her with a smile and his hand held out.

Yuk. She highly doubted he was delighted to see the inspection committee. Not wanting to piss him off, though, she shook his hand. “This is Riley Bishop. He’s security for Mr. Statler. Would you like to show us around?”

“Certainly. Come this way.” He led them through a door at the back of the room that opened up to a much larger space. “As you can see, I have ten beds set up for the women.”

The arrangement was similar to what had been in Statler’s clinic. “Did Mr. Statler explain that we need to heal these women as quickly as possible?”

His smile came out fatherly, but his eyes remained cold. “Yes, and they will be. As you can see, each bed has an IV stand ready to give them antibiotics and any needed fluids. I’ve installed a small gym in another room to provide some form of exercise for those who are ready.”

“A walk outside would do wonders for them.”

He tilted his head, acting as if she was being highly naïve. “I’m sure it would. If you wish to take pictures to show your boss, be my guest.”

Sarah glanced at Riley who nodded. She hadn’t figured out the doctor’s game, but it wouldn’t hurt to have the layout documented. As much as she wanted to send the photos to Jay, if Elkhart confiscated her phone, it might put him in danger.

As she checked out the beds and equipment, Riley wandered about. Hopefully, he was looking for another exit.

“How are we to bring the women in here? Though the front door?” Riley asked.

“No, Mr. Bishop. There’s a back entrance. Come I’ll show you, assuming Ms. Osmond is satisfied with the conditions.”

Satisfied was a strong word, but she nodded, wanting to get out of there. She and Riley followed him out the back of the clinic. This time, Riley didn’t seem to mind that she kept a few steps behind him. For a second, she wondered if she was walking to her death, but then decided that unless they were met with five shifters at the end, Riley could take out the doctor.

Elkhart leaned over an eye scanner and the door clicked. He faced them. “As you can see, security is tight. I won’t need to keep the women chained as they have no place to go.”

Whoopee. The freedom might give some of the women hope that they’d soon be freed. Their disappointment would be massive unless the Pack could save them. Sarah pushed that terrible thought out of her head since she believed in the General and his men.

“I haven’t communicated with Mr. Statler,” Riley said, “but when were you expecting the women?”

“I need to take care of a few details tonight, but tomorrow after dark would be ideal.”

“We’ll let you know when we’re on our way.”

“Good. I’ll open this door as soon as you arrive.” Elkhart nodded. “If you parked in front, your car is around the corner to the left.”

“Thank you,” she said, instantly trying to figure out how hard it would be for Riley and Connolly to snatch the doctor and free the women. They could then go back after Statler, assuming they could find him. The buyers, however, would never be caught.

With a hand on her waist, Riley led her out up the steep incline. When the door closed, he spun them around. “He’s got another eye scanner on this end. Fucker. Let’s get back and try to figure out what to do.” He held out his hand for her keys. “I’ll drive.” With the tense way he said it, she thought it wise not to argue.

On the way back, Riley seemed off in his own world. “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Angry thoughts.”

She almost smiled. So was she. Sarah was about to discuss taking out Elkhart tomorrow when Riley’s cell rang. He retrieved his phone, swiped a finger across the screen, and answered. “What’s up?” He glanced over at her. “How many men? Shit. Jay’s with you?” He tapped his fingers on the wheel. “I’m bringing Sarah back to the motel now. Later.”

She waited a beat, and when he didn’t say anything she grunted.

“What was that grunt about?” he asked.

“You can’t guess? You always keep me in the dark.”

He glanced over at her. “It’s better for you.”

“I’m a trained operative. I can handle myself.”

“You’re a human—and a woman. I won’t put you at risk.”

She put herself at risk every day. “Who called?”

He held up a hand. “Connolly. Statler brought in eight new guards to make sure Elkhart doesn’t pull a fast one and try to sell the women behind his back.”

Anger coiled in her stomach. “Well, shit. I was hoping you and Jay could take him down.”

“I was hoping so, too, though Statler isn’t dumb. He’ll have a ton of backup plans if we do.”

It was one of Statler’s backup plans that had allowed him to escape in the first place. “You’ll think of something.”

“Let’s hope. You up for some dinner?”

It wasn’t yet six. “Shouldn’t we go back to the warehouse and report to Statler? Or show Connolly the pictures?”

“Statler’s not there. Trust me, if he had been, Connolly would have said so. I think it’s safe to send Jay the photos. He’ll share them with the men.”

“Okay.” She had his email, so she forwarded them to him.

“What’s your pleasure?” he asked.

Her pleasure? She was so focused on the pictures she’d forgotten what he was referring to. Her real pleasure would be to find some stress relieving activity that involved both men. “Regarding what?”

He chuckled. “Food.”

“Oh. I say whatever place you come to first.”

Ten minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of a rather rundown restaurant. A few of the siding pieces were in need of repair and the windows could use a good washing, but the outside didn’t necessarily reflect the food quality.

He helped her out. “I doubt we’ll run into any of Statler’s men out here.”

“Even if we do, we’ve not given them any reason to doubt our loyalty.”


They stepped inside and found they were the only patrons. At least their conversation couldn’t be overheard. The waitress, who looked a lot like her grandmother, motioned them to seat themselves then came over. They ordered coffee then looked over the menu.

Riley leaned back in his seat and studied her. “Are you planning on taking a break once this assignment is finished?” While he sounded calm, there was something else in his voice. Hope, perhaps, or was it fear?

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