Escape to Paris With Love (2 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Escape to Paris With Love
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Chapter 2 Armani

He watched carefully as she approached him. She moved in slow motion as if time had somehow slowed to accommodate this moment. She was stunningly gorgeous. Her
long straight hair flirted in the wind as she approached. Her curvaceous hips sway from side to side as her long legs and toned thighs effortless slid past each other. Armani could not help it. His dick went from zero to ten inches of raging erection at the bat of an eye.

He was as hard as an MIT Advanced
Quantum Physics final examination and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. Her alluring steel blue eyes brightened and then suddenly darkened with lust as she meticulously eyed the menacing monster that stirred restlessly in his pants. A devious smile spread across her face as she watched it jerk as she grew nearer.

Armani was
embarrassed that he could not control himself. Hell he didn't even know her damn name. Still he did nothing to hide his arousal. He wanted her to know how he felt and what her presence did to him. He wanted her to know how badly his body ached to comingle with hers. Armani wanted her to know just how bad he wanted to fuck her!

She continued to close in on him looking demonically intrigued as if she could sense or read his every thought. She raised
an eyebrow and then gave him an affirmative nod to let him know that she knew. She knew exactly what he wanted and she knew exactly what he needed. And most of all she knew exactly how to tame that trouser monster that was draining the blood from his head and rendering him faint with desire.

“Who are you? Where did you come from?”

“That's not important.” Her honey sweet voice assured him as she sampled his lips.

But a sample was not enough, Armani wanted and needed more. He quickly
encircled her tiny waist and drew her to him until his hard dick rubbed against her. She did not pull away as he expected she would do. Instead she nibbled gently on his bottom lip. His eyes met hers and he was done. He didn't give a fuck who she was, where she was from or what the hell she wanted. Armani had to have her, to own her, to ruin her for any other man and to love her. He just had to.

Lowering his head to meet her he sucked her mouth into his. His hungry tongue sought hers and it would not be denied her taste. Their tongues collided violently and wrestled for dominance. Armani's tongue won and instantly set the tempo to their erotic tango. Claiming ownership of everything that involved her he immediately took control.

His large hands slid from her small waist to grab her round firm ass. This woman was incredible, he thought. She was genetically engineered to press every erotic button in his twenty nine year old body. His dick stirred violently against her and demanded satisfaction as its owner continued to seduce this perfect creature.

She was
enchanted by him from the second she set eyes on him. No she knew nothing about him except that she was made to love him. Her heart raced and her head spin as Armani devoured her mouth. She wanted nothing more than him to take her right there, right now. The electricity between them pricked every sensual cell in her body causing her nipples to harden and her pussy to violently thump. She wanted his rock dick in her, some way somehow, filling her with its massive girth and length.

The sensation was too delectable to contain. She had to have him so she ripped her mouth from his abruptly ending their erotic love dance. Her eyes engaged his as her tiny hands rubbed his hard dick through his slacks. His eyes rolled back from the sweetness of her touch. He felt her unzip his pants and it seemed as if the heavens had opened to answer his prayers.
Strained groans slipped pass his lips as she grabbed his engorged manhood and released it from its fabric prison.

Armani quickly loss himself as his soul swam gleefully in the pools of her hypnotic blue eyes and his hard dick succumbed to the charm of her precise hand. Her gentle but firm stroke held him captivated and quickly tamed the restless beast she held in her grasp. Emotions course through his body like a
raging river threatening to flood an unsuspecting town as she dropped to her knees before him and lick the tip of his dick. His legs trembled violently and his knees buckled as she nursed on its tip.   

Her mouth felt like warm butterscotch as she slurped his hard fully erect dick into her mouth. Armani steadied himself and grabbed her shoulders for support. A look of rapture transformed his handsome face as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked the cream that oozed from his throbbing dick. She was masterful at her craft as she applied a delicate suction that could be felt at the center of his erotic core. Armani
wrestled hard with the urge to grab her head and fuck her face like a blow up doll. He knew nothing about her but sensed that she was a lady.

“Woman you are absolutely amazing.” He hissed as the beautiful temptress continued to lavish him with pleasure so intense it had to be illegal in fifty of the fifty two states.

“Why thank you Prince Armani. I do my best, although since your motorcycle accident we don't...” Charmayne babbled on before abruptly interrupted.

“What the Fuck?”  Armani asked as he set up bolt right in his bed, panting deeply as the
adrenalin, from being woken abruptly shot through his body. Now, on red alert he quickly isolated and identified the source of the voice. It was his fiancé Charmayne. “Char what are you doing here?” He asked as he got up and wrapped the sheet around his magnificent nude frame.

Armani was tall, standing almost six foot six. He was an incredibly handsome man with a sexy,
athletic, but lean muscular body. His dark caramel skin was flawless and his chiseled features were haunting and guaranteed to arrest the heart and wet the pussy of any woman within a hundred mile radius.

“I was about to make love to my
fiancé until he turned into a deranged, irritated ogre. What's wrong with you now?” She vented frustrated.

“What do you mean what's wrong with me? I was asleep. You could at least wake me up before you start pawing all over me.”

“Pawing? Did you seriously just say that I was pawing on you? News Flash Armani, you are my man and that is my dick and I have every damn right on the planet to paw on you as much as I damn well please!” She snapped. It took a lot to get the good natured Charmayne upset, but she was officially fucking pissed. “I have fucking had it with you! I've tried and tried to be patient with you and work things out and smooth things over but... You know what? I can't! I don't know who you are, but you are not the man I fell head over heels in love with ten years ago. I can't do this anymore. I'm done! Hell! You and I are done. The weddings off.”

“Come on Char... Just calm down
! I was sleep... You frightened me. I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to imply that you were pawing me. I...”

“Armani you didn't have to imply it... Hell you said it!”

“Yeah, but I didn't mean it.” His tone softened in an attempt to get her to soften her disposition. “I'm sorry. Okay?”

Charmaynes' eyes met his and she instantly defused. They had been through so much drama and so much bullshit since Armani returned from the United States. He was so different sometimes she felt that the Armani who loved and worshipped her was gone forever. And no matter what she did or how she did it she could not get him to fall in love with her again.

“Forgive me?” Armani begged as he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently drew her into him. His gorgeous eyes pleaded with hers as he sampled her lips.

“Why should I?” She challenged.

Armani chuckled as a sexy, ominous grin spread like soft butter across his handsome face. His hands slid along her spine and firmly cupped Char's round ass. He immediately became hard. “Because it will be a hell of a lot more fun having makeup sex than continuing this silly fight.”

Charmayne bit her lips as she saw a soft spot in his heart he harbored for her. She knew despite their struggles that Armani still loved her and was now faithful to her. Something he had never been since they met.
“I don’t know. Lately we fight more than we fuck.”

Armani was a high spirited, spoiled, rich kid who was known for his sexual
escapades and indiscretions. He was what they called a double royal. His father was a French Nobleman and his mom was an African Princess from a village in Botswana. Her parents owned one of the largest diamond mines in the country and unmasked a fortune in the billions.

Armani was born to be a Playboy and he wore it well. Well, until seven years ago when a freak motorcycle accident almost claimed his life. Since then he had become a gentle, humble man who wrestled fearlessly with the man he once use to be. Charmayne loved this new spirit but sometimes pined for the old. Nonetheless Armani was her man and she wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.

I know... So do you want to keep fighting or do you want to handle this monster that’s poking you to death? What's it going to be?”

“You're a mess! You know that right?” She giggled as his dick poked her repeated.

Armani never answered. Allowing the sheet to drop at his feet, he picked Charmaynes' nude body up and carried her to his bed. Laying her diagonally across it he dropped to his knees and buried his face between her parted thighs. His face remained there until the beautiful American screamed for mercy.

Chapter 3 Prissy

“So I was thinking we could pack our bags and take an excursion to London this weekend.”

“For what?” Prissy asked as she quickly dressed to go home.

“You know, spend some one on one quality time together.”

“I thought that was what we just did.” Prissy giggled as she slipped on her
stiletto pumps and smoothed her skirt. “Didn't you enjoy yourself?”

“Yeah! As a matter of fact I did. But I would have enjoyed myself a hell of a lot more if my girlfriend...”

“Friend, not girlfriend.” She nonchalantly corrected him as she did a quick sweep of the room for any articles of clothing she may be leaving.

“No! I said what I meant to say! Parisa Crown, I've been dancing this dance with you for five years now and not once have I complained.
Damn it the least you can do is concede that you and I are more than friends. Right?”

Prissy's eyes narrowed as she prepared to counter, but she thought better of it. She would not concede that Austin was her
man; however she conceded that you had to choose your battles and this one was not worth the fight.

Austin raised an
eyebrow and said, "
I dare you!"
He waited with bated breath for Prissy to deny it. “Yeah I thought so...” He mumbled beneath his breath. “Any way as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I want to spend at least a day alone with you. No kids, no work and no damn phone. I just want to spend at least twenty four, uninterrupted hours alone with my woman.” He said as he pulled her into his arms and attempted to make eye contact.

Prissy continued to scan the room for her bra, which she
hastily dressed without. She looked everywhere at everything except Austin. “I thought I had on a bra... Right? Didn't I have on a bra?”

“Parisa Crown, just stop! Look at me... I'm serious. I need to spend time with you this weekend. I don't care how you do it but just make it happen.”

Prissy hissed a loud sigh of frustration. “Austin, I'm sorry but...”

“No! Don't even think about pressing your lips together and forming the word
no to me.”

“I can't. I have a ton of stuff to do and I promised EJ I would babysit the twins and...”

“No! Stop right there because you're lying!”

“I'm not lying! What would make you think that I was lying to you?” She giggled.

“Because I saw your pretty lips moving... That's how I know that you're lying. Every time I try to make plans for us you tell me some lame as bullshit excuse about why you just can't go.”

“Austin, I'm not....”

“Shhhh! Zip it! Don't even try it, just save your breath! I already talked to EJ and she said she has nothing planned. In fact she thought it was a wonderful idea and stated that the two of us need a break. She also said that there was nothing pressing going on at the firm so you could take off Monday as well. So shut up... Go home and pack your bags and meet me back here at one. We're taking the train to London at two.”

“But I...”

“No! No buts! I'm serious, one o'clock... You and me are going to London and we're not coming back until Monday night. So, go get your stuff and meet me back here at one on the dot.”

“What if I
don’t?” She asked defiantly.

Austin stared at the beautiful woman for an extremely long time before finally speaking. “Parisa I love you... But if you're not here then...”

“Then what?”  She challenged.

Austin sighed in surrender. “Then I don't want to see you again. It takes two people to make a relationship work. I'm tired of wrestling with you to make this a relationship and not just casual sex. I'm
thirty five. I'm too damn old for this bullshit! I want a wife and children and everything else grown people desire.”

Prissy stared into his grey eyes for a hint that he was bluffing. He was dead serious and all she found there was disappoint and hurt from pass infractions. She had
abused this man so horrifically. “Okay! I have to run then, because I have a lot to do before we leave.”

A smile as bright as the sun spread across Austin's deeply tanned face. His eyes even twinkled with hope. Elated he snatched the love of his life in his arms and smothered her mouth with a kiss to seal the deal. “One o'clock sharp.”

Prissy half smiled and nodded. “Yeah, one o'clock sharp.”

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