Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (2 page)

Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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I hope you don’t mind me texting you. I asked Cara for your number. I know I should’ve asked you, but…I’m a pussy. Now that we have that out of the way, I guess I should tell you who this is. It’s Troy. Am I rambling? I feel like I am. Okay, foot in mouth. I’ll shut up.

I can’t help but giggle at his words as my fingers move over the keyboard.
First of all, I DON’T mind. Secondly, you’re not a pussy. I watched you move all my stuff; that’s the last word I would use to describe you. And lastly, I don’t mind rambling. Please don’t shut up – I need a distraction.

I hit send and then reread my words. Crap, why did I tell him I watched him move all of my stuff?

I’ve been told I’m a good distraction. LOL.


Yeah, by my sixth grade teacher. She said I interrupted the class more than any other student in her 27 years of teaching.

I can’t help but laugh again.
Well, I just laughed out loud so I think you’ve succeeded again.

As I contemplate what to say next, another text from him comes in.
I gotta run, we just got dispatched on a call. TTYL.

Go figure, that’s my luck. Well, he is a firefighter, so I’m sure this kind of thing happens to him all the time. That brings me back to David. It’s really not like him to drop something, although I’m thankful for the reprieve. I know I probably shouldn’t be texting with Troy, but it felt good to just have fun with someone. I mean, the guy’s hilarious – how could I resist?

Staring at myself in the mirror, I’m not sure of my outfit. David’s coming down from Fort Collins and invited me out to dinner. He’s particular about style. Looking in the mirror I don’t think my shorts are that short and I don’t want to change what I feel comfortable in. I stick to my black shorts and silver, sequined tank. I go against throwing on a pair of heels because David is short, and wear flats instead.

Emerging from my room, Cara is posted up on the couch wrapped in a blanket with her iPad. “Are you sure you don’t want to come out with me?” I ask.

“Thanks, but I’m not feeling well. You go and have fun. Abel’s bringing a movie over when he gets off, so we’re gonna relax.”

“Works for me. Besides, it’s just David and I going to dinner. So it might be a little awkward if you came. Don’t wait up for me; it might be a long night.”

“You’re so silly, why did you even ask?” she questions me laughing.

“I didn’t wanna be rude.”

“Whatever. Just be safe and call me if you need a ride.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say nodding my head before I turn and walk out.

Getting in my car, I text David to let him know I’m on my way and buckle up. The restaurant is close to my condo and within five minutes, I’ve arrived. I know this area well, and parking is always a bitch, so I valet and walk into the upscale eatery. It’s small and intimate, yet modern. The lighting is dim and the décor is black.

Looking for David, I’m not seeing him, so I decide to head to the bar. As I wait for my drink, I catch a glimpse of him entering the front doors. He looks even better than I remember, with his dark hair and retro fashion. “Hey, love,” he says with an ear-to-ear smile.

I turn and slide off of the barstool, looking into his large, brown eyes – they’re so dark, they’re almost black. He smiles at me. “Hey to you,” I respond, and kiss him on the lips. All we get in is a quick peck before we’re interrupted. “Yo, Dave, the table’s ready,” Xavier, one of his obnoxious friends, says.

“Miss, your drink’s ready,” the bartender calls from behind me.

I turn and grab my seven and seven. “We’ll be right there,” David says with irritation in his voice. “What’s with the outfit?” he questions me.

I look at him confused. “I thought it was only going to be us for dinner.”

“Does that matter? I just saw the bottom of your ass and your tits are hanging out.”

“David, it’s only shorts and a tank top.”

“Exactly, that’s all it is. You need to wear more clothing and cover yourself up.”

I don’t respond; I just stare into his eyes trying to fathom where this is coming from. He never used to care what I wore. Then he grabs my hand and leads me in the direction his friends went. “There’s a tournament that popped up tonight; that’s why the guys came.”

Approaching the table, it’s loud. His friends are by far the loudest in the place. As we sit, David joins in on the conversation with them. Glancing over the menu, I honestly don’t have an appetite. After the way he’s acted, there is no way I can stomach anything. I decide on a salad so I have something to pick at.

Listening in on their exchange, it’s all about how David won the tournament last night and they know he will have a victory tonight. I sit back observing, getting pissed that David is acting like I’m not even here. I send Cara a text in frustration.
Guess what? David invited about ten of his friends along to dinner. This is so romantic.

What? No, he didn’t! Why would he do that?

You got me, and here I was actually thinking he missed me.

I’m so sorry. What are you gonna do?

I don’t know… :(

“Are you okay?” David asks me.


“You sure?” he asks creasing his brows at me.

“I just thought tonight was going to be the two of us, and since we sat down, you haven’t said a word to me. Why did you even invite me?”

“Come on, Bridgette, it was supposed to be the two of us. Then this tournament came up, and you know how I roll. I can’t go in alone. You understand, don’t you?” he says holding the back of my head. I nod my head, because it’s not worth the fight, when what I should do is walk out on him. He kisses my cheek and turns back to his friends.

I sit back against my chair frustrated. That is until a message comes through from Troy and my insides turn to mush reading it.
Sorry I had to run the other night. Where were we?

I think I was in need of a good distraction. Can you help a sister out?

For you, I can do anything.

That simple statement provokes me. He’s such a charmer and knows exactly what he’s doing.


Yes. I think you would be surprised what I’m capable of.

Thinking of my response, David interrupts me and asks, “What are you going to order?”

I set my phone facedown on the table and glance at the waiter. “Uhhh, I’ll have the Mediterranean salad please.” I’d been completely unaware that he was waiting for me. I’m here for David and that’s what matters, right? So I try and ignore my phone “What have you been up to?” I ask him.

But he continues to talk to his friends and I see no point in trying to get his attention. My phone vibrates and as I check it, David asks, “Who are you texting?”

“Oh, it’s just Cara.”

“Hmm,” he says staring into my eyes. “Can I see?”

“What, you mean check my phone? No, you can’t. I’m not your fucking property to do what you please with. I’ve sat here like your puppy dog and been ignored long enough.” I stand and throw my napkin on the table and with everyone staring at me I say, “Goodnight, David!” Leaving him stunned.

Once I reach the fresh air, I breathe it in filling my deprived lungs. Getting upset always causes my breathing to spiral out of control. Handing my ticket to the valet, I wait and hope he hurries, but he’s not fast enough. “Bridgette, don’t go. I’m sorry, love. I shouldn’t have questioned you.”

“You’re damn right you shouldn’t have. David, I sat there for our
date while you ignored me, and then you have the audacity to question me.”

“I know, but I swear the name on your phone said Troy. I can be insecure, and that’s not your fault. I’m really sorry. Please don’t go,” he says, pulling me against him and looking in my eyes. “Will you stay?”

“David, I don’t get you. It’s like you want me, then when you have me, you don’t.”

“I do want you, trust me, I do. I’ll work on being a better boyfriend. I’m sorry I invited the guys. I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Just come back in and eat dinner with me, okay?”

I want to leave, but guilt is eating me up for lying to him. The screen on my phone did say Troy and he saw it. Feeling bad, I agree to eat my meal in order to calm the waters. The valet pulls up and hops out, holding my door open for me. “Can you repark it?” I ask.

“Sure thing, you can grab another ticket from Jeremy.”

David and I turn to head back in. He grabs the new valet ticket, wrapping his arm around me.

We reach the table and his friends don’t even acknowledge us as we sit back down. “Thank you,” David says.

“Of course. I’m sorry I got upset and left.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m really glad you came back.” During our meal we laugh and talk, and David makes sure to keep his attention on me so I know he’s trying. My phone keeps vibrating in my purse, but I’m scared to look at it. I’m sure it’s Troy, so I leave it be. It doesn’t take us long to finish our food and David’s posse to make their game plan for getting to the tournament. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” David asks.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you, though.”

David has a firm grip on my hand as everyone stands and starts to head out. Xavier stops us, “Here’s to good luck, D.” He shakes David’s hand and passes him something. “Don’t take it all at once.”

“Cool, thanks, dawg.”

We walk out and David puts whatever he gave him in his pocket. “What was that?” I ask.

“Nothing, love. Thank you for dinner. I’ll call you after I’m done and let you know how I did, okay?”

I shake my head, puzzled by what just happened.
What did Xavier give him?
My gut tells me that it was nothing good. The David I know is not that kind of person…or is he? Thinking back to how he snapped and how he’s recently changed, maybe there is something bigger going on. For the time being I let it go. I’m not one to be prying regarding someone’s secrets, especially when I have one of my own buzzing in my purse.

I’m officially exhausted. I took my resume everywhere today and no one seems to be hiring, at least not for what I have my degree in. As I walk to my car to head back home, my cell phone rings. “Hello?” I answer, fishing my keys out of my purse.

“Oh my God, please tell me you’re on your way home,” Cara says in an exhausted tone.

I can’t help but titter at her. “Yeah, I am. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I just need your help.”

“All you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you. Hurry home and we’ll talk then. I’m carrying in groceries.”

The line goes silent and I don’t think I want to know what she is up to. The day is hot and my car is even hotter as I get behind the wheel. My legs instantly stick to the leather interior. Immediately, I start the engine and blast the A/C. On the drive home I call David; I haven’t talked to him since dinner. He never called like he said he would and that was over a week ago. He answers on the fifth ring and I say, “Hey there, stranger.”

“Who’s this?”

“Are you kidding me? It’s Bridgette, your girlfriend!”

“Oh shit…I’m sorry, love. I didn’t recognize your voice. What’s up?”

“Nothing!” I snap. “What’s up with you?”

He proceeds to ramble on for the next fifteen minutes about himself and his poker games. He never asks how I am, or what I have been doing. Instead, he talks a mile a minute. I finally lose track of what he is saying, thinking about Troy. “Does that work for you?” he asks.

“Huh?” I respond, a little lost, bringing myself out of the cloud I’m currently in.

“I wanna see you. Can you come up here tonight?”

Automatically I lie. If he’s not even going to know my voice when he answers the phone, I’m not about to give him my time. “I can’t. I have plans with Cara and the rest of the week depends on what happens with the resumes I dropped off today. There were some really promising places. Hopefully, I’ll have some interviews coming up soon.”

“But I miss you, love. I need you.”

“I miss you too.”


“Yes, soon.”

“Are you behaving without me?”

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