Euthara (3 page)

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Authors: Michael McClain

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Military

BOOK: Euthara
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“I never thought of it that way,” Deatra said. “I guess you’re right, but how would he help in gaining access to that type of information.”

“All officers have connections,” Jon said. “They spend time around each other and information tends to slip, especially when drinking. That’s how I know he knows more than he is letting on. His hesitation on some of the questions just confirmed it. He might not know what it means on a bigger scale, but he knows he holds secrets.”

Deatra was about to say something when Jon’s com beeped.

“Hunter here,” Jon said.

‘Tactical Sir, I have eight ships dropping out of hyperspace on the edge of the system,’ a male voice said.

“Any ID on them,” Jon said.

‘No Sir. I’m dispatching two patrol ships to get a closer look. It looks like they’re masking their signatures by dipping into one of the gas giants,’ the male voice said. ‘The electrical storms are interfering with our sensors.’

“I’m on my way to the bridge,” Jon said. “Keep me informed, Hunter out. Ladies would you care to join me on the bridge, it seems the fun never ends.”

Deatra and Terri each took an opposite arm of Jon’s, and they all made small talk as they left the observation room.

Chapter 2

“So what are they doing?” Jon said. He was looking at the hologram above the planning table in the center of the bridge.

Eight ships were shown as small red dots. They were in orbit around the outermost Gas Giant. However, even the ship he had dispatched to take a look at them couldn’t get a reading on them. All they could report back was that the ships were Invaru, and they didn’t react to their close fly-bys.

“If I had to make a guess,” Atlantis said. “They’re watching us to see what we’re doing here.”

“Why would they be interested in what we’re doing?” Jon said.

“Simple, we have disrupted their hold on a few of the races that they held under their sway,” Atlantis said. “We have awakened the Ga’sahde, and that makes them nervous. Their hold on the galaxy is slipping. Your sister is now the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde, and you’re the House-Primus. All these things combined don’t bode well for them or their Empire. They’re waiting for you to slip up and make a mistake so they can take advantage of the situation. Now, you’re at Euthara which, for some unknown reason, isn’t in their control.”

“Euthara isn’t a threat; that’s why we have flown under the radar,” Deatra said. “They still send envoys to us, but they never send assistance. They’re happy to let us die out in peace as it’s something they ondon't need to focus their attention on.”

“Maybe,” Sa’oliq said. “My people breaking away have caused much dissension among the other member races, if you can call them members and not slaves.”

“Sir, we’ve settled into high orbit around Euthara,” the Con Officer said.

“Good, Tactical, keep tabs on the Invaru vessels. I want to know if anything happens,” Jon said. “We’re not to fire on the vessels unless we’re fired on.”

“Aye Sir,” the Tactical Officer said.

“Think they’re going to try something?” Terri said.

“You never know,” Jon said. “I’m a thorn in their side, one they would like to be rid of I’m sure. If I weren’t tied down as I am now, I would just go in guns blazing and be rid of them one way or the other.”

“The Desmodi has docked at the shipyard,” Terri said. “Mike and Brad have the power coming on-line. They say there doesn’t seem to be any major damage to the station, and it should be up and running shortly. They say the only thing lacking is personnel.”

“I’m working on that,” Jon said.

“Sir, I have an incoming transmission from the surface of the planet,” the Com officer said.

“Put it through,” Jon said.

The main viewer lit up as an aging Eutharan filled the screen. He glanced around before nodding.

“Daughter,” He said in a deep voice. “It is good to see you well.”

Deatra knelt as she spoke, “Father; it fills my heart to see you looking well.”

The King’s eyes locked on Jon as he spoke, “Bond-Son, I’ve heard much about you from my officers and other sources. It seems 'leading' suits your blood and mind.”

It was Terri who spoke next, “How dare you!”

Jon looked at his sister in shock as the Eutharans on the bridge gasped.

“So, the stories are true,” the King said. “You must be his sister.”

“You, Sir, are treading on very shaky ground,” Terri said as she took a step forward. “How dare you address the House-Primus in such a manner and then address me in the same way? Have you forgotten your manners, or has age made you take leave of your senses?”

“This is my planet, and I’ll address people as I see fit,” the King said. “If you expect anything else you’re sorely mistaken.”

“In that case I’ll take my leave of this system and mark you as non-compliant,” Terri said. “Desmodi pull all forces off the station and disembark; we’re returning home.”

‘As you wish Matriarch,’ a female voice responded.

Deatra paled and was staring at Terri mouth agape. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

“You wouldn’t,” the King said.

“She would,” Jon said.

“You’re the House-Primus,” the King said. “Tell her to stop this nonsense.”

“Why?” Jon said.

“If she does this, every vulture in the known universe will descend on us and destroy what is left of our way of life. This system will become a war zone as we’ll be considered outsiders,” the King said.

“Sounds to me like you want your cake and to eat it too,” Jon said. “You either accept the treaty and all it offers as if it has always been in place. Or you go on insisting that you no longer follow it.” Jon turned towards Deatra and gave her a half smile in assurance. “Excuse me, Your Highness, I have something more important to take care of. A situation has come up that needs my attention.” Jon reached down and disconnected the communication feed.

Terri knelt and bowed slightly as she spoke, “Brother; I must be on my way. We’ll be on the edge of the system when this is resolved, call us and we’ll come back.”

“It shouldn’t take long,” Jon said. “I’d like you to try and find out a bit more about what those eight ships are doing for me while you wait.”

“As you wish,” Terri said as she stood up. Jon leaned in and hugged her in a tight embrace.

“Sir, priority communication from the planet,” the com officer said.

“Who is it?” Jon said. He watched Terri depart the bridge, before he turned to Deatra. He reached up and caressed the side of her face and smiled. “Don’t worry it’s a ploy. I would never abandon our people. Let him stew for a bit and then I’ll let him wiggle his way out of it.”

“The Desmodi has jumped to the edge of the system,” the Tactical officer said.

“Well that will make my father have fits,” Deatra said as she smiled.

“You think that will give him fits? Watch this,” Jon said. “Con, plot a course out of system past the fourth planet.”

“Aye Sir.” the Con officer said.

“Tactical, I want all installations scanned as we get in range of the planet,” Jon said. “Engineering, prepare to test the sub-light engines. I want to push them past their limits and see how much they can take,” Jon said.

Both stations answered affirmatively.

Jon stared at the hologram of the planet as it rotated. Several installations showed up as inactive on the surface, and the low orbit station showed that it was running on minimal power.

“Who owns these installations?” Jon asked as he brought up one of the mining outposts.

Various readings scrolled next to the hologram of the mining outpost. From the data that had been sent by Commander Aneoi, Jon knew that it was used to gather various metallic resources. The outpost’s reactor was running at such low levels it was barely readable on scans. The low power allowed computer access and airlock activation, if it failed, manual activation of airlocks would be needed.

That would mean any team sent down would have to land on the surface of a hostile planet and not in the safety of the landing bay. It was one of the main reasons installations of these types were left on stand-by power. EVA on a hostile planet could be very dangerous.

“The Eutharis Mining Corporation owns all installations on this planet,” Atlantis said. She reached out and pulled up a company profile as she spoke. “Jao’uos is the CEO of the corporation. It was one of the largest mining and manufacturing corporations on Euthara and held a lot of government contracts, most of which are still active and unfilled. The Corporation actually owns the planet and used to have a private navy. After the collapse of the Eutharan economy their fleet was disassembled and all installations were shut down.”

They couldn’t afford to support their small Navy or pay the employees of the corporation as their only contracts were to Euthara. The Invaru disallowed any outside selling of Eutharan commodities. It was one of the leading factors causing the collapse.”

“Sir, the King is still requesting to speak to you,” the Com Officer said.

“Tell him I’m busy and I’ll contact him at my earliest convenience. Then I want you to get this Jao’uos on the line for me; his contact information should be in the database,” Jon said.

“What are you thinking?” Deatra said.

“Oh, I’m going to give him the opportunity to get back on his feet,” Jon said as he smiled.

“Oh, you’re just trying to get under my father’s skin aren’t you?” Deatra said as she laughed.

“Is it that obvious?” Jon said. He grinned at Deatra flashing his perfect teeth.

“Slightly,” Deatra said. “But, do you really think it’s a good idea to agitate him?”

“I think any ruler that allows his people to fall to such a state is no ruler at all. There’s something more than what meets the eye going on here. He ordered the takeover of Ghost Station, and I don’t shine to well on that fact alone, even if it did fail. Now he’s trying to say the Ga’sahde, the best possible thing that could happen for the Eutharan people, have no voice here,” Jon said, “Now what person in their right mind would do something so damning?”

“He’s right,” Sa’oliq said. She had been silent the whole time as she watched how Jon handled the situation. “Any ruler in their right mind would have accepted the Ga’sahde back the moment they saw them. Your father should see that the Ga’sahde is the saving grace for his people. It would allow him to open up trade with other races, even allow them to borrow the money and manpower to get their various installations up and running. It’s just crazy for him to shun the Ga’sahde.”

“I might be agitating him, but really my only intent is to make him open his eyes,” Jon said. “Atlantis, access the computer core on this mining outpost and bring the reactor to full power. Start up all essential systems and start running diagnostics. I need to know what we need in order to get it fully operational. Do the same for the orbital station.”

“Yes Sir,” Atlantis said. “I’ll be in Engineering if you need me.”

Jon nodded, and Atlantis faded from view.

“Sir, I have Jao’uos,” the Com officer said.

“Put him through,” Jon said as he turned to the view screen.

Jao’uos was an older Eutharan with silver hair. He was sitting back in a plush looking chair overlooking a large desk with stacks of paper everywhere. He looked up as he spoke, “Yes, how can I help you…”

“Jonathan Hunter,” Jon said. He intentionally left the C’loth out; he didn’t want the man to agree to everything he said because of his name. He had Deatra standing out of sight so her presence wouldn’t interfere with what he was doing.

Jao’uos nodded as he looked Jon over. “Well, I don’t think I have seen your species before,” Jao’uos said. “Where are you from?”

“A small planet called Earth located in the Sol system,” Jon said.

“Sol system, don’t think I’ve heard of that system,” Jao’uos said as he looked over at something off screen as he typed on a small screen in front of him.

“Does it really matter?” Jon said.

“Mr. Hunter, call it a habit, but I like to know whom I’m speaking with,” Jao’uos said as something beeped. “Ah, here it is. Says here the Sol system is off limits. The people living there, Humans, are not yet space faring. Entering that system is punishable by banishment from the known galaxy for the ship and all crew onboard. This was passed down by the Ga’sahde to protect the Humans from exploitation by the known races.” Jao’uos looked up at Jon with a bit of confusion on his face.

“That was something I didn’t know,” Jon said.

“Did you know the Ga’sahde commissioned the Eutharan and Buranis Empires to place an outpost on Earth for observation of your people?” Jao’uos said as he raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

“I knew about the outpost,” Jon said. He wasn’t sure how much he wanted this man to know. “I didn’t know it had been commissioned by the Ga’sahde.”

“Only one ship was allowed to enter that system,” Jao’uos said. “She was a top of the line battle cruiser named
. Her construction was pretty much secret and involved the brightest minds from the known galaxy. She was also the first to have an experimental jump drive that would allow her to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. The model for the now widely used fold drive found on most Eutharan and Buranis ships.”

Jon nodded as he spoke, “So I’ve seen, although I’m at a loss as to why some ships still travel in hyperspace, if fold drives are more efficient.”

“Because my corporation invented, and still to this day, holds the patent rights on the fold drive,” Jao’uos said. “The various races that don’t have access to them wouldn’t sign an agreement with us.”

“I see,” Jon said. “What would stop someone from copying the drive if they got their hands on one?”

“Key codes built into the ship and engine.” Jao’uos said. “Specially encrypted key codes built into the ship and drive pair. Key codes so advanced it would be impossible to copy or reproduce by anyone but my corporation. They’re also installed in several places in the computer code that the drive uses. If you tried to copy or transplant a drive and its software the drive simply wouldn’t work. The codes contain various data about the ship they’re installed on and checks are run to make sure everything matches.”

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