Euthara (7 page)

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Authors: Michael McClain

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Military

BOOK: Euthara
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“So, anyone can go to the station and bring it back online,” Deatra said.

“That is correct,” Jon said. “I plan on restoring it to its former glory in time. For now, I’m going to use it to repair the ships in the graveyard and construct new ships. That is once I get permission to touch the ships in the graveyard. I’m also going to turn it into a training ground for Navy personnel and Marines; something it could have done if the Combined Training Treaty had been signed. They even had the section that was going to be used for that completed before the station was shut down.”

“Why was it shut down?” Nefeit said.

“A question I was about to ask,” Deatra said.

“As far as I can see, the Eutharan Government decided to close its borders to all outsiders. So they shut it down, unlawfully I might add,” Jon said.

“Ok, enough shop talk, he needs to eat and then rest,” Andie said. She put a tray with different food on it in front of Jon and shooed everyone away after they said they would see him later.

Just as Jon had finished the last of his food and was dropping into sleep his com went off as Carla called him.

“Jon here, go ahead,” Jon said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Andie look up from her office, a frown on her face. “Better make it quick.”

“Sir, a Eutharan vessel is refusing us orbiting status,” Carla said. “They say if we settle into orbit they have been ordered to open fire.”

“Carla, handle it,” Andie said as she stepped from her office door. “I’ve given orders that Jon isn’t to be disturbed. If you have to, contact Deatra and have her deal with it.”

“Hold on a second,” Jon said as he sat up. “Carla…”

“Computer, disengage all coms except for my office. Reroute all incoming calls through there,” Andie said. Andie pushed Jon back down and slapped a patch on his arm.

“Now wait just a minute,” Jon said.

“I’m sorry Jon, but you need your rest,” Andie said.

It was the last thing he heard as he faded into sleep.

Chapter 4

Jon’s eyes fluttered open as the shuttle shook from turbulence. Deatra was sitting next to him, and Nefeit was in the seat in front of them talking quietly with Sam. Jon looked out the small window next to his seat and gasped.

Rolling hills covered by trees with copper colored leaves shimmered in the sunlight as they swayed in the wind. Strange multi-hued birds took flight as the shuttle passed close over the forest. A light blue-grey mist covered the air above the trees, enhancing the effect even more as the light reflected off it.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Deatra said as she squeezed his hand.

Jon nodded as he spoke, “Its breath taking. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I told you Euthara was a very beautiful planet. We have a rich culture and try to live in harmony with the planet only taking what we need. For every tree cut down another is planted in its place.

“Hunting is limited to an amount based on the growth of that animal,” Deatra said. “At one time cities covered the planet and the forests were little more than reserves.

“We almost destroyed our ecosystem, and the planet started dying as a result of our actions. When we moved on to become a space faring race and started mining the uninhabitable planets in this solar system, laws were passed to protect the wildlife.

“All industries were moved off planet, as well as any operation deemed harmful to the planet and its inhabitants. Much of the population that worked in the operations that were moved off planet were also housed off planet.

“When the military started building space vessels, crewing them took away more population. The heavy draw on our population, combined with our decreasing numbers, literally emptied some cities and nearly emptied others. So many were torn down, and the local wildlife was allowed to take the land back.

“Now, there are only four main cities on the planet. The cities were rebuilt in coastal regions to help limit damage to the planet. Growth is regulated to allow only so much per year. In the last few years, there has been no growth as the birth rate has been below the death rate and the population is actually shrinking,” she finished.

“It is much the same on my home planet right now. Someday we might get wise like your people did,” Jon said. He was still watching out the window.

“Your people will,” Deatra said. “You’re the first step in that direction. The ability to be space faring has a lot to do with how you treat the planet you live on and see the destruction being caused.”

“One can only hope,” Jon said.

The shuttle passed over an open plain, and a herd of deer like animals with six legs began to run. Their coats were a deep green and shimmered as the herd ran for cover. Their antlers were silver and reflected the sunlight. The grass was golden brown in color as it swayed in the breeze.

“What are those?” Jon said.

Deatra leaned over and looked out the small window. “Those are Anclasi they’re hunted for their antlers and meat. The meat is some of the best on the planet. It’s considered a delicacy by some of the tribes, since hunting them has been restricted. Their numbers have been slowly shrinking too, just like all life on Euthara. They used to fill the plains, and they were the main source of protein on the planet.”

Jon quickly connected the problems of the Eutharan people with the animals. “So, the population shrinkage wasn’t just happening to the people it was happening to everything on the planet,” Jon said.

“Not everything,” Deatra said. “Plant life has bloomed and because of that plants have replaced most of our diet.”

“Strange,” Jon said.

“We’ve been searching for the cause,” Deatra said.

Jon turned from the window and looked at Deatra. She seemed to glow with happiness and excitement. Jon smiled at her as he rubbed her cheek. “Being home suits you,” Jon said. “You’re glowing with excitement.”

“Thanks,” Deatra said. “I’m just really happy to have you here and for you to see my home planet. We’re about to pass over the northern most city, our capital.”

“What was it called?” Jon said as he tried to remember. “Wait I remember, Paskame, right?”

“Correct,” Deatra said as she smiled happily. “You remember what it means in Eutharan?”

“City of Kings,” Jon said. “It’s named that because every ruler has maintained a residence in the city during their reign.”

Jon watched as a small, almost flat, fighter took up position next to the shuttle. They would be escorted from one side of the city to the other. A preplanned route was uploaded to the shuttle when they entered the cities air space. Any deviation from that flight plan and the shuttle would be shot down no matter who was on-board. It was for the safety of the royal family and upper class citizens. Not everyone was happy with how things were going on Euthara.

The city was massive in size. Buildings of all shapes and sizes covered the land. A massive wall surrounded the city on all sides all the way up to the edge of water. The buildings sparkled in the sunlight made of some type of crystal substance that had veins of gold and silver running through it. It was beautiful, and most pleasing to the eyes as the hues cast by the buildings shifted as the shuttle flew over the city.

“There's the Royal Palace,” Deatra said as she pointed out a tall building.

The Palace was situated on two square miles of land and had four spires that reached for the sky. The spires looked as if someone had taken the top and twisted them slightly as they rose from the ground. It was the only building that was made of the crystal substance that had an amber hue to it.

“The amber crystal is a very rare type of crystal we use in building,” Deatra said. “It takes years to grow it and cultivate it correctly. The clear crystal only took months to grow and cultivate.”

“It’s grown?” Jon said.

“Oh yes,” Deatra said. “It’s a natural product from our planet made by a large insect similar to what you would call a wasp. They build their nests from it and once it sets it’s as strong as our hardest metal. We make almost everything from it, excluding our ships. For some reason, space breaks the substance down in months. We call it Ixantrau, named after the large insect that creates it, the Ixantrax.”

“Large insects like wasps,” Jon said. “Must be very dangerous to produce and cultivate.”

Deatra shook her head as she spoke, “They’re quite docile, and most of the tribes cultivate and sell the substance to the cities. A few tribes trade it for items they need. There are four tribes I know of that do patch work when needed and bring the insects with them for on-site repairs. The largest of the Ixantrax are used as mounts, they’re the ones who produce the amber Ixantrau, a very rare strain of the species, and I know of only one tribe that has them.”

“Very interesting,” Jon said as he watched the city pass below. The streets were almost devoid of life. “With a city this size and the Royal Palace here I would have expected the city to be full of life.”

Deatra sighed as she sat back and turned her head to look at Jon. She paused a brief moment before speaking, “The city, as well as every other city and even some of the villages, has about one eighth the population it used to. My people are dying out, and we have no idea why.”

“Our people,” Jon said as he squeezed her hand. “The animals too, yet the plants aren’t, they’re prospering. The two have to be connected and I promise you I’ll find out why and then if I can do anything, I will.”

“I know,” Deatra said. She laid her head on his shoulder. “I just hope it isn’t too late.”

I just hope what is affecting the planet and people here doesn’t affect us while we’re here Jon thought as he looked back out the window.

“Jon you might want to come up here,” Terri’s voice said from the cockpit.

Jon kissed Deatra on the forehead as he stood up. “Be right back,” he said.

Deatra nodded and smiled at him.

Jon made his way and climbed up into the cockpit. Terri was seated in the pilot’s chair, and a Drovasian was seated in the co-pilot’s chair. He nodded his head at the young female Drovasian as he entered.

“My Lord,” she said as she returned the greeting, bowing as far as she could.

“No need for all that… Uh… I’m sorry I don’t’ know your name,” Jon said

“I’m Ifata,” Ifata said. “I’m one of the personal guards assigned to you and your family.”

“Great more guards just what I need,” Jon said under his breath.

But it was loud enough for Ifata to hear, and she frowned slightly.

Terri smiled as she reached over and patted Ifata’s arm. “Don’t worry he’s always that way. You’ll get used to it soon enough. He thinks one guard is too many,” Terri said as she smiled. “He has yet to meet his Ga’sahde guards.” Terri gave Ifata a sly wink and smile.

Jon groaned as he spoke, “Yeah, yeah, so what’s up?”

“Oh,” Terri said as she got serious again. “The escorts are demanding we change course and it’s off our planned flight path. So, I don’t know what we should do.”

“Did you check with control?” Jon said.

“Yup, and they say to follow the fighters orders,” Terri said.

“So, what’s the problem?” Jon said.

“First, our flight plan hasn’t been changed, and that alone causes problems based on their rules for flight over the city,” Terri said. “Second, they want us to land at the Royal Palace as supposedly the King wants to see you.”

“Hmm,” Jon said as he looked out at one of the fighters.

“Mainly the first is what bothers me the most,” Terri said as she looked back at her brother. Ifata even gave a slight nod as if she agreed.

“You can speak Ifata; you’ll find out I like input from everyone and if something is on your mind say it,” Jon said.

“I think, Matriarch,” Ifata said.

“Ifata,” Terri said. “I told you there was no need to be formal when you’re around me.”

“Sorry,” Ifata said as she blushed slightly. “I agree with Terri, it smells like a trap. If we change course without a change in our flight plan then they have the right to shoot us down without explanation.”

“I thought as much,” Jon said. “But, do you really think the King and Queen would shoot their own daughter out of the sky?”

“No,” Deatra said from behind Jon. “But, if someone else in the military is calling the shots and does it before word is passed to my parents. Then we might very well be shot down, and there would be no repercussions from it as we deviated from our flight plan.”

Jon turned and faced Deatra and gave her a half grin.

“Uh, oh,” Deatra said.

“What?” Terri said.

“He did it again,” Deatra said.

“Did what?” Ifata said.

“His half grin?” Terri said.

“Yeah, you know the one,” Deatra said.

“Half grin?” Ifata said. She was confused as to what the women were speaking about.

“Oh, come on it’s not that bad, and I didn’t give you the half grin,” Jon said.

“Oh, yes you did,” Deatra said. “I know that grin anywhere.”

“I did not,” Jon said. “I was just smiling at you as I didn’t realize you were there.”

“Right,” Terri said.

“Um, what am I missing?” Ifata said. “Is there something I should know?”

“No,” Jon said. But, both girls overrode him with a double 'yes' as he spoke. Jon rolled his eyes as if he was ready to give up.

“The eye roll!” Deatra said.

“Oh shit,” Terri said. She had a huge grin on her face.

Ifata looked like she was ready to die as she was trying to figure out what was going on.

“If he ever gives you this little sly grin it means he’s thinking of doing something that will rub someone the wrong way,” Deatra said. “He kind of has a way of going against the grain.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Terri said as she grinned at Jon.

“Could you two stop,” Jon said. “We have pressing matters and poor Ifata is about to pass out from fright.”

Deatra stepped around Jon and patted Ifata on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about his hair-brained schemes; usually they come off without a hitch and for some reason no matter how deep he digs the hole he always manages to get out.”

“Hair-brained schemes?” Jon said. “When have I ever had a hair-brained scheme in my life?”

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