Every Blissful Moment (Hyena Heat Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Every Blissful Moment (Hyena Heat Book 4)
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Bliss closed her eyes as the hands rubbed the oil into her skin.  It smelled sweet, like honey.  The females began to hum softly as they rubbed her flesh, and she thought about her mates.

“Tell me about the ceremony.  Why do you call it a pleasure sacrifice?”

Klegna said, “When the time of the ceremony has come, you will be taken to the bonfire where your mates will be waiting for you on a freshly killed skin.  You will pleasure each other until you reach climax.  The males of our species gain pleasure from watching people have sex.  The better the pleasure of the couple, the more the males enjoy it.  That you and your males are mated and love each other will make the ceremony more powerful.  Brierley was terrified, and her chosen mate would have had trouble bringing her to climax.  His climax would’ve been the only pleasure given.”

“Why do you allow that to happen?  If you know that she didn’t want to be mated, why were you going along with it?  I’m glad she escaped.  That’s a terrible way of life.”

Taliera shrugged.  “It’s the way of our people.  Regardless of what happens tonight, Brierley will be found and given to her chosen mate.  Her fate has been sealed and nothing will stop that.  The king always gets what he wants.”

Bliss thought it was horrid that the males got some kind of perverted pleasure from watching a woman get raped.

“Time is wasting,” Felora said.

Klegna stepped away and removed a small pot from a hot plate on top of the refrigerator.  She tipped the pot into a ceramic mug, which had at one time been white but was now stained with age.  She brought the mug to Bliss and said, “This will help you relax, drink very slowly.”

Bliss sniffed at the contents.

Felora said, “I want to tell you that if your men can please you well enough without actually having sex, if the pleasure is so great that the males are satisfied, then you probably won’t have to have sex.  The males will glut themselves on your pleasure; you’ll know they are filled when they glow.”


“Their eyes will glow, and their skin takes on a golden tinge too.”

“Creepy.”  She froze, wondering if she’d offended them, but the women just smiled.  She took a sip of the dark brew.  It had a tomato-soup consistency, but was black like coffee and bland with just a hint of sweetness.  As she swallowed she could feel it warming her throat.  It reminded her of times out playing in the snow with Whisper when they were children, and Mack calling them in for hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.

“I wish Whisper was here.  Oh, wait.  No, I totally don’t.”  She blushed just thinking about the strangers who were going to get happy because her mates were touching her.

The women began to thread scarves around her body.  They were in shades of pink from very pale to dark, and made of thin, gauzy fabric.  At first she was worried about the whole owl population seeing her body through the fabric, but then the women began to weave the scarves together as they looped them around her neck and under her arms.  The layers of cloth hid her assets while still baring her arms, stomach, and her legs from mid-thigh down.  The women stepped away to talk quietly in the tiny kitchen area, and Bliss sat down on one of the fluffy pillows and sipped at the drink.

It had cooled quickly, and she noticed that the more sips she took from it, the lighter in color the liquid turned.  It had been like black coffee at first, then a medium brown, then beige, and now it was turning golden.  Her skin tingled more, like something pleasant was humming along her flesh.  It reminded her of a neck massager she had, but nothing was actually touching her skin.  She felt flushed and content.  She took a large drink.

She settled low on the fluffy pillow.  It smelled like rosemary, and made her think of the ceremony with her mates, when they’d burned rosemary and touched her with ash-covered fingers.  Her thoughts drifted to them.  How long had she been gone?  What were they doing?  Had they been stripped and oiled, too, with scarves covering their man-bits?

She grinned and took another drink.  Her stomach flipped, and she growled softly.  She couldn’t wait to see her mates; she didn’t care if there were a ton of creepy owls watching them touch her.  She loved the way that Rome went down on her.  He had the best, wickedest tongue ever.  And Memphis, with the sexy way he growled when he fucked her, and Rome with those muscles that she couldn’t get enough of.

Her stomach clenched again, but this time it hurt.  She groaned, and the cup tipped out of her hand and rolled onto the floor.

The women rushed to her.

“You drank it!  She drank it all!”  Felora shouted.

Klegna pressed her hand to Bliss’s head as the pain in the center of her body began to grow.  “I told you to drink it slowly, Bliss!”

“I did,” she gasped, pressing her hand to her belly and clenching her teeth.  Her body flooded with heat, her nipples hardening and her pussy clenching.  A tremor slid through her, and she ground her teeth together to keep from whimpering.

“You shouldn’t have given her the whole dose!  We made it strong for Brierley, but Bliss isn’t being forced into a mating,” Felora said angrily.

“Wh-what’s happening to me?”  She blinked, and her vision blurred.

Klegna pressed her hands to Bliss’s cheeks.  “It was an aphrodisiac.  You weren’t meant to drink it all.  When we turned away you were sipping it – why did you drink so fast?”

“I don’t know.”  She wiggled on the pillow, tugging on the scarves around her neck.  “It tasted good.  Make it stop, please.”

“Only your mates can make this ache stop, and we have to go now.  The longer you wait, the worse the pain will grow.  Only male climaxes will stop the heat, do you understand?”  Klegna slapped Bliss’s cheeks lightly.

“Um, what?”

“Tell her mates,” Felora said.  “Now.  We have to move now!”

The women pulled Bliss up from the pillow and hurried her to the door.  It swung open, banging against the side, and Lincoln snarled angrily.

“What did you do to my mate?”

The women shoved Bliss into his arms and he curled her close, his angry snarl turning to a soft growl, almost like a purr.  “Sweet thing?”

“It hurts, Lincoln.”  She wiggled in his arms, trying to get relief from the pain that swept through her.  Every part of her hurt and burned.

“I’ll explain on the way.  Get her to the bonfire, immediately!”  Klegna urged.

As he rushed her to the bonfire, she forgot about the owls and Brierley, forgot about being lost in the mountains.  The only thing she could think about was how turned on she was in spite of the pain arcing through her, and how much she wanted it to stop.




Chapter 6


Link didn’t know what the hell had happened to Bliss, but she smelled incredibly aroused.  Her skin was hot to the touch, and she had her face buried in his neck.  His beast paced in his mind, worried for their mate.

“We gave her something to help her calm down.  She drank too much,” the woman running beside him said.

“How did that happen?  Why did you give her anything?”

“It’s tradition.  But she was so worried, and it was meant to calm her down.”  The woman grabbed his arm as they neared the bonfire and he paused.  “You have to mate her.  I thought that because you were bonded, just pleasuring each other would be enough for the owls.  It would’ve been, but now that Bliss is running high on the aphrodisiac, it will continue to cause her pain unless you and your brothers come inside her.  Only male climaxes will reduce her pain and eventually it will ease.”

“I don’t fucking believe this!” Lincoln growled.

“Believe it, and trust me when I tell you that we didn’t want this to happen.  I’m so very sorry.  Go now, and tend to her.  Ignore what the males do; they’ll glow when they’re turned on by what they see, but only you and your brothers will know the extent of the effects of the aphrodisiac.”

Link stared down at the female owl.  “I should kill you.”

She met his gaze.  “If you still want to kill me when the night is over, let me know.”

Snarling, he strode to his brothers, who were waiting on a freshly killed hide.  They were wearing the same loose suede trousers as him, given to them by Janspar, and nothing else.  It was bitterly cold outside, but the fire blazed hotly and the area where the hide lay was very warm.

Rome and Memphis rushed to him, and Bliss whimpered and rolled her hips in his arms when they touched her.   The king stepped out of the crowd and began to talk about the importance of the pleasure sacrifice.  In a low voice, Link explained what had happened.  Janspar had told them earlier that they could just touch her fully clothed and it would be enough to satisfy the owls.  Now that Bliss was high on some weird owl drug, they weren’t going to be able to do that.

“I am going to kill someone,” Memphis said darkly.

“Later,” Rome said, “our mate needs us.  I could give two fucks about the owls, I won’t let her be in pain a minute longer.”

The circle of males was about ten feet from the bonfire.  They were close, but not right on top of them.   Link pushed away the thoughts of the males watching them and stepped onto the hide with Bliss.

“The pleasure sacrifice will now begin!”  The king shouted, and the owls cheered.  The bonfire blazed a little brighter as more wood was added, but Link didn’t care about that either.

“Give me a kiss, sweet thing,” he said as his brothers surrounded him.

Her head lolled to the side, and she blinked pleasure-hazed eyes at him.  He lowered his mouth to hers and she moaned deep in her throat as her nails dug into the back of his neck.  He wanted her to not be in pain.  Whatever they had to do to get her safely away from the owls, they’d do it.  If they wanted a fucking show, they’d have one, because no one loved their mates more than hyenas.


* * * * *


Rome pushed Bliss’s knees apart.  She was still in Link’s arms, and that was okay for now.  She was really turned on, and the scent of her was making his beast crazy.  He reached under Link’s arm and worked his fingers between the strands of the scarf skirt to find her pussy, silky with her arousal.  Teasing her lips, he brushed his knuckles along the smooth, hot flesh, and she wriggled in Link’s arms.  He brushed his fingertips through her soaked lips and slid his finger around her clit.  She wrenched her mouth from Link’s.  “Yes,” she moaned as her head fell back.

Memphis kissed her, and Rome slid his finger inside her pussy and curled it up to find the place that always made her insane.  He watched her toes curl as he stroked her inner walls, finally finding the one spot that made her hips buck.  He wished he could suck her clit; he loved how hard she came when he fingered her and played with her clit, too.  Judging from what Link said about the drug she’d taken, he had a feeling that this was only the beginning and they were going to need to take care of Bliss all night.  Her body clenched around his finger, and she cried out against Memphis’s mouth.

Rome grinned.  He loved making her come.

She pulled away from Memphis’s lips, looking a little less crazed for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly.  “I ruined everything.”

Link nuzzled her throat.  “You didn’t ruin anything, love.  Let’s get through this night and get the fuck home.”

Rome reached for her and she went quickly into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist.  He held her with one arm under her ass and undid his trousers with the other hand.  His dick was so hard from the scent of her arousal that he had no trouble lowering her onto his hard length.  She moaned loudly; the sound traveled down his spine like an electric caress and settled in his lower back.

His brothers touched her while he lifted and lowered her on his cock.  Her body was hot and wet, and the feeling of her pussy clutching him was going to make him crazy.  He kissed her, eating her little whimpers like they were food he could survive on forever.  One of his brothers wiggled his hand between them and began to rub her clit.  Rome groaned as she wrenched her head away from him and screamed as she came.  His vision went black for a moment as he followed, the pleasure so intense he thought his bones were going to melt from the heat that flowed over him.

Breathlessly, she kissed him, and Link helped her unwrap her legs.  Rome wanted to drop to the ground, his knees suddenly weak, but he kept himself upright through sheer will.  He cupped her face and brushed the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.  When this was over they’d have a lot to talk about, but for now, only getting her safely through the drug’s effects mattered.

Her skin was flushed, and he kissed her, his body coming to life as her arousal spiked in the air once more.  “How about you wrap those beautiful lips around my cock?” he suggested.

She moaned, biting her lower lip.

Link dropped to his knees, pulling Bliss with him.  She arched her back as he settled her on his lap.  Memphis undid the tie holding his suede trousers up and lowered them to free his cock.  Bliss wrapped a hand around it while eyeing Rome’s.  Despite the circumstances, he’d been ready to pleasure Bliss so the voyeuristic owls could get their rocks off, but now, with his first orgasm still pulsing through him like slow waves on the shore and his dick hardening as he watched the love of his life being lifted and lowered on his brother, he thought she’d never been more beautiful and he’d never wanted her more.


She lifted her gaze and licked her lips.  “I love your cock.”

He chuckled.  “Do you?”

She hummed in her throat and reached for him.  “Definitely.”

Even though her arousal had started artificially through the aphrodisiac, he knew she loved them and loved being with them all.  She licked him, swirling her tongue around the head and finding the notch underneath that was always so sensitive.  He shut out everything else but her, keeping his eyes trained on her face and her mouth as she flicked her tongue over the slit.  Her hand slipped inside his trousers and cupped his balls.  He growled softly in encouragement, and she bobbed her head on his dick, taking him deeply enough to make his eyes cross.  Her tongue swirled around him as she moved, his dick muffling her moans.  He didn’t want to wait to come, but it felt so good he let himself have another minute of her hot little hand on his balls, her fingers massaging just the way he liked as her tongue rubbed the thick vein on the underside of his dick.

He couldn’t have kept from coming for anything, and he grunted her name as he did, watching as she swallowed every last drop.  She let him slide out of her mouth slowly, and grinned as she kissed him.

“Love you,” she said.

“Love you, too,” he promised.

Link grunted as he came and Bliss opened her mouth as Memphis followed him, taking in the ropes of his come on her tongue.  She leaned back against Link and sighed, closing her eyes.

Rome took that moment to look at the owls.  All eyes appeared to be trained on them.  A self-conscious blush threatened to creep up his neck, but he ignored it.  He could see females servicing the males, but the males didn’t seem to be paying any attention to their women, all their eyes were on Rome’s clan.  The hyenas had nothing to be embarrassed about.  They loved their mate, and there was no shame in that.


* * * * *


Memphis dropped to his knees and kissed his mate.  She looked beautiful in the firelight, golden and perfect.  He slid one hand underneath the scarf covering her breast.  Her nipple was hard, and she groaned into his mouth as he rubbed the tight bud with his fingers.  Pinching it gently between this finger and thumb, he tugged, and she grabbed his shoulders, leaning into the kiss and pressing more of her breast into his hand.  He nipped her plump lip, peripherally aware of Rome going to his knees and touching her other breast.

He bent, nuzzling the fabric aside to bare her nipple then sucking it into his mouth.  She slid her hand through his hair, fisting the strands as she moaned, and he could scent the spike in her arousal.  He sucked her hard bud deep into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the taut tip.  She began to shake, and he could hear the sounds of his brothers touching her – Link rubbing her clit and Rome devouring her other nipple.

She cried out as she came, shaking with the force of her pleasure.  Gentling his hold on her nipple, he let it slide from his mouth and slipped the scarf back over to keep her covered.  He wrapped his hands in the strands of her hair and pulled her to his mouth.  She whimpered softly, and he eased away from the bruising kiss to stare into her eyes.  “Baby?”

She blinked pleasure-glazed eyes at him.  She crawled forward, and he let her push him to the hide.  He braced himself with one arm and devoured her in a kiss that went straight to his cock.  She straddled him, moaning deeply.  “All of you,” she gasped against his mouth, “I want all of you in me.”

Rome took Link’s place, kneeling behind her.  He whispered in her ear, “Are you sure, love?”

Her face twisted into a mixture of pleasure and pain, and he knew the drug wasn’t out of her system yet.  The female had said she needed their come inside her to battle the drug, and if she wanted them all at the same time, then they’d do that.

“Let’s get this fucking drug out of her system,” Memphis said, lifting his hips and rubbing his cock against her folds, stroking her clit.  She was so wet that he slid easily.  Her knees pressed against his hips.

Link stood next to them and reached for Bliss’s face, tilting it until she was staring at his cock.  “Wrap those sexy lips around me, sweet thing, drink me down.”

“Link,” she moaned, wrapping one hand around his hip and the other around Memphis’s neck.

Bliss began to squirm on Memphis’s lap as Rome prepared her, using their come as lubrication.  Memphis thought he was going to blow his load right there, before he even got a chance to sink into her sweet heat.  Gripping her hip firmly with his free hand, he stilled her movements.

She closed her eyes with a whimper.  “It feels so good, it’s too much.”

Rome grinned and kissed her neck.  “You like the way my fingers feel in your ass, love?”

She shuddered and her hips twisted, but Memphis managed to keep her still.

“Answer him,” Link demanded.

She opened her eyes and they were beautiful, bright amber.  “You know I do.”

“Say it,” Memphis said.

Her nails dug into his neck and her body jerked slightly, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.  “I love Rome’s fingers in my ass.  I love your hard cocks all over me, in me.  Fuck me, please, I’m so hot.”

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