Evolve Series Box Set (50 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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“Nah, I think I’ll clean up and go to bed. All that fresh air, I’ll sleep great. You?”

“Me too,” her face lights up and she nods, “night.”

“Night, Whit.” And before I can help it, my lips are on her hair, kissing the top of her head.

Last time I checked, I was still a red-blooded American male, and part of me is dying to go out there and look at naked chicks, but I remain in my bed, staring at the ceiling. The light knock at my door better not be any of them, ‘cause I’m trying real hard to stay put here and be the man my mama raised. When I open the door, the visitor is indeed pleasant—dressed, for one thing, and looking subtle, classy…and sweet as sugar in a light pink pajama shorts set, hair damp from her shower.

“Were you asleep?” she asks nervously, her eyes locked on my bare chest.

I like that she’s looking; just another mixed up feeling that I’ll have to talk myself out of later. And dammit, I all of kinds of like the timid way she slowly lifts her gaze to mine, silently asking if her looking was okay, if I’m going to invite her in.

“No,” I scoff. No way could anyone sleep with the racket coming from the living room.

The silence now is palpable, she’s waiting for me to step back and open the door wider, to ask her in. I’m waiting for her to convince me that my doubts are okay and she wants to explore “us” anyway, see how it goes, and that she’s positive it won’t hurt her.

Neither happens, and eventually our locked gaze, blue on blue, becomes awkward.

She pulls her hands from behind her back, one holding a bag of cookies, the other a DVD. “Wanna watch a movie?”

“Yeah,” I smile, moving back and opening the door wider, “sounds great.”

I pull a t-shirt over my head quickly and fiddle with the TV and DVD player, getting things ready as Whitley grabs extra pillows out of the closet and situates them on the bed just right. I flip the lights back off and tentatively climb back in the bed, making sure to leave space in between our bodies. There’s an uncomfortable stiffness to the air as we lay in the bed waiting for the movie to start, broken only when Whitley aims the open bag at me.

“Eat a cookie and relax, Evan.”

It doesn’t take very long into the movie for me to lose control. What is this girly shit?! I give it another ten minutes, and then I can’t hold my tongue any longer. “Whitley,” I turn my head to her, the lights of the TV flickering over her profile, “what the hell is this movie called?”

“Moulin Rouge. Don’t you love it?” her voice is breathy and wistful.

“This isn’t even a movie, it’s a musical.”

“I know, aren’t the songs wonderful?” She still hasn’t looked at me, unable to break her attention from the catastrophe playing on the screen.

“No,” I grumble, “it’s driving me crazy, woman. One more song with guys dancing around and it’s going off.”

“Evan Allen.” She pauses the movie and finally looks my way, giving me a quick poke in the ribs. “Broaden your horizons a little! This movie is artistic and wonderful.”

“This movie is noisy crap.”

“Fine,” she crosses her arms, “what do you want to watch?”

“Die Hard.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she rolls her big blue eyes at me, “I don’t have Die Hard. I have…” She climbs over me and walks to the armoire, mumbling something about men not appreciating musical genius.

Maybe I’m spending too much time with Sawyer, or maybe the Laney haze really has lifted, because I have zoned in, while in almost complete darkness, and am positive she is not wearing panties under those shorts.

“How about Shawshank Redemption?” She turns back to me, and I jerk my eyes up to hers, praying I haven’t been caught, but her smirk tells me that prayer was wasted. “That’s a good compromise. Will that work?”

“Perfect,” I clear my throat, “that’s my favorite movie.”

“I like it too.” Her warm smile is glowing even in the darkened room.

“You sure about that? There’s no fairy dudes in nightclothes jumping around singing.”

I duck just in time to dodge the movie case aimed at my head.




“Evan,” I hear a voice through a fog and feel my body being shaken, “Evan, wake up.”

“Mhm?” I open my eyes, slow to realize where I am. In bed. And Whitley’s snuggled up beside me. “What is it?”

“Your phone is going crazy,” she says. Her voice is sleepy and raspy, her legs tangled with mine…and it’s morning, so my body already has a head start on what my mind is registering. “I think you should check it; seems important.”

I roll over, grabbing my phone off the nightstand, and see that I have five missed calls from my parents, all just minutes apart. Whatever it is, it can’t be good, and my palms sweat as I push the button to call them back.


“Hey, Dad, you called? What’s going on?”

“Ah, son,” he groans, “got some bad news.”

I sit up, my stomach clenching, throat tightening. “What is it? Is Mom okay?”

“Your mom’s fine. It’s Dale. He’s gone, son.”

“Gone?” I croak out, feeling Whitley’s small, warm hand move to my shoulder. “What’s that mean, gone? What happened?”

“Angie found him out in the field. Looks like he had a heart attack. He passed, Evan. He’s gone.”

Dale Jones is, was, I guess, my best friend Parker’s dad, and a helluva man. Parker, Laney and I were closer than close growing up, practically raised on the Jones’ farm. Dale gave us each a calf every year as our own to raise there. We fished every pond a hundred times. We had cow patty fights. Dale taught us all how to drive a tractor. Parker and I put up hay every year and Dale always paid us in crisp, brand new hundred dollar bills. I know I’m crying, and Whitley can see it, but I don’t care. I’m fucking sad. I loved Dale like a second father, an uncle, a mentor…and this sucks.

“How’s Angie?” I manage.

Parker’s mom will be all alone now. There’s no way she can run that farm by herself and Parker’s off at school, a great ball player.

“Not good, but your mama’s been tending to her. Parker got home last night and funeral’s day after tomorrow.”

“I’m on my way, probably be late tonight.”

“Sounds fine, just be careful driving, boy. And Evan?”


“Find Laney, let her know. Jeff can’t reach her and doesn’t need to be worrying. He’s pretty tore up, him and Dale so close and all. Those two,” he laughs passively, “one fishing tournament, they forgot to put the damn plug in the boat. Sank the damn thing right there at takeoff.” He sighs sadly. “Anyway, get her home.”

“I will, Dad, see you soon.”

I hang up and say nothing, my head hanging as the tears keep coming. I can’t look up. I don’t want her to see me like this, crying like a little girl, but I know it’s okay when I feel the small, comforting hand on the back of my neck. And when that same hand pulls me to her shoulder, the other arm wrapping completely around me, I sob shamelessly into her shirt, her shoulder, baring my soul.

I’m Evan Allen, and I cry when someone I love dies.

Butterfly kisses on my hair and wet cheek, accompanied with the occasional “I’ve got you” or “let it out” in the voice of an unjudging, compassionate angel tell me that soul is accepted.

It feels so good to lay my head in her lap and close my eyes, remembering all the good times I had with Dale, as she strokes my hair.





We’ve Been Robbed





Evan: I need 2 talk 2 U ASAP. Please call me back.


He’d called three times right before sending the text, and I just hit ignore, not wanting anything to ruin our time here in Hawaii, even though I knew it had to be something if he’s calling at all, let alone at this strange hour. I also knew he’d send a text right behind it if it was important, and I was kinda hoping I could just read it without Dane waking up.

“Who is it?” Dane asks against my neck from where he’s snuggled behind me. “They obviously need something.”

“It’s Evan, says it’s urgent.”

“Call him back,” he gets up now, moving to the bathroom, “sounds important.”

This week in Hawaii has been so good for us. No schedules, no friends, no exes, no drama, no insecurities. I hope it’s revamped “us” and we can stay this way once we’re back, us against the world around us.

“Laney, hey,” Evan answers, not jovially.

“Hey, Ev, what’s up?”

“I’ve got some bad news, real bad. Are you sitting down? Is Dane there with you?”

“Yes and yes. Evan, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” Dane is right beside me now, his arms curled around me, his lips resting on my shoulder.

“Dale had a heart attack, Laney.”

“Dale Jones? Well, is he gonna be okay?” Dane squeezes me tighter, placing kisses on my hair.

“No, Laney, he’s not. He died. Angie found him out in the field, he’d been working. Dad just called, he said your dad couldn’t reach you. He’s pretty upset.”

“Of course he is,” I choke on the tears gushing out of me instantly, “that’s his best friend. Why can’t he reach me?” I look at my phone and see no calls from my dad, and he definitely didn’t text. “He didn’t call, Lord knows what he’s dialing in his state. Anyway,” I gulp down the sorrow making it difficult to talk, “how’s Angie? Parker? Have you talked to him?”

My hand is shaking so hard I can barely hold the phone, and I can’t see, and I may throw up. Why??? Dale Jones never met a stranger. His wife was his queen, his son his prince. He worked hard every day, he drove the Sunday school bus for the church, he gave all the teenagers summer jobs… He let me keep calves and baby sheep on his farm, for crying out loud. I jump up and run to the bathroom, losing all my dinner from the night before.

Dale was like my uncle, he and Angie loved me like their own. They rounded out my lack of adult family when my mother was gone and in some way, made me feel whole. The world will be less of a place without such a fine man in it, and I feel sorry for all of us that inhabit it, because we’ve been robbed of Dale Jones. I slowly gather myself and get up from the floor to clean up, my stomach now completely empty. I brush my teeth and splash my face with water, then pull my hair back. I’ll call Evan back later, having just dropped the phone and ran. I’ll call my dad later too. Right now, I’m just gonna sit back down on the floor and be.

“Come on, baby.” Dane bends down and scoops me up I don’t know how much later. “You’re gonna wait in bed while I run you a hot bath. I got us almost packed; we fly out soon.” He carries me to the bed and tucks me in with a kiss to the forehead. “Be right back.”

“I need to call my dad, and Evan. I don’t know when the funeral is,” I moan, rolling over and sinking into the pillow, my body racking with sobs again.

His weight moves me as he sits down, rubbing my back. “All taken care of; I talked to them both. We fly back tonight and I’ll drive you home when we land. We’ll be there in time, baby, I promise, and we’ll stay as long as you want. Now close your eyes and rest while I get your bath ready.”

I don’t close my eyes when he walks away, but rather, find my phone.


Laney: Thnx 4 calling. When r u heading home?

He answers almost immediately.

Evan: Packing up now, will be to Dad’s late tonight. Dane said you guys would pull in Sun. You ok?

Laney: Not at all. You?

Evan: No, not really. Doesn’t seem real. He was younger than my dad.

Laney: I know, I can’t believe it. My heart aches. Will you plz check on my dad when u get there?

Evan: Of course.

Laney: Thnx Ev. Be careful driving.

Evan: Ok, take care of yourself. C U at home.



I know he saw me texting, but he doesn’t mention it, just gives me a warm smile. I nod, raising my arms for him to pick me up and carry me to the bathroom. I love it when he carries me; it makes me feel feminine, delicate…cherished. I bury my head in his neck and breathe in the comforting scent of the man who loves me, protects me, will never leave me.

“Will you get in with me?”

“Of course.”

Laying back against his chest, in between his large, muscular legs, I close my eyes and go limp as a rag doll. He washes every inch of me with soft and tender strokes, kissing my hair the whole time. We don’t speak, no words are needed; he simply tries to heal me with his loving care. When the tips of my fingers are wrinkly and the water is cool, he stands and wraps a towel around his waist before lifting me out and places me in front of him, drying me from head to toe. I brush my hair and give it a quick blow dry over it, pulling it back into a ponytail. I see him behind me in the mirror, holding my clothes.

“Turn around, baby,” he instructs me in a gentle voice. I comply, like a robot, while he dresses me. Not long after, he calls down for bell service on our bags and leads me, his hand laced in mine, to our waiting car.

The drive to the airport is quick and I’m numb as we board. I’m going home to put another part of my past to rest. I’ll never see Mr. Jones again. Parker will never get to hug his dad again. Angie will never again hold the hand of her love, her life partner. My dad will never swap fishing stories with his best friend. Life is really freaking unfair.

When you’re young, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to be old enough to drive, have no curfew, no parents telling you what to do, be old enough to drink, to vote, to get in clubs—all the exciting, glamorous things you think adulthood holds. I didn’t have these exact thoughts, but I’m pretty sure it’s the consensus, and I have now confirmed my original skepticism…growing up is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s scary, it comes with a new set of drawbacks, and mostly, the more you change, grow up and move on…so does everyone around you. Your dad can’t protect you from everything, he can’t slap a Band-Aid on it or tell their parents and fix it. As you get older, the adults you love get older, the problems get bigger and less fixable, and the pain gets worse. And now I’m just letting my mind run crazy because I’m sad, confused, and overwhelmed…and he’s there. He guides me to my seat, buckles my seatbelt, and covers me with a blanket.

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