Exposed (13 page)

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Authors: Andrea Maller

BOOK: Exposed
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Chapter Twenty


     The next morning, a groggy Howard Parker stumbled into his son’s room. He stood over Jake as he slept, waiting for the chance to question him about his date. After tiring of listening to Jake snore, he went downstairs to make some coffee.

My boy must have gotten in pretty late last night. He doesn’t usually sleep this long. That date of his must have worn him out.”

     He gulped down some coffee, popped a few crackers in his mouth, and headed out to the lab. When he got there, he didn’t check on the girls right away. Instead, he spent most of the day running tests on their hair samples. He lost all track of time until his stomach started churning. He checked his watch, saw it was almost six, and started to get concerned.

     “Why isn’t Jake here? He’s always here by four at the latest. This isn’t like him. Ah! He’s probably with that new girlfriend of his. I hope she doesn’t wear him out too much. Ah, young love. I remember it well. At least he’s over that clone. Speaking of which, I should check on them.”

     Howard put away the slides, capped the bottles of dye, and headed for their room. He unlocked the door, turned the knob, and was about to enter the room when his phone rang.

     “Dad, it’s me! You have to come home! Now! Right now! Please, hurry!”

     “Jake! What happened?”


     “Jake! Jake! Are you there? Talk to me! What’s happened?”

    The line went dead. Without thinking, Howard shoved the phone in his pocket and raced home. When he got there, the door was open, the inside a shambles. Furniture was tossed about and turned over. Papers were thrown everywhere.

     “Jake! Jake, are you here?”


     “Jake! If you’re here, answer me!”

     “I’m in the kitchen, Dad. Somebody broke in.”

     “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”

     “No, I’m okay. Just really shaken up. Some guy was rifling through our stuff when I came downstairs. He saw me, turned, and ran out the back door. He had a huge bag filled with our stuff. I don’t even know what he got because I haven’t had a chance to look through the house yet.”

     “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt. It could have been much worse. Did you call the police?”

     “The police? No, just you.”

     “We need to call them. Do you remember what the guy looked like?”

     “It all happened so fast.”

     “They’re going to want a description. Let’s check to see what’s missing first. It might not even pay to call them.”

     “I don’t think he got anything from upstairs. I think he got scared off before he went up there.”

     “Help me clean up this mess and we’ll take an inventory of what’s missing. I would prefer not to involve the police. Especially if you weren’t hurt. They’re most likely not going to look for our stuff anyway. We might as well chalk it up and move on. I’ll get new locks installed, though.”

     “Why wasn’t the alarm set?”

     “I must have forgotten on my way out this morning. I was feeling a little hazy. I must have had too much sleep last night. My body isn’t used to it. It’s back to all nighters for me.”

     “Funny, Dad. I’m panicked, almost got killed, and you’re making jokes.”

     “Come here. Help me flip this couch. We’ll get done twice as fast if we work together. On three. One...two...three.”

     “We’ve been working together a lot lately, haven’t we, Dad?”

     “I suppose we have. We haven’t spent this much time together since...I don’t think we ever spent this much time together. It’s kind of nice. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you were growing up. You or your mom. You both deserved better.”

     “That’s okay. You’re here now.”

     “What do you say we finish cleaning up this mess and then head over to the lab? Looking at slides always relaxes me. Maybe it can do the same for you.”

     “That sounds...great.”

     Jake knew his father was going to go insane when he found out the girls were gone. He almost forgot about that with the house being broken into. Jake tried to prolong the inevitable by distracting his father from work.

     “Maybe we shouldn’t go to the lab just yet. Maybe we should call the police. You know, just in case.”

     “In case of what?”

     “You know. In case they find our stuff.”

     “As long as they didn’t get any of my research material, it’s not that important. Everything else can be replaced. Let’s just finish here and head out. You’ll feel better once you’re back in front of a microscope.”

     “Uh...okay. Be careful with that lamp, Dad. The wires got exposed when they knocked it over.”

     “Thanks for looking out for me, but I can take care of myself. We’ll dispose of it later so nobody gets hurt.”

    Howard’s stomach started grumbling. He forgot that he didn’t eat since breakfast.

     “How about I take us out to eat, Dad? My treat.”

     “While I’m sure that’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I’m going to pass. I’ll just grab something quick from the cafeteria and we’ll get back to work. Come on. The rest of this mess can wait. You still never told me about your date last night. How did it go?”

     “My date? Yes, of course. My date with...Meg.”

     “Meg? I thought you said her name was Maggie.”

     “It is. I her Meg...for short.”

     “I think I know what’s going on, Jake.”

     “ do?”

     “You thought you could pull a fast one, didn’t you? I wasn’t born yesterday, you know.”

     Jake felt the color drain from his face. A wave of nausea washed over him.

     “Dad, I...I can explain. You see...”

     “It’s okay, Jake. I was young once. She didn’t mean anything to you, did she? I understand. A man has needs.”

     “Needs? Yes, you know it. We certainly do have...needs. I should have just told you that sooner. I just didn’t would understand.”

     “I’m your father, Jake. Not a priest. Now, I want all the juicy details. Was she...”

     “Dad! I’m not the kind to kiss-and-tell.”

     “Okay, okay. I’ll respect your privacy. You can tell me when you’re ready. I’ll start the car. You lock up.”

     Jake and his father made small talk until Howard pulled into the parking lot.

     “Now, things can get back to normal,” Howard said, stepping out of the car.

     “This really is your home away from home, isn’t it?”

     “It’s where I belong, Jake. It’s where I fit in.”

     “I can see that. You’re so..focused. Nothing could ever keep you away from here, could it?”

     “Since I was younger than you, this is all I ever wanted. It’ destiny. I hope it will be yours as well. You’re off to a very good start. I can teach you so much if you’re willing to learn.”

     “I am, Dad. I want you to teach me everything you know.”

     “We’ll get a quick sandwich from the cafeteria and then get back to work. I just want to check on the clones first. I was about to earlier when you called.”

     “I’m sure they’re fine. Let’s just get that sandwich. I can hear your stomach growling.”

     “It won’t take long. Come on.”

     Jake felt his heart pounding. With every footstep, the sound grew louder. He hoped his father couldn’t hear it. When they got to the room, the door was slightly ajar. Jake’s father pushed it open the rest of the way. There it was before him -- two empty beds. Two empty beds where the girls once were.

     “What the...! I can’t believe this.

     “Maybe you moved them and forgot. You have been running on fumes lately. Anyone could get forgetful under those circumstances
you move them to a new room?”

     “No! Of course not! Why would I move them? They must have escaped when I didn’t close the door earlier. I was just about to check on them when I got that panicked phone call from you. The door was slightly open. That must be how they got out. This is going to set us back a bit.”

     “Dad? You seem awfully calm...considering.”

     “She must be back with Charles. So,...he thinks he’s won. He thinks he’s beaten me. Well, not this time. This time I come out on top.”

     “What are you talking about? There’s no competition. These are people’s lives we’re talking about, not some race or contest.”

     “I thought you were on my side, Jake.”

     “I am, Dad. Of course I am. We’re family. Family comes first.”

     “You know there’s nothing more important to me than loyalty. If you’re questioning me or my...”

     “No questions, Dad. I’m completely loyal. One hundred percent on your side.”

     “Good. I’m glad to hear you say that. There’s a secret I’d like to share with you.”

     Howard’s eyes widened as he flashed Jake a crooked smile. Jake swallowed hard.

     “What, Dad?”

     “Your little clone girlfriend and her clone sister think they’re free. They’re not. I can get to them any time I choose.”

     “What are you talking about? If their dads are watching them...”

     “It doesn’t matter.”

     “What do you mean it doesn’t matter? You’re not going to sneak into their house at night and grab them, are you?”

     “No, of course not. Don’t be absurd. There are other ways, however.”

     “What other ways?”

     “Never you mind about that. When the time is right.”

     “It’s only a matter of time before their fathers send them away.”

     “It wouldn’t make a difference. I’ll still find them. They can’t run away from me. Wherever they go, I will find them.”

     “How? How are you going to find them? Do you have spies watching them?”

     “I don’t need spies. They’re too unreliable anyway.”

     “Then how? How are you going to find them if they leave town?”

     “I took out a little insurance policy on them in the very beginning. Just in case. No matter where they go, I’ll be able to find them.”

     “What did you do? LoJack them?”

     “In a manner of speaking. I inserted a locator chip in the back of their neck. They can run as far as their pretty little feet will carry them. I’ll still find them.”

     “How can you track them?”

     “All I need is internet and I can pull up their coordinates. Let’s eat and get back to work. We’ll retrieve them in the morning.”

     “Uh..okay. You know, Dad, I’m feeling kind of wiped from today. I think I’m just going to call it an early night and go get some sleep. You don’t mind, do you?”

     “Are you sure you want to go back to the house? Now? I thought you would rather be here, working with me.”

     “I would, Dad. Of course I would. I’m just afraid I might make a mistake or drop a sample or something. I’m not 100 percent right now. I’ll be better in the morning. Then we can be a team again.”

     “Just you and me, Jake. Okay, go home. Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

     “Thanks, Dad. Mind if I take the car?”

     “Go ahead. I’ll be here all night anyway.”

     “I’ll meet you back here tomorrow.”

     Jake hurried from the building to call Alyson’s father. He needed to warn him about the implant, but didn’t want to alarm Alyson needlessly. Cassie’s father had to be told also, but he knew Mr. Pierce would take care of that phone call.

     “Mr. Pierce? It’s Jake. I need to speak to you. Right away. It’s urgent.”

     “I’m at my office now. Maybe we can...”

     Jake hung up and raced over to New View Biotech. He entered the building, checking over his shoulder to make certain he wasn’t followed. When he reached the security desk, he clumsily pulled out his wallet to show his license.

     “Name?” the thick necked officer asked very stoically.

     “Jake. I’m Jake Parker. I’ to see Charles Pierce. Can you please tell him I’m here, uh...Officer Green?”

     The officer snatched the license from Jake’s sweaty palm. He compared the photo to the stuttering young man before him.

     “I guess it looks like you. I’ll page Mr. Pierce and let him know you’re here.”

     “He wasn’t exactly expecting me, but I know he’ll want to see me. I have urgent news for him.”

     “One moment. Have a seat on that bench. I’ll see what I can do. Mr. Pierce is a very busy man.”

     “Like I said. I know he’ll want to see me.”

     Officer Green’s nostrils flared as he scowled at Jake. Jake took a step back, lowering his head slightly.

     “I know. I know. Have a seat and you’ll see what you can do.”

     “Are you mocking me, son?”

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