Eyes Wide Open (25 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Eyes Wide Open
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She let his words sink in, mulling them over. He looked earnest, his white teeth trapping that sensual bottom lip…

Snatching her gaze away before the sight distracted her too much, she peered at Logan. He appeared altogether more serious, as usual, but she thought his eyes held a glimmer of hope.

Unable to resist another glance around to make sure there was no one looking or listening, she held out her other hand toward Logan. He took it.

Fiona’s heart fluttered. Fucking hell, was she really doing this? Closing her eyes momentarily, she shook her head in surprise, then opened her eyes again. “You know what?” she said. “You’re right, James. I’ve been hung up on the fact that there’s three of us, hung up on the complexity of the situation. But it’s really only me making it complicated. Really, when you think about it, it’s simple. You like each other—well,
each other. You like me. I like you. To shamelessly steal your words, James, our happiness is all that truly matters. And you two make me happy. Hopefully I can make you happy, too. Everything else is just semantics.”

“So,” James ventured, “you’re agreeing to give it a go?”

“Yes, I am. If you’ll still have me?”

Logan squeezed her hand, just hard enough to give a twinge of pain. She looked at him questioningly.

you?” he said, his eyes darkening, his voice almost a purr. “I’d like to bend you over this table, flip your skirt up and turn your arse red for what you’ve put us through these past couple of days, you bloody minx.”

The idea thrilled and scared her in equal measure. Arousal began trickling through her body, but she tried her best to tamp it down. “Just as well you two are heading home soon, then. Looks like I’ve escaped a spanking for the time being, at least.” She grinned triumphantly.

What she wasn’t expecting was the equally smug grin on Logan’s face. She peered at their faces, getting the sense that something wasn’t quite right. “That’s what you think, you little brat,” Logan shot back at her. “We might have told you a little white lie.”

“A—a white lie?”

“Yes. We’re not going home tonight. We just said that to force your hand. We’re sticking around until the morning.”

Fiona’s mouth dropped open.

Chapter Thirty




James winced. “Any particular reason you’ve now got my hand in a death grip?”

His words made Fiona aware that she was doing it to both James and Logan, but Logan hadn’t mentioned it. Instead, he continued to look at her with that smug expression on his face.

Snatching her hands away from them, she surreptitiously wiped her damp palms on her skirt. “S-sorry.” She offered no explanation. One wasn’t needed.

“So,” Logan said, his features now arranged into a look so wicked that she half-expected horns to sprout from his head, “will you be joining us in our suite, Fiona? I believe we’ve got some unfinished business, don’t you?”

Emotions rushed through her at a rate of knots—and she couldn’t make sense of a single one.
Gripping the edge of the table hard, she increased the pressure until the pain in her fingers and wrists sharpened her mind, allowing her to focus. “Yes,” she forced out, meeting Logan’s gaze. “I believe we do.”

A flicker of surprise crossed his face but was gone so quickly she almost doubted it had ever been there. “Good. Well then, shall we meet you there in…say, no more than half an hour? So we can all get freshened up and change clothes? Though,” he added, looking her up and down, “I certainly won’t complain if you’re still dressed like that. Have I ever told you that business attire is a seriously good look for you?”

“Once or twice,” she replied dryly. Standing, she continued, “Well, I’m going to get a move on if I’m to be at your suite in half an hour. See you soon.”


* * * *


Twenty-nine minutes later, she knocked on the door to their suite, glancing nervously up and down the corridor. It wouldn’t do for one of her colleagues to see her now, especially since this was an ongoing, maybe permanent arrangement. Was it even going to be possible? If they wanted to go public, people at the Totally Five Star would have to know, then her job would be in danger all over again. How could she keep both her job, and James and Logan? She wondered if they’d consider frequenting another hotel while they were in London—

Her increasingly confusing thoughts were interrupted when the door opened. James stood there, looking mighty fine in a pair of jeans and a tight white T-shirt. He was barefoot. “Come on in, gorgeous,” he said, standing back to let her pass.

Heart pounding, she entered what she felt, at that moment in time, was the lion’s den. Logan was going to spank her arse. And, given that it was intended as a punishment, rather than just for fun, it was going to
Sitting down afterward was going to be an interesting experience. Of that, she was sure.

Just then, Logan appeared in the doorway to their bedroom. He was dressed the same as James, except his T-shirt was black. Fiona stifled a smile. Had that been intentional? White and black? Good and evil? Submissive and Dominant? She doubted it. Just because James was submissive, the most laid-back and the calmest didn’t mean he was an angel. In fact, when it came to beneath-the-sheets action, he was just as passionate, creative and crazy as his lover.

“Good timing,” Logan said, his smile as filthy as it had been in the library—possibly filthier.

“Here,” she replied, tossing a bundle at him. “Your precious pajamas. Washed and dried.”

Neatly catching the flying garments, he narrowed his eyes. “You know damn well that was a joke. A ploy to get you to bloody well say something.”

She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. They’re here. I’m here. So what’s next?” Bloody hell—why did Logan always bring out the cheekiness in her? She was already set to receive a spanking, so she wasn’t doing herself any favors by sassing him.

Or was that why she was doing it? Trying to spur him on to spank her sooner rather than later? She often didn’t know why she did certain things around James and Logan and had given up trying to figure it out. They’d made things simple—focusing on fun and happiness and seeing how things went—so reading too much into things was pointless.

Spinning on his heel, Logan went back into the bedroom. Fiona and James exchanged a look, but remained where they were. After a beat, Logan called, “In here, you two!”

Fear and arousal rushed through her in equal measure, and she did as Logan had instructed, with James hot on her heels. As she crossed the threshold, she looked around, expecting to see…well…
Something to indicate what Logan had in mind. But there was nothing. He just stood at the end of the bed, peering at them both expectantly.

As Fiona and James waited side by side, looking back at him, he broke the silence. “I’ve had a better idea. As much as I still want to turn that arse of yours red, Fiona, I’m going to wait, just a little while. I think this evening should be a celebration of the three of us, of our new relationship status and of our hopefully very bright future.”

Fiona had no idea whether to be excited, aroused or terrified. The expression on Logan’s face was enigmatic, gave nothing away, and, as a result, made her feel all three of those at once. “Okay…” she said, nodding slowly.

“James?” Logan said. “Are you happy to play along for a while?”

“Of course. I look forward to seeing what you have in store, Sir.”

“Very good.” He shot Fiona a sharp look.

“Yes, Sir,” she said quickly, despite knowing that Logan was playing her and James off against each other. She’d never be as good a submissive as James. She didn’t have it in her. It wasn’t the way she was wired, and she was all right with that. The more time she’d spent with the two men, the more she’d come to realize just how well all three of their preferences and personalities complemented each other. Why try to change something that was already perfect?

“On your knees,” Logan commanded.

Fiona and James both dropped to the soft carpet. She now at least had an inkling of what was going to happen next. And when Logan undid his belt and his fly, then pushed his hand down the front of his jeans, her suspicions were confirmed.

His lips twisted into a lascivious smile. He moved closer to them before maneuvering his cock from the confines of his clothes. It was hard, and grew harder still as he pumped it a couple of times in his fist.

Fiona’s mouth watered at the sight. More saliva still filled her mouth when the scent of him reached her nostrils—clean, masculine and seriously fucking sexy. She licked her lips.

“Eager, aren’t we?” Logan said, looking at her.

Swallowing, she said, “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. Just suck me.” He moved right up in front of her and aimed his swollen dick at her mouth.

Opening her lips, she took him in happily, her taste buds tantalized as his shaft filled her mouth. Closing her eyes, she began working him with gusto—licking and sucking at the hot, vital organ, gratified when more salty liquid seeped out onto her tongue.

She was just getting into her stride when Logan jerked out, leaving her open-mouthed and blinking in surprise. He then took a step to the side and fed his thick shaft into James’ mouth.

Although she was disappointed that she hadn’t had longer to suck Logan’s cock—though there was every chance he’d return to her in a moment—she was more than happy to watch James do it. The sight of the two men together, whether they were simply kissing or touching, tossing each other off, giving each other blow jobs, indulging in their kinks or fucking each other’s brains out, seriously got Fiona’s juices flowing. There was just something so erotic, so primal about watching them together, and she could still scarcely believe she’d been invited—on a more permanent, exclusive basis, no less—to be a part of it.

As she enjoyed the sight of Logan’s thick cock pistoning in and out of James’ mouth, bulging and hollowing his cheeks, making Logan moan, she was aware that her pussy was growing wetter and more swollen by the minute.

She was just wondering whether she’d get away with squeezing her thighs together to get a little light relief when a popping sound alerted her that Logan had snatched his cock from James’ mouth the way he had hers. He approached her again, and she parted her lips, taking the saliva-slick shaft as deep as she could go, before picking up where she’d left off.

“Oh,” Logan said, reaching around to pull the grip from her hair, sending the blonde locks tumbling around her shoulders. “You’re both so bloody good.” Fisting a hand in her now-loose hair, he held her still and began fucking her mouth.

She’d gone from sucking his cock to being merely a receptacle in the blink of an eye, and her body responded to it. Her nipples pressed against the inside of her bra, and her pussy throbbed and ached, juices seeping into her underwear and threatening to leave a stain on her jeans, too. There was nothing for it, she was going to have to—

“Hey,” Logan said, stopping suddenly, his cock still invading her mouth. “Are you trying to get off?”

He didn’t wait for an answer. Returning his attentions to James, he never took his eyes from her as James’ eager, talented mouth brought him ever closer to climax. His warning expression told her to behave herself, and by the time he threw his head back and moaned in pleasure, his shaft twitching and spurting between James’ lips, her legs ached with the exertion of
pressing them together.

Finally, his orgasm having waned, Logan looked back at her while stroking James’ face and tucking himself away. “Hmm, looks like you managed to control yourself. Just about. Well done.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured, her mind racing with the possibilities of what would happen next. He’d put his cock away, so did that mean he was going to spank her? If so, would he use his hand, a flogger, a paddle…
a cane?
She really hoped it wasn’t the last—she’d managed to avoid it so far, and based on how James had described the agony of it, she hoped to avoid it for a great deal longer—ideally forever.

“Fiona?” Logan said, his tone commanding and querying all at once. “How would you like to fuck James?”

With the strap-on?
she wondered, but kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to put ideas in his head. He was already full of them, and she wanted to see what his wicked imagination had come up with, without influencing it in any way. His sexy plans were probably better than anything she could think of, in any case.

“I’d love to, Sir,” she said, smiling widely. “If that’s what you want.”

Chapter Thirty-One




Quirking an eyebrow at her, as if unsure whether her saccharine tone was genuine or put on, Logan said, “Excellent. Stand up, both of you, then take your clothes off.”

It was no sensual strip tease, but the action of revealing her body, and watching James bare his, still got her pulse racing. Probably it was the anticipation of what the nudity was
And, with anticipation in mind… What the hell was going on with her spanking? He’d threatened it back in the library, and had seemed good to follow up on it, but now he was orchestrating her and James getting naked and horizontal with no further mention of it.

What was he playing at? Winding her up? Lulling her into a false sense of security?

Grinning to herself, she realized that this was one of her favorite things about Logan… She never quite knew what he was going to say or do next.

Now naked, she waited.

His thumbs hooked into his belt loops, Logan circled her and James, making appreciative noises as he looked at them. “Good,” he drawled as he moved behind them, no doubt eyeing up their buttocks. “

Oh shit, he’s going to do it now!

“Very nice indeed,” he repeated, then landed a swift strike on James’ arse, followed by hers. They both gasped, and she resisted clenching her buttocks as the pain bloomed across her skin. It’d only make it hurt more when he spanked her again.

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