Eyes Wide Open (26 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Eyes Wide Open
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Except…he didn’t. Continuing his circuit, he paused when he arrived back in front of them. A crooked half-smile twisting his lips, he looked at James’ face, then down at his cock. “Well, it’s obvious
ready, gorgeous,” he said, then stepped forward and grasped James’ chin. “You’re always ready, aren’t you, my horny little fucker?”

With that, he crushed his mouth to James’, possessing him with a passion and ferocity that made a gush of wetness seep from Fiona’s core and run down her thighs as she watched them. Risking a glance down while Logan was otherwise occupied, she saw that James was in a similar state to her—his cock stiff and thick, angry-looking, his pre-cum so copious that a trickle of it was making its way back down toward his balls.

After several minutes of kissing, in which both men became increasingly vocal, Logan pulled away. James was left gaping and panting, but somehow Logan remained cool and collected, despite the fact that his cock tented his jeans and his widened pupils and spots of color on his cheeks gave away his true feelings.

“What about you?” he asked calmly. “Are you horny, girl? Is that sweet pussy of yours slick and ready for James’ cock?” Moving right in front of her, he repeated what he’d done to James—taking hold of her chin and beginning to plunder her mouth. Only, at the same time, he insinuated his free hand between her legs to see just how aroused she was.

He growled into her mouth as he discovered her soaked, molten sex, deepening the kiss, taking her roughly and ruthlessly until she was dizzy with need. She whimpered.

Disentangling from her lips, but keeping his hand busy between her legs, he said, “Yes? What’s the problem, girl?” He grazed a fingernail over her clit, grinning wolfishly as she whimpered again.

“Please… Please, Sir.”

“Please what? What do you want?”

“I—I want to come, Sir. Please.”

“When have you ever known me to deny you an orgasm, Fiona?”

It was a good point, well made. “N-never, Sir. Thank you.”

Turning to James, Logan said, “On the bed, on your back. Rubber up.”

The fact that all their decisions were being taken from their hands, that their upcoming fuck was being planned and ordered by Logan could and probably should have taken away from the eroticism. But instead, it added to it. Maybe because she knew what was coming next, and her brain was racing ahead, imagining how it would feel to slide onto James’ swollen cock, to feel it stretching her walls, stroking her in all the right places…

What she didn’t know, of course, was what Logan intended to do while this was taking place. It was a curious mixture of the known and the unknown, and the cocktail was heady.

James had, as always, hurried to do as he was told, and was just securing a condom into position.

“Go on then,” Logan said, giving her bottom a playful slap as she turned and clambered onto the bed. “Go and ride him, claim your orgasm. Give him an orgasm.”

“Yes, Sir.” Quickly, she straddled James’ hips, and remained hovering over him. Then she reached for his shaft, holding the base to keep it steady while she aimed the swollen crown at her entrance. She met his gaze and smiled as she sank down onto him, taking him in inch by inch until he was buried deep inside her.

“Christ, that feels good,” James said, smiling at her.

“Likewise. Now, are you ready? I’ve been told to ride you, to claim my orgasm. And I’m really fucking desperate for my orgasm, so this could be a bumpy ride.”

Reaching up and gripping her hips, he replied, “Bumpy rides are my favorite kind.” His eyes glinted with arousal and mischief.

Wriggling a little to get into a better position, and enjoying the flutters that set off low in her stomach, Fiona braced her hands on the bed either side of James’ waist and began to move. Slow, undulating movements at first, groaning as James’ shaft stroked her insides in all the right places. “God, you feel good.”

“You too, sweetheart. You too.” Still with his hands on her hips, he guided her movements, subtly urging her to go faster. “Uhhh!”

Ready for it now, Fiona picked up her speed, moving her hands on top of James’ and using only her legs to power her thrusts. Tingles radiated out from her abdomen. She shifted James’ hands up to her breasts, continuing to rock and bounce on his luscious cock as he squeezed the mounds of flesh.

Already her orgasm was building, and when James began to pinch and roll her aching nipples, she rocketed ever closer, her nerve endings sparking.

Suddenly, a blow landed on her buttocks. Multiple points of contact, sharp stings, but nothing unbearable.

Logan was flogging her! And, judging by the gasp James had just let out, he was getting it, too, probably on his thighs and balls.

Fiona was torn between pausing her bouncing, turning around and seeing what the hell Logan was playing at, and carrying on, riding James even harder and faster, in spite of Logan’s sudden flogging.

After a moment or two of indecision, she opted for the latter. Why stop a perfectly good fuck to demand an explanation she probably wouldn’t get? And besides, the licks of pain actually added to the experience. The slow build-up a thing of the past, Fiona closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her as she bounced up and down on James’ cock, driving him into her over and over as Logan continued to wield his implement.

He landed blow after blow on the two of them, the starbursts of pain growing ever closer to agony as he matched his pace and force to theirs. The faster and harder Fiona rode James, the faster and harder Logan swung the flogger. Pleasure mixed with pain until it became impossible to know where one ended and the other began. They’d blended seamlessly, invisibly, until Fiona was just one big mass of overwhelming sensation. And that sensation soon gave way to her rapidly approaching climax.

She hardly knew what was happening anymore—only that everything felt so damn
Her pussy was being filled and pounded to perfection, delicious shivers rolled over every inch of her, and her clit was fit to burst. So was she. There was just something so perverse about fucking one gorgeous man while being flogged by another. Slipping her hand between their bodies, she sought her swollen, aching clit and rubbed it roughly as she continued to fuck James’ brains out.

Logan hit her harder, but her veins were so flooded with endorphins that she barely noticed. It just added fuel to the fire. Throwing her head back, she lost herself to pleasure, every last part of her tingling. Then, with an almighty scream, she succumbed to the climax, her heart racing and blood pounding as her insides contracted around James’ shaft, and waves of sheer bliss crashed through her.

James kept a hold of her hips as she rode out her climax. Limp and trembling, she opened her eyes and offered him a small smile. Logan had ceased raining blows down on them. “All right?” James asked.

She nodded. “Yes. More than all right. Fuck me, that was intense.”

“Fuck you? Well, if you insist.” Logan’s voice came from close behind, and this time she did turn to see what he was doing.

Now naked, Logan was smoothing a condom over his straining shaft. Then, crossing over to the bedside table, he retrieved a bottle of lubricant, before returning to the end of the bed.

Fiona raised her eyebrows. “Are you planning what I think you’re planning?”

“Yes. But only if you’re up for it.”

Just then, James’ still-stiff cock twitched inside her, sending a series of tiny aftershocks coursing through her. With a gasp, she said, “Yes, all right. Just…”

“Just what, sweetheart?” His tone was gentle, coaxing.

“Just don’t hurt me, all right?”

“I won’t. We won’t. We’ll take good care of you. Remember your safe word. It applies in this case, too. Use it if you want me to stop, all right? Promise?”

She nodded. “I promise.”

Thankful that even in the highly charged sexual atmosphere, Logan’s priorities still lay with her consent and her comfort, she turned back to James. “So,” she said, grinning wickedly to hide her nerves. “Where were we?”

James pulled her down so that their torsos were pressed together, and murmured, “Better keep it slow while he’s lubing you up. It needs to be done properly.”

Her response was to kiss him. Tangling her fingers in his soft hair, she sucked, licked and nibbled at his sinful lips and battled with his tongue. They rocked gently together, the sensations different but no less pleasurable than before.

Soon, she felt the dip of the mattress behind her, and heard a squirting sound. Chilly liquid dribbled into her crack, and Logan worked it around the crinkled skin of her arsehole, relaxing her there. Still rocking on James, she heard more squirting. This time, fingertips directly on her hole, pressing gently but insistently.

He stretched her back there, adding more lube until he was apparently satisfied that she was ready.

The bed shifted again, and she felt the heat of his body before anything else. She stopped moving on James, and waited. Waited until the blunt head of Logan’s cock was positioned against her rear, and did her best to relax as he began pushing inside.

James cradled her face and kissed her, likely trying to distract her from any discomfort. But actually, apart from the initial stretch and burn, there was none. He’d prepared her well, and as Logan forged slowly into her, the sensation that overwhelmed her was one of fullness. Complete fullness.

Everything they’d done together, and still it was possible to find something that topped it all. With two cocks inside her, no nerve ending went unstimulated and, as the two men began moving, establishing a rhythm that worked for them all, Fiona, her eyes wide open, stared into James’. A mixture of surprise and satisfaction filled her. This sure didn’t feel like she was a third wheel. More like…complete.

“Hey,” Logan said, leaning down to murmur close to her ear, “this is just the beginning. If this is how it can be, how it has been up until now, imagine what it’s going to be like in the future. The three of us together. Fiona—you’re amazing. Thank you for agreeing to give this a chance.”

“Yes,” James agreed, smiling at up at her. “What he said.”

Grinning lazily as they continued to rock together, building up speed, she let herself be carried away on the waves of bliss that lapped at her. As Logan had said, this was just the beginning.

She was very much looking forward to seeing what the future would bring.





Several months later


It was a Saturday morning, and the three of them were lounging around on the plush leather sofas in James and Logan’s suite, catching up on the latest news while munching on nachos. They’d had a late night, having visited a fetish event, and were enjoying a companionable silence, broken only by the sounds of the TV and their crunching.

After another disturbing news report full of hatred and violence, Fiona turned away in disgust. “Well, that’s my cue to get moving, I think. I’m gonna go for a run. Either of you want to come?”

“Hey,” Logan said, catching her wrist and stopping her from getting up. “Wait. Can we, uh, talk to you about something?”

Uh-oh, I’m not sure I like the sound of this.

“Yeah,” she said, taking in the awkwardness they both displayed, and wondering how the outcome of a conversation that made them nervous could possibly be good. “Sure. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing’s up, sweetheart. This is nothing to worry about. Just, well… Something we need to discuss.”

“Spit it out, then,” she said, unable to stop her frustration shining through. Despite Logan’s words to the contrary, she couldn’t help thinking the worst.

Logan was on one side of her, and James got up and sat down on her other side. They each took one of her hands.

Her heart pounded, then skipped a beat altogether.

Apparently unwilling to wait for Logan to ‘spit it out’ any longer, James began, “We’ve been thinking, talking. It’s been almost a year since we met—can you believe it?”

Fiona shook her head. No, she couldn’t believe it, but she knew it to be true.

James continued, “We’re so,
glad you decided to give this, us, a chance. It’s been amazing, hasn’t it?”

Fiona smiled, and heat came to her cheeks as her brain was inundated with memories. Amazing was right. In fact, it probably wasn’t even a powerful enough word to describe what they’d been experiencing. Three was certainly not a crowd in their case, and the more Fiona had worked past her hang-ups about their unconventional relationship, the better things had become. Having a smart, successful, sexy, kind and loving boyfriend was fantastic, and when you multiplied that by two, it was a magical combination.

“Yes,” she finally said, pulling herself out of her reminiscence and answering his question. “It truly has. But”—her heart skipped another beat—“why are you talking about it in the past tense?”

Her horror must have been clear on her face, because both men tightened their grips on her hands. “No, no, Fiona!” Logan said, shaking his head and making his curls bounce madly. Not for the first time, he was overdue a haircut, but she loved the mad black mop so much, there was no way she was going to tell him. “It’s nothing like that. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

“Go on…”

“Well, you remember all those months ago, when we had that conversation in the library here?”


“We discussed our future, or at least part of it. Well… James and I think that we have come to that metaphorical bridge. We’ve come to it, and we’d very much like to cross it—with you.”

Swallowing in an attempt to moisten her suddenly arid mouth, she said, “And, uh… What exactly does this metaphorical bridge-crossing involve?”

The men exchanged a glance, then Logan spoke again. “Fiona,” he said, his expression serious, “you know we care about you, right?”

“Yeees…” Her uncertainty at where this was going drew the word out to ridiculous proportions. “And I care about you, too. Very much.”

A smile flirted with his lips for the briefest second, then was gone again. “Well, that’s good…because it’s more than that. More than caring about you. I love you, Fiona. I’m
love with you.”

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