Fate Forgotten (4 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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“But they didn’t need to…to do that. They could’ve gone after me when I wasn’t home.”

“You rarely leave.”

A fact: she’d rather read indoors than do anything else. Her sisters often teased her about it. Hearing it now, a brutal, stark reminder they’d never tease her again.

Her eyes narrowed. “How do

He cleared his throat. “I’m an angel.”

Then it occurred to her. This was her fault. Because she never left her house, they had no choice but to kill her sisters.

Her heart squeezed painfully, making tears well in her eyes. She didn’t even try to hide it.

“You can’t think that way.”

Her gaze shot to Clyde, the angel, who, she realized, could read her thoughts.

“Your mind.”

Same difference.

“No. Reading thoughts is just that. Reading your mind is a little more. I know everything that’s ever happened to you. Everything you’ve ever said, done, thought with just one glimpse.”

. Now, he knew more about her than anyone else?

“Technically, I know more about you than you know about yourself. Beings, immortal and mortal, have a tendency to hide truths from themselves.”

Annoyed with their one-sided conversation, she snapped, “Can you stop that?”

When she regained her composure, she insisted, “I could’ve been killed with the explosions.”

“There’s something else.” He paused. “When we found you, a spell guarded you.”

Tears in her eyes fell down her cheeks. She had been right. Her family died because of her, and even so, they’d protected her with their dying breaths.

“No, you aren’t to blame, Valerie. You couldn’t have changed it. If you want to blame someone, blame the Malums.”

Not a comforting thought, but it wasn’t Clyde’s fault. She hated Malums for destroying everyone she’d ever loved, but hate wouldn’t bring them back. And nothing anyone said would either. More tears fell without a single sound before she turned away and buried her face in a pillow.

She felt the presence of Jenna drawing near, then felt the warmth of her touch on her shoulder. “Valerie, you shouldn’t do this to yourself. Your coven wouldn’t want you to suffer like you are.”

“I k-know…” Her voice broke. “I know I have to move on, but I-I don’t know how.”

“We can help you. We’ll take it day by day. The first step is getting out of this room.”

“I…know, but today I-I…” A sob tore from her throat. “I…c-can’t…maybe tomorrow.”

Jenna nodded, and then they left.


The next morning, the ache of her loss and grief still dogged her. Despite it, Valerie knew the time had come, now or never. It had been days since she’d done anything but mope. She had to move on with her life, and, as Jenna said, the first step was getting out of bed. Reluctantly, she did. She showered and dressed, wearing borrowed clothes, then headed into the elevator and toward the kitchen for breakfast. Among the many things Ashley talked about was the layout of the fifteen-story building where she stayed, so she knew where to find the kitchen and dining room. As the doors parted, she scanned the area. Barren, she strode toward large double doors, briefly wondering where everyone was.

Past the doors, a chef’s dream kitchen with dark wood cabinets, an island, marble countertops, two gas stoves, two ovens, industrial-sized refrigerator, and another set of double doors at the end. Still, the room was empty of life.

The elevator doors parted. An unmistakable air of animosity swirled, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. The anger weaved into her, making her flinch with its power and strength. A chill shot through her. She fisted her clammy hands, fighting the urge to squirm, trying to convince herself she had nothing to fear. The Guardians had saved her, taken her to their safe house. No one would hurt her, not there.

Heavy footsteps neared. With every step, her heart thumped louder and louder, her breaths grew shallow. Just outside the double doors, the steps ceased. She held her breath. Abruptly and with force, the doors flung open. She muffled a yelp and instinctively created an illusion, disguising herself and her scent.

Then she saw him.

A monstrosity of a man, tall, broad-shouldered, every inch of him muscled, tense, and ready to strike. His features as menacing as they were chiseled and masculine: a strong brow and jaw, a pronounced nose, thick lips with hair as black as night, and eyes nearly as dark.

her gift warned.

And despite the warning, the strangest sensation came over her, one she’d never felt. Even as her hands trembled, she had the urge to trail them along his chest, then lace her fingers through his dark, overgrown hair.

You’re in trouble, Val.

His dark gaze found her, so much anger in those eyes. The breath rushed out of her. She felt herself go pale. Taking several steps away, she bumped into the countertop behind her. Her hands reached behind her, trying to grab onto something, anything.

“You are?”

The hostility in his voice made her cringe. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I-I’m Valerie.”

His gaze trailed down her body, then met hers again and narrowed. He took a threatening step in her direction and inhaled.

Without another word, he turned and walked away. Her gaze followed him until he disappeared through a set of double doors.

Leave, leave now

Taking several deep breaths, she tried to calm her shattered nerves. She finally summoned the strength and fled.

Chapter 5

What the hell was that scent?
Jacob scratched the back of his head.

The scent captivated him days ago, and he couldn’t get it out of his mind. He’d even dreamt of it, excruciatingly sweet. He couldn’t figure out where it came from, and it drove him mad.

Hints of it had taunted him for days. He’d scented it on Ashley and Clyde and just yesterday on Jenna. Only moments ago, he smelled it again. It had been stronger then and evoked the strangest reaction in him—desire, such a strong carnal desire, it left him stunned. He hadn’t felt desire for centuries.

But it seemed the scent belonged to no one. He’d thought with certainty he would’ve discovered it today, but the only person he’d come in contact with had been the rescued witch, Valerie. When he neared her, the scent vanished as quickly as it had overwhelmed him.

He didn’t have the answer he craved.

Jacob shook his head to dispel the scent, forcing himself to focus. He had Annie and couldn’t waste time on frivolous thoughts—a scent that taunted him for days.


Her pulse continuing to pound wildly at the base of her neck, Valerie darted into her room, closed the door behind her, and leaned against it.

Her emotions for a male she didn’t know and feared baffled her.

Never had she feared a man before laying eyes on him. Never had she encountered a male who captivated her from first glance.

She waited years to feel like she had when her eyes met his. Desire so pure and deep, it hadn’t yet released her.

Time and time again, she’d insisted there was no point in dating a man who didn’t fascinate her. She found one, and yet she had to stay away.

Her gift’s warning rang in her head. Figures for a man who wore anger like a shield, and yet she was inexplicably drawn, fearing him as deeply as she craved him. That craving only made her fear him more.

One look and she knew he was a man she could fall for. But she
fall for a man who’d never be hers, fully, completely. Not before, especially not now after losing everyone she’d ever loved.

A knock on the door made her jump. Immediately, she pulled away from the door and turned toward it. “Y-yeah?”

“It’s Ashley. Can I come in?”

She exhaled. “Yes, of course.”

The door opened. “Good morning.” Ashley smiled. “Do you want to grab some breakfast with us?”

No. Valerie did not. She could not bump into him, whoever he was, again. She had to stay away. “I…uh…”


Valerie caught sight of Clyde a moment later, his hand clasped in a little girl’s, a beautiful girl with big, dark eyes and dark hair in waves. “Annie wanted to see you.”

Ashley’s face lit up when the girl neared, wearing a white dress and a pair of matching sandals. “Hi, sweetie. How did you sleep?”

“Good.” Her gaze darted toward Valerie.

Valerie smiled at the girl, surprising even herself. For a while, she thought she’d never smile again.

The young girl returned the smile. “Hi, I’m Annie.”

“Hi, Annie. I’m Valerie. You can call me Val.”

Her brow furrowed. “What are you, Val?”

Not fully understanding the question, she hesitated.

“I’m a demoness. Ash is an Elemental.” She said “Elemental” slowly, pronouncing each syllable. “And Clyde is an angel. So what are you?”

Understanding now, she smiled. “I’m a witch.”

Annie’s brows shot up.

Val quickly added, “But I’m a good witch.” She raised her hand. “Scout’s honor.”

Annie covered her mouth, then giggled.

She couldn’t help but laugh softly, too. Seeing the beautiful girl laugh, being able to cause that reaction, gratified her in a way she hadn’t thought possible. Baffling. Then again, she had no experience with children. Maybe that’s what making a child laugh brought you—joy.

Before she knew it, the moment ended, and Annie turned toward Ashley. “I want a braid, but Uncle Jake doesn’t know how to do it right. He looked it up on the internet, but he still can’t figure it out.”

Ashley chuckled. “Well, let’s give Uncle Jake a break today, huh?”

Valerie watched the exchange wondering who Annie was. Ashley had never mentioned a child or a brother named Jake. Valerie doubted Clyde had siblings. Angels didn’t mate; they were created, not procreated. Then again, maybe it was possible. After all, Clyde and Ashley were mated.

Ashley began braiding Annie’s hair. Annie explained, “Uncle Jake says he’s going to paint my room today, then he’s going to build the new furniture, but he says I can’t help because I’m too little.”

Ashley tied the braid with a band. “And what color is Uncle Jake painting your room?”

Annie turned toward her.

“Pink and he says I can’t be there either because the fumes…I don’t know what that means. I think he’s worried about me getting hurt, and I told him I’m strong because I’m a demoness, but he won’t listen and let me help.”

“I could talk to him about it unless…” Ashley’s eyes twinkled. “You know what I think?”

Annie leaned into Ashley. “What?”

“I think your uncle wants to do all the work so he can surprise you.”

“But I already know what everything looks like…”

Ashley shrugged. “That’s very true, but you don’t know how it will look like together…Maybe he wants to see that beautiful face of yours light up when you see it for the first time.”

“So what will I do all day?”

“Umm…let me think.” Ashley smiled. “Would you like to go to the park?”

Annie clasped her hands together excitedly and nodded.

“Maybe Valerie can come with us?”

Annie turned to her, her eyes as wide as saucers. “Will you? We can get on the swings.”

She couldn’t find the strength to refuse the enthusiastic girl and agreed.

Maybe, Valerie hoped, she could make her smile again and bring some joy her way, too.

Chapter 6

A beautiful day, the sun high in the sky, a few scattered clouds and a light breeze. Valerie closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun’s warmth on her skin.

“Val!” Annie dashed toward the swings. “Come!”

Valerie smiled and headed in her direction.

“You can swing next to me.”

She nodded, then pulled a stray strand away from the child’s face and tucked it behind her ear, coincidentally grazing the side of her face.

An image assailed her.

A woman resembling Annie, dark hair in waves around her oval face. Her dark eyes wide with fear when she whispered, “Hide, Annie. Remember, always…always…” Her voice broke. “Mommy and Daddy love you very much.” A tear slid down her face. “Uncle Jake will come for you. He’ll take good care of you. I promise, baby.”

Heart tightening in her chest, Val stilled. The foreign memory faded. Her eyes welled with tears, sympathy spilling from her. Every inch of her body ached to console the child who, it seemed, had lost both parents. The darling girl, an orphan like her, now lived with her uncle, a demon named Jake.

“Why are you sad?” Annie asked.

Shaking her head, she barely managed, “N-nothing.”

Not a second later, she felt the heat of a hand on her arm. “I’m going to borrow Valerie. She’ll be right back.”

Forcing a smile, she straightened and walked beside Clyde. A distance away, he whispered, “It’s true.”

Her gaze shot to Annie who now swung beside Ashley. “What?” Her voice shaky.

“Her parents were killed.”

She swallowed. “I…I shouldn’t have seen that. I’ve never had the gift of hindsight.”

“Which one of your sisters did?”

Tears welled. She angled her body and face away. She wasn’t embarrassed by her pain or tears, didn’t care if Clyde witnessed it. It most likely wouldn’t be the last time since she was staying at the compound, but she didn’t want Annie to see her cry.

“Shari.” She looked past him. “She always said it was a waste to see the past because it couldn’t be changed.”

“It’s not a waste. It’s a gift just the same. Now, you know.”

Meeting his gaze head on, she pointed out, “But I shouldn’t know. It’s a family matter. I have no right to know.”

“If your gift allowed you to see it, then it is something you needed to know.”


Valerie spent the morning at the park with Annie, Ashley, and Clyde. They ate lunch at a sub shop.

It felt nice to get out, and she was glad she agreed to go with Annie. The time she spent with her, Valerie had gotten her mind off her grief. She hadn’t forgotten what happened or her sisters. She could never forget, but the anguish she endured for days had diminished.

As the day passed, she figured out why. Clyde had been right. She
to see Annie’s memory. She
to witness Annie’s strength and resilience. They shared similar losses; while Val had grieved for days, refusing to get out of bed, wasting away, Annie had been smiling, laughing, and
The beautiful, bright girl made her realize there was another way to live after tragedy—living to the fullest and honoring those you loved and lost. Annie, unbeknownst to her, inspired her to move on.

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