Fate Forgotten (7 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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Chapter 10

“Valerie?” Ashley sounded panicked.

Val spent the day shopping with Ashley and Jenna. During their trip, they’d talked and laughed, and she had gotten to know both sisters a bit better. A good day, she’d been thankful for the distraction.

Hearing Ashley’s frazzled voice, Valerie remembered something she mentioned that day; that night, she planned to watch Annie. Immediately, she jumped to conclusions, thinking something happened to Annie. Why else would Ashley panic?

Tossing her book aside, Valerie stood. “What’s wrong?”

Ashley folded her hands into each other. “Oh, it’s Jocelyn. She’s having some pain. I have to go, but I’m supposed to watch Annie. I would take her, but…she’s an empath…”

She understood. Annie could experience firsthand Jocelyn’s pain. “I’ll watch her.”

“Would you mind? I mean Jake won’t be back for hours, and I—”

She hadn’t thought of him. Since she’d heard the fear in Ashley’s voice, her concern had been solely for Annie. What if he returned and found Annie with her? And how did Ashely know of her fear? Right, Clyde. He knew everything.

She squeezed her hands together then, pushed the worry aside. “Go, don’t worry.” She wanted to avoid the angry demon at all cost, and she tempted fate by granting Ashley this favor, but she’d do it, for Ashley, who saved her life and treated her with nothing but kindness, and especially, for Annie. “I’ll watch her.”

“I wouldn’t ask if there was another way. Cain and Olivia are here tonight, but Annie hasn’t met them and—”

She shook her head. “Don’t worry. Like you said, he won’t be back for hours. I’m sure you’ll be back by then.”

Together, they walked into the elevator and ascended, stopping on the floor above hers. She entered hesitantly. The layout exactly like the floor she stayed on. Open concept, the kitchen directly to the right. Large, marble countertops, dark cabinets, and an island with stools separated it from the dining room, directly to her left. Past the kitchen and dining room, a large living area. The flat screen television played a princess movie. Opposite it, a U-shaped brown leather sectional, a large area rug in the middle where Annie and Clyde sat in front of a large pink dollhouse.

Annie raced to her. “Val!”

She smiled. Annie’s small body collided with hers and embraced her. She returned the hug. “Hey, Annie. I came to play with you.”

“We can play with my new dollhouse.”

“Sounds like fun.”

Annie grabbed her hand and led her into the living area, scattered with toys. As Annie continued to tug her in that direction, she turned to Clyde and Ashley. “Let me know how Jocelyn is.”


It had been a long night, hunting. His first since he became guardian of his niece. With Annie never far from his thoughts, he’d barely been able to focus. He left her in good hands. Ashley wouldn’t let anything harm her. But still, he wondered what she was doing and worried if she’d eaten or had trouble going to bed, if she’d since woken with one of those god-awful nightmares. More than the worries, since he left her, he hadn’t been able to shrug off the sense something was missing, like he’d forgotten something important. Maybe it wasn’t that he left something behind, but that he’d left
behind—Annie. Only natural, he hadn’t spent more than a couple of hours away from her. None of those feelings would ever go away. He hoped with time, leaving her became easier.

When it came time for him to go home, he sighed, his mind exhausted with worry more than from the hours he’d spent scouring the streets for Malums.

He materialized in his apartment, and that haunting scent engulfed him.

His pulse spiked. With it, his heart pounded loudly. On impulse, he materialized in the middle of his living room. There, he laid eyes on her.

A beautiful stranger sleeping on his couch.

His chest heaved. A low growl escaped his lips. Rubbing his sweaty palms against his jeans, the sense of possessiveness overwhelmed him, so much of it, it spilled out of him.

On her side, her body turned toward him, her head on a blue cushion. Deep auburn hair spilled around it in waves. Dressed casually in a pair of jeans, a green blouse, her shoes, a pair of flats, lay on the floor in front of her.

Beautiful. No other way to describe her. Utterly, mind-bogglingly beautiful.

Petite, a slim waist, and rounded hips. Her face stunning: cheeks flushed, nose small and pointy, lips shaped in a perfect bow. Her dark hair seemed silky and thick, and she had the longest lashes, lashes that made him wonder what color her eyes were.

Taking a step closer, he pulled in a breath. Shivers ran through him. Holding back a groan, his jaw clenched.




No longer a mystery, the haunting scent was

It wasn’t just her scent, it was
. Bewitching, everything about her fascinated him.

His body pulsed. The desire to hold her, comfort her, protect her,
her coursed through him. Powerful, confounding, and indescribable. Even now, staring at
, he was drawn inexplicably. He couldn’t put it into words, and he couldn’t ignore it. But he
why he couldn’t control it.

She was
his fated mate,
the woman granted to him above all others, his other half. No doubt about it.

She was his.

And he hers.

He couldn’t help what he did next. She was asleep and he didn’t know her, but ever so slowly, he drew closer. A mere foot away, he held his hand over her face, craving with every fiber in his being to feel the softness of her skin against his.

Her eyes snapped open. Painful jolts shot through him. The ache so unbearable it brought him, a demon, to his knees. The current gone a moment later, but the agony didn’t fade. Every joint, every muscle burned.

And still, all he could think about: her eyes were the perfect shade—honey.

As she sat up, she slapped her hand over her mouth. Eyes wide, her jaw dropped open.

He couldn’t help but feel anything but pride. His mate, a witch, was as powerful as she was beautiful.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry.” She stood, then rushed toward him, pausing feet away. “You scared me…”

Taking a deep breath, he ignored the lingering ache, placed a palm on the floor, and stood. At his height, six foot six, he towered over her. “I scared
? What’d you do to me?”

Her eyes rounded. She hesitated. “I’m sorry. I… Well…Y-you’re…intimidating…” She looked away. “And…I mean, imagine waking up and the first thing you see is a demon’s death stare.”

As she talked, she shifted uncomfortably, all new to him, all surreal. He watched her movements and mannerisms carefully, trying to memorize them. Her voice soft and beguiling, distracting him, he wasn’t able to fully listen to what she said, amazed this beautiful creature, a small, powerful witch with beautiful hair and eyes of honey, belonged to him.

He grinned, then shook his head to focus his thoughts. What had she said? Something about…
“Death stare?”

She shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself. Her gaze met his for a split second before she released a breath. Her shoulders slumped. “You know when you guys are angry your eyes glow.”

She thought he wanted to kill her? Not a great introduction. Instead of correcting her, he asked, “Who are you?” He had to know her name.

Her eyes went wide. She tensed, glanced down at herself and mumbled, “Shit.”

That’s what she had to say? Who was she? Where was Annie? Jesus, Annie! His chest squeezing, he said in a menacing tone, “If you did something to Annie, I swear I’ll…” Jacob shook his head. He couldn’t say it. He didn’t know who she was, but it didn’t change the fact she was

Her pretty honey-colored eyes narrowed. “Yeah, I kidnapped her, and then I
fell asleep on your couch, so you’d find me.”

A surge of laughter bubbled in his throat. He bit his tongue to keep it at bay.

She caught it though. Her cheeks flushed. “How dare you think that? I would never. She’s sleeping.”

A relief. “Who are you? Why are you here, and where’s Ash?”

“She and Clyde had an emergency. They left me to watch Annie. I’m…” She paused, looking away from him.

He shifted and waited.

Her eyes met his. “Valerie.” She then took several steps away.

He shook his head, and then his gaze raked her from top to bottom. “You’re
not Valerie. I met Valerie. She’s blonde and not…”
Stunning, beautiful
. He couldn’t just blurt that. “You

She swallowed. “I
her. I created an illusion to disguise myself.”

His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach.

His mate had
from him. Why hadn’t she felt something for him from first glance like he felt for her? The recognition wasn’t instant for immortal women, but the mated immortal women he knew felt drawn to their mates. Why wasn’t his?

His eyes narrowed. “Why?” He hadn’t meant to bark, but frustration seeped into his tone.

She clasped her hands in front of her, then took a step away. “I…I was scared at the time.”

He mirrored her, taking a purposeful step forward. “Why?”

“B-because…You were angry. You’re always angry and you’re…mean.”

He couldn’t deny it.
The only person excluded from his temper: Annie.
He fisted his hands. “I’m angry and mean, and you’re afraid of me, so you created an illusion to disguise yourself from
. Anything else?” he asked through clenched teeth.

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I was just intimidated—”

Annie wailed.

He didn’t wait for his mate to finish. He hated leaving her, but it’d have to wait.

Annie needed him.

Chapter 11

Valerie hadn’t finished her apology, but forgot about it the moment Annie’s sobs pierced the air. She sprinted toward her room, then stopped at the threshold. His ability to materialize meant he’d beat her there where she found him sitting on the edge of Annie’s mattress, facing the girl. The air of animosity that surrounded him, gone. He tenderly cradled Annie against his chest, rubbing her back softly, whispering to her. Words Val heard loud and clear. Her hearing wasn’t as acute as other immortals, but it was still better than a mortal’s.

“It’s okay, pupa. I’m here.”

Unbelievable, but true.

How was it possible a demon, who chose to live engulfed in anger who’d been incensed with her a moment before, could change so swiftly to comfort a child? Had the insight her gift given her been off-base? Was it all a charade? Who was the real man: the unapproachable rage-filled warrior or the caring guardian?

Annie wailed. “I-I…”

“Another bad dream?”

The girl nodded. “The b-bad men…they were…”

“Shh…Remember what I promised you?” Those powerful hands wiped the child’s tear-streaked face with such gentleness she thought them,
, incapable of.

Annie nodded.

He kissed the top of her head, continuing to rub her back. “No one is going to hurt you, Annie.
No one.
I will keep you safe.”

“But…what if the b-bad men…hurt y-you? What if…they t-take you, too?”

He tensed and pulled away from the child slightly, staring straight into her eyes. “That’s not going to happen. I will
be here to protect you.”

Valerie’s heart clenched. Her eyes welled with tears, baffled by the man who was not what he seemed. There was love in him, so much of it for a beautiful, bright child who feared being, like her, alone in the world.

With Annie still draped across his chest, Jacob turned and his stare met hers. Once again confounded by what she saw, by
. Not an action, but emotion clearly reflected in his eyes that startled her. His eyes, so dark, yet so expressive…No anger, no rage—only sympathy. Did he know?

Of course, he did. Someone would’ve told him.

She held her breath, hoping and praying the tears in her eyes dried.

“Valerie.” His voice so soft. His gaze then shifted to Annie. “Would you like to share some chocolate milk with Valerie?”

Annie turned her flushed face toward her and nodded.

Together, they walked to the kitchen. Jake carrying Annie, one arm under her butt, the other holding her tight against him. At the counter, with one hand, he pulled out a stool for her to sit on, then settled Annie on the countertop. He opened the fridge, grabbed milk and chocolate, and prepared each of them a glass. He handed the first to Annie, settled the other two on the counter in front of Val, then carried Annie, walked around the counter, and sat next to Valerie, placing the child on his lap. He handed Val a cup of milk, then grabbed his own.

Annie tapped her glass against hers, then against her uncle’s. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” she and Jake replied simultaneously.

His gaze met hers, the intensity in them forcing her to look away.

“What did you and Valerie do tonight?”

“We played with my dollhouse and watched a movie.” She rubbed her eyes. “And she braided my hair. Valerie can make the fishy braid…like Mommy used to…” Her voice trailed off.

Valerie’s gaze went to Jake, wondering what he’d say or do. But she wished she hadn’t, she caught a distressed expression flash across his face. As it inexplicable as it was, it made
want to comfort
—the male she feared, the man her gift warned her away from.

Trying hard to ignore it, she looked at Annie. “I can teach you. It’s very easy. It just takes practice.”

Annie’s face lit up. “You will?”

She smiled. “Of course, I will.”


“How about tomorrow morning? When we’re both caught up on our beauty sleep?”

“You promise?”

She nodded. “Yes, Annie. I promise.”

Annie yawned. Valerie took a sip of milk, knowing it’d be seconds before Annie fell asleep. A child, undoubtedly exhausted, draped across the expanse of Jake’s chest, comforted by his masculine strength, her little arms tucked against them, her face pressed to him while he rubbed her back…It would put anyone to sleep.

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