Fate Forgotten (6 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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She folded the tip of the page at the top of the book she spent hours reading, closed it, and headed into the living area.

“Hi, Ashley.”

Ash’s smile widened. “Are you coming to dinner tonight?”

“Oh, I’m not sure yet. I…” She scrambled to find an excuse without revealing the real reason she didn’t want to go.

“It’ll be great for you to meet some of the others.”

“I know, it’s just—”

Clyde appeared beside Ashley and rested his hand on her waist. “Angel.”

Not a second later, Nathan materialized. “As promised…” His gaze went to Clyde and Ash and his voice trailed off. He nodded to them in greeting. “Clyde, Ashley.”

“Hi, Nathan.” Ashley’s smile widened. “Did you come to pick up Val?”

“I did.”

Ashley’s gaze came to Val’s. “So I guess we’ll see you there?”

She nodded. Ashley and Clyde disappeared.

Meeting Nathan’s gaze, she took a breath. “Hi, thanks for coming.”

“I said I would.”

Uneasy, she smiled. “Well, thanks.”

In the elevator, her hands started to shake. “He’s not going to be there, right?”

“I’m positive. He made dinner for Annie and himself.”

It did nothing to soothe her nerves. She exhaled. The elevator door parted. She stepped out and several others came into view. The laughter and chatter dying suddenly, all gazes turned to them.

“Valerie,” Jenna said, closing the distance between them. “It’s so nice of you to join us.”

A demon neared, even taller than Nathan’s towering height. Everything about him evoked fear. Not like Jake, not because he projected it, but because he demanded it: his frame, his strength, and the harsh lines of his face.

She couldn’t help the twinge of fear that rose inside her. Instinctively, she took a step away and felt the warmth of Nathan’s hand on her lower back. Sparing a glance in his direction, he nodded.

The demon snaked his arm around Jenna’s waist. Of course, Lucas, the demon king. Ashley told her about Jenna’s mate, which explained why his presence alone evoked fear.

Demons were the most volatile immortal breed. Some argued the strongest physically, especially when in demon form. The stories she’d heard claimed the last king, Lucas’s father, developed and nurtured the belief they could control their demons. He instilled this belief in his kind, and for that reason, they were no longer as unpredictable as they’d once been. Still, they were feared and avoided. Whether truth or not, Valerie didn’t know. She’d never met a demon until Jake. She didn’t know any demons well enough to make a decision. While shifters, fairies, witches, warlocks, elves, and many others roamed the mortal plane and called it their own, demons had their own and generally preferred to stay in it.

Surprisingly, Lucas smiled. The smile transformed the harsh lines of his face. Only then, she remembered she didn’t have anything to fear from him.

“This is my king, Lucas,” Nathan said in introduction.

Though unnecessary, she didn’t mind the formality.

“His mate, my queen, Jenna, you’ve met.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Lucas,” she said softly. “Thank you for welcoming me into your home.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, and there’s no need to thank me.” He pulled Jenna to him until her back pressed firmly against his chest. He then buried his face in her neck. Jenna smiled.

A woman with golden brown hair neared with another male, who she sensed was a werewolf, trailed closely behind her. The woman wore a pair of jeans, high-heeled boots, and a loose blue top. The top being loose didn’t hide her pregnant belly.

“Jocelyn?” Valerie asked.

Her eyes widened briefly. “Yes.” Jocelyn smiled.

“Ashley’s mentioned you. It’s nice to meet you.”

“She mentioned you, too.”

“And you’re Landon.” His eyes continually gazing at Jocelyn, his fated.

“You bet.”

A demon with blond locks approached, his hand folded in a brunette’s. Both smiled at her.

She drew a blank, having no idea who they were. Thankfully, the demon introduced himself.

“I’m Cain. This is my mate, Olivia.”

“My sister,” Landon added.

Made sense. Nathan mentioned them. “Yes, it’s nice to meet you both as well.”

Nathan introduced her to two more demons, Benjamin and Hades who, like Nathan, weren’t mated, luckily. She would’ve felt out of place being surrounded by three mated couples.

They sat at the dinner table. She watched the attentiveness of each mated male, holding out the chairs for them to sit, serving them first, and gazing at them with their heart in their eyes. A pang of longing rippled through her. She knew in that moment she was right to wait for her fated. It didn’t make sense to be involved with someone…

Guilt choking her, her chest tightened. She lowered her gaze.

She hadn’t thought of him once, hadn’t considered how he must have felt discovering her home had been destroyed by explosives. He must’ve assumed the worst—she’d died with the rest of her coven.

“Valerie,” Nathan whispered. “You okay?”

She turned to look at him. “Yeah, I just thought of something…”

“Baby, you aren’t eating?”

Val’s gaze snapped to Landon.

Jocelyn’s face flushed. “No.” A quick turn of events, considering not a moment ago she’d been staring at him sweetly. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

“Here we go again,” Cain mumbled under his breath.

“Please, just a little more,” Landon insisted.

“Landon, I said I’m not hungry. You can’t force feed me.”

“But the babies need—”

Jocelyn pulled away from the table, dropped her napkin on her plate, and said, “If you don’t stop, I’m leaving!”

“Just stop, Landon.” Olivia rolled her eyes. “She’s not hungry.”

“Of course, she isn’t.” Jenna jumped into the conversation, sarcasm laced her tone. “You made her eat a bowl of pasta two hours ago.”

Valerie chuckled.

Everyone, even Hades, Benjamin, and Nathan, who hadn’t been involved in the conversation, stopped and looked her way.

Her laugh died. Heat crept up her cheeks. So thoughtless and rude to outright laugh. She just thought it cute how they all acted like a family, teasing or annoyed with each other. Still, she wasn’t part of their family. They didn’t know her, and she had no business butting in, especially if just to laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…I…”

Jocelyn smiled. “You don’t need to apologize.”

“Yes, it’s better if you find their bickering amusing. It’s all they do,” Clyde said.

Cain grinned. “Ain’t that the truth?”

Landon’s jaw clenched. “I’m just looking out for my mate and pups.”

“The twins are healthy. I told you this morning, and I told you yesterday, and the day before that, and so on.”

Clyde’s eyes narrowed. “If you continue to force feed her, she’ll throw up. I presume you wouldn’t want that, would you?”

He shoved a forkful of meat in his mouth. “No, I don’t.”

“And neither do I…I had enough of that the first trimester.” Jocelyn trailed her hand down Landon’s arm.

His gaze hit Jocelyn’s, and then a vivid, incandescent yellow swarmed his eyes. At immortal speed, he lifted her off her seat, set her on his lap, and kissed her.

Benjamin cleared his throat. “You’re in public, and we have company.”

“Valerie, do you have everything you need in your apartment?”

She looked at Jenna. “Yes, thank you.”

“Ashley and I planned on shopping tomorrow. Do you want to come along? I know you don’t have much here.”

Taking a bite of the lasagna, she swallowed before she spoke. “Actually, I went today. Nathan tagged along, but I’d be more than happy to go with you and Ashley.”

“Great. We can show you some of the city, too, if you like.”

Having lived in New Jersey most of her life, she’d been to the city many times before, but she’d love the opportunity to get to know each of them better. Plus, it gave her something to do, something besides mope. “I’d love that.”

Lucas and Clyde exchanged glances. No coincidence Ashley and Jenna’s mates shared that look.

Ashley smiled, stealing a glance in her mate’s direction. “Of course, it won’t just be the three of us. Clyde or Lucas or both will come with us.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it. They worry too much, so we pretend we aren’t being stalked.”

Lucas stilled, then turned his full attention to his mate. “My heart, you know it’s for—”

Jenna pressed her lips to his. When she pulled away and met his gaze, her eyes softened. “I love that you care so much.”

Chapter 9

Jacob set the plates in the dishwasher, washed his hands, and strode to Annie. She sat in the living room playing with her dollhouse.

“It’s bath time.”

Annie crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh no, that means it’s bedtime soon.”

He chuckled. Still, the sound unsettled him. Now more than ever, he had reason to hide behind anger, but he couldn’t. He had Annie, and everything she did inspired him to be better, to be more than he’d been for decades.

“Yep, but…” He kneeled in front of her. “There’s always tomorrow.”

She shrugged. “I guess.”

“Come, pupa.” He opened his arms, and she went to him easily. It comforted him beyond reason. “Close your eyes.”

He waited until she did and materialized in her room. Retrieving her pajamas and underwear, he then materialized in his en suite bathroom and set her on her feet. He ran the water in the tub, tempering it warm, and poured in bubble bath.

He worried leaving her alone in the bath, but as she’d said, she needed privacy because she was a girl and he a boy.

Still, like he did every night, he asked, “You’ll be okay?”

She nodded.

Reluctantly, with worry heavy on his mind, he headed into his bedroom and sat on the bed. His mind wandered.

It had been a couple of weeks. His life with Annie had become routine. Exactly what he’d strived for. He’d slept little, worrying incessantly about anything and everything and reading parenting books. All the books said children needed routine, and he’d done his best to ensure it.

The reason he insisted on keeping her mostly to himself. He knew she needed to meet the others as well, but all in due time. Most importantly, he wanted to make sure she adjusted to life with him, safeguarding he was the person she ran to when she needed anything. Now, she was his whole world. He hoped he was hers.

It had taken adjustment on his part. He wasn’t accustomed to looking after another’s welfare, ensuring she ate and slept and showered, but it came easily, too easily, almost like it was what he was meant to do with his life. Now, he found it impossible to picture his life without her.

Still, it was time to return to his duty. Hunting Malums had been his purpose for centuries, and he had more reason now than ever. He wanted Annie to live in a world where she didn’t have to worry about rogues.

“Uncle Jake!”

His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He materialized in the bathroom and found her wrapped in the towel, shivering.

He exhaled. “All done?”

She nodded. “Can we watch TV for a little while?”

“Yep, but then it’s bedtime, okay?”

“But I get a bedtime story too, right?”

He smiled. “Of course, pupa.”


On edge, Jacob paced his room. As he’d done all day, he contemplated what he should tell his niece. Early that morning, he notified his king, Lucas, he was ready to hunt, then he’d arranged for Ashley to watch Annie. He told Annie he would be away that night and Ashley would watch her, but he hadn’t told her what he’d be doing. She’d ask, soon. He’d gone back and forth wondering how much was too much to tell a child about the risks his job entailed.

With a heavy sigh, he strapped on his weapons and strode into the living room. His eyes met Annie’s, and when they did, she asked the dreaded question.

“Where are you going tonight, Uncle Jake?”

Nervously, he glanced around the large room, still deciding what he should say.
I’m off to avenge my sister, your mother.
He couldn’t bring himself to say that. Even as an inexperienced parent to a four year old, he knew he couldn’t tell her the whole truth.

“Don’t lie, Uncle Jake. I’m a big girl.”

His brows furrowed. “Why do you think I would lie?”

“You have that look.”

He hid a smile. “And what look is that?” Unfamiliar with the joking sound of his own voice.

“You’re looking around like looking for a lie.”

He laughed loudly, then stiffened, startled by the sound. It had been too long since he’d heard it, and all that time, he thought he’d never laugh again.

Kneeling in front of her, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, pupa.”

She tugged on his shirt with more force than he thought she possessed. He met her gaze just in time to hear her say, “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I won’t lie, pupa.” He swallowed. “There are bad people, and it’s my job to find them.”

Her eyes went wide and round. “You’re going to find the people who hurt Mommy and Daddy?”

As if his heart had been wrenched out of his chest, he found it hard to breathe, to speak, to think. Did he have this parent thing in him? Did he have enough courage to be mother, father, and uncle to a four year old whose parents had been slaughtered by the same enemy he fought? How could he even begin to answer such a question? If he was smart, he’d end it now. Keep her away from the battlefield and let a demon family of good standing adopt her.

Fuck that
. No one could care for her better than him. Her blood was his, too.

“I’m going to try.” All he could muster.

She looked away from him, then met his gaze again. “Mommy told me you saved people like a superhero,” she whispered.

Hearing that, he learned something new about his beloved sister—she had been an amazing mother. He wouldn’t have doubted it. Shame that because of his own mistakes, he’d never seen it for himself.

Releasing a breath, the tension lining his back and shoulders dissolved. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Then why did you ask where I was going?”

She shrugged, unapologetically. “I wanted to make sure.”

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