Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack) (12 page)

BOOK: Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack)
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Chapter Thirteen



It had been a
lmost a week since the incident in the gardens and Kit had been working diligently with her grandmother practicing her control and working to focus the energy of her magic toward a specific target.  Kit knew the strength of her magic was only limited by her inability to focus, and those were the skills that she would need the most. Granny Good Witch was slowly letting loose the details of the acquaintance she had with Marcus, and Kit was still grappling with the fact that two men who were polar opposites shared such a close genetic link.  Damn it all, just accepting that Marcus was a friend of her grandfather’s had taken her several days.  But Kit was certain her mates had struggled even more than she had.  The revelation that their most trusted friend had kept so many secrets from them had unnerved both Jameson and Trevlon. 

Marcus had
assured her that her mates would eventually fully understand his reasoning.  He’d even made some suggestions for Kit’s magical training that her granny had reluctantly seemed to agree were helpful. Kit hated the tension that seemed to cloud their friendship now, but she had also realized it wasn’t anything she could change.  She’d thrown herself into her training and found that learning the spells and incantations was usually fairly easy because she’d been hearing them her entire life so her mind was already programed for them. 

Kit had run almost each night
, with Jameson and Trev flanking her, so she’d quickly learned all the short cuts and trails of the estate.  They had worked hard to make sure she knew every nook and cranny, each hiding spot and route of escape.  She tried to spend some time with Braden, but Angie and her husbands hadn’t seemed too eager to share him just yet.  Looking over the cluttered counter in the lab, Kit asked, “So, Granny Good Witch, what do you think is going to happen with Braden?  Nick has been working with him so much in the gym I’m surprised the Olympic committee hasn’t been knocking at our door.” 

When her grandmother looked up from the mixture she’d been stirring
, Kit started giggling.  Her granny looked like a crazy witch right out of some children’s science storybook.  Her goggles were smudged and smoke covered, her hair was standing out in every direction as if she’d encountered a bolt of lightning, which probably wasn’t far from the truth, and she had a black smudge over her left cheek.  Blinking her eyes in confusion at Kit’s reaction, she just stared until Kit grabbed a small handheld mirror they’d used earlier and held it up for her. 

“Well daft…it looks like I’m channeling Albert.  He really was a quirky one you know.  But damn he was funny.  He always regretted introducing the world to atomic power.  We tried to tell him it would have happened eventually, but he never did really manage to let go of his guilt.” 

It had always fascinated Kit how casually her grandparents referred to historical figures.  It had always humbled her how closely those who had shaped history’s most important moments were linked to the magical community.  “Tell me what you know about the battle that is coming.”  Kit watched her grandmother remove her goggles and set everything aside giving all of her attention to their conversation.  Kit remembered that her grandfather had always done that…set anything he was reading or working on to the side so whoever he was talking to knew they had his complete attention.  Seeing her granny do the same thing let her feel like she’d just gotten a love-sign from her grandfather, and she sent up a silent thank you for his effort. 

“As I expl
ained the other night, we know Damian is still trapped on the other side of the seals, and I can’t tell you how hard I have tried to figure out exactly how you managed that feat so we could repeat it if we needed to.  But anyway, we know you and Braden are central to the battle, and that is why you are both being targeted.  Of course, he is the easier target because he is a still technically a child in the magical community.  However, his birthday is coming up soon, and when he turns sixteen he’ll come into his powers and then we are going to have a lot more to work with.  You are going to see his abilities become exponentially stronger as that day approaches because he is safe and being nurtured.  It’s much like what we saw happen with you, even though you didn’t fully come in to your powers until you were mated, we still saw huge advances in your abilities the more time you spent with your father and grandfather.  They were your anchors.  As shifters they are more earth bound and that grounding allowed you to pull from the earth’s natural powers.  It is those powers that all magic streams from. Braden’s abilities will come on earlier, but he is going to have his own battles to fight.” 

Kit had
ask her granny hundreds of questions over the years and she’d always seemed to skirt around the issue.  This was the first time Kit could remember her grandmother giving her a straight answer that contained valuable information.   

“But what do you know about the confrontation with
Damian?  When will he stop trying to persuade and start being forceful?  I mean, so far he hasn’t seemed like a very formidable enemy, if you know what I mean.”

Her granny sighed and looked up with sad eyes.  “
Don’t underestimate him, Kathleen.  He is indeed a very worthy opponent.  But I don’t think you will face him personally for some time.”  Her grandmother paused as if lost in thought and Kit was beginning to wonder if she was going to say any more when she finally began speaking again.  “For now, our emphasis has to be teaching you to control and focus your energy so the magic is delivered with pin-point accuracy exactly where you send it.” 

“Is this a battle I’ll have to fight alone?”  Suddenly the thought of relying solely on magic
to defend her children, mates, and herself was scary as hell. 

“No, and I hope I am still here to help.  Your mother will help, and Marcus will be here as well.  His insight into helping predict Damian’s behavior will be extremely useful.  And the Council will send others you meet as time moves along, but you’ll be the focal point of their energy.  In truth, part of your power is your ability to act as a conduit for the energy of others.  You will be able to funnel the power of other witches and wizards surrounding you.  It is the same principle as a prism.  Various rays of light will go through you and come out brilliant and much more powerful.  That ability is going to make the difference in the end…but it also why the dark side wants you so desperately.” 

Suddenly Kit was terrified she wouldn’t ever be ready in time because there was so much to learn.  There wasn’t any reason to ask her grandmother any more questions, because even Kit knew that no one knew all the details of the future.  But she did know she wasn’t going to keep h
er own children in the dark like she had been.  Perhaps if her training had started earlier she’d be more prepared now. 

Ruby watched the play of emotions cross Kit’s face.  Carla had been wrong to keep her daughter away from the magic community until she was mated.  Sure, Kit hadn’t fully come into her powers until then, but she had still had
enough power to begin the learning process and would have at least felt somewhat more prepared for what she was facing.  But Ruby also knew that her own daughter had recognized Kit was, in all likelihood, the one the prophecy spoke of, and Carla’s pride had always gotten in the way. 

Kit was an incredibly bright young woman in addition to being so magically gifted
, that at times, Ruby had struggled to hold back her own stunned expressions.  The lovely young witch standing across the counter from her had no doubt worked out what a disservice her mother had done her, and that would only add to their already strained relationship. 

Ruby had met with the Council several times over the years attempting to get their help in forcing Carla to begin training Kathleen, but they had insisted the Fates would play out as they were intended. 
Yeah and didn’t that just sound like a bunch of old jack asses sitting all safe and sassy behind their enormous, jewel encrusted table. 
The arched table reminded Ruby of a judge’s bench because it was elevated and the front was enclosed.  She’d always wondered what the members wore for shoes during their long, tedious hours of tending to the business of the magical community.  She’d always fancied the belief that they wore something with some pizazz because Lord and Leapers, those robes they wore were butt-ugly as Ruby had heard the younger witches describe them. 

of Ruby’s favorite ways to pass the time when she was waiting to speak with the Council was to sit in the long hallway outside their chambers and visit with the younger generation.  She’d often learned things of great value during those conversations, and with the increasing pressures to succeed, youngsters were especially vulnerable to the temptations of the dark side of magic. It never ceased to amaze Ruby how easily those without any real experience can be seduced by their own power or with promises of more power. 

Chapter Fourteen



Kit walked to the Michael’s suite of rooms and knocked softly on the door.  When Nick swung the door open
, she could see Braden standing behind him.  “Kit, what a wonderful surprise.  Come on in.  Braden, do you remember Kit?”

“Yes, I know her.  She is Carla and Ruby’s girl.  She is a
lso very powerful witch.”  Kit stood by, completely in awe at the brilliant young wizard. 

“Well, I must say I’m terribly impressed
, young man.  You are something to behold.  The next time I need to remember something, I know just who to come to.”  The good looking blonde’s eyes lit up and his rosy cheeks were practically glowing.  “I’m here so you and I can start practicing together a bit.  My granny tells me the better we get at knowing what the other one might do the better chance we have of protecting the people we care about.  So what do you say?  Are you up for some fun?”

“Oh I
have always loved Ruby’s games.  She always made learning fun when we were traveling.  She was always more fun than Carla.”  He leaned close and whispered, “Carla was kind of a fuddy-duddy.”  When Kit snorted a laugh, he added, “Ruby taught me that.  I love those words.” 

“I don’t doubt for a minute Ruby taught you that exact thing.  She is great fun, but don’t let Carla hear you say that or we’ll all be getting the ‘respect your elders’ speech.  And personally, I’ve already heard it plenty of times for the both of us.”  Kit and Braden played
a variety of games for the next hour.  The games were designed to be played quickly while rely on reflexes to anticipate what your opponent might do.  Kit was impressed with his understanding and skill.  He was clearly very gifted and if he was already this powerful, Kit was having trouble imagining how much more powerful he would become when he turned sixteen next month and his powers came fully on. 

While they had played, Nick had stood along the wall watching silently.  His affection for
Braden was easy to see.  Kit looked at Nick and grinned, “He’s amazing, really.  He is smart and quick, and he’s going to be smoking me in these games in a big hurry if I don’t practice.”  Turning her attention to Braden, she said, “I hear you are recovering at a remarkable speed.  You’re body seems to have some mighty impressive regenerative powers.”  And that was going to go down as one of the most absurd understatements of all time.  Braden’s leg had been shattered in the explosion and Angie had worked hours to piece it back together with a variety hardware, and what should have taken months to heal was almost completely healed in just a couple of weeks.  Nick was working with him on physical therapy, and from what Kit had heard, he was almost back to one hundred percent. 

Braden smiled, “Angie is pretty amazing.  If she hadn’t pieced me back together so perfectly, I’d never have healed so completely.”  When the young man looked at Nick
, he asked, “Can we tell her about what Julie said?”  The hope in his voice was easy to hear and the softness in Nick’s eyes was easy to read as well.  Kit didn’t have the heart to steal his thunder by telling him that she’d already heard the wonderful news.  So when Nick nodded knowingly and winked at her after Braden had returned his gaze to her, Kit simply smiled and listened.

“Julie has been checking…you know, since usually my kind of magic draws more from blood relatives…well, that maybe Angie and I are related.
When I was still with my dad he used to talk about family in America, but I don’t remember him giving me any names, and I’m usually pretty good at remembering stuff.”  He blushed and Kit laughed. 

“I’m sure that’s right.  Mercy, I’d love to have your memory.”

“Thanks.  If it turns out Angie and I have a connection, Julie said that maybe she could manage to get a court order for me to stay here.  How cool would that be?  I’d have a real home and family again.”  Kit’s heart filled with emotion at the hope in his voice.  And even though Kit knew the Fates were often cruel, she sent up a silent prayer that they would finally shine some kindness on Braden. 

Nick must have sensed how close Kit was to an emotional edge because he stepped forward and grinned at Braden.  “We’re all hoping for that
, Braden.  Nothing would make the three of us any happier than to have you join our family permanently.  And I assure you, we are doing everything we can to locate your maternal grandmother.  If there is anyone who can find a spritely professor of chemistry in Ireland, it’s Julie Wolf-Edwards.”

Kit tilted her head at Nick in curiosity.  “What is this?  I must not have gotten the latest memo.”

Braden’s excited voice answered before Nick had even gotten his mouth opened.  “I remembered my dad telling me about my mum’s mother being some sort of a college professor of chemistry at The University of Dublin.  If we can find her, she could give permission for me to stay with Angie, Nick, and Tristan so I’d be safe.”

Kit stumbled to her feet in a daze. 
Was it possible?
  There are no coincidences, Kathleen.
  Her grandfather’s words moved through her mind as if he’d spoken them aloud in the room.  But this?  This was just too far out of the realm of imagination. Could there be that much alignment in the universe? Kit hadn’t even realized Nick was speaking to her until he grasped her arm.  “Kit!  Are you alright?  Do you need me to call your mates?”

“Oh, no.  Although they will no doubt be headed this way soon enough.  Can I use you
r phone?”  Tapping in Libby’s cell number on Nick’s phone, she knew the call would go to voice mail because Libby rarely answered her personal phone during mid-terms.  She left her friend a brief message asking that she return the call as soon as possible.  She had just returned his phone when there was a pounding on the door that caused all three of them to chuckle. 

When Jameson and Trev entered Kit assured them that she was fine, that she had just been blindsided by
Braden’s comment about his grandmother.  And as she’d explained that Libby had spent a couple of semesters at the University of Ireland working with a gifted elderly female professor that she swore was a witch.  As she’d been speaking, Braden’s skin had started to glisten.  When she turned to him in question he grinned.  “Sorry, some people get goose bumps and I get…well

Kit pulled him into a hug and laughed, “Oh leaping lizards in leotards that is priceless.  And believe me
, sweet friend, I understand exactly how crazy that is to explain to your friends.” 

Kit was pacing in
their suite as her mind whirled.  It was unusual for both babies to be asleep at the same time and she was enjoying the chance to sort through questions.  She’d been so lost in thought she had only vaguely registered the fact her phone had beeped until her mother strode into the room. 
So much for peace and quiet.  Give me a crying infant over this any day.
And as if on cue, both babies started wailing from the nursery.  Trev was right behind her mom and gave her a shrug of apology and then pointed at the flashing message light on her phone.

, Mother.  What brings you here?”  Kit had tried to keep her voice level but filtering out all of the snark was difficult. 

“I wanted to check on you after your encounter with Devin.  I also wanted to check on Braden and play with the babies.”  With that
, she turned and flounced down the hall toward the nursery. 

Trev stepped in front of Kit and pulled her against his chest.  Kit knew he could
feel the tension rolling off her and she hated being so easily affected by her mother, but there it was.  “She isn’t staying long, your dad is downstairs speaking with Jameson and he said they were just passing through.  He’ll be up in a few minutes.”  Kit felt herself relax at the mention of her dad. 

Just at that moment
, her mom reemerged from the nursery with a baby propped on each hip.  Both Ryan and Adana were eyeing her suspiciously and just as Kit stepped forward, Adana raised her tiny fist and a spark flew from her little fingers and pinged off Carla’s earring.  “Oh my Lord.”  Carla’s startled cry brought a howl of laughter from behind them, and when Kit turned around her father was trying to bring himself under control. 

“Kathleen darling, you did exactly the same thing
, although I’m sure you were almost a year old at the time.  I’d say our little Adana is gifted indeed.”  Her dad reached for his granddaughter who leaned toward him immediately.  “Come here, darling girl.  Now, you be a sweetheart to grandpa, okay?”  Kit watched as Adana looked up at her grandfather with eyes filled with adoration. 
Oh Lord, talk about an actress!  I can practically hear Katherine Hepburn’s Oscar record shattering. 
Kit smiled as her daughter cuddled her grandpa much to her grandmother’s obvious frustration. 

Ryan appeared to be more than willing to take up the slack his sister’s defection had left in his grandmother’s attention.  Kit watched her mother smother Ryan with kisses
, and being the little ham that he was, her son soaked up the glory like a sponge.  Kit looked over at Trev and rolled her eyes causing him to snort out a laugh he quickly tried to play off with a cough. 

Kit had managed to chat up her mother for about as long as could be reasonably expected when her phone rang.  Seeing Libby’s name on the screen
, she scooped it up and left the room.  The last thing she needed was her mother’s involvement with Libby.  Libby Wells was a small ball of fire, and even though she didn’t have any magical abilities that Kit knew of, she was brilliant and as loyal as they came.  “Libby, do you have any pictures of that professor that you worked with in Ireland?”

“Well, hi
, Kit.  How are you?  Oh, my?  I’m just jim-friggin’ dandy, thanks for asking.”  Kit could hear the smile in Libby’s voice.  “Geez, girlfriend, just jump right to it.  Yeah, I think so, why?  And don’t give me any of that loosy-goosy answer crap.  That ship sailed when I found out about your shifter hubbies and their little group of wilderness hotties.  Oh and then there was the little ‘my best friend’s a witch thing’ too.  Do you know how many times your magic would have come in handy?  Shit, we could have had front row seats to every concert and show in the city.  You are just lame you know that?  Now, why?” 

Typical Libby.  Full speed ahead.  How her mind and mouth could work
independently and both at a lightning pace had always fascinated Kit.  “The pics are in your inbox, but I still want the deets, so spill.” 

“Did she ever mention a daughter or grandson?”

“We shared a couple of pints a few times and she mentioned her daughter had died in childbirth, but then she’d get really withdrawn and wouldn’t say any more.  Hell, I was a visiting doctoral candidate, I didn’t want to piss off the head of the department, you know?”

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