Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack) (16 page)

BOOK: Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack)
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Chapter Nineteen



Jameson and Trev had prodded her awake with
their muzzles nuzzling her neck and tiny nips around her ears.  ‘
Come on, baby, time to rise and shine before we lose the best of the moonlight.’ 
Kit was shocked that she’d actually fallen asleep after their intense mating, and wondered how long she’d slept.  ‘
Don’t worry, we didn’t let you sleep long.  There is a strange energy moving through the forest and we want to get you home.  We’re going to take a short cut and several of our pack members will be meeting us just up ahead.’ 

They’d begun running again once she finally managed to get her legs to follow her mind’s instructions.  Kit had always thought the erotic romances she’d read had merely been overly dramatic when they’d spoken about the power of an orgasm to completely level you…
but evidently it was true
.  For just a moment she considered how grateful she was that Jameson and Trev had been able to stand watch while she’d loved them because she wouldn’t have heard an Abrams Tank approach.  They always considered her safety above all else during their runs and she hoped they knew how much that meant to her. 

Kitten, when we emerge from this stand of trees there is a large ravine about thirty yards ahead.  I want you to veer left as soon as you can so we don’t run too close to the ledge.’ 
Jameson’s words pushed into her mind and  she realized then they were in a section of the estate she’d never seen before.  Obviously she’d run a lot further from the mansion than she had realized.  She hadn’t meant to push so hard, but clearly the stress of the past few days had finally caught up with her.  Kit knew they had let her take the lead, obviously sensing her need to run off some steam.  But she’d always enjoyed the security of knowing both Jameson and Trev were right behind her and she had been able to simply lose herself in the joy of running.

When they’d begun running again, t
he moon’s light had been softened as clouds began drifting overhead in lazy patches.  They looked like loosely woven gauzy curtains drifting in a cool summer breeze, and Kit wondered at the odd chill she felt rippling through the air.  Her mates were right, there was a peculiar energy lingering about, and the fact she wasn’t able to identify it worried her.      

Just as she cleared the trees
, the moon emerged again and the intensity of the light had her slowing her pace and looking over the grassy ledge.  One of the things Kit relished about being in her wolf was her enhanced night vision.  And once the moon’s light had returned to its earlier brilliance, the light kissed everything making the whole area almost glow with a luminescence that was almost mystical. 
It is incredibly beautiful here. 
Kit had already stopped and stood close to the edge of the ravine by the time her mates moved along her left side.  The earth shook slightly beneath her feet and every one of Kit’s senses kicked into his gear.  When she looked to her right she saw a large gray wolf approaching.  His eyes glowed with affection and she recognized Braden’s spirit an instant before she saw Tristan, Nick, and Angie. 

Did you feel the earth shake?’
  Braden’s ability to speak to her so clearly surprised her although she wasn’t sure why.

Yes, but I don’t know what it was. But I do know it was close.’

It happened precisely at midnight.’ 
Kit didn’t get a chance to ask him how he knew the time because a pillar of gray smoke rose from the depths of the ravine distracting them both.  Sensing the danger, she shifted back into her human form and with barely a nod, was completely clothed.  In her peripheral vision, Kit saw that Braden had done the same and they assumed the angled shoulder-to-shoulder position they’d rehearsed so often. Their stance allowed them to see in almost a three hundred and sixty degree arc.  Her grandmother and Cecil had both insisted they work from this position in order to minimize their blind spots, and Kit was suddenly very grateful for their foresight. 

The smoke seemed to stall for just a moment before moving forward forcing them to step back several yards.  When Kit saw Devin’s image begin to appear
, she raised her hand in preparation.  Standing before them, was Devin in the flowing black robe, and the first thing Kit noticed was the shimmering demon’s fork symbol of the dark side’s forces gleaming in blood red on his chest.  Devin’s eyes swept over her and then flicked quickly to Braden.  His fleeting glances at the wolves flanking them told Kit just how inconsequential he considered the shifters—a dismissal neither Alpha was taking very well judging by their growls.  In truth, they weren’t really a threat to him because all he had to do to escape them was vanish back into the mist he’d emerged from. 

Kit and Braden had rehearsed their positions many times, but they hadn’t ever assumed they’d have one enemy, so it seemed odd to have their bodies angled
outward so they shifted slightly so they could both see Devin clearly.  Their combined magic would be considerable, and if Devin was spoiling for a fight, they could easily give him one.  But for some reason Kit didn’t think that was what this little meet and greet was about. She actually had the impression that Devin wasn’t all that pleased to see them and that he’d actually been a bit surprised to find them all so close.  Deciding she would rather play offense than defense, Kit took the lead.  “What do you want, Devin?  And why are you on the Wolf Pack’s estate?” 

There was something different about Devin this time
, and Kit wasn’t entirely sure what it was.  There was a hesitance surrounding him, and that was far different from what she’d encountered before.  “I’ve come to escort Braden to speak with my brother.  Damian wants to talk to the boy, that’s all.”  Kit didn’t believe that and neither did Devin, if she was reading him correctly.  Why he would even make the request was what baffled her.  The only possible explanation was that he was being pressured by Damian.

Surprising her, Braden’s voice pushed into her mind,

He doesn’t want to do this.  Why?’

I don’t know, but I agree with you.  There is a reluctance that I haven’t seen before but I’d sure like to know what we’re dealing with.’
  Turning her attention back to the dark haired man standing before her, Kit tried to assess him impartially.  He was the epitome of the stereotypical tall, dark, and handsome.  The only thing that kept him from being perfectly “movie-star gorgeous” was a small scar bisecting his left eyebrow.  His hair was so dark it looked like black silk falling to his shoulders in soft waves that reflected the moon’s light.  “Devin, why would you ask for something that you know none of us are ever going to allow?”

“What harm will come from a conversation thro
ugh the sealed door of a portal?  Surely you do not believe my brother’s powers are so great that he can pull the boy through the door?”  Devin’s voice was full of false bravado and when neither she nor Braden responded, he continued, “Kathleen, you are welcome to accompany us if you’d like.  I would enjoy your company and I’m sure Damian would be quite pleased as well.”  The growling from her mates caused Devin to chuckle. 

“I can see that idea is not something your mates approve of,
but I’m fairly certain you are capable of making your own decisions when it comes to all things magical.  Now, even you must be able to see that there is no reason for Braden to fear Damian since he is, after all, back behind the sealed portal doors by your own hand.”  Devin’s eyes met hers, but Kit saw the diminished intensity so clearly it was distracting.  Why would he continue to ask so meekly for something when she’d expected fire and passion-fueled demands?

“What is his interest in Braden?”  Kit wasn’t sure why she asked the question when she was certain it was all about power and control.  But the minute she’d put the question out there she could see the uncertainty in Devin’s eyes, and for just an instant
, she thought he might be considering telling her the truth.  In her opinion, the man standing in front of her wasn’t at all certain what was going on either, and if Kit was going to make an informed guess, she’d bet he wasn’t at all happy with the situation. 

“You know
precisely what his interest in Braden is about, Kathleen.  Your attempt at naïveté is tiresome.”  Kit watched him and couldn’t help tilting her head as she studied him.  Speaking to the entire pack, she used their mind link to see if she was the only one seeing an incongruence.  ‘
Am I the only one who thinks his words and his eyes are saying different things?’ 
After hearing the agreement of the others she added, ‘
It’s time to end this conversation and do a little research.  But I’m not sure he is going to let us walk away just yet.’

“Devin, I don’t know what’s going on but I’m going to be asking some questions
about the connection you are denying.  I suggest you do the same.  Braden is not going with you, now or in the future.  Take that message back to your brother.  Assure him that any attempts take Braden forcibly from our legal care will be met with considerable force.”

Devin’s eyes widened.  “Legal care?
  Explain what that means.  I am under the impression he has no living relatives.”

Kit merely nodded.  “Members of our pack have been granted permanent guardianship of Braden at his next of kin’s request.”  She watched his eyes dart quickly giving her the impression that something had just clicked into place for him. 
Spell me, I wish I knew what just went through his mind.  I have the distinct impression that he’s just figured out something vital and I don’t like being on the outside of the knowledge circle. 
Kit hadn’t meant to broadcast that thought to her pack mates, but she obviously had, judging by their murmured agreements.

Devin’s face seemed impassive for several seconds and then the blink her grandmother
had told her to watch for broadcast his intention to move a split second before his arm received the message.  Kit didn’t see Braden move…hell, she doubted he had bothered.  But the protective bubble that surrounded them all had materialized so quickly she’d heard gasps of surprise from every direction. 

Kit had to smile to herself, Braden’s move had been just as effective and not nearly as messy as hers had been last year with Damian. 
Yeah, blowing beings back to their molecular base tends to be viewed as overkill by most people.
When she refocused her attention on the wizard standing on the other side of the iridescent shield, she noted the sly smile moving over Devin’s face.  It was a look that said he knew something she didn’t and that feeling made her more than just a bit uncomfortable.  Then in flashy show of smoke and light, he was gone.   

Chapter Twenty



The next afternoon Kit sat in Jameson and Trevlon’s office and watched her granny and mother execute one of the most amazing spells she’d ever seen.  They had gathered the entire security team and numerous other interested parties, including
Cecil, Marcus, and Reagan.  Kit had questioned Marcus’s presence and her granny had just patted her hand and promised that all things would be revealed to her when the time was right.  Not a very comforting answer in Kit’s opinion, but about par for the course considering she'd gotten evasive answers like this one her entire life.   

she tried to set all of that frustration aside as she watched in fascination as her mother and grandmother each took one of Braden’s hands.  After murmuring to him softly about how to open his mind to them, a shimmering mass appeared in the center of the room.  For a few seconds it was merely a mass of swirling light and color, but slowly a finely detailed hologram of their encounter with Devin became visible in the center of the room and replayed in vivid three-dimensional detail.  The fact they’d been able to use his memory to recreate the encounter was just wickedly amazing. 

Since she had
been the one speaking to Devin, Cecil had suggested using Braden’s memory instead of her own, because he’d felt Kit’s memory was likely much more one-dimensional, and Kit had appreciated the reprieve.  Her grandmother and mother had both readily agreed and as they’d pulled Braden into the center of the room, the elderly wizard had looked over at her and winked.  She’d known in that moment that he’d sensed how uncomfortable she’d been thinking about her mother getting that close.  In truth, when they’d explained what they planned to do, it had seemed much too close to mindreading for Kit’s comfort.  The further Kit could keep her mother from her unspoken thoughts and emotions, the more peaceful things would be for everyone. 

Tristan had
spent a lot of time and effort setting up the video equipment so they’d be able to watch the session again and again, but Kit strongly doubted any of it would actually end up on tape since her mother had likely jammed the feeds before he’d even finished plugging in the last piece of sensitive electronic equipment.  Carla Harris’s paranoia about being photographed was well documented and a little thing like Cecil’s warning wouldn’t be enough to back her off. 

Watching the scene through Braden’s eyes only reinforced Kit’s impression that Devin wasn’t entirely committed to the task he’d been assigned.  His hesitance was almost palatable. 
And when Kit asked him why his brother wanted Braden, it was obvious Devin was wondering the same thing.  The second time they played it, Kit shifted her focus and watched her granny very closely.  If she hadn’t been paying very close attention, she most certainly would have missed the slight grimace at that point. 

Jameson, could you please suggest a short break for refreshments?  I’d like to ask Granny Good Witch a couple of questions in private.  I’m particularly interested in having Braden out of the room.’
  While it was true Kit had found the mind link communication horribly intrusive and annoying at first, she was discovering it was quite convenient on occasions like these.  And in this instance she was eternally grateful to the Fates for providing it. 

Sure, kitten.  Do you want one of us to stay?  I know you are safe, but I don’t really like having you out of reach.’ 
Kit noted the affection in his voice and she turned to him and smiled.

Thank you, but no.  I’ll be fine.  I have a feeling she knows more about the connection between Damian and Braden than she is telling.’
  And if history was anything to go by, Kit’s observation was probably just the tip of the iceberg.  Jameson quickly began clearing the room and just as Kit turned to speak with her grandmother, she noticed Marcus standing to the side leaning against the stone mantle over the fireplace.  His pose was no doubt well-choreographed to look casual, but it was anything but.  He looked every inch the Dominant, Kit knew him to be.  His salt and pepper hair was perfectly cut and layered back away from his high cheekbones and onyx colored eyes.  His black slacks and shirt perfectly tailored to highlight his broad shoulders and narrow waist.  His Italian leather shoes were black as well and broadcast his exquisite taste in fashion was equaled only in his desire for comfort.  When he saw Kit looking at him, he merely raised a brow in question. 

“Marcus, if you don’t mind I would like to speak to my grandmother alone for a moment.”
  Kit hadn’t meant for her voice to sound quite so sharp, but she really didn’t feel like dealing with him right now.

, Kathleen, I do mind.  And I think you will find my input rather helpful.”  His voice had that hot and cold tone Doms used so effectively, and Kit had to press her lips together to keep from spouting the snarky retort that had nearly slipped free.  He must have noticed her frustration because he smiled and walked toward her with all the elegance and grace of a jungle cat stalking its prey.  “You know, sweet subbie, I can read your expressions perfectly and if you belonged to me, you’d already be stripped and over my knee.”

Before Kit could even respond
, her grandmother snorted from beside her.  “Very dramatic, Marcus, but Kit doesn’t belong to you—so can it.”  Kit tried to hold back her smile, but knew she’d failed miserably when Marcus just looked at her and shook his head. 

Turning to her grandmother
, Kit didn’t waste any time because she knew they wouldn’t be able to keep the others out for long.  “What is the connection between Damian and Braden?  And don’t try to blow smoke up my ass, Granny, because I know there is one and I am convinced you know exactly what it is.”

She saw Marcus go completely still beside her
, and for a moment she wondered if he was rethinking his decision to stay. 
Good.  Maybe he’s planning a hasty retreat.
Kit knew exactly how to play the advantage of knowing her grandmother so well.  Ruby Stone was a skilled witch with the ability to shroud the truth in a thousand different cloaks, but she was not a liar.  Kit had purposely phrased her question in a way that had left her granny with very little wiggle room.  Ruby Stone was going to have to either lie or spill the truth.  Kit watched as her grandmother fought whatever internal battle she was waging and Kit saw her eyes flit to Marcus more than once.

“Spell me, you could help out here
, Marcus.  After all, you have more at stake here than I do.”  Ruby was obviously frustrated and Marcus’s soft chuckle didn’t seem to improve her mood any. 

“She didn’t ask
anything, Ruby.”  Kit rolled her eyes at Marcus’s reply and then cringed when he straightened and all but growled at her.  “Kathleen, I’m going to take your disrespect up with your Masters.”

“With all
due respect
, Master Marcus.  We are not in your club, we are not
, and I am not being disrespectful.  You, on the other hand, are being quite rude to both my grandmother and me in my own home.  You insinuated yourself into a private conversation and now you want to play semantics games.  Quite frankly, I believe you are the one who is being disrespectful.”  Okay, Kit would concede that she was probably pushing the limits now, but damn he was an arrogant bastard at times, and she was really tired of him treating her like she was a dim wit.  And his obvious, yet still unexplained, history with her grandmother was still a sore subject as well. 

Glancing over at him
, she had to hold back her laughter at his stunned expression.  Obviously he wasn’t accustomed to anyone speaking to him so bluntly.  Right now she was operating on a limited timeline and she needed answers.  Her grandmother heard people stirring in the hall and Kit rolled her wrist in the direction of the door until she heard the lock engage.  “Stop stalling, I’m getting impatient and I can promise you Jameson and Trev will not appreciate being locked out of their own office because you decided to play this dance of deception game.”

Ruby moved over to the windows and looked out over the enormous back meadow.  “We have reason to believe that Braden may be a descendant of
Damian’s.  We aren’t sure, but there are a couple of ways to find out.”  Kit heard Marcus clear his throat behind her. 

Turning to face him and knew her entire body was broadcasting her frustration
, she said, “Marcus?  Do you have something to contribute or are you simply editorializing?  Because I have to tell you I’m finding your behavior uncharacteristically obnoxious.” 

“That’s two, Kathleen.”  He took a deep breath and nodded to her grandmother.  “I’ll take this now
, Ruby.  I see no reason for us to continue hiding the facts.  Braden is old enough to learn his heritage.  Knowledge is power, he will be better prepared to make the right choices when the time comes if he has all the facts.”  He blew out a breath and for the first time since she’d met him, Kit noticed a thread of unease in the demeanor of one of the most influential Doms in New York.

Jameson and Trev had told Kit how well respected Marcus was when the
y had first introduced her to their friend and mentor.  Then Kit had done a bit of research of her own as well.  It seemed he was indeed incredibly well known in the lifestyle, but what had been interesting to Kit was the fact his club seemed to be little more than a very lucrative hobby.  And even though it apparently was wildly successful, it certainly hadn’t explained his vast wealth. 

Marcus Hines’
finances hadn’t been easy to trace, but she’d found the puzzle interesting enough to follow the trail back several decades.  In the end, she hadn’t been able to find a beginning so she’d finally been forced to assume he’d merely inherited well.  But now that she knew he was somehow connected to her granny, the chances were awfully good that he’s had a
of years to accumulate money.  Over the years, Kit had observed that most people in the magical community had vast financial resources because they’d had so much longer to put things together.  Most of them didn’t use their magic in business…at least not directly, because it was considered unethical. 

“Kitten?”  Jameson’s voice startled her and she blinked up at him wondering how he’
d managed to position himself right in front of her without her knowing it. 
Damn it, I thought I locked the door.  Now I’m never going to get Marcus to cough up the details. 
Cursing her inattention, she smiled up at her Alpha.  “Are you alright?  You didn’t even hear me come in.”  She knew what was coming next, hell, she could practically repeat the speech verbatim she’d heard it so often. 

The “You Must Be Aware of You
r Environment at All Times” speech was an oldie, but goodie.  Unfortunately, Kit often found herself lost in thought and then she was on the receiving end of “the speech”.  Jameson and Trevlon had frequently wondered how she’d managed to avoid becoming a crime victim when she’d lived alone in the city.  And it was probably a legitimate question because she was fairly sure being
was not a new situation for her. 
And how did he open that damned door? 
Marcus was going to clam up for sure. 
Damn and double damn.  I was so close, too.  Boy, I’m really hungry.  Did I eat already? 
She heard laughter and realized Braden was standing beside her. 

“Holy cats, Kit.  You were totally out there.  Tal
k about your mental field trip.  Probably should have had a passport for that one.”  Kit tried to be annoyed with his cheekiness, but he was finally feeling confident enough to let his real personality shine through and she just didn’t have it in her to criticize him. 

“Har-Har.  Just what I need, another critic.  Thanks for your support.  You’re a real pal, Braden.” 
She chuckled when Braden grinned and blushed, they had developed an easy rapport, and Kit was continually amazed at the young man’s easy going nature.  Here was a kid who had lost both his parents, was a target of the dark side of magic, and had been seriously injured in the last abduction attempt, yet he still had an innocence that was completely endearing. 

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