Fates' Destiny (3 page)

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Authors: BD Bond

BOOK: Fates' Destiny
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Chapter 5


s this?” Jason demanded when he seen his equipment bag propped in his seat at the table.

Destiny smiled
from her seat across the table next to Anna. “Well Jason I heard Mrs. Brewton ask you to move your things and you refused. I just wanted you to see what an inconvenience it is to have your stuff in the way.” She kept her tone as polite as she possibly could. “Now, if you would like to take a moment to put your bag where it goes we’ll wait for you to get back to eat.”

The boy’s dark eyes narrowed as he scowled at her. A moment later he pulled his chair out and shoved the bag. It landed on the floor with a very loud clank.

“You put up.” He spat at her.

Destiny held her control. This boy clearly had no idea who he was dealing with. Her stubbornness would beat his in the end. She’d make sure of that.

“Very well.” She said with a soft shrug and glanced around the table. Anna sat next to her, anxiously kicking her feet under the table. Ali sat across from Anna, eyes glued to her phone.

Now that’s just rude.
Her mother’s voice echoed through her ears. One thing you didn’t do at Gracie Reece’s dinner table was bring your cell phone. It was almost guaranteed that if you did your phone would have some sort of tragic ‘accident’.

Dela sang out cheerfully as she and Richard lowered large bowls in front of them.

The soup smelled even better now than it had an hour ago and Destiny couldn’t wait to taste it.

“Chicken noodle soup. Yea!” Anna cheered. “Thank you so much Mrs. Brewton.”

“It was no problem Anna.” Dela smiled admiringly at Anna. “I made fresh bread. Be right back.”

Destiny watched Dela scurry back to the kitchen but her attention was caught by Richard who was walking out of the kitchen, a tray carrying a bowl, glass of wine, and bread gripped in his hands.

“Is Mr. Fates not joining us?” Destiny asked Dela when she returned.

Dela shook her head as she sat the basket of bread in the middle of the table.

“He called and asked Richard if he would bring his dinner to his office.”

Is this common?
Destiny wondered and almost instantly her question was answered.

“Daddy never has dinner with us.” Anna looked up at her, her blue eyes dim.

“Really?” Destiny asked and she nodded. “He’s very busy.”

The sadness in her voice wrenched Destiny’s heart. It was very clear this child wanted her father’s attention more than anything.

“I’m sure he is.” Destiny was surprised she was able to keep the anger out of her voice.

“What is this crap?”

Her attention turned to Jason who had shoved his bowl back so hard that its contents had spilt over and landed on the white linen.

“I want a cheese burger!” He demanded.

“Yes Jason.” Dela started for the kitchen but Destiny stopped her.

“Hold on
Dela.” Then she turned her attention to the unruly child across from her and smiled. “Jason, Mrs. Brewton worked hard on this soup. I think you should respect that and eat.”

Jason huffed and folded his arms across his chest stubbornly. “I don’t want to eat it. I want a burger.”

That’s it. She’d finally lost her patients.

“Well, you’re not getting a burger.” She’d show him stubborn.

He glared at her for a moment and then a sadistic grin curled his lips. He turned in his chair to Dela.

“You will fix me a burger or I will tell my dad.”

His threat made her go pale. Without a word she scurried to the kitchen and got to work.

“And you,” He turned back to Destiny. “I don’t know who you think you are but you are going to learn real fast that you’re not the boss of me. I’m the boss of you.”

Oh, is that so you little…
Destiny wanted so badly to walk around the table, grab the bat out of his bag, and smack that smirk off his face but she wouldn’t dare. There was another way to handle this... Mr. Fates… Hopefully.

Chapter 6


Destiny took a deep breath and steadied herself before she knocked on the door of his office.

After dinner Anna went to get a bath while the other two disappeared to the rooms.

me!” His deep voice came through the door.

She eased the door open and stuck her head in. He sat in the same place he was when she’d seen him hours ago. He was focused on the computer monitor that was angled on his desk.

“Can I speak with you for a moment?” Her voice cracked with nerves.

Without taking his eyes off the monitor he said, “Submit your complaint in writing and you will be compensated for your time here.”

Huh? Submit a complaint? Compensation? What was he talking about?
She eased further into the room. “Excuse me?”

Again without looking at her
he said, “There can only be two reasons why you’re here Ms. Reece and that’s to complain about how horrible my children were to you and to quit. I’m very busy so you can write down your complaint and give it to Richard. A check will be mailed to you for your time.”

Destiny thought as she completely entered the room and closed the door. This was actually kind of sad.

“Well Mr. Fates, you’re half right. I’m not quitting though.”

That got his attention. He glanced over at her, his expression stern but his dark eyes gave away his surprise.

“You’re not?”

She shook her head and motioned to the chair she’d occupied earlier. “Do you have a second?”

He stared at her for a moment as if he didn’t know what to think and then he nodded.

After lowering into the chair she started.

“Mr. Fates, I need to know what my limitations are.”

His dark brows drew together. “Limitations Ms. Reece?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “
You want me to help them and in order to do so I need to know what forms of punishment I can lay down without stepping over a line.” When his dark brows rose she quickly rushed out, “Without corporal punishment.”

“I see.” He replied.

“I just need to know that whatever I do to help them that you have my back.”

He nodded in understanding. “Jason is who you’re mostly referring to. Yes, Richard told me what he said to Dela tonight. I assured Dela that her job will never be in jeopardy just because my son wants to be a brat.”

Destiny cringed at the memory of Dela. “She was terrified. And he even told me that I would learn real fast that he was the boss of me. If that’s how it’s going to be then I’m going to go ahead and leave.”

Mr. Fates shook his head, leaned up in his chair, and folded his arms atop the desk.
“Ms. Reece, like I told you before my wife was the one who cared for our children while I provided for them. My job keeps me very occupied and she understood that. Now that she’s gone I need someone who will care for them while I continue to provide for them. You have total control of them but,” He lifted a finger in warning. “if I feel you’ve done anything to harm them you will be terminated. Is that clear?”

Destiny smiled and lifted out of the chair
. “That’s all I needed to know.”

For the first time she saw a smile form
his rugged face. A small smile but still a smile. “Just remember what I said.”

I will.” She made her way to the door but just before she opened it a thought popped in her head.

“Oh, Mr. Fates?”
She turned back to see his dark stare on her. “I have a request.”

“I just gave you total control of my family Ms. Reece. What else could you possibly want?” The hint of humor i
n his voice made her feel a bit more comfortable in his presence.

at you join us for dinner tomorrow night. I bet it would mean the world to the children.” She knew it would mean the world to Anna.

He stared at her for a moment, thinking.

“I’ll try. That’s the best I can do.”

That will do for now. She nodded in response and opened the door
only to have the shit scared out of her by the man she wasn’t expecting to be on the other side.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” He said with a charming smile.

Destiny caught her breath and desperately tried to calm her racing heart as she gapped at him. Dark hair swept across his forehead, a head taller than her, lean build incased in a black t-shirt and jeans, and familiar dark eyes.

“It’s ok.” Was all she could think to say at the

“You must be the new nanny.”

She nodded. “Destiny Reece.” She extended her hand to him, her fear induced panic attack easing.

“Nice to meet you Destiny.
I’m the younger, more charming brother Luke Fates.”

Her breath caught once again as he lifted her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles.

“Enough Luke!” Mr. Fates’ voice boomed from his desk.

She glanced over to see him on his feet making his way around his desk, his dark scowl in place.

“What Adam?” Luke asked innocently. “I was just getting acquainted with Destiny.”

His eyes narrowed on his brother but softened when he looked at her. “Ms. Reece
, if you’ll excuse us.”

“Oh, yes.” She smiled at him. “I have to go anyway. I promised Anna I’d read her a story before bed.”

He nodded, a hint of a smile softening his scowl.

“Mr. Fates,” She turned to Luke. “It was very nice to meet you.”

“Luke, please.” He insisted sweetly. “It was very nice to meet you too. I hope next time we meet we may be able to hang out a little longer.”

And with that she headed up the stairs.


~              ~              ~


“What did I tell you?”

Adam couldn’t remember the last time he was this mad at his brother.
The moment the upstairs door closed he turned on him.

“She is an employee.”

Cool and calm, Luke crossed the room heading for the chairs.

“She’s your employee. Not mine.”

Adam rolled his eyes with a grunt and headed back to his desk.

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I told you I was going to stop by.” Luke relaxed in the chair that Ms. Reece had occupied. “I wanted to meet the new nanny and I do have to say brother,” He glanced over his shoulder at the door. “she didn’t disappoint.”

Adam envisioned throwing something at his brother’s head as a red haze cornered his vision.

“Keep your damn hands to yourself Luke. I mean it.” He warned through clenched teeth.

“Why? You want her?” His brother’s brow rose in question.

Adam was caught off guard by his question. “Are you serious?”

Luke shrugged. “You can’t deny she’s attractive.”

No, he couldn’t. She’
s very attractive but…

“Luke, you know…”

A shake of his brother’s head silenced him. “You’ve got to let go Adam.” All humor vanished from Luke. Sympathy softened his dark eyes. “Lizzy told you she wanted you to move on and be happy.”

Adam stared at his brother, the all too familiar grief gripping his heart. The painful memory of the last time he spoke to his wife ran through his mind. Her last words echoed through his ears.

Be happy Adam. That’s all I want is for you to move on and be happy.

Tears stung his eyes but he blinked them away.

“I am happy.” He snapped. “Very happy. I have my family and my career…”

“But no one to share it all with.”
Luke interrupted.

Ok, h
e had to end this conversation. “Yes, I find Ms. Reece attractive but she is my employee and that’s that. Plus, I barely know her and from what she knows of me she probably thinks I’m an ass.”

“You are Brother.” Luke’s humor returned.

Adam flipped him off.

“Charming Adam.”
He laughed. “Very charming.”

Adam rolled his eyes, beyond annoyed with his irritating brother. “Go home Luke.”

“Ok.” Luke whined as he lifted out of his chair. “I’ll see you in the morning.” And with that he headed to the door.


~              ~              ~


Luke shook his head as he ascended the staircase. He couldn’t count how many times he’s tried to tell his brother he needed to move on only for Adam to tell him that he couldn’t let her go. Broke his heart to think his brother will never recover from his loss and will spend the rest of his life mourning her.

Luke couldn’t fathom loving someone so much that he’d waste away without them. Of course, Luke couldn’t fathom loving someone at all. Love was more of a curse than a blessing in his opinion.
He would never allow someone to have any kind of control over him.

“Uncle Luke!”

Anna’s excited squeal pulled him from his thoughts. He smiled as his youngest niece ran across the living room, dressed in a frilly pink and white night gown that stretched to her ankles, and threw herself into his awaiting arms.

squirt.” He lifted her and rested her on his hip. “Whatcha doing?”

“Getting ready for bed.”
She answered. “Destiny is going to read to me.”

He followed her eyes to see Destiny standing in front of them.

“I’m a sucker for a good fairy tale.” She joked and he laughed. “That’s nice to know Destiny.”

“Uncle Luke?” Anna pulled his attention back to her. “Will you tuck me in?”

He smiled. How could he say no to those big blue eyes? “Of course Sweetheart.”

He carried her across the living room where he greeted Jason who was playing a video game and attempted to greet Ali who was glued to her phone as usual.

As they climbed the stairs Luke took this time to try to lighten Destiny’s opinion of his brother.

“He’s really not a bad guy.”

“Huh?” Destiny asked as if she was lost in her own thoughts.

“My brother.
He’s not a bad guy. He’s just… miserable.” He gave her the truth. That’s exactly what his brother was.

Lizzy passed away,” He continued. “he was a very easy going guy. He enjoyed life but now…”

“Now he mourns.” She finished for him and he smiled.

“Exactly Destiny.”

“I’m a psychiatris
t Luke. I’m very good at reading people.”

He turned to her once they reached the second floor. “
And what do you read in me?”

She let out a soft laugh as she continued toward Anna’s room.

“A man who loves life. A man who has no desire to settle down or have a family.” She pushed open the door to Anna’s room

“Very good Destiny
.” He brushed pass her. “You are spot on.”

He laid Anna on her bed, pulled her pink comforter up to her chin, and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Squirt.”

“K, Uncle Luke. Have a good night.”

He smiled, admiring his favorite niece. “You too.”

Then he straightened and turned to Destiny. She stood a few feet away, a book clutched to her chest.

“Well Destiny, you have a good night.”

Her smile was breath taking but Luke noted that she really didn’t stir him like other women did.

“You too Luke.”

And with that he walked out the door.

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