Fates' Destiny (8 page)

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Authors: BD Bond

BOOK: Fates' Destiny
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He took her hand but instead of a friendly hand shake he did something she wasn’t expecting. He lifted her hand to his lips and planted a warm, lingering kiss on her knuckle.

“I can’t wait till morning.” He said as he lowered her hand.

She giggled and blushed like a little girl. “Me neither.”

“Till then Ms. Roberts.”
He released her hand and jumped the three steps leading down off her porch.

laughed as she watched him walk across the yard toward his car, a bounce to his steps.

“Good night Luke!” She yelled as he rounded his car.

“Good night Kenna!” He yelled back with a wave.

She stood there until his break lights disappeared into the darkness. Then she walked inside, grinning from ear to ear.

Chapter 14


Adam let out a loud yawn as he climbed the stairs. He’d stayed in his office for just a few minutes after his brother left and then he decided it was time to call it a night in hopes tomorrow would be better.

It had been a trying day and an even more trying evening. He still couldn’t believe that in such a short period of time he found out his company was being sued, hurt his children, and fired an employee. Yes, it had been a very trying evening.

As he entered the hallway he saw Dela easing Anna’s bedroom door closed.              

“Everything ok
Dela?” He asked and felt horrible when the poor woman jump and placed her hand over her heart.

“Oh Adam
. You scared me.”

“Sorry.” He whispered as he closed in on her. “Is Anna ok?”

“Yes.” She answered. “She asked me if I would read her a story. The poor dear.” Her eyes went sad as she glanced at the door. “She cried herself to sleep.”

Adam’s heart clinched. That was the last thing he wanted to hear tonight.

“Adam, if I may I have something to say.”

He didn’t want to hear it but nodded his permission anyway.

“Well, I just wanted you to know that tonight at dinner I saw the happy family I came to work for 5 years ago.”

He released a sigh. It really was nice having dinner with the children. How long had it been since he actually held
a conversation with them or listened to them talk about their day? So long that he couldn’t remember.

“Thank you

She gave him a soft smile and made her
way down the stairs.

Once she was gone Adam gently pushed open the door to Anna’s bedroom. Her night light lit the room a little brighter than a night li
ght should. After Liz died she had terrible nightmares and the light was the only thing that soothed her.

He quietly made his way to her bed. She was tucked deep under her pink comforter, her arms wrapped tight around the stuffed pony she got for her 2

She slept
peacefully as her blanket rose and fell with each gentle breathe. Her blond hair fanned across her face. She didn’t budge when he gently pushed the locks back to rest on her pillow. That was when he spotted the shine of dry tears on her cheeks. His heart broke at the thought of upsetting her. He could still hear her broken cry for Destiny when she stormed up the stairs.

“I’m so sorry Anna.” He whispered in her ear and planted a soft kiss on her tear stained cheek.

“I want her back Daddy.” Anna’s eyes fluttered open, her soft voice a whisper. “You need to get her back.”

“I don’t think she’s right for us Sweetheart.” There was no way in hell he was going to hire her back after the way she spoke to him.

Her blue eyes narrowed. “She’s not right for you.” Then she rolled over, giving him her back.

Adam was rocked to his core. That was the first time he’d ever seen Anna angry.

“Anna, Honey.” He laid his hand on her shoulder to roll her back over but she shook his hand off.

“I’m not talking to you anymore Daddy. What Destiny told you
was true. All we want is time with our dad and you got mad at her for telling you. Just leave me alone.”

Adam dropped to his knees as reality slammed into him full force.

“I don’t want to sit here and watch you destroy your family anyway!”  

Oh god. That’s exactly what he’s doing.
Destroying his family. Anna was angry with him. His angel was angry. Ali ignores everyone. And Jason acts out. He could see it just as clear as day now. They would grow to hate him. The thought caused tears to form in his throat. He had to do something and there was only one thing he could do right now.

“I’ll get her back for you, Baby.” He whispered and patted her shoulder. “I promise.”

Anna still didn’t turn to him as he got up. She just huffed and snuggled deeper into her pillow. She didn’t believe him and he couldn’t blame her. After all the promises he’s made her only to turn around and break them he couldn’t blame her one bit. He was an ass. No worse, he was a bad father.

He walked out of Anna’s room determined not to break this promise. The only problem now was how he would
convince her to come back.


~              ~              ~


“Hey girl. Are you ok? I heard what happened with Adam Fates.”

Destiny’s brow furrowed as she walked out of her bedroom, her phone held between her shoulder and her ear as she tied her robe around her.

“How did you hear about that?” It just happened a little over an hour ago. There’s no way Kenna already knew about it. Gossip travels fast but not that damn fast.

“I went by there to drop off some alcohol for you and met Luke.”

“Luke?” Destiny was dumbfounded. “You met Luke?”

We have a breakfast date in the morning?” She giggled and Destiny’s eyes about popped out of her head.

“Are you serious?”  She knew Luke was charming but to get shy, insecure Kenna to agree to a date with him after just meeting him was somethi
ng that she didn’t think even
could do.

She chirped.

Destiny prompted incredulously as she retrieved a wine glass out of the cabinet and filled it with the bottle of white wine she picked up on her way home. “Start talking. I want to know everything.”

She killed her first glass as Kenna told her about her asthma attack and how Luke saved her life. She refilled her glass and with
glass in one hand, bottle in the other made her way to her dark chocolate sofa.

She drank this glass a little slower as Kenna told her how he took her home and all about the conversation they had had on the way. She finished by telling her how he asked her to breakfast.

“He really is a charmer.”

Destiny agreed. “Anna thinks highly of him.”

Her heart twisted as she thought of the little girl. What was she doing now? Did someone read her a story before bed?

She hoped that the next nanny he hired was good to her.
She hoped that a little of what she’d said sank into his thick skull. It sickened her to think of that sweet child being hurt by her father day in and day out. It sickened her to think that she would be ruined because of his neglect.

“Destiny, are you ok?” Kenna’s concerned voice broke her thoughts.

She didn’t realize she was crying until then.

“Yes.” She sniffled. “I’m fine.
Just worried about Anna.”

“Well…” She hesitated as if she wasn’t sure she should say what she was thinking. “You could always apologize and try to get your job back.”

Anger flooded Destiny’s mind, evaporating her sadness. “Apologize?” She gasped. “I don’t have anything to apologize for. He wanted to know what was wrong with his children and then fired me when I told him. I’d rather be strung up by my hair and beaten with a bat like a piñata than apologize to that bastard.”

Just then there was a knock at her door. Her brow furrowed as she glanced at the door.

“Are you here, Kenna?” She knew it was a stupid question but she couldn’t think of anyone else it could be at this hour.

“No.” Kenna snorted. “No car, remember. Why?”

“Someone’s at my door.” She rose off her couch, eyeing the door suspiciously.

“Maybe it’s Ryan.” Kenna suggested and Destiny shook her head. “I talked to him on the way home. He’s patrolling on the other side of the city.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” Kenna told her. “I’ll stay on the phone with you.”

Destiny walked to the door and yelled, “Who is it?”

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open when she heard, “Adam Fates!” from the other side.

“What the hell?” She asked in complete disbelief.

“What?” Kenna’s voice came through the phone. “Who is it?”

“Mr. Fates. I’ll have to call you back.”

Without waiting for a response from her friend she hung up the phone and twisted the lock on the door.

When she opened the door she momentarily lost her breath. There he stood in the hallway, hands in the pockets of his grey pants. His black shirt tha
t was neatly tucked earlier hung over his pants. A couple of the buttons at his collar were loose and his sleeves were rolled to his elbows.

If she didn’t hate him so much she’d have to say he was the most beautiful man she’s ever laid eyes on.

“What are you doing here?” She forced herself to ask.

“I need to talk to you.” H
is voice held desperation to it that she didn’t expect.

“What about?”
Didn’t he say enough when he fired her?

“May I come in?”
He glanced behind her. “Please?”

His dark eyes pleaded with her and she couldn’t tell him ‘no’. He looked tortured and she hated it but she felt sympathetic.

She moved aside giving him space to walk in.

“Nice place.” He said as she closed the door.

She turned to see him scanning her small apartment.

“Thank you.” She passed him and headed to the glass of wine she left on the coffee table.

“Would you like a glass of wine or a beer or something?” She offered.

“A beer would be good.”

She walked to the kitchen, pulled an amber bottle from the fridge, and made her way back into the living room. He was seated on the sofa, looking around.

Here.” She shoved the bottle at him.

“Thanks.” He took the bottle with a smile.

She stepped around him and dropped on the other end of the sofa.

“Still mad I see.” He said as she folded her legs up under her robe and grabbed her glass.

“Just a little.” She wouldn’t lie. It wasn’t like she worked for him anymore or anything. “Now, what do you want?”

“You know, I was mad too.” He told her as he twisted the cap off the bottle.

“Duh. You fired me. Remember?”

“Yes, I remember.” His eyes lowered to the bottle grasped between his hands.
“I don’t like for people to tell me I’m in the wrong, Ms. Reece. But,” He lifted his eyes to her. “I need to hear your opinion.”

“My honest opinion?”
She asked and he nodded.

“Ok. You don’t sign my paycheck anymore so I have no rea
son to hold back.”

“If I remember correctly Ms. Reece, you didn
’t hold back when I did sign your paycheck.”

The humor in his voice made her smile.
“Very true. Ok,” It was time to get down to business. “You told me that your wife was very understanding when it came to your job but was your children?”

His brow rose. “I don’t know.”

“Of course they weren’t. No child would understand of their dad putting them second…”

“I never put them second Ms. Reece.” He retorted and she held up her hand. “Do you want my opinion or not?”

“I do.” He answered, his eyes veering back to his bottle.

“Then you need to hush and listen. That’s exactly what you did. Many people are successful and yet they still find time for their families. They balance. You need to find that balance. There’s a way you can have a successful business and a successful family. It’s not hard. Its little things like tonight when you joined us for dinner.
And taking time out to go watch the girls this weekend. You don’t have to give them all your time. Just some. Play ball with Jason in the backyard. Read to Anna at night. Play a game or something with Ali. Just spend a little time with them.” She reached over and laid her hand on his forearm, hoping like hell she was getting through to him. “They lost their mother and so they need their father.”

He looked down at her hand and sighed. “Things were so much easier when Liz was alive.”

She shook her head. He just wasn’t getting it. “They were easy on you. Not Ali, Jason, and Anna. All they want is you.”

He sat silent for a moment as if he was thinking, staring at her hand on his arm. Her heart broke when he looked up at her, his dark eyes glittering with unshed tears.

“I don’t know how to do this.” His eyes lowered back to her hand. “But I don’t want to keep hurting my children.”

Destiny smiled softly and gave his arm a gently squeeze. “Then you have to step up and be the father they need… The father I know you can be. I have faith in you, Mr. Fates. I do.”

He lifted his head and she was relieved to see a smile. A low smile but still a smile. “Adam.”

Her brow furrowed once again. “Adam?”

He nodded. “
I’d like you to call me Adam.”

“Oh. Ok. Well, then I’d like you to call me Destiny. ‘Ms. Reece’
kinda makes me sound old.”

That got a laugh out of him. “Ok.” He took a deep br
eath. “I guess now it’s time for me to ask you to come back to work for me.”

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