Fifteen Going on Grown Up (18 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Natty, what’s up?”

She asked gently. Nathan blinked and looked up at his sister.

“Hally, where’s mummy?”

He whispered.

“Mum and dad are out, but we are here to look after you.”

She said. Nathan looked around the room, Corrinne and Clia smiled. Suddenly he burst into tears. Hally knelt down and pulled him into her arms where he leaned close and sobbed.

“Natty, darling, what’s wrong.”

She asked as she rubbed his hair.

“I had a horrible dream, and I want…want…mummy.”

He wailed. Hally lifted him up and carried him to the sofa. It wasn’t easy, he wasn’t quite so little anymore. Corrinne shifted over to give her some space and she sat down with her brother on her lap, cuddling and shushing him. He sobbed for some time and gradually the tears abated until there was just the odd hiccough. Hally waited before asking him any more questions. When the tears had subsided enough for him to hear her, she asked very gently.

“What did you dream little one?”

Nathan looked up at the girls and in a shaky voice said.

“The Gripper came out of my toy box. He grew and grew and tried squashing me in bed.”

To most people this would have made no sense, but to Hally she fully understood. The Gripper was a character toy from Nathan’s favourite children’s television show and DVDs, ‘The adventures of Crewman and his Team’. Gripper was the baddy in the film and Nathan had spent hours and hours on his own and with his little friends; with other character toys formulating their own stories. Always in their play, Gripper had been foiled but now it seemed Nathan’s imagination had just got the better of him. Hally hugged him close and Clia said she would go and make him some hot chocolate. Neither of her friends had younger siblings, so they treated Nathan as their little brother too.

Mum and dad came home shortly after and found Nathan snuggled between the girls on the sofa. The chocolate had eased him and he was drifting in and out of sleep. Hally explained why he was up and smiling, dad lifted him gently and carried him back to bed with mum following.

“He’s all settled.”

Mum said as she returned.

“What about Gripper?”

Hally asked.

“Oh, a good telling off from dad and being sent back to the toy box satisfied Nathan. No one defies dad, not even the toys, so Nathan believes.”

Mum said with a smile.

“Did I hear my name mentioned?”

Dad said, as he came back into the room. Hally nodded as he leaned over and plucked out a chocolate from the box.

“Hey, you can’t have that.”

Hally told him in mock indignation as he took a bite. He held out the other half.

“Want it back?”

He said laughing.

“Ug, dad, you are so gross.”

They all started laughing then and Hally handed the box around for all of them to share.

It was late by the time the girls went to Hally’s room for bed. Wes had texted her saying goodnight and that he had missed her. She texted the same back. They had already arranged what time he would come round the next day to go and visit Gran so she was quite surprised when he sent another text. This one simply said.

cant wait to see you tomorrow and to meet your gran sleep soundly my little darling xxxxxxxxx.

After showing Corrinne and Clia the text and discussing it, Hally thought she would be awake all night; but she quickly dropped into a deep and peaceful sleep.

In the morning the girls left Hally’s to see their families before returning for the visit to Gran’s. They arrived a few minutes after Wes, tapping on the kitchen door and grinning like Cheshire cats because Hally and Wes could be seen through the glass locked in an embrace.

Mum had gone earlier and dad was going to take Nathan to the park with his football. The family tried to make sure Nathan got to spend as much time as possible with his grandmother, but he didn’t really understand how ill she was. Also it was difficult to keep him occupied when he visited. Although he was a very well behaved child he was still just a little boy, his toys could only keep him settled for a time. Because of this, mum and dad tried between them to make sure he had as much parent time away from the situation as possible.

Hally led Wes and the girls into her grandparents’ house via the backdoor. Granddad was in the kitchen and gave her a huge smile and an even bigger hug. Hally introduced Wes who held out his hand and received a strong handshake, a smile and a very scrutinizing, but friendly look. He then turned to the girls and holding out both arms gave them a hug at the same time. Granddad then turned and led the small party into the lounge where mum was sitting with her mother, and Nurse Mildred was standing at a small cabinet preparing some medication.


Hally called gently. Gran looked up and it tore at Hally’s heart to see how fragile she looked. Gran smiled and held out a thin frail arm to her granddaughter.

“Come here my angel.” She said softly. “And is this him?” she asked with some of her old cheekiness.

Hally led Wes towards Gran. He was holding her hand quite tightly and she realised he was very nervous. Mum stood up to allow some room, but much to all their surprise Wes didn’t sit on the sofa, he knelt in front of Gran so he was the same level as she was. To Hally he visibly relaxed and letting go of her hand reached forward and very gently took both of Gran’s hands in his.

“It is such a pleasure to meet you.”

He told her in a soft and humble voice. Gran smiled and gave a small girlish laugh, her blue eyes lighting up.

“It’s lovely to meet you too. You are a very handsome young man.”

Wes blushed at the compliment, Hally giggled and the others joined in. Corrinne and Clia came forward with the gift, and delighted, Gran insisted, as predicted that Wes should choose which picture to colour and to help her with it.

“My fingers are not so nimble these days.”

She told him, then in total contradiction to this held a crayon firmly and began colouring in the picture neatly and perfectly to the edges.

“So, tell me about yourself.”

Gran said to Wes as she coloured. Wes looked at Hally.

“What, Hally hasn’t told you all already?”

He asked with a little smile.

“Oh yes, everything. But I want to hear it from you.”

Gran answered mischievously.


Wes asked with his eyebrows raised, and even though the question was aimed at Gran, the look was given to Hally. It was Hally’s turn to blush.

“Um, think I’ll go and help mum with some drinks.”

She said hurriedly and jumped up and trotted out to the kitchen where mum was chatting with Nurse Mildred. Not long after, Corrinne and Clia came into the kitchen too.

“She thinks it takes all of us to make some tea.”

Corrinne announced as they walked in. Hally grinned.

“Poor Wes.”

They all laughed and explained to mum what was going on. Mum turned to Nurse Mildred.

“She did exactly the same thing to me the first time I brought Colin home. She’ll know his entire family history three generations back by the time we take the tea in.”

This made them all laugh. With the tea made and on a tray they made their way back into the lounge. Wes was now sitting next to Gran and both looked relaxed and happy. Hally was relieved to see her boyfriend sitting so comfortably next to Gran and though he offered to give up his seat, both Hally and Gran insisted he stay where he was.

“Wes has told me all about Oxford and why they moved. I would say that it was very lucky for you Hally angel that they did.”

Gran announced with a twinkle in her eye, as Hally carefully held out a cup to her.

“You know Gran, I think you are absolutely right.”

“So what about you two?” Gran looked towards Corrinne and Clia. “I bet this gorgeous man here, (she lifted Wes’ hand indicating him) has two really gorgeous friends who would very much like to get to know you both.”

Not only did Corrinne and Clia blush, but Hally did too. It was like Gran had been a party to their conversation the day before.

“Did you…?”

“What did…?”

“I didn’t…”

They all spoke at the same time then burst out laughing. No one except Gran seemed to have any idea what was going, but to Hally’s relief, it was Wes who spoke.

“Well you know, there are a couple of guys I know who are single; and when they came into the café last night we were chatting; they asked me about you two. Maybe we could all get together soon.”

Corrinne and Clia beamed, Gran looked at them all as if to say she had arranged the whole thing.

They all spent most of the day at Gran’s. Dad arrived later with Nathan who jumped into his Granddad’s arms and announced.

“I had a very bad dream last night.”

He then went on to tell Granddad in full detail about the dream and how dad had made sure Gripper didn’t scare him again.

“I looked in the toy box ‘smorning and he was right where dad put him, so he knows now not to scare me ‘gen”

Granddad hugged him and told him that next time he was around he would have a word too, just to be sure. He then took Nathan out to his workshop. Nathan loved going in there to look at Granddad’s carpentry tools and to be shown how to work the wood.

Mum and dad were in the kitchen putting together a buffet. Since Gran’s appetite was now so small and since she needed small meals and often; it was decided that a buffet would suit everyone, and wouldn’t be as demanding as preparing a cooked meal for them all. Nurse Mildred had settled Gran into a special reclining chair to have a sleep; so Hally took Wes, Corrinne and Clia into the garden even though it was now very cold; to show Wes the tree house Granddad had built her when she was little. He had maintained it perfectly over the years and it was mostly Nathan who used it now, but occasionally Hally and the girls still went up, usually in the summer time. Crouching slightly to get through the door, they all squeezed in. Granddad had built child size furniture and so they perched on the little chairs.

“This is wonderful Hally.”

Wes told her.

“Yes, Granddad is very talented. There used to be little cushions and a table cloth that Gran made, but I think they are indoors in the loft. They got quite worn and stained but I wouldn’t let Gran make new ones or throw the old ones out, so as I got older I think she just washed them and stored them away. Nathan just plays up here sometimes with his toys. I don’t know what Granddad is going to do by himself.”

No tears came, but she felt pain deep down. This was the first time she had voiced aloud the inevitability of her Gran’s death. Wes hugged her in the small space and the girls got as close as was possible.

“We will all be here for you and your family sweetie.”

Clia told her with sincerity. Corrinne and Wes nodded in agreement and for a while they sat quiet and still in the little tree house that Granddad built.

It was the middle of the evening when they left Gran’s house. Nurse Mildred saw them to the door whilst mum watched over Gran in the bath.

“Alice was sparkling today.”

She told them.

“She has such spirit in her, she won’t let the pain get the better of her and though she tires quickly she’s still very much the matriarch. Today was very good for her and for your Granddad, it’s very hard for him.”

“Having you here is a big help.”

Hally told her. She smiled at Hally, but there was a sort of sadness in her smile.

“Thank you, I appreciate that. It’s more than just a job for me because I know that when I’m called in it’s because time is limited. I like to think that I can give my patients and their families as much comfort and pleasure as is possible given the situation.”

Hally leaned forward and gave the nurse a hug. She realised how strong Nurse Mildred must be to do her job. She wasn’t just there to look after Gran medically but to look after the welfare of all involved. Hally decided then and there that if there really were angels, then this woman truly was one. They said goodnight and told Nurse Mildred that they would be back to visit very soon.

“Yes, you come back often.”

She told them and as they walked away Hally wondered if there was deeper meaning in this tiny statement. She thought there was and tried to push it to the back of her mind, but like the moment in the tree house she finally voiced it to Wes and the girls as they walked home.

“I don’t think my Gran has much longer to live.”

She said quietly. Again, there were no tears just that deep, deep pain. Wes squeezed her hand but they all knew there was not anything they could say.

Chapter 12


Monday morning arrived very cold and foggy. Hally walked out of the backdoor and couldn’t even see the gate out of the garden until she was very close to it. She carefully made her way along her road fascinated by the way the fog changed everything. Barely visible cars crept alongside her, their headlamps like huge yellow eyes, their engine noise distorted. Small
high visibility bands bounced along the pavements, looking like luminous worms floating in the air; as young children togged up in reflective jackets, trotted next to their mothers who held them tightly by the hand.

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